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First off, I want to say that my daughter put me up to this by saying that you guys apparently love this stuff. I hope you all don't mind the stock 80s skyline.

Anyhow, I'm a retired officer, served in Manhattan from 1970 to 1999. Most of my calls were usually just break-ins and the occasional domestic violence dispute. However, there was one which still lingers with me today, and it gained a little notoriety with some people who I was with on dispatch. Most are still living, and it wouldn't surprise me if they've spoken about this very same tale more than once to their kids and grandkids.

Mid March, way too early in the morning.

I'm on out patrol when I get notified that there's a man who's called in screaming about "demons haunting his home". "Typical case of schizophrenia," I replied to the lady on the other line, as I told her I'd handle it.
The line went dead just as a massive rain storm started to kick up, as if to act as some sort of stark arbiter of what was to come. At that time, I just swore to myself and kicked on the cruiser's creaky wipers, entirely oblivious to what I was about to encounter.
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>stark arbiter
No fucking NYPD pig has this vocabulary
>I arrive to a typical home on a typical street that had nothing out of the ordinary other than a couple of overgrown shrubs in the front yard, which no one but the HOA

Many front yards and HOAs in Manhattan?

I'm from NY and am offended by how little thought was put into this.
>ahm wah-kin heah!
I highly doubt the legitimacy of this but if you’re really a cop fuck you pig
What was your favourite domestic violence call out?

I want rituals, incantation, enchantment, spells, whatever that actualy works for one to experience the paranormal

Is it possible that some people simply cannot touch the supernatural?

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The new testament says people get possessed. From personal experience I know this is true but its not mentioned in the O.T.

In the o.t. a witch did a seance and summoned samuel a prophet who passed away.

A donkey talks the balaam

Egyptians do magic qnd moses does magic that beats theirs and later more amazing 'miracles'

Elijah makes a fire consume and alter after hours and hours of the priest of a false god trying to do the same unsuccessfully
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Prahisees dont know they are evil and stupid god is good
They do they lie to themselves in iniquity. I
there's that thing about faith the size of a mustard seed
I wonder if an attitude of "it's probably bullshit... but maybe?" would count or not.
>In the Old Testament, Jewish demonology and angelology was not well established.
Read Enoch. The angels (fallen or not) are just sons of El. Also, stop using the word “Jewish” in this context. It’s irrelevant. The idea that spirits could possess you appears to be new in the NT, but I’m not so sure these evil spirits are the same as fallen angels.

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>Facebook is a continuation or successor to a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) project called "Lifelog."
>Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function as part of its mining process. The SHA-256 algorithm was developed by the NSA and published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
>Jeff Bezos dad was head of DARPA.
>One laboratory was responsible for digital revolution: transistor, C language and UNIX system which is the foundation of most Operating systems in world
share some big tech theories u know
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Programming is literally one of the most widespread occult practices today. There is not an algorithm that is not analogous to some bodily function, or is a blending of analogs. It is applied biology, and yet does not require any biology education. Programming will force you to educate yourself through practicing if you have the aptitude for it. Once you pass a certain threshold you become comparable to a jnana yogi, and then it is easy to develop conscious control over your mind, body, and soul, and all of the great and terrible magic that implies. You will also become highly resistant to mind altering drugs, not by blanket immunity, but instead by conscious application of will to refuse its influence.

This path takes many years to walk, and you must refuse hype and fads in favor of challenge and performance. If you rely on safety rails too much you will sabotage yourself. Half the goal is to gain the ability to hold as much detail in your working memory as possible so that when you turn this ability inward and look at yourself you will be able to understand more of the large picture of what's happening without bailing out into abstraction.
that is why programmers are always basedboy effetes or lardos with cheeto dust on their beards?

get out of here
Geniuses dont get credit

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what are some of the most horrifying truths about the world of the paranormal that people don't tend to realize?
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Even if I assume the three other posts you tagged are actually just one person, it means that there's at least one other person who thinks you're desperately reaching.
>It's nothing special , perfectly part of the Natural world.

no... that is the opposite definition of the word "paranormal"

para as a prefix means aside or away, beyond

and normal, literally breaking down the word itself we get away (from) normal.

stop trying to be a guru of nonsense.
>It's not that serious
Being Pessimistic and Cynical about immaterial matters or something of sentimental or of spiritual value is neither honest and true nor realistic and is certainly not a way to live your life.

