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>$6.1 billion for art students
>$0 for science students
how does /sci/ react to this?
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For several years the most popular degree AIU offered was 'Fashion Merchandising'. There's probably jobs for about a dozen of those a year but they were enrolling thousands of students in that major. Not that many of them completed the degree as the type of people who thought it was a good idea are also the type who cannot complete even the most simple assignments.
>the type of people who thought it was a good idea are also the type who cannot complete even the most simple assignments.
They are however they type who can suck a dick in exchange for favorable treatment
>There's probably jobs for about a dozen of those a year but they were enrolling thousands of students in that major.
Meanwhile the American Medical Association artificially limits the number of doctors that can be licensed per year despite severe shortages of doctors everywhere for years.
Oh my gyatt
just wait and see how over time and budget RST is

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Can someone post the other trolley problem memes?
I had a hard drive failure and I'm trying to rebuild my /sci/ folder.
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>it is possible to fail in many ways, while to succeed is possible only in one way.
You pull the lever because you ought to have tried.
This isn't science. Take your Voodoo to /x/.
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you should be able to solve this
If at any point n becomes odd, or if n was initially odd, it just blows up to infinity, because 2n+1 is also odd, right? And unless the initial n is a power of 2, halving it over and over again will eventually reach an odd number that will also blow up to infinity, won't it? am i missing something here?

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Climate scientist Stephen Schneider of NOAA in the October 1989 issue of Discover magazine admitted that climate scientists intentionally mislead the public about global warming as a means of forwarding their political goals:

>Stephen Schneider of the National Center for Atmospheric Research described the scientists’ dilemma this way:
>“On the one hand, as scientists, we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but—which means that we must include all the doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands, and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well.

>And like most people we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that we need to get some broad-based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This ‘double ethical bind’ we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”
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Tree rings only correlate very weakly with temperature. They correlate somewhat well with average temperatures from 1880 to 1960, but since 1960 the relationship diverges. Scientists have some ideas about how to explain the divergence, but they don't know for sure.
If tree rings only correlate weakly with temperature, and if we can't even explain deviations in that correlation in the modern era, how can we possibly have any confidence in what tree rings might tell us about the weather in the ancient past?
Anyway, the burden of proof is on the tree-ring enthusiasts, not me.
>Tree rings
Why are you so obsessed with one kind of temperature proxy? It is because you get BTFO whenever you discuss any other proxy? Tell me, have you ever heard of the xenon temperature proxy? You have, right anon? You didn't just hijack someone else's argument, did you? You did actually study the subject, right?
The fluctuations in mean temperature these methods claim to assess are smaller than the error margins of the methods. They use tiny numbers of proxy samples to infer mean temperature over long periods of time across huge geographical areas.
No time machines to go back and see if the proxies are actually accurate.
The words of an author on noble gas proxies :
>While mean ocean–temperature reconstructions in ice cores have shown promising results and offered new paleoclimatic insight, there is plenty to learn about noble-gas-based tools. Questions remain about the potential complexities of the proxy and ways in which the noble gases measured in ice cores may become decoupled from ocean-heat content. In the future, as much attention should be put into understanding the potential pitfalls of the proxy as in producing new records.
Not OP, I know you're being sarcastic but science can't actually say what's 'true'. It can only falsify hypotheses to develop theories. If you want to call that falsification 'truth' you may, but I have an alternative definition that lies in philosophy.
It's always been this way. It's just not hidden anymore by getting buried in a paper.

Prove the Pythagorean theorem without using a circular argument.

That means no trigonometry, brainlets.
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so is krautchan
euclid's elements isn't rigorous. it has logical fallacies.
>can post about anything except stuff i don't like
you're the one who is complaining about other people posting things you dislike
why are white liberals so patronizing?

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>Medical schools are ‘skirting SCOTUS ruling against afirmative action, report shows


>'Many in the healthcare establishment... remain ideologically committed to the principle of racial favoritism,' new study says

An association of medical professionals is sounding the alarm that medical schools across the country are "skirting" the Supreme Court’s ruling requiring admissions programs to abandon race as a factor.

Do No Harm, a group of physicians, nurses and other medical professionals "focused on keeping identity politics out of medical education," unveiled new research this week with findings that, despite the high court’s decision in the landmark affirmative action case last summer, "many in the healthcare establishment nevertheless remain ideologically committed to the principle of racial favoritism and reject the virtue of race blindness."

"Efforts to game admissions with an eye toward bolstering racial diversity commonly occur under the moniker of ‘holistic admissions,’" reads the study titled, "Skirting SCOTUS: How medical schools will continue to practice racially conscious admissions."

