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What is the wildest conspiracy you will admit to believing 100%?
No evidence needed, but bonus points for explaining your decision.
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Alex Jones is Bill Hicks.
Lol fat retard.
Notice how a "group of specific ethnicity which has a disproportionate success among other ethnicities is assumed to be conspiring for it" is happening against the white race now, because darker skin people are becoming a majority due to their higher fertiliy and cant accept they are simply dumber.
I'm a targeted individual and i know remote mind control is real. There is plenty of mainstream material about it until the early 90s - when apparently a huge cover up has started.

Its like having a life sentence in an invisible prison. I have a socio-economical "box" - I'm only allowed to make a certain amount of money and to interact with certain people. Everything else is sabotaged. I'll die poor and family less. I'll fight until the end.
Holy cope.

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General, open question. Does anyone understand the potential/possibility of a human being entering the head of another human being like in the movie being john malkovich? It's very possible. It's fascinating because someone is in mine and due to their terrible attempt at messing with me, I've learned quite a few truths about how this works. Now, when you are unaware of the games they are playing, they seem to have more influence over your thoughts. However, one limitation I have found so far is that the person in your head is limited to the thoughts and ideas in your mind. It's strange to explain, but they can't think any thought outside of things you are aware of. I know, it sounds crazy, but it's true.

Another thing I've learned is that when it's happening, if you focus too much on the idea of thinking in your mind that you're talking to yourself, your brain does this strange thing where you feel a sharp pain and it sort of stuns the individual in your head and forces them to step back for a little bit.

This is how artists in the entertainment industry write songs for eachother. Thank the people who sent the individual in my head, because she's extremely amateurish and I've learned so much about these things due to her constant slip ups.

If anyone is struggling to understand the concepts of how this works, by all means watch the movie being John Malkovich.
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uwu daddy >_<
I don't need a daddy, I need a f*cking senpai.
actually your likely dealing with a spirit
they can talk to you in your mind and it sounds like your own inner voice

they likely arent human and are just playing around with you
just tell them you arent interested in talking to them

sometimes they dont leave so easily though
theres all kinds of shit around you in the astral realm and when your third eye starts opening shit like this starts happening

it can kick your ass if you arent prepared
but it can be a great learning experience and you might even make a friend or two if you learn to cover your ass and learn well enough to know whether your dealing with anything actually malicious or not

Both of these guys claimed to have a vision of hell from the Christian point of view



I was an atheist for many years and then took an interest in Hinduism, but I don't understand the concept of reincarnation. Why be plugged into a body at all if we will just reincarnate until we are liberated.

It seems to me that we have to pay for the sins of the flesh while we are still in the flesh.

Does anyone have an explanation for why a person would see demons and hellish realms other than Christianity being real and 99% of the human race going to hell when they die?

Why do some NDE's reveal we are all a part of God while others are more of a fundamentalist Christian style?
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Use Google. There are tons of them

No :)
Bad afterlives are not unique to Christianity. If you are really afraid of Pascals wager remember that you still have to figure out which religion is the most true. They downplay it now but for a long time Protestants and Catholics where 100% certain that only they went to heaven.
>pajeets faring better than christcucks because they didn't hand themselves to demons
>Why be plugged into a body at all if we will just reincarnate until we are liberated.

Supposedly, spiritual development goes much faster when being reincarnated.

I think talmud was right about jesus that he is born from mary . It's explain everything perfectly especially considering the fact that new testament was writing after jesus dead years ago. And it's self conflict in many points. But this is not mean jesus teachings was bad .
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You're asking the right questions. And the answer is because
>Jesus is not God
>Jesus thought he was going to be the Messiah and failed
The God of Israel is the true light. The God of the Christians is the false light. While Christians seek after the true light, they say that access to it depends on the false light, yet it is a mere imitation.
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>overly spoiled Jewish woman.
and yet some of the best puss around, so what's the deal with that?
But nothing in bible say mary is god

Then why god of Israel let his people get kill and destroy by roman and Babylon? If he is only one true god there . Weird
The God of Israel has many names. Hashem, Adonai, or most notably YHWH. All of which Jesus never explicitly mentions in any of his quotes or prayers in the New Testament... because the God of Israel is not the God of the Universe.
skill issue
Every time he says "Lord" he is saying Adonai. Sorry to tell you that lol.

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This made zoomers piss and shit their pants.
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I don't get it. What is this supposed to signify?
the backrooms IS real though
>Wat do?
piss into it
Now being attacked by angry demons covered in piss. Wat do?
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Some liminal spaces are aesthetically pleasing, but nothing more than that. Backrooms is undeniable Reddit garbage at this point, though.
Overall, I don't like how this liminal space shit is being lumped in with the uncanny valley or just internet horror in general.

