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Good news everyone, rice, which is possibly the world's most important agricultural crop, not only grows better under CO2 enhanced atmospheric conditions, it also becomes more disease resistant when atmospheric CO2 is increased.

>Effects of elevated CO2 on resistant and susceptible rice cultivar and its primary host, brown planthopper


>The elevated CO2 (eCO2) has positive response on plant growth and negative response on insect pests. As a contemplation, the feeding pattern of the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål on susceptible and resistant rice cultivars and their growth rates exposed to eCO2 conditions were analyzed. The eCO2 treatment showed significant differences in percentage of emergence and rice biomass that were consistent across the rice cultivars, when compared to the ambient conditions. Similarly, increase in carbon and decrese in nitrogen ratio of leaves and alterations in defensive peroxidase enzyme levels were observed, but was non‐linear among the cultivars tested. Lower survivorship and nutritional indices of N. lugens were observed in conditions of eCO2 levels over ambient conditions. Results were nonlinear in manner. We conclude that the plant carbon accumulation increased due to eCO2, causing physiological changes that decreased nitrogen content. Similarly, eCO2 increased insect feeding, and did alter other variables such as their biology or reproduction.
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The amount of people that the Earth can support is not solely dependent on how much food can be raised. The higher the population the more strain is put in ecosystem services which provide and estimated 33 trillion dollars worth of services and sustain the natural environment.

>strain is put in ecosystem
life on earth has survived every condition its been put through for over a billion years, its not fragile. co2 has no effect on the ecosystem other than making plants grow faster and use water more efficiently

Bill Nye, Neil Tyson, Carl Sagan and the rest of them. We get it, humans are made of stardust. Why don't you study something actually important or controversial like race and IQ.
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Rent free
Short version - As much as we all get irked by popsci faggots, the bottom line is that 99% of the human race don't get their cocks out (or their checkbooks) for binary light curve measurements or Langmuir probe sweeps or particle pair correlation plots like scientists do.

Non-scientists have to be persuaded that all this science shit that they don't understand well enough to see how it impacts their daily lives is still worth taking a big bite out of their paycheck to fund, and popsci faggots do that by (for lack of a nicer way of saying it) trying to dumb down the material in a way that doesn't come off as patronizing to laypersons.

Where it becomes a problem is when the popsci faggots think their ability to translate research for laypersons makes them equivalent to actual researchers or puts them in some kind of special position to dictate what government policy on research should be. NDT is particularly bad about this, and buys into his own PR too much.
The problem is that normies now think these entertainers are top of the field experts and associate their likeness to scientific authority, leading even worse retards like musk or the hundreds of "science" channels on youtube also gaining credibility. Pop science has made people stupider
Tyson nuggets tranny confirmed?
he the zestiest man in science

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If you have a high enough IQ, science, religion and philosophy are all one thing. Midwits cannot grasp this simple concept
I wanted to knee jerk disagree but then I realized it's true

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this but unironically, gravity as mainstream physics currently understands it is all wrong, the dark matter issue conclusively proves that. einstein's model is trash that should be regarded as nothing more than an outdated primitive superstition.
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>now im just a noooticer and racist
Never stop being based.
lmao. the problem with gravity and dark matter is that idiots think dark matter is real. Einstein's math is even better than most people realize. Which should come as no surprise since it is literally right all of the fucking time.
Meds, but one thing is sure, gravity still remains quite an elusive to us, despite having one of the most potent and impressive theories on it.
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i can tell you're emotional and upset from your use of profanity, but it makes no difference how angry and demanding you get, you're still wrong. the universe isn't going to change itself just because your angry at reality and you are deeply mentally ill if you think it will just because you screech the f word

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Why are midwits so obsessed with the idea of nuclear energy when renewables have easily eclipsed them in nearly every way possible over a decade ago? Is it just the "i hecking LOVE science... stupid greenpeace hippies don't understand how safe nuclear is..." identity factor? Imagine spending over a decade to build a nuclear plant that costs 15x more than the equivalent amount of solar panels and battery capacity added together. There's a reason why neither China or the US does that at any real scale anymore.