Granted one shouldn't believe everything they get on second hand without 'due process' but seeing a flying saucer would make any normal and sane person a believer.

>The world doesn't work like that or revolve around you , and you aren't as knowledgeable or capable as you think.

What is the All-Father's point of view ?
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>Being Pessimistic and Cynical about immaterial matters or something of sentimental or of spiritual value is neither honest and true nor realistic and is certainly not a way to live your life.

it not being Pessimistic and Cynical. Just logic, not try to dismiss spiritual values it just needs to be well-logical. you have to admit that a lot people here are just "I'm better than you because saw a ghost when I was 4"

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I told you a long time ago
The day will come to sever
The puppet-master's strings
The ones who made you a slave
You laughed and said, "This day will never come"
That your fate is the prison of life
And no one will ever save you
Save you

Rise and see the light
The time has come
And everything will fall
The enlightenment begins
The roots will grow
And so will the towers of freedom stand

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Just arguing with yourself over there huh
>has no more bullshit to ply
>is big mad
Take care of yourself
Always do. Keep on larping.
So why are you angry?

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Real, fake, inbetween I don't care but this board needs more stories.
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What the hell is Abraxas?
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The brain in relation to the mind and the first god over you. The procession of consciousness goes universe > brain > you. The mind is a denizen of the inferior creation bathed in false light.
A fictional character
A Fag
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The last planet we as a species were on before we got to the Sol system.
Humanity can take the chains of Abraxas

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I think it's still popular down there. Africans are really supersticious. I remember seeing some crazy threads on nairaland
Africans only know death/blood magik. They are the lowest level one can get. Death is a nearly free action and does not require any study or intellect, therefore the nigger race naturally leans heavily in favor of the practice of death and blood magik. Nothing of concern and not of note.
>magik - with a K but no C
You should write a book. Release it on kindle and make money or something.
Chilean is more interesting
Degraded remnants of Atlantean sorcery

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Is r=u real?
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ITS ALL A LARP!!! well my larp shutdown the world and killed a few million people and I wasnt even trying just playing around how funny is that my larp killed millions hahaha and the larp has only just begun see what you retards see think is this will end no no it wont be stopped as youre 10 years too late and me being here right now writing this while im on the shitter taking a fat shit (just for you google) is proof youve failed and cant stop whats happening. So sorry youre fucking pathetic and gay unlike me .
IDK man a busty blonde glowy gf might change my mind
Yes, but the nobody got with Selphie instead of Quistis or the Sorceress, for some reason.
Everywhere The Nobody has been as an adult has been 80% men, so he never met R on this timeline. Selphie was the only one he met.
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u=r Is just as real as you or me.

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Nothing will ever change, even if something happens your life will not change especially not for the better. Meanwhile life is slowly passes us by while we wait for a miracle that is never coming.

It's over
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go blow up in that govmaw building stupid bnitch
Fed mods!
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Thanks bro.
I hate to be "that guy," but you're wrong. this post is proof enough that you have access to a device that is a marvel in and of itself. the wealth of the world's known information is LITERALLY at your fingertips. if you own a smart phone or computer, which you must (unless you're homeless and posting from a library, which I guess is possible), then you must have enough income to comfortably afford food and shelter, which is incredible! You are fed and sheltered and have access to a WEALTH of knowledge! On top of that, it's spring, the days are longer, the flowers are blooming, the air is temperate. The next time you step outside, please look around you. Maybe a neighbor is walking their dog. Maybe children are playing. Maybe a local bird is flitting about, or a rabbit, or a tiny lizard. There is so much vibrant life all around you, you just have to choose to see it.
>t. oldfag who grew up on this hellsite and learned to see the good in things in spite of it
>unless you're homeless and posting from a library
Most libraries I've been in block this site. Also...

