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Level with me /sci/, is this the "install gentoo" of the physics world, or is it actually something you recommend? It has really positive reviews for a supposed hard book, and surely they cannot all be posers.

Has it been surpassed?
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For what it's worth a friend loved Greiner and Scheck.
>taking dicks up my ass does not make me a homosexual
Walter Greiner has a series of books as well, which go into depth. I wouldn't necessarily call them pedagogical though, very dense and all problems are just additional derivations that he didn't fit into the chapter.
Oh I get in now, they're engineers!
If you watched a video of that sordid act, you may have homo tendencies, or you may just be curious, or you somehow viewed it by "accident" (It was in my search results!!!)

Creating an account and actually posting something on reddit is the equivalent to taking it in the ass. Both make you a fag, one makes you a redditor.

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I just found out I'm going to be a father.

Please provide for me all the data on vaccines, clamping, and other pitfalls of the modern era for optimizing health against profit driven hospitals.

I am looking to try and just get the 1985-1994 vaccine schedule for the kid (inactivated, no mRNA shit) so they don't have any trouble in my state going to school or other programs by requirement.
Wife and I got those shots and we turned out fine. Its 18 doses by age 6 (and starting at 2 months) but it seems spread out and tepid compared to the 80 they have going on now that starts at fucking birth.
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>killing natural test production
>making him dependent on exogenous test for the rest of his life
Hell no.
what does tf2 medic have to do with this
first 18 months from conception are the most important for brain development, I think. Make sure the mother has access to healthy fats. Grass fed meat and goat milk for both, maybe?

later, make sure the child has stuff to manipulate with its hands. Correlation with math skills later on.
I'm already on that. I even plan on giving my wife NMN while she is breastfeeding as recent studies show a 30% increase in cognitive development speed across the board from it being perfectly converted to the baby through milk.
He is holding a jab, one of my main concerns.
Libtards were the most enthusiastic receivers of the COVID vaccine, why would the Jews poison their own cattle?

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How do you raise a kid who will end up getting straight As and blasting through AP classes like they're nothing? I know damn well IQ plays a role, but even if you have a particularly high IQ, there is a lot more that goes into getting good grades. I figure these kids have to be getting some coaching from either their parents or professionals their parents hire.
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What made you good at academic subjects when you were growing up, anon?
It's easy to get your child years ahead of their peers academically, by homeschooling them. But it's more important to their success, that they have a good work ethic and they know how to make connections and socialize. You as the parent, having connections and the money to send them to university helps alot too.

You could have an 200IQ child with a B- average, because they don't put in any effort. They might not know the point of getting good grades, or have no friends that cheer them on. They could even be one grade too far ahead of their peers.
If the 160+ IQ children were to grow up together in a school system that gave them challenges, I guess they would grow up with a better life than many do now.
Yes, and what's your point? Reality is that schools dominated by Asians are the top performing schools and social cred in those schools is based on academic standing. So I ask again, what is your point?
If social cred in those schools is dominated by academic achievement then why are 90% of those kids retards anyway?

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Interesting hypothesis from an anonymous onanist:
If biological evolution happened exactly as fast as one would statistically predict, the multiverse interpretation of quantum theory is almost certainly false. If biological evolution happened significantly faster than one would statistically predict, the quantum multiverse theory is almost certainly true.

In our day-to-day lives, multiverse interpretation might not be falsifiable, because you cannot make a distinction between hidden variables, true randomness and just finding yourself constantly in one of the "typical"/"most likely" timelines.

However, you must exist in a universe that creates observers in the first place. And there is a good reason to think such a universe would be somewhere in the "less-likely" percentile of the probability wave evolution.
Biological evolution is probably highly dependent on quantum effects, and chaos theory effects that follow.

If you can show that life on earth was just "too lucky" in a consistent manner, you can deduce it's because failed on other earths. If not, you could perhaps make a reverse deduction - why are you not in a universe where it would emerge faster?
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Good, but not MIT Material.
Maybe One Day.

I am way beyond college age, or
>unfunny memes based on cartoons dedicated to children
Then How Would You Like a Research Position?

I Can't Guarantee It.

But! I Can Certainly Influence Their Decision, and Do HIGHLY Advise that You Contact Them, Whenever You Want.

-Professor Eggman-
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sorry I forgot the picture
it lives in North Norway in snow
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That's Beautiful.

Wonder Where They Were, On the Ark?



how do i become a mad scientist im dead serious

i currently at a university studying particle physics but i want a ridiculous set up at my place to do various autistic experiments.

over the years, i mostly collect old lab equipment from the university and people dont seem to mind since theyre usually updated quickly, since theres around 30 people in my major. There's also a store by me that sells old lab equipment from private labs that closed or updated. I also get equipment from my richer friends who gave up on physics, or from the high school i work at who updated their labs.

