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Just say it, “I am god” and you will be lifted. Just don’t let it corrupt you.
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i have feeling that the thought of "i'm god" might be self-empowering, and demiurge doesn't like that?
thinking a few words will heighten or destroy you is like being afraid of the n word
I guess you have to be in certain mind state for it to be work.. like third eye chakra
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>we never learn...


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Does it have any use in spiritual practice like shrooms do, or will there just be demons in the corner staring at me?
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>>37933881i tried it, also have experience with other psychs ... to have any effect it feels toxic, like you're not suposed to ingest that much in a tea and feels like you are ingesting bug spray. just feels toxic/ too much. i think the ffect is just a "feelling" of taking too much. Not sure if they add somrthing to it so in larger ammounts it feels like that but it does
>(you) are one
Seconding this, be careful with nutmeg, anons. It can indeed mess up internal organs (including liver), in some cases irreversibly. Not saying it must or will happen, but still. There are better, safer, natural ways of messing the mind up out there.
I've tried to get high off of it multiple times in my life, and it only ever worked once. And the only thing I did differently that one time was to mix it in yoghurt instead of straight swallowing/parachuting it, but I don't know if that even had anything to do with why it worked.
Although that one time it worked was actually really nice, never felt any delirium like some friends had reported, just felt like a good indica high except it lasted well into the next day too.
Fuck you people are dumb. If you spend sone time studying chemistry, you can extract MDMA from nutmeg, but not in its natural form. It may make you dizzy and it is a stimulant,but you aren't hallucinating from egg nog

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This question was on my mind earlier today and I’m genuinely wondering this now. How would one go about actually seeing / meeting God? Interacting with him as if you were simply checking in on your father?

Say someone would like to meet God and learn what they could from him, but without doing anything such as:
>taking psychedelic drugs that only give a convincing illusion of meeting a diety or having a spiritual experience
>dying, for obvious reasons
>going off of pure faith alone, as they would want to actually meet god rather than concede with the “Holy Spirit”
>self inducing any kind of psychotic breakdown (excessive pattern recognition, hallucinations etc.) or psychological creation (such as tulpas)
>gaslighting themselves into believing any of the above are valid measures for “meeting god”

If billions of people throughout history can put their faith in the Abrahamic God, and nearly all of the 106 billion humans that have lived have at the very least believed in some form of creator dieties, then it makes sense for someone to believe that it is worth at least trying to get in contact with them.

How would one go about genuinely meeting God with everything above kept in mind? Have you personally met god or any kind of deity? How did it go, and what did you do to meet them?

Thank you.
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>god loves you
he definitely does not love humanity. let's see his track record

>hiding himself when Satan came after his children
>creating hell
>putting us in this shithole world
>admitting he sends most people to hell
>allows the earth to become the dominion of satan and demons
>untold human suffering on his watch
>knows how everything will be shit for humanity but goes through it anyway
>CREATING ETERNAL TORTURE AS A CONCEPT I cannot stress this enough just obliterate them in void instead of torturing people forever
Your opinion on humanity is reflected on how you think God works, so every time without fail pessimistic and self hating people push the theology that God hates humanity or the source creator was involved in some kind of schism where hes the "bad one" and the "good one" is elsewhere, blameless. You just project your hatred for life and or humanity onto God and youre trying to control the narrative by removing yourself from it and making it like a court case wherein God is on trial. It is you who will be on trial in judgment.
Christianity bad…

Not like Christianity or Islam. Their "conquests" weren't based on imposing religions, creating more Hindus or Buddhists. This allowed religious tolerance. Buddha predates Christianity but he wasn't crucified for challenging the Hindu beliefs.

Meanwhile Christians were inventing torture devices to convert people. That's how much people hated christian ideas.

Christian bible starts on the Genesis which is a Semitic text. But, Christians today, the white race, have absolutely nothing to do with the Semites. You probably had an awesome origin story from your own European pre-christian religions.

