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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

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Engine inspection day edition

previous: >>16158571
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why don't they just do a spray of whatever the tiles are made out of in layers instead. probably incredibly toxic but use a robot or something.
Not replaceable fir any damaged or worn parts short of getting a hundred beaners taking scraping tools to the rocket and redoing the whole thing.
the death trap has been turned on
thread is very comfy... feels like old /sfg/ when we didnt have any baiters around for weeks and everyone just wanted to learn/discuss more about space. i remember the december era when we also had a split thread that the quality of posts also went up.

also speaking of guess we were wrong about picrel kek
oops nvm those threads were still doo doo caca. still this one is very nice

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whats this all about?
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>flouride is literally neurotoxic
Source? :)
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Good book btw
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>Posting christian fraudsters who deliberately brought a vegetable child to term, grifters to idiots that the kid was going through development milestones despite every single doctor telling them that's not possible, kid seizing like an eel every two seconds and finally getting to the point that they divorced and dumped the kids at a state home when their cash cow--who can't feed, hold bowels or move by itself-- became too cumbersome to keep alive
Powerful. Every life matters (^':
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>Christians trigger me
what are you even doing on a science board if you hate Christianity?

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Is it safe to say that if I, a layman, come upon a study or information. It's probably BS?
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oh. you're the layman in question. lmao

>hurr durr these things i know nothing about are wrong, because i dont know them so its wrong.

Good thing you're no one.
I wonder how many people actually follow the scientific method anymore
its become a complicated system of lying with statistics and/or computer models and gaming the peer review process
they baited you on purpose
am i filtered even if i check the citation counts to see if they're reliable?
how does that mean anything?
is goyslop good for you because its popular?

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Background: Symptoms of primary HIV infection, including fever, rash, and headache, are nonspecific and are often described as flu-like. COVID-19 vaccination side effects, such as fever, which occur in up to 10% of people following COVID-19 vaccination, can make the diagnosis of acute HIV infection even more challenging.

Case presentation: A 26-year-old man presented with fever and headache following COVID-19 vaccination. The symptoms were initially thought to be vaccine side effects. A diagnostic workup was conducted due to persisting fever and headache > 72 h following vaccination, and he was diagnosed with Fiebig stage II acute HIV infection, 3 weeks after having unprotected anal intercourse with another man.

Conclusion: Thorough anamnesis is key to estimating the individual risk of primary HIV infection, in patients presenting with flu-like symptoms. Early diagnosis and initiation of antiretroviral therapy is associated with better prognosis and limits transmission of the disease.
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>Complete with masks, social distancing, hysteria
They didn’t even shut the gay sex parties down.
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you shuddafuckup!!!
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no because in this scenario the people doing so would have enough power to misdiagnose and/or induce cancer in as many people as they want

pfizer reported in 2021 they expect mrna cancer treatments to cost $1 million per person
They shut down churches, but not gay sex parties

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>You have 2000 physicists at CERN and not one of them is famous because they haven't done anything original

How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
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Soientists waste billions on LHC and produce no results (none other than high paying jobs for themselves) and then those same greedy soience faggots chimp out jealously when arts students get their student loans canceled and the soientists get nothing.
Arts students don't useless waste billion on pie in the sky fantasies, so theres money left over for them to cover their loans.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/XT1Y8RbKcPp4/ Eclipse was fake bros. Serpent NASA satanists fooled us all.
STEM degrees could be free or at least super cheap if it weren't for the professors' desires to waste fortunes on their pointless """research""" and spend even more publishing worthless journal articles that nobody of consequence ever reads.
>Soientists waste billions on LHC and produce no results (none other than high paying jobs for themselves)
Getting money for themselves is the only thing they care about, if it takes uselessly waste a trillion dollars of other people's money to get them their mid-high five figure salaries then they don't mind wasting the trillion. scientists are extremely selfish, greedy and narcissistic people
this was incredibly good, very much in agreement with you anon, we need more effortposters these days
kill yourself faggot, browsing sci and can't read a little more than 3 paragraphs. Get a grip
again, good explanation, kudos