Right now I have function generators, oscilloscopes, power supplies, a bunch of electronics components, LCR meters, a couple multimeters, gas lasers, microcontrollers, standard chem equipment, radio crystals, microscopes, distillers, high voltage transformers, industrial batteries, a logic analyzer, a server, vaccuum tubes, scintillators, detectors, a 3D printer and tons of old books.

what equipment or tools do i need to expand? I was thinking mainly a high voltage power supply since the main thing I'd like to do is make a mini linac, but id like other suggestions.

high voltage power supply
semiconductor setup
network analyzers
vaccuum coaters

also should i redecorate or dress different or is that too much?
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Becomes a scientist first, then have a long and productive career, only later on in life should you start spouting incoherrent/unintelligible horseshit that no one can make sense of.
That's being a scientist. OP enquired about being mad scientist.
No, a lot of scientists have trouble with the last bit
t. knower
I'm going to be honest with you, the "madness" in a mad scientist, REALLY shouldn't be there, and while it may sometimes provide an edge for you to get over the hurdles of mundanety and repetitiveness, it should only be tapped into on occasion. You haven't seen what it can do... What it has done... However if you must know, firstly you must be a scientist, then, you must go mad. Other way works too, but very rarely succeeds.
This principle works for a lot of things in life: "When all hope is lost, a leap of faith becomes necessary."

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What was your favorite course that you took in undergrad /sci/?

For me it was thermodynamics, I was finally glad to do something other than Mech and Electromagnetism.
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Probably medical microbiology
Have you ever done any digital controls stuff? If you have them you should be able to implement PID controls pretty easily via for loops in pretty much any programming language.

One of the cooler projects I did for undergrad was using a PID controller for simulated automatic insulin delivery with a continuous glucose monitor. There's already been papers on this topic so it certainly wasn't original research or anything but it was cool to figure out.

There's tons of little things like that you can do with control theory.
>finally glad to do something other than Mech
you know that thermodynamics really is statistical mechanics, right anon?
Yes, but I really liked the classical approach towards it.
By classical I guess you mean the intro course which you define all the quantities and processes. If you get the chance to have a stat mech course, I guarantee that you will find the derivations of these quantities much more beautiful. Also statmech is extremely applicable and as thermo is concerned it does not limit you to the equilibrium.

What are we going to do when America becomes uninhabitable due to the increasing wet-bulb temps?
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Have you seen dead people reproduce?
You were less fat in the 1990s. Lose some weight and stop posting anecdotes like they're scientific facts.
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Non sequitur but, yes
>without AC, you die
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>Why do Americans feel hotter and hotter every year?
It's a complete mystery but I'm betting it's due to not having a carbon tax.

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There is plenty of use for those both in the industry and the army.
Why is there no such device on the market against mosquitoes? Wouldn't it make sense to invent one using already known theory of electromagnetism.
There are a few interesting solutions to them like mosquito laser or even your regular led traps
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Looks like there's one under development:


Also there's obvious safety risks. Computer vision models are not perfectly accurate. A sufficiently powerful laser could blind someone or burn the skin.

That said you could probably build a system with a raspberry pi, 2W near-infrared laser, actuators, HD camera, etc. Would probably be buggy tho ;)
Just drink vinegar. It comes out in your sweat and repels mosquitoes
Well I want to make money not to solve a personal problem duhhh
there's a salt gun for flies so why not a laser gun for mosquitos?
I thought about an area capturing mosquito deterrence

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What happens if an advanced civilization develops on a rogue star are they just doomed to never ever go to another star system.
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Earth's gravity-well is deep enough to keep humans down, and Mars got giga-nuked to eradicate life making it unusable as affordable starting point for space colonization.
Not going anywhere without near light speed travel.

Which would require incredible technological advances over what we have presently.
Therefore we need to increase the numbers of the people capable of sustained innovation, concentrate all our natural and human resources on STEM education and technological development, while greatly reducing the number of unproductive and less intelligent members of our society, while also eliminating wasteful consumerism.

>Proceed to do exactly the opposite of that.

We aren't going anywhere outside this gravity well.

You build a planet-size spaceship or turn your whole system into a spaceship so it can endure a voyage lasting millions of years. Alternatively, you build a Dyson sphere to send ships 99% of the speed of light so it barely experiences the voyage. If you want to travel to other galaxies, you need to think BIG.
Exactly, stellar engines. as long as the star system has more than one terrestrial planet, it's not (too) far-fetched for them to eventually be capable of building a caplan thruster and a small dyson swarm.
You may not even need to disassemble a planet, you can build a small dyson swarm out of asteroids and other debris and then use it to starlift all the material that you need

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hi this is my first time using 4chan so I have absolutely no clue if i’m doing this right… can anyone help me identify this bacteria? ive done a multitude of tests with it and narrowed it down to either b. badius, b. cereus, or b. megatarium. (there is confirmation from my professor that it is in fact one of these.)

occurs in chains and singly
gram stain: positive
catalase: positive
starch hydrolysis: positive
grows yellow colonies on MSA agar, no pH change/acid production
positive reaction to spirit blue agar (aka lipase)
casein positive
also its about 1x4 :3

if you need any other info please let me know! the colonies are cream colored and quite dense, not really any particular shape however

my best guess is megatarium cuz of the tests thus far and i also had an old colony turn yellow and apparently that’s a unique trait!
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You're lucky to even have some key words popping up, although I do agree the situation is far from good to anyone.
Doing PCR to find out if a bacteria is gram positive is just overkill.