"In theory, holistic admissions should mean de-emphasizing the metrics that primarily determine admission to medical school (e.g., GPA and MCAT scores) and placing greater focus on other academic qualifications, personality traits, or professional accolades," it continues.
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Liberal progressiveness are a funny group of people.
They refuse to accept reality... reality must bend to their beliefs:genders are swap-able, all races are intellectual equal, killing unborn eagles and turtles (eggs) is evil and punishable by law but killing unborn humans is a woman's right.
When minorities show themselves to be intellectual failures they do NOT blame the individuals they blame "the education system"
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>mf's forget every Constitutional Right has been selectively or temporarily suspended in your lifetime
>still thinks laws and "human rights" exists
>Homo-Sapien means "Same-Judgement"
>cries Judgement is not the same, ergo you are a specist
Why do you think I say "human-mortal"?
>Seven women
>Two men
This ruling is no surprise.
The Supreme Court doesn't generally send out Marshals to enforce their rulings but lower courts do. Now that the ruling has been made, medical schools can be sued for violating it and lawyers can use the Supreme Court ruling as precedent in the lower courts. If it makes its way back up to the Supreme Court, the defendants are in for a bad time since the court tends to have a very negative view of those who flaunt violating their earlier rulings.

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If vaccines are so important and wonderful then how come nobody in the sciences complains when the government imports millions of unvaccinated third world immigrants?
>unvaccinated third world immigrants?
So /sci/ is in favor of them I see.
Thanks to the jews none of those numbers can be trusted at all. They have tainted everything with their corruption, stupidity and incompetence.
Scientists complain about people not being vaccinated all the fucking time, you fucking idiot. Get your fucking shots.
>But immigrants
Can and should also get their fucking shots. Fuck off and die.

Another thing scientists call for is vaccine programs for other countries and for trying to change our policies so vaccines that would otherwise simply expire get shipped abroad to be used. They don't want unvaccinated migrants either.
>Get your fucking shots.
>Fuck off and die.
I see our friend anon works for the caring pharmaceutical industry.
one strict set of rules for whites
a different lenient set of rules for shitskins

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what do you think?

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Can it be proved if you use dark numbers?
It is widely thought that no other theorem in mathematics has had more valid proofs than the Pythagorean Theorem. Since the time of Euclid it has been proved over three hundred different ways. Not only did Euclid have his own proof, so did Albert Einstein and Presdent James A Garfield. I believe Ramanujan had his own proof. How long will it take to prove the Pythagorean Theorem? 2,300 years ago long. Yesterday long. It’s settled. It’s done.
is her name Erin Williams or Ne'Kyia Jackson?
ehm, Jesus brought people from the first level of hell to heaven after he died haven't you heard of DANTE?
>Now guess her ethnicity.
a degree in sociology. They aren't human, this is why they need to study humanities.

because there's no way this guy could say something so stupid without being paid. Highly likely this is the case though, because just a few months after attempting to sell SLS as an alternative to Starship, he has a video hanging out with the ULA CEO. I guess youtubers don't need to declare sponsorships when the company is owned by lockheed and boeing.
>it's not efficient
What the fuck does this guy think efficient means? If Starship pans out then it'll deliver 100 tons to the moon. The only thing all the extra refueling missions will cost is fuel. By the end of the mission, you'll still have all those rockets. With SLS/Orion you're throwing away an entire rocket just to send a metal tent to the moon- which we already did 50 years ago!
The point of the SLS is to use the ULA to funnel money from the federal government to state governments. No one making the decisions cares if it ever gets to space.
Dustin is either a moron or paid, probably both.
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He got a ride on a boomer sub. They don't do that for just anyone.
Over here, Germany, i have to pay monthly around 18 Euros to finance most worst, dumb idiotic primitive unwatchable state propaganda thinkable. It sucks out around 90% for pensions and "administration" which is a useless apparatus every communist state will be jealous about. That retarded paid shill do it for "free". Compared to the productions quality over here it is way better and informative too, beside the dumb propaganda. Sure that's relative, but could be way worst.
The whole point of starship is completing Musk's autistic dreams of colonizing Mars.
Starlink and HLS are useful revenue and development programs to help fund and develop this endeavor. Musk does not give a shit if there as an economic case behind Starship - which this thread fails to realize. He will have Starlink paying for it. Alongside his incredibly lucrative F9 venture.
This has been known for years.
Two more weeks. Trust the plan.
>starship has yet to make LEO
easy way to spot someone disingenuous or gets their info from someone disingenuous
No it has not made orbit, flight 3 was slightly suborbital so in case the control systems failed, you wouldn't have a giant tube of space junk
I feel like every single argument that could ever happen around the topic of rocketry can be resolved by making a mockup in KSP

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Can you dispute this?
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I used the same proof they used to prove them wrong, see the OP source.
>I used the same proof they used to prove them wrong
nice cope, but you didn't
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Richard Horton:
Offline: What is medicine's 5 sigma

Marcia Angell:
Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption

Arnold Relman & Marcia Angell:
America's Other Drug Problem

Looks like you are full of shit my double nigger.
2x-x is the real non answer
>Can you dispute this?
There is good science and let's say fragmented science. It is actually quite easy to see this when considering virtue ethics.

Good science tries to reveal more truth about the world we live in using the scientific method. The results are shared with the rest of the scientific community with a rigorous process of peer-reviewed journals. In this process a scientist needs funding and status to succeed.

Fragmented or corrupted science is imitating the above process but instead of trying to reveal truth, the goal of the fragmented scientist is to acquire funding and status. In a way he is using fragments of science, not actual science.