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"Up to 50% of patients with cannabis-related psychotic symptoms presenting to the ED requiring hospitalization will go on to develop schizophrenia. "
"Cannabis is involved in approximately 50% of psychosis, schizophrenia, and schizophreniform psychosis cases"
"In one recent study that followed nearly 2,000 teenagers as they became young adults, young people who smoked marijuana at least five times were twice as likely to have developed psychosis over the next 10 years as those who didn’t smoke pot."
"One of the best-known studies followed nearly 50,000 young Swedish soldiers for 15 years. Those who had smoked marijuana at least once were more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those who had never smoked pot. The heaviest users (who said they used marijuana more than 50 times) were 6x as likely to develop schizophrenia as the nonsmokers."
"1/5th of cases of schizophrenia among young males might be prevented by averting [Cannabis Use Disorder]"
Daily weed use was associated with increased odds of psychotic disorder compared with never users, increasing to nearly 5x increased odds for daily use of high-potency types of cannabis. The PAFs calculated indicated that if high-potency cannabis were no longer available, 12% of cases of first-episode psychosis could be prevented across the 11 sites, rising to 30% in London and 50% in Amsterdam
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i wish it was permanent

The last time I dropped acid I took 750ug and literally had some kind of temporary schizophrenia, I had delusions that the police were coming for certain to arrest me even though I hadn't done anything to warrant that. I had never seen full-body hallucinations of entirely unique objects that weren't really there before that, all the other times it was just geometric patterns and warps in my vision. I thought I saw with absolute certainty in the small amount of light coming in through my curtains a police officer pointing a gun at me. If I had a family history of schizophrenia or some kind of increased risk factor I would be hearing voices already.
i hate my antipsychotics
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This is a good take honestly. I probably should never use cannabis, not smoked or eaten even, since I have a direct family member affected with schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms. But I do think people have the right to use it with moderation and for health purposes, maybe a bit recreational too. It does worry me how normalized it's becoming, and how easy to abuse it is. Same with alcohol.
No, you are the bootlicker rationalizing a corrupt legal system that actively exploits sick people who are prone to using harmless plants to self medicate and relax instead of helping them.

>However, some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022.


RIP Vaxxies

We tried to warn you.
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people who are too narcissistic to admit they were wrong are people that are incapable of learning
It's hard to find this source.
Help, Anon?
lots of those on /sci/
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Why is this taboo to discuss in the sciences?
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>Sample size of only 299 million.
Fucking useless.
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>i'm an antiracist
Racism is the one true ideology
I didn't say I'm an anti-racist. Fuck elves. Sociopaths, the lot of them.
Now let's check which color those gays were
weird how "Whether Europeans Whites are smarter than Africans Blacks for genetic reasons" is at the top of the list but "Whether intelligence can be predicted from someone s genetics" is only in the middle of the list

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Is it true that far, far more animals die in order to produce vegan food than do to provide food for normal sane people? Has science ever bothered to count up the animals dead from all of the pest control operations that farms do?
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These threads are shitflinging mud fights between ignorant retards who watched one tiktok video on the topic and act like they know everything. It's not hard to surpass that standard.

Any healthy and environmentally sustainable food system incorporates animals.
There's a concept of the default livestock where simply using all the byproducts of the food that a person eats and items they use or wear in their daily life you can naturally produce an quantity of animal product at virtually no extra strain on the land. think of the parts of plants humans don't eat or vegetable peelings. It just takes conscious effort to manage.
The point of default anon imageboards is that you dont know the other guy and avoid ad hominem arguments. And I suspect I am the guy you mean. 'Both' if you want. Still never said we should reduce livestock to 0.
Why wouldn't someone get mad when they repeatedly show you video evidence and you just say "nuh uh, your just a poopy head who doesn't understand words" over and over?
>a reduction of livestock would free up land to be used for crops
Most livestock are grazed on marginal land (that eventually gets converted to higher grade by the livestock due to the extra fertilize and tilling they provide) which is not suitable for growing other crops and your pic doesn't say that the majority of crop land is used for livestock feed like you claimed.
That wild animal map is not any where near accurate since ants alone are around 25% of the biomass of humans.

