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Are brain eating worms real?
If so how do you avoid them?

>RFK Jr said a worm ate part of his brain and died in his head
>RFK revealed in a 2012 deposition that he also suffered from mercury poisoning
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classic ben
did he get the mercury poisoning from vaccines?
Probably, where else would he get it from?
he is a heroin addict so he has a lifelong habit of injecting random unverified substances into himself in hopes of getting high

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How come average daily post counts on 4chan have dropped so dramatically over the past 3 years? Nearly 30% of the posters have disappeared, are they gone because they all died of the vax?
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>And two of them are almost always online, and make 75% of posts and threads.
I'm one of them. Feels good to be a high quality contributor to this community.
>on the order of 250-500 per day
ridiculous, 25-50 more like it
>2000 daily posts
1900 of them is vaccine, iq, climate change, or news spam btw
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someone—most likely the CIA—is silently taking out the most prolific posters
>worm super solider anon
>can’t build muscle anon
>0.9999 anon
>female politician dino anon
>where are the aliens anon
…watch this space!
>i hate /sci/
why are you here?

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Who is your favorite scientist?
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The gods have spoken, Twum is the indisputable greatest scientist of all time
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There is nothing wrong with racism. Only morons are not racist.
Why hasn't that anon provided proof that morality is an objective abstraction?
^bumping the thread one last time so he can post his proof of morality's objective abstraction.
>this thread triggers me
why not just hide it instead of turning yourself into a little bitch? do you enjoy being angry and upset all the time?

Can't the Michelson-Morely experiment be used to deduce a flat earth?

Is wikipedia OK as a general science resource? I read wikipedia science articles a lot and sometimes wonder if things are correct. I assume things that are referenced to academic papers are going to have a good chance of being correct, but it's not uncommon for half the article to be unsourced. Sometimes i'll check the Talk page of an article to see if people are complaining about stuff in the article, and while I've seen it happen a few times it doesn't seem that common, so I assume most articles are decent.

Do you have any examples of science articles on Wikipedia that are blatantly wrong? Not just because you have a hunch they're wrong, but you actually know some statement is verifiably incorrect.

While the Out of Africa theory is often debated on /sci/, the Talk page on wikipedia is basically empty, which I assume means almost nobody disputes the claims made in the article.

The Climate Change article though has almost 100 pages of people arguing against the content of the article, with lots of comments like this one for example. So I assume there is likely problems with the article content, or important information isn't being included
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every section is a political section
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I guess so. So many wiki articles are so incomprehensible, only the people who wrote them could truly understand them.
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wikipedia is as legit as cnn, npr, the washington post and the new york times, its all the same bucket of goyslop

Ive heard a lot about this online, but how viable is it? I resent being mutilated at birth and not being able to have a fully functioning penis, as all cutfags should.
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>Joe Cuckold
nice one LOL
Lmao that trannys think doctors can build a dick out of nothing when they doctors can't even fix a foreskin mutilation on an otherwise healthy cock
Why hasnt janny taken this down
Hope can be good, but false hope - especially blatantly false hope - does far more harm than good.
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>You have 2000 physicists at CERN and not one of them is famous because they haven't done anything original

How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
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ppl actually pay for that (with daddy's money)
and look at the results it gets them
so he wasnt schizophrenic?
He was chosen, and selected...just like Him.
why would you do that

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Why do scientists brazenly maintain this antiquated model of Earth's core?
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I am very surprised no-one has mentioned oil yet.
Without starting a flame war, what are the implications?
Oil is extracted from rock at depths below 5km by various gases and fluids which in a supercritical state at the depth, it works the same way supercritical solvent extraction does in laboratories, the solvent releases its extract ones the pressure on the solvent becomes low enough that it can no longer maintain the supercritical state.
>Why do scientists brazenly maintain this antiquated model of Earth's core?
The two articles you listed don't contradict the model...
Yes, for many kilometers below the earth's surface there are micro-organisms living in rocks in very low concentrations. Also there is a tiny amount of water in almost all rocks.
There are even pockets of super-pressurized water, air etc.
No it isn't literally an inverted ocean and amazon forest inside the Earth you dumb fuck.

Low concentrations of life deep in the Earth can easily exceed that at the surface because you're comparing huge amounts of volume with just the two dimensional surface of the Earth.

This is the same reason for why the most common fish in the ocean is a deep-sea bioluminescent fish.
Although there is a far greater concentration of fish at the sea's surface a large volume of deep sea low concentration easily out-numbers it.
The fish are the Cyclothones.

Looks like the OP's in /sci/ are just as stupid as the OP's in any other board.
>The two articles you listed don't contradict the model...
yes they do
>yes they do
No they don't.
Please explain how they do.
I've just explained why they don't.
Please use your own brain and explain yourself.

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Jewish ass number
Literally discovered because of interests
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lmao retard
what about nuremberg
It really is a jewish number. You can model a typical mortgage scenario and observe by comparing the compound interest method ($ P(1+r)^{t} $) to the $ e^{r*t} $ differential method that a buyer who can afford to spend no more than $1000/month on mortgage payments for a 30 year payment plan with an annual interest of 4%, where the interest is credited once, is ripped off and makes less headway on his loan balance after 10, 15, 20, 30 years than he does by traditional compound interest
Check'd based underrated post
Uncountability is unfalsifiable bullshit. Every real number has a finite definition or expression, meaning you can arrange the real numbers in increasing size according to the length of their finite definition, so they are countable. This is only impossible if there are “real” numbers that cannot be expressed or represented by any sort of infinite sum, limit, or description of any sort, and could only be represented by the full infinite list of digits. The problem is that no one has ever proven that these numbers exist according to the properties of the real numbers, and even if they do “exist,” we will never interact with them in any way, so they are useless.