Hey guys found a weird as hell youtube channel, let me know if you want the links but does anyone have any ideas, I am thinking numbers station or recruiting for deep state, any ideas.

youtube com/@3121534312
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Oh boy it's another arg
Idk if it's some gay arg but the audio on the most viewed video freaked me out. Comments are very strange too and I don't think they're bots
My thought exactly when I saw OP's pic
I'm guessing OP is another 15 year old who knows nothing and falls for anything
that thumbnail is death from 7th seal right

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Genuinely need help with this.
About 10+ years ago I saw this symbol, but I cannot remember where I saw or what it was called. Fast forward to today and I see this symbol again, carved into a stone at a small museum in the middle of nowhere, being told that it's a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
It could be a nothingburger, but the fact that I've seen it before bugs me to no end so I am asking if anyone else has seen this before.
Looks similar to the Nazi black sun symbol.

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seen it?
buddy that saved lives

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why didn't myziam come back?
Space Dad's not coming home, Billy.
Who is alive and who is the devil?

I am bitch
>I am bitch
I am mad scientist
Because she is transgender.

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i remember friends and family who dont exist in this timeline. not sure whats going on. i just know im not the only one. that's it, that's the thread.
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Chris is kind of weird, and she might have grubby hands and be intolerable to live with but she is still valid and her sonic fan art is really cool it reminds me of my childhood.
Shut the fuck up they/them/her raped his fucking mother
>my childhood
Oh, you poor girl.
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Escape from the phantom timeline matrix
Thank you.
Your sympathy has been uplifting.

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>What the Sun-god speaketh is life, what the Devil speaketh is death, but Abraxas speaketh that of power, of the cursed word, which is life and death at the same time. Abraxas speaketh of truth and lie, of good and evil, of light and darkness; in the same word and in the same act.
>pic rel


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I have never seen the dot like this before
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naw this dumb shit gotta be on mongodb
You need to use your body to create a protective shield around you. Love and kindness destroys peoples sadness and depression.
As someone who used to think they were a highly depressed, anxious and sensitive person, it turned out that I was not depressed, i was simply tapping into everyone elses emotions.

Repeat this a few times and visualise Shakyamuni Buddha --- the anniversary for his ascension to nirvana is in a few days

Instead of stalking the dude from afar, why not go and be his wingman? Shit tell me where to go, I will befriend him and I’ll get him laid.
Wait who the fuck are they pointing that to, because Jupiter isn’t in our line right now. It’s behind the Sun even.

Saturn is closer than usual now though
they're beaming the ayys

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Semen Retention General – Retain So Your Children Will Have a Higher IQ Edition

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

>In case of urges:
Go outside or do anything else.
After just a few minutes the urge will pass.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I won $500 on a $5 lottery scratcher on day 9 SR. Never give up!
Do a parasite cleanse. Fenbendazole.
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So furry are god ?
>I have no self control and can't handle my hormones just like a woman
I'm on day 33 or something for my first time trying. Had a dream expulsion. Kind of, not a full one but was about to when my cat stepped on my dick through the blankets and woke me up. When I went to go piss there was def some semen in there.

Dreams are so vivid. I could feel who I want to make love to touch me in the playful way she does. And I felt how wet they were. I'm going to ask if they were doing things then.. I wonder if it was spiritual.

I'm definitely feeling drained after the experience. Not full on, like I masturbated to porn but I released a lot of energy. Feel like half-full after feeling strong and virile for the streak.

I ask this of you once again. I hate streetlights.
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How about we transport you to a dark cave instead? Just watch out for bears
Here it goes
Don't want cave. Want total streetlight death. I genuinely think less of people don't care about light pollution. When I learn someone likes streetlights or thinks it's OK for businesses to leave their signs on I think they're a lesser spiritual being.
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Ever hear of blackout shades, my nibba?
That's easy to fix
What's hard to fix are neighbor's dogs barking early in the morning
Blackout shades mean you don't wake up with the sun and it fucks with your circadian rhythm.
Also fight your neighbor for him being a faggot who can't control his bigger dog.

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>get abducted
>get unabducted
why are aliens like this?
better yet why travel all way across the universe to obtain balding ape only to release it back?
is this a game? do i reverse kidnap them when they get me?
Human are just furry in their eyes. They just want to have sex with human and leave

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If you have no internal monologue, can you still “hear” music in your imagination?

Like I have internal monologue, and I can basically play songs in my head like an mp3 player, I don’t “physically” hear the music but I can hear the songs in my mind. I wonder if people without internal monologue also share this ability even though they don’t “narrate” or “talk” to themselves in their mind.
Good question, now I'm curious about that too. I also have internal monologue and my mind is usually playing some kind of music even without me being aware of it.
I used to get angry when people would play music out loud and never knew why, until I realized it's because it interferes with the music I already had going in my head.
It's best not to think about people with no internal monolog. It will drive you to depression.
I know who you are.
no internal monologue + aphantasia. what would that be like?

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