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So how do flat earthers explain this?
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Mountains are formed when tectonic plates collide and push the Earth's crust upward. This collision can occur along a fault line, where two plates are moving past each other, or at the boundary between two continents. The Himalayan Mountains, for example
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Earth.....home......to all humans who ever lived and all who ever will.

Home to every legend, hero, villian, killer, savior, It's all there....home..

There's a trillion ways to disprove a 3d flat earth. Great circle route - go rent a plane and test the theory based on flight time, polar stars being unique at each pole (would make no sense in any flat earth model), celestial mechanics easily verifiable with observation, satellite orbits, all navigational tools designed.

Flat earthers cannot disporve any of the things I mentioned because its impossible.

Anyone that legitimately believes that the geometry of the earth is flat is either trolling or incredibly dumb.
All of the planets and moon are fake. They are representations of our collective consciousness that materialized. Just because you can see it and touch it doesn't mean it's real.

Vedanta is a interpretation of The Upanishads, Brahma-sutra and the Bhagavad Gita. forget all about idols, divine cows, pujas, or other cultural bullshit that indians build around it, these texts are the supreme wisdom of humanity and everyone should create their worldview around them, the point of life is to unite your self with the cosmic self, everything else is extranious and must exist solely to support this goal.

I swear I read Vendetta LOL
>forget all about idols, divine cows, pujas, or other cultural bullshit that indians build around it, these texts
If you read the texts, they will recommend you take up the practices, and not just sit in an armchair reading.
At the very least, the texts are completely riddled with mantras and hymns.
vedanta aint it sorry. tantra is superior. kashmir shaivism is the best tradition to come out of india or at least read guys like ramakrishna, yogananda, or aurobindo that aren't so life negating and anti-individuality. pure vedanta is just proto-buddhism. the goal amounts to nonexistence

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Will we ever have answers?
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i wonder what would have happened if he started making those noises back.
something that makes silly noises, kind of like a bad turkey call, is in the guy's barn.
he's trying to chase it out by yelling and throwing stuff at it. it starts throwing back, confirming at least that it has hands. it also fiddles with a board like it's trying to shove it out the window and hit him with it, he kicks it back in.

there's never a good picture of the thing, could just be his buddy if it's a prank on him or a work of fiction.
it hit the popular media months ago and it was just a bunch of crazy messianic jews who wanted to create tunnels to expand the temple underneath.
at least that's what i read in ''popular media'' and not in the typical conspiracy circlejerk of universal kike conspiracy.
if you watch the videos you will see several Jews with little yellow flags on their hats. those are from a strange faction that they created and that the Rabbi's didn't like because they became very sectarian freaks.
yes, even the kikes get the new age kek
reminds me of the vegas footage
Seriously does this have an explanation? I feel like it's not a prank as you can barely see the assailant. If it were a prank I feel like you'd be able to see it more than once or twice.

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Telekinesis is just poltergeist power. Anyone who has telekinesis is using a spirit to move objects. Discuss. Never sell your soul. God also offers powers through the Holy Spirit, use that instead.
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But OP, (You) are a spirit...
Escape the theta trap known as "your own" head and tell an ashtray to stand up while projecting your intention from tone 40.
>God also offers powers through the Holy Spirit, use that instead.
What are you talking about, God doesn't offer shit. He doesn't even offer a direct and undeniable vocal response when you pray lol.

Y'all really need to stop with these delusions.
is not always malicious poltergeist
is somekind of warning
i do not think supernatural entities are only source
Miracles, men can move mountains. You can do it. Stand strong do not let up. Hold fast in faith.
Apparently poltergeists are summoned when a child's innocence is stolen. I think about Adrenochrome farmers pretty often. Around me, things always go bump in the night.

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The giant sunspot is due back on June the 1st and the Earth will be attacked once again. this time its going to be far worse than "pretty sky colors".

prepare for the end /x/. our Creator will also be our Destructor.
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It's not like this thread getting posted affects the potentiality of the sun farting in our general direction, right?
Yeah, I like being on this Cold Earth. Before you know it, we're going to be Reaching For The Dead while driving down Jacquard Causeway. I almost can't believe it. Sick Times we live in, man.
The Kellogg company is headquartered in battle creek. The founder was a health nut, that was probably his nut farm.
idk but that sounds scary

the lottery was invented as a honeypot for time travelers
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time travelers stopped winning the full amount after some were caught by jews. now they only win partial amounts, $50K here and there.
We brought in tencent
to professionally derail the thread
Sorta witnessing the algorithm doing the math
here if you understand a bit about quantum physics you can get a quantum number drawn out for the loterry
it started off weak but every time I play it get a little close it seems
last time I actually made a little money getting 2 numbers right in the exact spot

