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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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Asking for a friend
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the same way every retarded trend on /x/ gets started.
Some dumb namefag attention whores get interested in topic ( usually it's vampires or something just as gay) and they start LARPing and don't stop.
muh lobster
wos has gigant fat tatas
But no one actually larps as the nobody
It's a forced meme, which makes it even more lame.

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How can a perfect God or Creator end up creating such an imperfect and evil reality like ours?
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You are witnessing the process. God doesn't just snap his metaphorical fingers and make everything in its perfect final form from the get-go. He is shaping you and everything around you like a potter shapes clay. Everything is slowly but surely falling into its rightful place. Evolution doesn't contradict God's law in any way, shape or form.

He set up a race; run so that you might secure a place by His side.
>perfect world
what would be the point
or line
or plane
or solid
or solvid
or vosolid
or void
It didn’t start that way. Humans, being given the divine creative, ruined it by being corrupted. All of reality fell into the material
Everybody has a - hole, so Time has it as an aspect in realm of dead as death (related to animal kingdom), gangstalking entity etc.

It has its dopplegangers in soul energy as a spectrum, in consciousness, in life, in matter and in stone earth.

So, it has its mini version in mortals.

Civillization/the grid is from dead realm of time (dead - i).
If this world is the BEST It can be, how come videogame worlds are more beautiful and appealing?

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>no mass die off
>no 5G nanotechnology that turn you to a zombie
>no computer chip
>no Within 2 weeks the vaccinated will begin their ascension to a 5G giga consciousness
>no nothing
>still gets inorganically and massively shilled by the establishment for a meme virus
So what the fuck was the deal /x/?
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Hey jewfriend
This and also partly this >>37837490
They were testing to see how pliable populations would be and how far they could go with control.
But ofc the money was the primary goal.
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the usual
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attention whoring should be a bannable offense
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why do you love the Trump vaccine so much?

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>megathrust earthquakes
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Interesting, I'm burning and seeing the air shimmer around me... chase it higher.

how do i smell babe
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How big can they be?

Megathrust earthquake are the world's largest earthquakes. The last Cascadia earthquake is estimated at magnitude 9. A megathrust earthquake in Chile in 1960 was magnitude 9.5, and one in Alaska in 1964 was magnitude 9.2.

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I am just going to leave this for you, I hope you "spiritual" people, whatever that means to you, even you new age mumbo jumbo

You say you are spiritual, are you spiritual enough to have basic human morality and decency?

I pray HaShem illuminates you, and instead of being here spreading your tarot and horoscopes, you can grow an inner moral sense, to do whats right, to speak up


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yep, zionists kinda act like the judges/kings of the old testament
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He wouldn't forgive you. He forgives those who repent. You never repented then, and you won't now. Though I do hold some slim hope for you. Somebody in Israel does at the end of days. Revelation tells us that. Is it you? I don't know.

I will tell you this though, since you don't read the Christian Bible. Burn it into your brain. The day that the Beast declares himself your messiah, you get out of Jerusalem immediately and head for the mountains. That's the only piece of advice Revelation gives us for avoiding this particular one, of the many catastrophes, that are going to befall us. And it says destruction comes on you so quickly, that if you even go into your house to grab your jacket, it will be too late to escape it.

If you're an actual living in Israel, don't forget I told you that.
I wonder if the circumcision thing is related to the 14th parts of Osiris thrown in the Nile river. Meaning it is was ordered by Moses based on the Osis myth.
Could refer to parting the red sea. Severing the spirit from the flesh, "cutting away" the physical body and going into the spirit world.

In a more practical sense it splits the core self and enhances dominance and submission dynamics, induces amorality and psychopathic traits, etc. Solidarity and insularity. ery clever system.
the most based jews are the ultra orthodox cause they hate israel, but also they leech welfare off israel and do nothing but study all day.

zionist jews getting jewed hard

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There's billions of people on the planet they could choose, so why are certain individuals picked?
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>Be abducted several times by different species, sometimes grays, reptilians, the blond guys, hybrids, the cat people, mantises, you name it, I met them
>somehow I'm able to shake off the paralysis and go full survival mode, killed some of them in a panic
>Sometimes I'm cool and collaborative but the slightest sign of a perceived threat can switch on my PTSD and things end bad for both sides, I've hurt people who were nice to me and tried hard to make me fell at ease, that's the only thing I regret because thy were helping me and I knew it. It's like I have a genetic fail safe
>one time one hybrid told me I was "a failure", meaning I was really hard to handle and communicate since I almost always resorted to violence, I blame the reptilians because they treat humans like cattle and can be brutal when they want it, I have mostly bad memories from them
>all of them have labeled me as "dangerous" or a hazard, I remember waking up mid surgery or abduction only to be put to sleep in a hurry, they always were wary of me
>yet they keep coming because of my DNA, I know there is something about my blood, got the virus three times and didn't die
They ask me who they are allowed to observe and then abductions are a form they need to fill out, but requires a 5 day investigation prior to submission.
They only want the best of the best (tasting Individuals' brains) much like Cicada 3301 they got to be some aliens too.
So it's happening because my father was in the military? What is the intended purpose for me then?