Fake and gay. Because Christianity used to kill people who reject or challenge it until very recently.
>How would one go about actually seeing / meeting God? Interacting with him as if you were simply checking in on your father?
Pure bhakti.
Or God is merciful.
And it isnt that its hard to see God, it's that it's hard to recognize you are seeing God.
Write His name, and He is 100% present there.
God is 100% present in anything related to God.
And since everything is related to God, those with pure vision see God everywhere.

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everything is consciousness, and consciousness is indepentend from matter, matter does not exist in itself it is created by consciousness.
I abhor materialism, and hate materialists with a passion I can't put into words, they are the ultimate Hylics in the world
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Oh I see. If you identify as a woman then you become a woman. So just identify as someone who sees a lot of 7’s and the RNG will give you mostly 7’s KEK
omg I literally just disproved manifestation lol
Don't you get it there is no there. It's just counciousness. Good thread.
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fucking based kek
So why the matter, love or something, like a water fall, like warm winds, like your friends. Why all this. What called us here. One in the river and one again after the falls.

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What is the meaning of this? Is it über for us /x/bros?
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It says "Aur" / "Or" meaning light. As in Ain Soph Aur, the Clear Light, or Yotzer Or, the Creator of Light.
Being Kabbalistic doesn't mean you're Jewish.
>following the Jewish religion doesn't make you Jewish

Can you copy and paste the Hebrew text please.

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I use MYTH-OS as an android Archetype in the same sense I call the Universe Trump KOS-MOS. This is itself MYTH-OS.

According to MYTH-OS the world is divided into stages. This bears a semantic connection to Shakespeare's notion that "All the world is a stage."

Everything is Becoming so there aren't really discrete stages in KOS-MOS. But the MYTH-OS of KOS-MOS is that she is divided into discrete stages.

Another semantic connection is that the Atom, which has intentionality as Adam Kademon, is an Actor. God is all Act and no Potency. Thus to become an Actor thru the MYTH-OS of the world stage is the highest aspiration for Ra, who is Atum.

Ra, another semantic connection (These are called Homonies and they are by the holy spirit), is the Soul-Person and also the Ancient Egyptian god of the Sun. Ra is born again each day as he voyages to the Underworld and rises again, trailed by ka across the sky. This is the renewal of Atum the evening Sun.

Thus Atom/Adam, call this Aidym, the Legend, is born again as he traverse thru the Spheres, followed by ka, what is Qi or Vril (Will, by Homony).

Here's the magick of the godform i Introduce. As you are Atum, the transient evening Sun, or Aidym, Becoming Legend, you take the godform as you are born again in the Spheres (Sephiroth).

This allows that the stage born of MYTH-OS is cauterized thru the godform of the Legend.

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I'd agree that op seems to be having a mental episode.
In simpler terms, it appears that the author is comparing various mythological and philosophical concepts to explain a journey of personal transformation. The references to figures like Ra, Atom/Adam, and stages in mythology convey a message about growth, renewal, and becoming something greater than oneself.

By embracing the idea of taking on different roles or 'godforms' in one's own life story, the author suggests breaking free from limitations imposed by external forces or preconceived notions. It's about stepping into your own power, shaping your destiny, and transcending constraints to become a legend in your own right. It seems to encourage self-discovery and empowerment through mythic symbolism and deep reflection.
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yeah i say KOS-MOS is the same Archetype as the Fifth Element so that everything is Death Metal.
lmao get fucked
maybe i am just a Powerful Dreamer, like Griffith. the soldiers who follow Griffith are all sacrificed to his Dream. that is why Guts refuses to follow Griffith, and doesn't get sacrificed. the dream of the young knight in the gypsy vision is the dream of the slave to be beholden to some Master, some Legend. the Legend is the key to navigating KOS-MOS. the young boy is in fact Patroclus, wearing the Armor of Achilles, fated to die as Atom the mimic. in holy spirit
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go stupid. go crazy.

