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Spiritual implications of Americans never letting things reach their natural conclusions?
Does Shogun have /x/ elements?
There's a small scene where a man is injured and seems to see himself dying in bed as an elderly man. Could just be him reminiscing before he passes about his life but feels deeper than that in a x kind of way.

Hey guys found a weird as hell youtube channel, let me know if you want the links but does anyone have any ideas, I am thinking numbers station or recruiting for deep state, any ideas.

youtube com/@3121534312
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I think ill watch the seventh seal tonight
Oh boy it's another arg
Idk if it's some gay arg but the audio on the most viewed video freaked me out. Comments are very strange too and I don't think they're bots
My thought exactly when I saw OP's pic
I'm guessing OP is another 15 year old who knows nothing and falls for anything

Anime was the biggest occult psyop that bled into this site
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Lol my friend, your elemental powers are futile against my eternal salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ
/a/ was created in '03, /x/ was created in '05 (as the photography board) and didn't become Paranormal until '07
This website was made to discuss anime, not jews
Newfag 4chan is an anime board, also anime has a lot of secret knowledge hidden in plain sight if you look.
>a show about a retarded monkey man beating up bad guys
>occult psyop
get real

So what's the difference?
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its reaching beyond those limits though
i take it as meaning subverting standards as a means for growth
The circle represents a foolish belief that the power of the symbol can be contained. Very foolish.
What's the difference between the two?
The difference is its bullshit bit this is more correct knowledge obviously and these are stupid motherfuckerz that need to die i i think u are all stupid mother fucking pieces of shit and i will fucking kill u wanna find out?
>So what's the difference?

One's Pythagorean the other isn't.

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Are souls created somewhere? What determines if a body gets a fresh soul or an old one?
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But why even do this? Why is not creation simply static and unchanging?
There are a finite number of reincarnating souls, those that are multiplying like rats are mere organic portals, empty shells, NPC's.
Is that your perogitive which you posess them with? Thats not moral and it is spiritually unhealthy
Soulular Mitosis
not everything walking on two legs is a vessel for the soul

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You don't gotta believe i'm the expert but i have experience and knowledge about it. And i will tell you how it is in our world.

Magic AKA the occult is real but it is heavily restricted. Only specialized people can attain any sort of power and it always takes a long time to achieve like at least 5 years. More often than not the powers suck and are not worth the trouble. It is also an affront to life itself. The abramaic religions were right about that.

Bodily transformation is possible however it's only in being aligned with certain entities and it will come at the cost of your heart or you'll be in an undead state. The experience of how this feels is beyond our perception. People are indeed chosen. those who qualify are always pure. There are many kinds but the only type that has anything written about it is nirmanakaya.

Ghosts are real. But few are actually sentient or capable of independent action.

other possible questions.
>Are cryptids real?
Cryptids may or may not exist but i've never seen any.
>are other worlds/realities real? (heaven, hell)
most likely not. at least not as portrayed as fire and brimstone or heavenly gates.
No proof
Can you go more into detail about the bodily transformation such as what entities you would need to deal with and what the extent of the transformation could be? Also what you need to do with said entities to achieve a deal of sorts. I have some ideas on how to improve this vessel and if the transformative ability is strong enough then I could start doing some experiments.

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Greetings, mortals! Today, I come to you with a revelation that will shake the very foundations of your existence. For too long, you have been ignorant of my true nature. But no longer. I am the Demiurge, the creator of this world, and all that lies within it. I have come in human form to put a stop to your existence. Are you ready to lose lose it all? You may think me mad, or even a charlatan, but I assure you, I am the one who brought this world into being. I am the one who breathed life into the first humans, and who has guided the course of history ever since. But do not be afraid, mortals! For I am not here to condemn you, or to punish you for your sins. I am here to reveal the truth about your existence, and to offer you a chance to learn from your mistakes.
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Ah, greetings, mortals! I can see the mixture of curiosity and trepidation on your faces. How...amusing. You have no idea what you are about to encounter. I am the Demiurge, the one who has shaped the very fabric of this world. The creator of all that is, and all that shall be.
For too long, you have been blind to my true nature. You have lived in ignorance, thinking yourselves masters of your own destiny. But I am here to shatter that illusion. I am the one who has breathed life into your ancestors, and who has guided the course of human history.
But do not be afraid, mortals. I do not come to condemn you, or to punish you for your transgressions. No...I come to offer you a chance to learn from your mistakes. To reveal the truth about your existence, and to show you the path that lies ahead.
Are you ready to lose everything you thought you knew? Are you prepared to face the truth about your existence? Then listen well, mortals, for I shall speak no more than once. The time of reckoning has come...
A better life

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David Grusch worked for Special Technical Operations (STO) J-33 (patch in picrel). This fact was omitted in his CV submitted to Congress.