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>Scientists tried to give people COVID — and failed

>Researchers deliberately infect participants with SARS-CoV-2 in ‘challenge’ trials — but high levels of immunity complicate efforts to test vaccines and treatments.


How do you feel about the fact that you took a dangerous, untested experimental medication in order to prevent a nonexistent viral epidemic?
Do you feel foolish, gullible & low IQ?
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lol, the immune system is a conspiracy theory now according to "the science"
>Sars2 is a virus spreads via aerosols
how do you know that?
>high levels of immunity
Neither vaccines nor natural immunity last that long.
Most likely: ending mask mandates boosted immunity through micro-exposure.
>Most likely: ending mask mandates boosted immunity through micro-exposure.
So, natural immunity?
How do yp
Explain how you get a lot of diseases only once with that bullshit

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Can you die from a knee on your neck/shoulder? It seems like the police actually do this quite a lot, and people don’t normally die from it.
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You write like a literal women, faggot.
>it sounds scary!
Don’t care.
>there was a clear line crossed
The only clear lines here would depend on the answer to OP’s questions, namely can this move kill people, and is it something ordinary that police do.
>the riots would have been insane
This is problematic for two reasons. 1: No, the justice system should not be based on violence and intimidation. 2: ZOG could have ended the riots instead of causing them, just as they are ending the spontaneous anti-ZOG campus protests today.
george floyd was officially listed as a covid death because he died in 2020 and had respiratory symptoms
not even making this up lol
>Only police can employ the dregs of society, because everyone worth a damn does something better.
Correct. This is why we should replace police with privately owned unregulated firearms. Shoot at your discretion.
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As sad as this death was at least NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife. So this person is literally in paradise now. Indeed, NDEs are seriously irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

So every atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"I'm still trying to fit it in with this dream that I'm walking around in, in this world. The reality of the experience is undeniable. This world that we live in, this game that we play called life is almost a phantom in comparison to the reality of that."

If NDEs were hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.
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I've been looking at older calculators, and it seems like a good majority of them use RPN. I've never heard of it before finding it right now. Does anyone regularly use it?
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The HP48 series was very popular with engineering students when I was in school. There was an (ENTER) button for placing numbers on the stack. No idea what they use now in class and during tests but I suspect for projects and homework, they use something on a laptop.
Reverse polish notation is unambiguous and easy to parse by computers.
But parsing infix notation is more or less a solved problem so don't worry about it - just use what is comfortable to you.
I use it regularly, in the form of the Android app RealCalc, because it does away with the need to type parentheses ( ). Especially the open parenthesis, which sometimes you don't know you need until you're halfway through typing your formula.
Highly recommended.
thanks anon. what a beautiful device. for us it was the TI-83+ which while functional, was butt ugly , too large, and had that ridiculous sliding cover whose only use was hiding drugs and cheat sheets in. still, good times programming in BASIC during some faggoty class
Yoo can have it on nearly any modern device with emulators. Just search for Hpcalc,

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How exactly an LLM works?
>it just predict words
If i ask what color the sky is, and the AI answers "blue", is the answer generated just by human experience and observation?

When confronted with the question above, chat-GPT specified it's programmed to find a specific pattern according to a database, it doesn't agree but judging from the answer seems like this is the case.
It can't observe, it can't judge, it can't experience things first hand, identify objects or actions and turn then into abstract ideas to work with, it can mix things together to a certain degree but not like a human would do.

Now i'd like to ask /sci/ what does it think about it, because if this is the case i feel disappointed, for sure it's impressive how such mechanisms makes me feel like i am talking to a person but these systems only relies on a fuckton of human knowledge and can't experience or generate new data by themselves. It's like watching a guy cheating at the exam by reading stuff he wrote on his arm.
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wow thats the absolute wrong image so here's the correct image
did a whole misclick
AI is just fine making up entirely new things that aren't in their training material. The fact that you can't use one is also a skill issue on your part. I count that as you being blown out twice.
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>entirely new things that aren't in their training material.
damn thats literally not how they work if they could do that they wouldn't need training data you dipshit here's john cena as a clown to remind you of what you are
great job summing up what I have been explaining to the midwits here for years. electronic abacus can only simulate intelligence, it can never actually posses intelligence because it has zero first hand knowledge. It is just outputting calculations that YOU assign meaning to.
It doesn't have first hand experience and all exactly as we do yes but it doesn't really matter. During training it "learns" most of these abstract ideas as weights. So given a new question it will do inference from what it learnt. Many of these will be right some wrong.
>It's like watching a guy cheating at the exam by reading stuff he wrote on his arm.
Same thing can be said about humans. You're getting things from memories and experiences stored in your brain. Llm does similar thing. Or do you really want physical neurons to be present in llm to count it as intelligent?


the King of mathematics edition
talk maths, formerly >>16135585
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forgot to sned my train of thought
i can't read your handwriting but reading math does get easier with practice because you notice patterns and so most of what you read will be 'standard' and something you have already worked with before.
I hate complex analysis.
Taking inverses is a continuous function and thus maps dense subsets of any set S into dense subsets of the image of S.
NTA but I can read script. It says:

>I was supposed to know that U_n=2^n which means that
>T_n=(2^n)-1, but I can't figure out the reasoning. Let's try
>U_2=2U_1=4 Doing it in the most retardedly
>U_3=2U_2=8 visible way DOES HELP....
>Now I can see that U_n=2^n and U_n=T_n+1 -> T_n=(2^n)-1

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no shit faggot

but the more plants we have the more oxygen and renewable resources

why are leftists so fucken dumb lol
I hope you're trolling.
Fanum tax skibidi rizz
CO2 isn't a pollutant
of course, climate always changes. Implied in the word. Details and propaganda dumbness reservered for idiots and /sci retards. Like (YOU)?.

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