>You're lucky to even have some key words popping up
How so?
He's looking for a species ID. To tell gram, he just needs to do some staining.
they look fucking discusting
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So you are you faggot but you don't here anyone being a bitch about it

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>Turing Award
>Abel Prize.
Avi Wigderson mogs Ed Witten. Change the sticky.
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with that hairline, he must be swimming in prime nerdy puss puss. What a chad
>Change the sticky.
hey, im the guy that suggested witten for the sticky, so youre gonna have to go through me first, buddy.
That doesn't sound difficult
Witten is a string monkey

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Back in the late 80s and 90s, did we stop the ozone layer damage by banning chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), or the damage never began in the first place?
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>t. doesn't know why there are sluice gates at panama
Would make her throw away all deodorants, on ecological reasons, and proceed to clean her armpits with my tongue.
I assume you're an ESL too arrogant to accept that you misread and misunderstood my post.
>the concept of concentration gradient eludes him
>international cooperation
wtf do you mean? the turd world still manufactures and uses tons of CFCs

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Are "superhabitable" planets a real possibility or just an hyperbole? How can we know that Earth doesn't have the perfect conditions for life to develop?
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>Are "superhabitable" planets a real possibility
Well, we live on one, so yes. We can easily imagine a planet that is just barely habitable compared to Earth.
wrong, astronomy gets easier with increasing distance, as you can see The Big Picture
I don't think you know what superhabitable is meant in the context, we define them as planets that are explicitly better-suited for life than here on Earth
How about hyperhabitable?

How can we be expected to deal with men (primarily white men) who feel entitled to having sex and a female house slave despite having a small penis? I have here a peer reviewed article from an academic journal that breaks down each and every single undue entitlement these small-dicked white guys think they're supposed to have, and I never realized how bad white dudes' psychosis actually is. This was an eye-opening read for me, and made me realize that the line between a dicklette and an incel (a known terrorist sub-group of the Western world's population) is way too fine to consider separate from each other. Is there a way to put small-dicked (smaller than 18cm x 13cm) dudes into re-education (with possible chemical castration) camps so they don't commit a bombing just because they're biological failures?

Rowland, A. L. (2023). Small dick problems: Masculine entitlement as rhetorical strategy. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 109(1), 26–47. https://doi.org/10.1080/00335630.2022.2136739
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Whitebois getting red angry LMFAO
I realize this is bait, but since it's clearly coming from a genuine place in your heart, I will reply anyway.

First off, because I am a rampant vitriolic narcissist, I want you to know that my dick isn't small. It's definitely what I would describe as "sufficiently large", given that the way I consistently make females orgasm more than anyone else is by purposely massaging their cervix with my very hard, very thick penis. I am also excellent at reading physical cues during sex and I know how to pleasure women. Ever make a girl cum so much she can't think or speak straight anymore and turns into a wet sopping mess unable to even function for several hours? I have, a few times. It's great.

Secondly, you are a worthless cocksucker. By haphazardly discarding the needs and feelings of an entire group of people based on something they can't control, you out yourself as a worthless bigot and open yourself up to the same treatment. Fundamentally speaking, there is 0 reason why you should be afforded the ethical protections of the social contract, because you are asking for the social contract to be broken to your own benefit and the detriment of others. This means nice frivolous pleasantries like morality automatically go out the window, and the result is cold hard natural order. Which is something that, as a woman or a disgusting machiavellian psychopath(but what's the difference), I am sure you are aware of.

Bedeviled egg, you malicious ganderer of dark triadism. I am the lobster and I am here to tell you you should fear the small dicked incel
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who hurt her?
which one of you incel chuds cheated on her?
dang she cute

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>ice melts at 0c
>Water evaporates at 100c
So what happens to ice at 100c and air water at -1c???
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Well, even if those, say an ice giant planet and a red dwarf, collide. There would be a temperature gradient through the water planet. At the junction we would find a hot gas, looking further there would be water and after that there would be ice. If all pressure were athmospheric jadda jadda ... the points along the temperature gradient between which we would find liquid water would be 100 C and 0C. If heat conduction was perfect in ice, water and steam, we would have a situation where there is no gradient, the planet would heat up in its entirity and instantaneously change phase at those points. Of course inertia and gravity would have to be 0 too, else we wpuld end up with superheated stuff until it had time to expand jaddajadda..
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two posters who either failed to understand OPs question or, worse, what they are actually posting. Unless it's a very convoluted waynof informing OP that at ambient pressure there is no such thing as 100 C (majority) ice or -1 C (majority) steam.
>Unless it's a very convoluted waynof informing OP that at ambient pressure there is no such thing as 100 C (majority) ice or -1 C (majority) steam.
How is it convoluted? Look at the chart, if it's not there, then it's not there.
Because its way more likely confusing OP further.

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