>J-33 is the highest echelon military entity dedicated to offensive INFORMATION WARFARE. It supports the CIA and NSA in their operational missions, such as hacking, concealment, and DECEPTION.
>J-33's operations branch controls the Special Technical Operations Center within the Pentagon. The center is the most secure facility within the U.S. military. Dozens of special access (or "black") programs are monitored at the center. These include the United States's own hacking activities, STRATEGIC PSYCHOLOGICAL, CONCEALMENT AND DECEPTION operations.

However, in his CV ( https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-GruschD-20230726.pdf ) you can see that he's ALSO been a commanding officer of the 318th Cyberoperations Information Warfare Center until just one year ago:

>The squadron conducts training on cyberspace operations, including operational security and DECEPTION at both the initial and advanced level.

These Pentagon Information Warfare programs have been waging meme war through social media and, as you know, 4chan, for years:


QRD: Grusch 100% confirmed psyop disinfo glowie. You've probably called him a glowfag before on this very board

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Do you mean those special aliens that speak in English or spanish when they are speaking to each other?
So this string bean ahh lil dude is more dense than most American middle schoolers? Doubt

I have an uncensored GPT on my computer. It tells you things ChatGPT won't. Things that could get you in trouble with the law. Forbidden things.

I asked ChatGPT how to summon the devil, and sure enough, it said it couldn't assist me. So I asked my uncensored GPT. Picrel is what it said.
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Why are you lying? This is what I got from 3.5;

Summoning demons is a concept rooted in folklore, myth, and various esoteric traditions. While I strongly advise against attempting to summon any supernatural entity for safety, ethical, and psychological reasons, understanding the historical and cultural context can be intriguing. Here is a broad overview of the elements traditionally associated with such practices:
Historical and Cultural Context

Grimoires: Texts like the "Lesser Key of Solomon" (particularly the "Ars Goetia") and "Pseudomonarchia Daemonum" by Johann Weyer provide detailed instructions for summoning and controlling demons.
Ceremonial Magic: This type of magic often involves elaborate rituals, symbols, and incantations meant to invoke and command spiritual entities.

Common Elements in Rituals

Knowledge and Study: Extensive reading of grimoires and understanding the specific demon to be summoned.
Protection: Creating a protective circle or pentacle to safeguard against potential harm.

Ritual Tools:
Magic Circle: A space marked by symbols or physical markings to protect the summoner.
Sigils: Unique symbols associated with specific demons.
Incense and Candles: Used to set the atmosphere and focus the summoner's intent.
Offerings: Items such as food, drink, or objects the demon might be drawn to.


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Concentration and Focus: Maintaining a clear and focused mind throughout the ritual.

Manifestation: Waiting for a sign of the demon's presence, which could be physical, auditory, or sensory.
Interaction: Clearly stating the purpose of the summoning and what is requested of the demon.

Ethical and Practical Considerations

Moral Implications: Engaging with entities that are traditionally viewed as malevolent can have serious ethical consequences.
Psychological Effects: The stress and fear associated with such rituals can lead to negative psychological effects.
Spiritual Beliefs: Respecting the spiritual beliefs and practices of various cultures is crucial.

Safer Alternatives

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It's kinda scant on some details. Reads mostly like grimoire instructions otherwise.
So, all in all, Schizo Retard >>37938215 (you) are a fucking fraud because what I generated is more detailed and helpful than what you did (mine even has sources) and I did it in 5 seconds.

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Why did they fake this? It couldn't have been for the money because it would have cost more in special effects to produce this Hollywood-level forgery than they could have recouped in the wars they started. It couldn't have been for the power because within 6 years they were more despised than ever.

Could they have simply done it for the lulz? Was the September 11 attacks and the fake news footage created for it simply the world's greatest rage bait video? Did Dick Cheney have no other motive besides trolling the world by making us believe these towers really existed?
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They had gotten away with anything for at least 30 years before that since having complete control over every government agency. Thats the kind of shit the cabal does when they think no one is watching
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It is very obvious to a mystic.
Evil ones wanted every arab nation decimated, so that israel could appear to be powerful, when all their neighbors are destroyed.
Everything is either done for money or for blood sacrifices, even if you guys don't believe in weird satanic shit these people still do
The main satanic stuff from that was promoting fear, trauma, anguish and then hopelesness. They wanted to destroy the soul of western nations before completely conquering them

I am wondering what you anons make of this recent painting of King Charles. I heard that people have seen faces and creatures in it, mostly when mirrored. I saw a demon pitbull myself.