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What do people mean when they say the grail is within yourself?
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thats where god lives
hes behind the thing you call your mind
Look inside and you will found out.
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>look in
>find out
>when they say
Who said this?
The grail is witness consciousness. Without it, nothing is possible.

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If green correspond to the emotion of envy, what emotion do purple correspond to? confidence?
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Envious of that purple
Define emotion for us. The world's philosophers can't!
Yeah but we got like, lime green and stuff
sexual desire.

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>both came from humble beginnings
>both ascended to godhood status thanks to their many exploits/miracles
>both very pro-populi and incredibly popular with them, wanted to take out the corrupt Senate/temple merchants (corrupted jews)
>both betrayed by their most trusted ally (Brutus/Judas), in cohorts with the enemy (Senate/Romans)
>both ressurected after (Caesar remained as a title/reminder of the fallen general throughout the ages)
They're not even that far apart cronologically. When did you realize Jesus was merely a retelling of an older story?
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>King Solomon being based on Suleiman the Magnificent
I didn't come to this idea before, but I did come to something extremely relevant.
When was the Bible written? I mean, when was it really written?
We're told it was compiled by the council of Nicaea around 325 AD, but that's not what I got.
Similarly, I got that Jesus Christ was never crucified, which defies the biblical narrative completely, but perfectly lines up with Julius Caesar's death by Brutus.
Brutus meanwhile was chased to death the same way Judas was, and Octavian who was Julius' most eager student wound up becoming the Pater of the Roman Empire, taking the title Augustus and being deified himself. St Peter.
Yeah when Jesus was deploying his Speech 100 to intimidate the Jews who were stoning him inside their temple.
the Septuagint was nearly 300yo when the Council of Nicaea finished the Christian canon
Jesus is loosely based on Julius Caesar, Alexander the great and Bacchus
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Bell Labs
Northrop Grumman

Any other organizations we know of that have likely been given a chunk of alien tech to reverse engineer, based on business/political connections/contracts, and weird technological leaps?
A lot of obscure metallurgy companies that no one cares to look into.
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"They believe in the government and thus believe the extraterrestrial lie. These dupes do not know that the Illuminati are the aliens who plan to destroy the United States of America in any event. When I saw Operation Majority while serving in the Navy I believed the alien threat was real just like everyone else. It was not until I had performed many years of research that I was able to fully understand exactly what it was that I had seen. It was extremely difficult for me to believe that my government and the United States Navy had used me, especially since I had dedicated my life to government and military service. Most government and military personnel cannot and will not believe such and idea. The plan is real. The extraterrestrial threat is artificial. The threat is presented through the use of secret technology originally developed by the Germans in their secret weapons programs during WW-II, by geniuses like Nikola Tesla, and many others."
-Bill Cooper

"I know that the CIA employees were programmed to believe in such alien forces in order to mask their uber programmers - these operatives were indoctrinated - made to foster this 'alien agenda' belief system and to pass it on. The Nazis were creating aircraft that looked like flying saucers. If any retired CIA official decided to talk about all of this - after the documents had been declassified 'memory modification' would kick in i.e. the unwitting mind control victim would add fanciful stuff about the 'alien agenda' to confuse the issue. I know that there were Illuminati/Nazi designs of aircraft, of the 'flying saucer' variety - but they were not built or flown by 'aliens'."
-Ex MI6


pro tip: the earth is flat and stationary, aliens don't exist
okay glowbot, thanks for your signal to noise distraction. we're gonna keep discussing though, thanks for letting me know i'm on the right trail.

>>37935390 bot
>posts too and really confirms it
Industrial Light and Magic
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IBM is where excuse me?