What changes should be made to the peer review process so that the "peers" can't just rubber stamp the papers and let trash like this get published?
pic related: "the science" doesn't even try anymore, just copy paste the numbers lol.
this kind of low IQ frauds shouldn't even passed the paper writing because it's so apparent. the authors should've realized this kind of fraud is retarded but somehow it made it all the way through peer review.
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>the most profilic fake and fradulent researchers are white males as in retractionwatch leaderboard.
Are they?
People who publish fraudulent research would just demand and get extra grant money to produce fraudulent confirmations of their fraudulent research. The replication crisis isn't a big accident, all of the published frauds are published intentionally
>The replication crisis isn't a big accident, all of the published frauds are published intentionally
The replication crisis is 100% definitely not going to be solved by the people that are causing it, they're dishonest people.
>1. Make peer review mandatory for participation in conferences or submitting articles of your own.
this is already mandatory in many conferences, for example in CS, but it wouldn't do much because the reviewers and the submitters are in the same community as each other and probably want to cover for their own field.
>2. Offer support for publications that test and verify the results of others. Right now there's very little impetus for people to try and reproduce the work of others, since such replication isn't likely to lead to publication. Most fields could benefit from a "Journal of Replicative Studies" or something to that effect.
this is quite costly and ineffective, unless a large portions of researchers do replication study, I see this going nowhere. also, people who do replication studies are usually younger researchers who are afraid of ousting more senior researchers will hinder their career.
I suggest that each published article should have a replication counter that is big and at the front page of the paper website. papers that has not been replicated by independent should have a big red disclaimer that it hasn't been replicated anywhere.
maybe that will nudge the population toward not trusting those research at face value (which they should always do, that's the spirit of science) because IMO probably more than half of current research results are unreliable.

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Is this true about nuclear energy?
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Take him out and shoot him.
And that’s a good thing.
most of the calories in the fries are from carcinogenic sneed oils
imagine the meltdowns when diversity comes to the nuclear power industry
Pretty much admitting that the global warming meme has nothing whatsoever to do with concern for the environment and only exists as a means to forward the jews' white genocide schemes.
Zack Kanter is jewish

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Where the fuck is my assembler edition?

That's right it's time for another molecular nanotechnology. Remember keep your discussion limited to actual nanotechnology applications, inventions, and theorizing, not sissy boy nu-nanotechnology.
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The same could be said of nano-robotic assemblers. Can you show how nano-robotic research has outpaced protein folding research?
Molecular Assembler development is something competely different from the protein folding problem. A single component in a molecular assembler may fold and self assemble. Together dozens or hundreds of these components will make up a working assembler. A more accurate comparison would be to a bacteria or virus complexity.

My point was that they are probably more fruitfully areas of research than traditional biological research when it comes to the development of the first assemblers. I do not what areas those might be because they have not been created yet. But absence of creation is not evidence of impossibility. But it could be evidence of a lack of imagination.
Essentially, many folded proteins perform the role of an automated assembler and, presuming we could decode the protein folding problem, they could be built with the specific purpose of assembling non biological components. Without even considering the biological implications of having so much control over the inner workings of cells.

Anyhow, aside from one edge case where a working atomic scale rotor was produced (would be fascinating to know how) I have not read of any progress within the field of nano machinery and most of the research focus seems to be focused on folded proteins as large funding pools are available through the medical research industry.

In short; I consider both topics to be intrinsically linked and given the plethora of functional folded proteins, using them to assemble inorganic nano machinery seems like the most logical and practical initial approach.
Although, I am no industry insider nor do I have access to research papers on either topic. Essentially bumping for interest.
I'm not an expert on protein folding or anything to with biology really. But I don't really think this is one things we can prove with pure scientific logic that this is right way forward. I just have a "gut" feeling that their is the potential to create something better than biology.
Probably once the groundbreaking work is done, people will back in hindsight on how whatever pathway makes molecular assemblers possible was obvious in hindsight.

Yet another major plagiarism scandal in STEM.
Why does this keep on happening?
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they aren't academics. they are gangsters. imagine if tony sopranos took over Columbia University and gave no-show/no-work jobs to paulie and chrissy so they could get the salary/benefits. they'd make up some fake dissertation for them to try and make it seem semi-legit. it's no different
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Now imagine what would happen if Tony was jewish and he set up Tyrone and Shaniqua with no-show/no-work jobs at the university but then Tyrone and Shaniqua denounced Israel

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bruv that'll just make everyone get a cripple permit. or literally get crippled so they get the permit.
I don't see how my opinion of them would make anyone want to do anything.
The magnitude of the effect doesn't increase with city size and decreasing solar insolation would lead to decreasing temperatures even if the weather stations are all on asphalt.
t. Never even seen an EV

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