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Hello, I am the nobody. I am white as expected.
Jews are not white
Well, shit. No wonder those threads suck. No spice. No imagination. No rhythm.
>Peter Parker
oh gimme a break
Happy for you though anyway, everyone is the nobody
>invented every instrument they appropriate
>invented all the best cuisine
>invented flight
>invented everything else
This is a dumb meme. Leon Theremin invented the drum machine that they bang their jungle beats into. Chris Wright created the DAW, all you people did was load up a few sounds and put in a pattern and then talk over it. Peanut butter is pretty good though, but it's just ground nuts with sugar.

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Torrent lives edition

Remember to ignore off-topic posts and only reply to quality contributions


Hindu — Raja Yoga, Hathayoga, Shiva Samhita
Taoist — Foundations of Internal Alchemy
Theravada — Knowing and Seeing
Sufi — Sufism for Non-Sufis
Jewish — Jewish Meditation
General/Thelema — sacred-texts.com & hermetic.com/figures/index

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>1 post
kek, also
>everyone who triggers me is the same person
don't cry

>t. retard
We can write off all of your opinions since you obviously don't know the origins of the topic.
Vril transcends scifi, your wikipedia articles (your crutch when it comes to knowing things) are meaningless if they don't tell you that.
cope, seethe, dilate
Lol you're the only one coping and seething, vril-tranny
Show one (1) source on vril that predates The Coming Race.

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Make a list of things you want to acquire, not every-day stuff but nice-to-haves, and not consumable items, things which stick around.
Make sue the list is big and encompasses your genuine desires as much as is reasonable.
Purchase from the list over time but make sure it's bigger than you'll ever afford in full.
Some prioritization of items is ok, but it's best to draw quantum random numbers to map to the list of items to decide what to get next.
Then (note the past-tense, you should keep adding to the list over time, but it needs to be created prior) draw some quantum random numbers and map them to lottery tickets. Play those ticket numbers.
If you find yourself on the winning worldline buy everything on the list and keep it around as you had intended, beware of things which could make you lose everything and be responsible with the money.
This has two primary effects in play:
>the acquisition lists acts to synchronize your divergent worldlines between non-winning and winning worldlines
>the lottery win is guaranteed in 1 set of worldlines, very small percentage overall, but it's no longer a binary thing of win/lose, it's guaranteed, you're just unlikely to experience it
The result is the temporal magnetism pulls your winning self closer to the losing ones and the losing ones closer to the winning one but with the winning self existing whereas before it did not anywhere near you. Don't get "smart" about it (e.g. being an asshole) on the winning worldline and abandon the acquisition list, or it does nothing for your other selves and the winning one will still likely be overwhelmed by the temporal magnetism from the losing selves and you'll become another "lottery winner lost everything and an hero'd" statistic.
More on the idea athttps://www.quatism.com/theory.htm


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This was the original post in 2022
>make a list of things to acquire which assist your material personal projects, make sure it's more than you would naturally afford by a lot, but things you will buy from anyway
>anything that's a big purchase for whatever constitutes "big" to you, leave it on that list for at least a week before purchasing to ensure it has time to be replaced by other big things that you think of in that time, if you do
>use https://www.quatism.com/lottery.htm to select lottery ticket numbers, play them, as much as you can reasonably afford
>when a jackpot is won or every single drawing, pick new numbers
>watch as wealth flows to you with very little effort, and make your dreams come true by being able to work towards them
>if you happen to end up on a winning worldline, be careful, stick to your acquisition list, live a reserved lifestyle which syncs as well as you can with those versions of you which never won or you might get fucked sideways by the temporal magnetism
This is very helpful anon thank you!
Loopers are the worst.

Spirit Love General
Heartbreak Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>37817925
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy

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Nah, no spirit capable of free physical traversal / bonding with humans is gonna pick a mentally/emotionally fucked nobody like me, even disregarding that body as temporary as it may be, is an ugly sack of potatoes.