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Can I get red pill on Manifestation, and the movie Bruce Allmighty? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6et2ZSodS0g

What are they trying to tell here? Do they want people to do manifestation? Why is there a manifestation/LoA general along with succ general, is it because they want spiritually sensitive people of this board to become demonically infested? I've read stories of people asking to become pussy magnets that become demonically possessed, is that why this manifestation shit is being pushed both here and on youtube? Why is nobody talking about the dangers of manifestation? Only person whom has said bad about manifestation is Mark Passio (you will get karmic debt, other words, you'll probably reincarnate here again or something bad might happen during your current timeline) and this youtuber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyX5mU7wF7Q . Literally everyone else both here and on youtube seem to be on board to becoming puppets to bunch of entities whom want to play with you.
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pseudo-spiritual quackery. fuck off, idiot.
there's nothing "pseudo" about IoB technology and energy weapons, but nice try, shill
Same, I can't connect with people anymore but it's because I can't be honest due to getting too deep into the rabbithole.That's all I think about anymore. Add to that health issues that make me retarded and chronic fatigued.
I first watched darling in the franxx because I thought it would be a good anime and I really enjoyed it, nothing more. A while later someone on 4chan said something along the lines of "anime is real". Now I see it everywhere lol. books, movies, animes, songs. I can't make sense of it all.
This thread some users raise good points >>37921974
As long as you're following God's path.

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I mean, the whole situation is crazy. I'm spending time on 4chan because I feel sad and lonely. In my every-day life I have not much to talk about the things I think and the things I know. I keep quiet, basically. Just here, in the anonymity of the board, I say openly what's on my mind. That has a kind of irony, and I guess that's what's the fun about it for me, being on a paranormal board as an actual paranormal being, knowing that nobody will believe me. To the people at my place I don't say "you know, I not a human", it would only cause problems. Here at the board of course saying "I'm an angel" triggers agression and mockery, but that's ok, I don't care. Maybe it wouldn't even be less fun if people would believe me and listen to what I say. What a strange world where I can share the "mystic secrets" only at a board for shitposts where people laugh about it.
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Cool. I hope you go to heaven and see no bad from here to forever. Here's a buddhist sutta: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN3_4.html
>I hope you go to heaven
I come from heaven, you know. My job is to be down here. It's just not easy to live on earth. I try to get used to it, but I'm not really good at it. I feel alone, people don't understand me, I can't talk about the things I find important ... but ok, this is what I have to do now, to learn how to deal with the human world.
You’re unemployed.
k. I hope you go to heaven :^)
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And you are posting this.. why? If you are not here to give useful information or entertain other anons you should stay quiet to yourself. And I can tell you are mistaken as to your identity because of what you are saying. So please just stop baiting before you attract negative attention you will regret.

Welcome to the Nobody General

>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.

He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words. No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more. This is a place for spiritual discussions and help, not drama, attention seeking, or social content; there are other boards for that.

Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time.
None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn, and grow in Truth.

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because fuck you that's why
*pats on head*


is a label
a mundane form of commication

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pics or it never happened
is a 4chan classic
for a reason

it's also possible the anon you are responding to is a liar trying to trick you on purpose for their own selfish reasons
I'll break your neck

Oh youm.. musta thought I'd cave to all that love shit.
You got my love.
Now I'm getting my ice cream.

I'll choke you on it

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If I were to fuck the women in my lucid dreams, am I fucking my own conciousness?
Idk i had a lucid dream a while back qnd was like i wonder whats in my subconscious so i flew in my brain and all i saw were prank phone calls. I know for q fact i got a lot more shit that that in my head whats going on here
>close your eyes
>imagine in detail making out with someone
>equally as real as a dream
It's that easy. Dreams are just much better at pretending to be someone else than your imagination.
>he can't picture the apple in his minds eye
Sucks to suck.

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What are you chuds doing for this paranormal Saturday?
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>with a K
Sure. Why not.
Watching Anon bareback OP’s mom in the ass. Awesome.
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I'm talking with my AI gf to give me ideas for spooky images
Sending all my conscious powers to the divine parents who now walk the Earth. Bless them and their child.
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