you're not the good guys in ready or not
>play as feds
>not good guys??
i wish i could joins these /x/ users
what the fuck is this, some theatrefag post gastrip ramble? stfu and go play with your dollies corn gobbler

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Getting tired of this 3D flesh body. How can I magickally make 5D celestial holy body, or at least create an indestructible magickal body. Legends like a Mandaean John The Baptist, Christian Jesus, and some Buddhists that achieve rainbow body, etc etc etc.
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Basically alchemically transmute your physical body into a body of light, by concentrating the power of consciousness within yourself to such an extent it can ignite the inner self into a star which illuminates the glow of your protein and genetic structure from within as a photonic matrix quantum supercomputer. Under the influence of this superconscious state analyze and program the pathway towards full consciousness into your future potential of existence and follow what pathways of spirit are necessary for you to make such an evolutionary leap. Once you activate the inner fire you will be able to see spirits of entities which already made the leap, and relating with them is useful for this process.
>handwriting added to database.
At this point with image recognition and storage it’s not a good idea to do this.
Wow anon thanks for the enlightening wealth of information. Do you have any books or alchemical and magickal how to achieve the body of light?
kill yourself retard.
Will attempting that give me the NDE experience of a rainbow body?

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Who is the coolest Mad Scientist character in TV and film, and what do you think makes them so cool?

A super-intelligent motherfucker losing his mind because 'bitch I'm doing science' and now I'm going to take over the fucking world btw, is cool as shit.
Fundamentally the same thing that makes 'Death Note' so kino. One megalomaniacal badass who makes the forces of nature his bitch, versus the entire fucking world.

Fuck you pathetic inferior little peons, it's my party and I'll play God if I want to.
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You absolute 5oylent chugger
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The smartest man in the world would like be involved in the intimate details of his scientific projects
Impudent little fool! When I take over the world you will be the first person I make an example of.

Enjoy your pathetic meaningless existence while you can.

I see him as the "visionary"-type of mad scientist. He gets all the complex concepts straight in his head, and then weaves them together into projects. The actual investigations and fitting together, the grunt work, he leaves to lesser men and women. They find out what is and isn't doable, and Ozymandias decides what to do with the information. Every single worker only has a small amount of knowledge, which is the amount he is required to know. But this wouldn't be possible if Ozymandias doesn't understand what every single person is actually working towards, which is a very impressive feat.

It would necessitate a widening of the definition to accept him as a mad scientist. But in a way, this widening is a liberation because it allows for greater undertakings than what could be achieved by a small group of people.

Did you know when you use gematria as a cipher key the Torah, Quran, and New Testment comprise a geometrical form that is mathematically commutative across all three books?
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>Did you know when you use gematria as a cipher key the Torah, Quran, and New Testment comprise a geometrical form that is mathematically commutative across all three books?
Make sense all 3 religions are basically the same
How? in romanized letters?
Who the fuck knows?
Judaism isn’t a major religion
The only book I have in depth knowledge on at this moment is the Torah where for example the first verse has a numerical value of 2701 and a value of 82 when the tens and hundreds are reduced to a single digit. This is significant because Torah has a value of 611 and reduced value of 17, when you take the first 17 digits of pi after the decimal and add them together you get 82 the same as the simple value of the first verse and then the preceding 611 digits after equaling 2701 the same as the regular value of the first verse. This numerical occurence also works inversely where the first 611 digits of pi equal 2701 and the preceding 17 digits equaling 82. The important takeaway from this is that these scriptures were written with mathematical and geometric forms in mind. I don't know the specifics but to my understanding the Torah primarily describes cubic metaforms specifically in regards to how this geometry interacts with timespace, the Quran describes mathematical forms in regards to how matter interacts with the progression of time, the New Testament elaborates on esoteric knowledge of the circle and how it applies to sacred geometry. To my understanding these mathematical structures are commutative in that each text describes a mathematical metaform that aligns symmetrically across all of the texts.

My theory is that the prime numbers all lie on the same point
that point is where the line runs through over and over again
in reality that point is space itself
the 64 tetrahedron grid which is the flower of life made into a 3d shape
61 circles in 2d 64 circles in 3d

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