They have their pick of receptive minds and hearts, and the majority that dwell on this website carry ugly scars and stunted hearts. Good for you if you have found a healthy mutual bond, but that shit just plain isn't happening for most who reach out in their lonely need
and yet it does

Bro, I was an ugly ass 32 year old wizard when I got my succ. From what I understand there's just a shit ton more of these spirits than humans.
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I mean I do glow but not intentionally.
>High strangeness experiences missing time/nosebleeds and marks on body almost got 411'd once in the wilderness
>Very disturbing degrees of relation to some rather infamous people (ATWA/Flavoraid/MKultra shit)
>was in GATE. HS program I was in was full of people who went to work in media and FAANG. Entire GATE checklist applies to me most notably some Israeli chick aggressively flirting with me and trying to get me to accept a ride from
her to fuck (she drove no joke a tinted black SUV) I pussied out and didn't go but in retrospect maybe I made the right choice
>Family were hippies with connections to the whole human potential movement and scientology/mason adjacent groups related to that shit. Still have some
of their coins
>bizarre synchronicities and coincidences
>live near some pretty famous true crime locals from the 60's

I can't name the people but it's most of the notable ones from the 40's-2010 or so.

Right now I technically live below the poverty line despite having a decent place to live and no debt/disposable income so I'm def not working for them. My childhood and youth was way worse though. I probably have a mild form of PTSD from all of it

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Middle one with less tiddy plz. And no soup. I hate soup

This thread is dedicated to god. We all know there is an objective truth and morality in the universe. God, being the first principle, is the source of all that is true. Whether you he a sufi, a gnostic, a christian, a Hindu, we all believe that the supreme spirit created the world in truth. I would like to dedicate a thread to that supreme spirit, against all the hatred and illusion that is out there. For those who believe in god, what is the true path towards him in your opinion, and why? Thanks for reading and bumping.
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Experience is why those creatures exist. They exist because they can, without rhyme or reason. For there to be morals, a human construct imposes an installation and boxes the God in. God is now directed by the words of man, cubed, limited. It is by your opinion that you have attempted to bring the infinite down to a level of finite understanding, under the scope of morality nonetheless
The truth persists in paradox, always real and unreal, dark and light, in and out. As above so below
The Arabic original text actually says that which is above is from that which is below. Much deeper if you think about it. As above so below is a modern version but still good.
The way I see it is this: God must be some entity that’s beyond our understanding like you people said. It seems that the millions of years that have passed that involved evolution, it was like… he sifting through the dirt in order to find the diamonds; here we are.
Personally I think evolution is fiction.. but how we came to earth, who the first humans were that is a mystery.

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get /x/ images rated as tinder pics
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Because I like it, pre-2000 anime, pre-2007 anime and post 2007 anime have completely different vibes.
maybe it doesnt want to take the Lord's name in vain
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isn't this thing part of an ARG?

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The devil's juice
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Taste good
>speaking ill of café

you are lucky to keep your head
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must we?

But is it good for you?

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it is a crime for you to leave your body and visit the astral in the first place. their lower minions, similar to police here, are on the lookout for projecting humans, and human projectors are fairly powerful there and somewhat feared, like coming across an unpredictable grizzly bear on a trail, we can maul most of them with our powers five to one at least. but they have tricks, various poison darts and frequency guns to subdue us, the more they fail to take you down the more they will send in more powerful beings like reptilians etc to take you down. (their lowest minions i speak of are actually other humans who are traitors to humanity, and do not have a physical body here on earth, what we falsely call "dead"). a month ago after they took me down they cut my head off and kept it imprisoned in a lab with tubes in it injecting me with sedatives etc. this worked until i gathered the power to suddenly regrow my body and escape. but now they've captured me again and put me in a spike prison which is a hollow cylinder floating in deep space that i am inside and has spinning spikes along its walls that constantly are grinding me up while i try to reform. im not sure how to escape this one, its the worst theyve done yet. btw the astral plane is not some other dimension, you could travel to it in a rocket right now because its in space, its just earth is encased in a bubble that blocks 99% of the frequencies present in normal reality, leaving us in this abnormal physical reality where only 1% of the universe's frequencies reach us. if you physically traveled outside the bubble right now you would be exposed to 100% of the universe's frequencies and be in the astral plane. the US government has a physical presence there, they went there in ships, the reptilians/etc allowed them, so long as they enforce the prison rules here on earth. good goys basically. they have literal trucks and guns there that they shoot projecting humans with. ive killed many soldiers. they fear us.
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Naratu must escape
Forgiving the Archons is the key to opening the door
Omfg, this is the funniest shitpost I’ve seen on here.
Not sure if you are being serious but what you are saying about the astral being themissing part of the physical tracks as truthful . What that meansexactly I am ontological sense I'm not exactly sure but I'm certain it's true.

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