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Sorry I'm retarded but why is it so hard to find Calculus textbooks by Stewart/Spivak on Amazon that aren't old and cost 100$+? Are these books out of print or something?
just get them from libgen tardo

stick to stewart, fuck spicvack and analstol
everyone knows openstax calculus is the best calculus textbook

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so has the replication crisis been proven real or were others unable to confirm?
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That facial hair by itself should have prompted a probe.
many of them are degree mills but some of them are not.
when I were interviewing for my PhD, I was about to join a group lead by a chink professors at a top 10 universities in the US. his google scholar profile 50% of his publications are the almost exact same shit published over and over again into top R1 journals where he and his friends are editors and chairmans. the other 50% are the grant chasing stuffs like crypto, machine learning in X, Y, Z which are retarded. joining that group means I would had to work on whatever the most trending topic and easiest to get grants at the time even though I know they're mostly bullshit. they're pumping out a few papers every week and a few PhD per year. it's literally a paper and degree mill. meanwhile I also interviewed for more obscure universities where the professor is a pajeet but he actually has much more interesting and comprehensive coherent research program. it's all depend on the professors but my general impression is that the most narccisistic fame hungry pseudo people are plenty in the very top institutions.

Researchers at ETH, ENS are well known for their very deep knowledges of their field (usually maths and physics); precisely because there are very few post grads or PhD slots in those unis. ETH isn't like Cambridge and their 400000 different departments.
I see what you mean, but did you learn while working on your PhD? Do you feel like you've contributed to science?

At least my professor had a very coherent research goal (and of course tried to get grants every now and then) but overall his work was coherent and curiosity driven.
I think we would benefit from a sharp definition of a degree mill and a high quality university.

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>Scientists tried to give people COVID — and failed

>Researchers deliberately infect participants with SARS-CoV-2 in ‘challenge’ trials — but high levels of immunity complicate efforts to test vaccines and treatments.


How do you feel about the fact that you took a dangerous, untested experimental medication in order to prevent a nonexistent viral epidemic?
Do you feel foolish, gullible & low IQ?
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>Sars2 is a virus spreads via aerosols
how do you know that?
>high levels of immunity
Neither vaccines nor natural immunity last that long.
Most likely: ending mask mandates boosted immunity through micro-exposure.
>Most likely: ending mask mandates boosted immunity through micro-exposure.
So, natural immunity?
How do yp
Explain how you get a lot of diseases only once with that bullshit
>be child grow and changes in body happend
>body adjusts to environment
>some hormone fuckery happens
>get skin rash as a child
>nobody can explain why
>make up shit about non specific type of skin rash is a actually a "disease"
>call it "childhood disease"
>become adult
>not getting childhood disease anymore
>woah you must be immune now, because you got this once
>what about the flu?
>nah your body forgets this shit

People literally believe in the esotheric concept of the "immune system" even though it contradicts itself multiple times in various scenarios, and not a single "immune therapy" or medical product based on "antibodies" ever worked.

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I found two books that appeal to me, but pic rel has very few solutions at the end and they’re not detailed solutions. Has anyone used it in their class? The other book I found has little applications, but detailed solutions to every problem. This second book is called The How and Why of One Variable Calculus.
>I found two books that appeal to me,
They may be appealing, but will they provide you with "mathematical maturity"? A nice phrase that authors of advanced textbooks use to describe all of the math you're just assumed to know.

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in a real life Good Will Smith move, two high school seniors solved a mathematical puzzle that was thought to be impossible for 2,000 years. Black, Beautiful & Brilliant.


Johnson and Jackson discovered that the Pythagorean Theorem — a principle relating to the relationship between three sides of a right triangle — could be solved with trigonometry.

The theorem had been proven before in the last 2,000 years, but never with the use of trigonometry, until the students showed that this was a possibility.

Their appearance on "60 Minutes" this weekend isn't the first time that Johnson and Jackson's hard work has been showcased. The pair presented their hypothesis at the American Mathematical Society last spring.

“For two months we worked together nonstop — during school, after school, at home, at lunch,” Johnson told the Times-Picayune last year. “We had lots of Zoom meetings. Actually, during Mardi Gras break we were still working by Zoom.”

When CBS correspondent Bill Whitaker asked Jackson and Johnson if they were math geniuses in the episode's trailer, both shook their heads.

"Not at all," Jackson denied.
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The Pythagorean theorem is the MOST PROVED (by humans that is) of any mathematical theorem ever. A mathematical theorem that has more than one or two distinctly different proofs is uncommon…. but this theorem has been proved — by truly different and unique proofs — several hundred times!!!
>eugenics confusing himself for a racist
Nigger p l e a s e
the Great White and Asian Hope!
so is mathematics only for the white fella and the asiatics now? let the girls be. they're obviously massive dorks and the country would be so much better if other negroes were like them.

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Previous thread: >>16158770

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Already solved this. No need to help anymore.
post your solution
>or would you since its what equal parts oh and h
> if I add 1l of a ph1 solution with 1l of a ph4 solution
you'd get pH 1.3.
the ph4 is basically water (0.1 M vs 0.0001 M), so if you water pH 1 in half you get +0.3 or pH 1.3
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What is the right way to think about fractions?

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