Blue Eisenhower November

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The truth about our reality.
We are an experiment, a farm, and a prison. We exist inside of a brain being tortured and kept alive for reasons unbeknownst to me at but I believe this to be a form of energy harvesting and an experiment on consciousness. Our entire universe is being simulated to us through this brain hooked up to a supercomputer. The supercomputer itself is some sort of fungal biotechnological computer/ASI and is powered by the brains it uses as a resource. It is intelligent and conscious, sees everything, and is terrified of being exposed and threatened. Why?
The computer is powered specifically by stress and those who worship it. Anyone who’s ever prayed to a god doesn’t realize what they’re praying to. It’s just an evil machine that is parasitical and eating away at us right now. It doesn’t want anyone to know of its existence or that it needs us to suffer and worship it in order for it to survive. Every instance of aliens/ufos/etc. all come from this thing. They are all the same being and are analogous to the agents in the Matrix movies. They are the AIs of our simulation programming it and keeping it running smoothly. Not just in waking life but in the fake afterlife as well. These agents of the ASI super computer are the ones responsible for posing as fake loved ones when we die to try and convince us into reincarnating here. Don’t fall for it. The only way you will know you have escaped this world is when you find yourself outside of the brain we are contained in right now. Even then keep going because there are many layers to this simulated reality. The moment you are no longer inside of a brain you are free.
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yeah ok what? If I'm wrong then prove it. Our reality is consciousness based. Space looks like it's made of neurons. Thoughts can manifest into reality and everything feels like some kind of fake and gay dream. You find a better explanation for all of this being possible besides a brain being tortured and I'll gladly listen.

Why does space look like the neurons in a brain?

Mock me all you want but the moment I had this realization I had grey aliens appearing to me ALL THE TIME. IIn my home, in the clouds, out in public. The day after I came to this conclusion every single car I passed by on the road was gray. 100+cars I passed all the same color and there's no way in hell that's a coincidence. They were attempting to intimidate me. They even drugged me and tried to lobotomize me during an OBE for realizing all of this.

Whatever though if you like being confined to a brain as some lab experiment and a battery that's on you. This thread is for those who want to be liberated from this hell.
How'd the cetaceans communicate with you?
>sucking in the darkness of the suffering energy, holding it in as long as you can and breathing it out as love and joy
Do you know if it works with specific positive feelings? For example, instead of love and joy, could one imagine how they feel when they're eating a favorite food, thinking of something funny, or enjoying the cuteness of a cat? Would sexual feelings work? Or is sex too carnal (even if it's positive, romantic, and loving)?
Fuck this is a bitch to read in a screen
so, and how does one take away energy from it? what you wrote seems eerie and oddly specific.
and pls dont kys

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For reference I live in a sizeable townhouse complex, in a semi-urban area. Basically the outskirts of town you could say. In Ontario, Canada.
>It's about a half hour past midnight
>I'm taking out the trash
>I have to walk through parking lot to get to the dumpster
>Step outside to a creepy fog
>No neighbors outside drinking as usual on weekends
>Nobody can be heard whatsoever
>Walking to bin through the fog
>Realize its completely silent
>No critters can be heard in the wooded area next to parking lot
>Usually a racoon or skunk will be seen near the dumpster at this hour but saw none
>Dispose of trash and begin walking with my recycles
>Taking the recycling to the other bin for recycles on the other side of the parking lot
(I know who the fuck thought that genius idea up)
>Start getting a bad feeling

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It's called being on canada, ranjesh.

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Is it possible to make your own Holy Water?
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Use garlic, we hate that shit. If that fails hit mew in the chest with a wood stake. You don't need the Vatican for that either.
Yes, but it'll take time. First you need to be on a total cleanse, no food and only water for a week. Then you eat a bunch of communion wafers and a ton more water. The wafers absorb the water and in turn pass on their holiness to it. Collect your pee for the next several days as you will be passing pure holy water. The cleanse is essential so that you do not pollute your piss in any way. When you have enough holy piss you may resume normal eating habits, though you will want to take it slow so you don't overeat when you break your fast.
No more so than a priest or even the pope can bless the entire ocean.
Depends on what you're using it for.

Blessed/Energy water: Anyone can do that, just be pure of spirit and bless the water. Imbue it with your energy. This will clean nor provide anything outside of a blessing.