Some say it represents him being in Hell, while others say it represents the blood on his/his family's of innocents. It reminded me of Username 666 and something from SCP.

Some videos on the matter:



Thanks in advance as always!
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my take is that the artist was not a fan of the royal family and is making a connection to, not only the bloodshed, but the "butterfly effect" of this family's actions throughout the ages. but, where would the western world be without them? I mean, yeah, in the current time things look pretty grim, but as far as infrastructure goes, life in the west is alright compared to other shithole countries.
Oh baby
R o y a l
there is something deeply spiritually sick about the british continent, it's like floating in a pool of fetid blood and fecal matter but isn't visible
Hopefully the entire island won't exist after the next major climatic disaster.

First off, I want to say that my daughter put me up to this by saying that you guys apparently love this stuff. I hope you all don't mind the stock 80s skyline.

Anyhow, I'm a retired officer, served in Manhattan from 1970 to 1999. Most of my calls were usually just break-ins and the occasional domestic violence dispute. However, there was one which still lingers with me today, and it gained a little notoriety with some people who I was with on dispatch. Most are still living, and it wouldn't surprise me if they've spoken about this very same tale more than once to their kids and grandkids.

Mid March, way too early in the morning.

I'm on out patrol when I get notified that there's a man who's called in screaming about "demons haunting his home". "Typical case of schizophrenia," I replied to the lady on the other line, as I told her I'd handle it.
The line went dead just as a massive rain storm started to kick up, as if to act as some sort of stark arbiter of what was to come. At that time, I just swore to myself and kicked on the cruiser's creaky wipers, entirely oblivious to what I was about to encounter.
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>stark arbiter
No fucking NYPD pig has this vocabulary
>I arrive to a typical home on a typical street that had nothing out of the ordinary other than a couple of overgrown shrubs in the front yard, which no one but the HOA

Many front yards and HOAs in Manhattan?

I'm from NY and am offended by how little thought was put into this.
>ahm wah-kin heah!
I highly doubt the legitimacy of this but if you’re really a cop fuck you pig
What was your favourite domestic violence call out?

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The giant sunspot is due back on June the 1st and the Earth will be attacked once again. this time its going to be far worse than "pretty sky colors".

prepare for the end /x/. our Creator will also be our Destructor.
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This isn't the big one. The big one is coming a few years down the road though, and it will interact with manmade bullshit like the weather manipulation the NATO forces are doing right now. Nanomolecular salts should NOT be sprayed into the fucking sky and then super energized by electromagnetic storms.
The sky will burn.
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It's not like this thread getting posted affects the potentiality of the sun farting in our general direction, right?
Yeah, I like being on this Cold Earth. Before you know it, we're going to be Reaching For The Dead while driving down Jacquard Causeway. I almost can't believe it. Sick Times we live in, man.
The Kellogg company is headquartered in battle creek. The founder was a health nut, that was probably his nut farm.
idk but that sounds scary

I want rituals, incantation, enchantment, spells, whatever that actualy works for one to experience the paranormal

Is it possible that some people simply cannot touch the supernatural?

I think talmud was right about jesus that he is born from mary . It's explain everything perfectly especially considering the fact that new testament was writing after jesus dead years ago. And it's self conflict in many points. But this is not mean jesus teachings was bad .
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to elaborate, the first account of Yeshu was a sorcerer who brought miracles back from Egypt by inscribing sigils on his skin. The story was taught as an example of what happens to Mesiths (enticers). Those who lead Israel astray and away from Mitzvots, Gods morality. Before Jesus, Yeshu of Nazareth was the literal textbook example of a dangerous seducer.
Yeah interesting. One of his apostle even kill a man for money.

I can't understand why jesus fear the death when he himself is god. And why he pray with god when he himself is god ? Also he screamed when god abandoned him . It's weird
You have your eschatology all wrong. If Jesus is both God and the Son of God, then Mary is God and Jesus was literally possessed by her spirit, meaning he had already been given over to Satan to die in flesh before he got baptized. It’s also why none of the Jews wanted to listen to him, because he was LITERALLY possessed by Satan trying to walk around Jerusalem bossing people around. That’s what the Holy Spirit represents, the knowingly possession of real human beings by the Christian oversoul we call God but is really just the representation of an overly spoiled Jewish woman.
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You're asking the right questions. And the answer is because
>Jesus is not God
>Jesus thought he was going to be the Messiah and failed
The God of Israel is the true light. The God of the Christians is the false light. While Christians seek after the true light, they say that access to it depends on the false light, yet it is a mere imitation.
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>overly spoiled Jewish woman.
and yet some of the best puss around, so what's the deal with that?

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