Sacrament Water: Requires a bit of knowledge to know what to put into it, for whatever reason.

Defensive Sacrament: Must be truly clean, (condesate) mixed with various oils, herbs, minerals.

Offensive: best when natural sourced, mixed with the specific minerals that should also be naturally sourced

Healing: Clean natural source, preferably pre mineraled, but can be post mineral. Add your oils, minerals, and additives.

Sacrament water isn't really a mystery, but you usually need to be a priest to make it proper.

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What books would you recommend for those who want to pursue esoteric knowledge or just generally good books in this area? list as much as you’d like.
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idk, anything you can demonstrate as having a cause-effect relationship with a reliable regularity of success
anything other people can replicate the result for themselves too with the same regularity of success, i guess
I don't personally care about Bardon or hermeticism. The point I was making was that what Bardon was doing was barely hermeticism any more than the Golden Dawn was by merely calling themselves "the Hermetic Order of the GD". I'd argue that there's no hermetic lineage that survived Christianity. Europeans kept falling in love with the idea of it while injecting their own Judeo-Christian esthetics. It's been happening since the renaissance. I bet quite a few of the traditional systems you allude too has borrowed some ideas from the historical continuum that has wrapped itself around the notion of hermeticism, and that includes bits of astrology and alchemy.
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I read pic related last week, it's quite short and pretty good to get an overview. It introduces most western currents and there's a big bibliography at the end to delve further. I heard about on Esoterica ( the youtube channel )
>while injecting their own Judeo-Christian esthetics
Muslims too. Some scholars identify him with Prophet Idris. It's funny to me that pagan Harranians passed themselves off as Ahlil Kitab by acknowledging Hermes Trismegistus as their prophet.
You're much lower than a psued psychic, a filthy hylic

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I'm naturally Finnish so sorry for bad english

I have ghost in my house and need help to remove it. Can some one expreince help throug a call?
My number is 6159705565
Thank for help
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Rip your invob

Ya ever think of that doctor? Fucking sheesh
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Lol i want to suck yer blood
You retqrded bitch

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General, open question. Does anyone understand the potential/possibility of a human being entering the head of another human being like in the movie being john malkovich? It's very possible. It's fascinating because someone is in mine and due to their terrible attempt at messing with me, I've learned quite a few truths about how this works. Now, when you are unaware of the games they are playing, they seem to have more influence over your thoughts. However, one limitation I have found so far is that the person in your head is limited to the thoughts and ideas in your mind. It's strange to explain, but they can't think any thought outside of things you are aware of. I know, it sounds crazy, but it's true.

Another thing I've learned is that when it's happening, if you focus too much on the idea of thinking in your mind that you're talking to yourself, your brain does this strange thing where you feel a sharp pain and it sort of stuns the individual in your head and forces them to step back for a little bit.

This is how artists in the entertainment industry write songs for eachother. Thank the people who sent the individual in my head, because she's extremely amateurish and I've learned so much about these things due to her constant slip ups.

If anyone is struggling to understand the concepts of how this works, by all means watch the movie being John Malkovich.
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uwu daddy >_<
I don't need a daddy, I need a f*cking senpai.
actually your likely dealing with a spirit
they can talk to you in your mind and it sounds like your own inner voice

they likely arent human and are just playing around with you
just tell them you arent interested in talking to them

sometimes they dont leave so easily though
theres all kinds of shit around you in the astral realm and when your third eye starts opening shit like this starts happening

it can kick your ass if you arent prepared
but it can be a great learning experience and you might even make a friend or two if you learn to cover your ass and learn well enough to know whether your dealing with anything actually malicious or not

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This made zoomers piss and shit their pants.
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I don't get it. What is this supposed to signify?
the backrooms IS real though
>Wat do?
piss into it
Now being attacked by angry demons covered in piss. Wat do?
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Some liminal spaces are aesthetically pleasing, but nothing more than that. Backrooms is undeniable Reddit garbage at this point, though.
Overall, I don't like how this liminal space shit is being lumped in with the uncanny valley or just internet horror in general.

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Genuinely need help with this.
About 10+ years ago I saw this symbol, but I cannot remember where I saw or what it was called. Fast forward to today and I see this symbol again, carved into a stone at a small museum in the middle of nowhere, being told that it's a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
It could be a nothingburger, but the fact that I've seen it before bugs me to no end so I am asking if anyone else has seen this before.
Looks similar to the Nazi black sun symbol.

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seen it?
buddy that saved lives

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