Then when you point this out it's all "molten thorium small scale nuclear fusion reactors are just around the corner, just wait, they just need more funding," when you could just be developing solar and wind farms instead.
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hey bub my whole hecking family died of pulmonary failure working in the local coal mine and we are damn proud of it
>AI will fix everything
>you could just be developing solar and wind farms instead.
Working great for Texas, California and Europe innit fucking faggot
I say let's shoot all the nukes humanity has into each other and watch the fireworks. We are going nowhere anyway, stuck on this backwater planet fighting for resources like fucking animals. We could have one moment of wonder and eternal peace.
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>wind turbine not designed to be able to withstand wind

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>NASA says atmospheric CO2 would have to go to over 3500ppm before it would make a noticeable difference in the climate
Whats the absorption limit of CO2, how does that work? Does anyone here know?
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Actual high intelligence post
>I need to know where you got that information, it's blatantly false and either a misprint or out of context in some way
>This can only be explained by the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Most of the CO2 on Venus is supercritical, not in gas form.
Jupiter reaches temperatures in excess of 20.000ºC, that has to do with the physics of dense gasses, it has nothing to do with solar inputs. Climate science students are too dumb to learn physics so they don't understand thermodynamics
>Imagine being so retarded that you thought dense gas provided infinite energy

What are some ways we can conserve energy? Visual processing apparently uses half of the brain’s energy, and the brain already uses like 20% of the body’s energy. Should we just close our eyes when we don’t need to be using them?
kill yourself
Right, meditation is just active rest. Minimize visual and audio processing, and minimize thoughts. I guess the question would then be which type of meditation is best for this. If you feel like you’re exerting yourself in trying not to think, then you’re just wasting energy and not saving it. Maybe body scanning is better

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Why is the IQ of college students today so much lower than it was in the past?
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it was just a matter of time once they realized the potential of the student loan scam
how do people with no jobs, no credit history and no collateral get six figure loans?
>IQ isn't really real
All through the magic of jewish usury
Its really more currency debasement than usury, the loans are powered by the money printer.

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How does science justify this?
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>I'm fine with taking those additional vaccines
Oh... okay.
yea, they get meningitis instead lmao
if you dont have a problem with 5 vaccines i dont see why you would have a problem with 30. if your doctor recommended 30mg if penicillin would you be like “woah, 30? isnt that a bit high? cant we just do like 5mg?”
I had already taken a fuck ton of shots at that time. Also had to take safety precaution rabies vaccine cause some pitbull got me in the hand. what can 5 more shots do lol.
>30 shot
they're optional and will probably require multiple appointments to take them. why should I bother if they're not mandatory?
that vaccine miraculously does nothing to prevent meningitis.

Is this true?
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Exactly. East Asians would still be at a medieval level for another 5,000 years if they hadn't been impacted by the West.
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She looks like she eats grass and apples out of people's hands
and greedy
>That flag
>That scarf
>That gender
Sorry lady, I only get my physics from old Jewish guys and the occasional Anglo.
First laugh out loud today. Suicide postponed.

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Its now official

Affected vaxxxxies to possibly be paid millions in pharma gibes if their court cases wrap up before they die


>AstraZeneca admits for first time its Covid vaccine CAN cause rare side effect in tense legal fight with victims of 'defective' jab
>AstraZeneca has admitted in court for the first time that its Covid jab can cause a deadly blood clotting side effect.
>Lawyers representing the claimants believe some of the cases could be worth up to £20m in compensation.
>Cambridge-based AstraZeneca, which is contesting the claims, acknowledged in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February that its vaccine 'can cause TTS'.
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What the frick man
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sorry but it was suicide.
no refunds, no gibs
reminder that 'long covid' was coined by a jewish NYC hospital just when people started to wonder about long term vax side effects
>but what about the long term covid side effects goy?
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>gibes me dat $20 million vaxxxie reparations mufffugguh!
>gibes me dat moni fo free!

Aspiring doctor brain dead after friends pushed him into lake knowing he can’t swim


An aspiring medical student was left brain dead last month when his friends pushed him into a Louisiana lake knowing he couldn’t swim — and then looked on while doing nothing to save the drowning man, according to a report.

Shocking video shows the group casually peering into the water moments after they shoved Christopher Gilbert off the dock at Lake D’Arbonne in Farmerville on April 14.

At least one woman can be seen slowly entering the water before abandoning the rescue mission.

It was another 10 minutes before a patron at a nearby restaurant intervened and yanked Gilbert back to land — just in the nick of time.
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Blacks have higher bone density, smaller trunk size with smaller lungs, more muscle and less fat. All these things make them less than ideal floaters. It really isn't that much about swimming as a skill, their bodies just sink, even more so if they are fit.
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i agree since i lost those friends when i turned 30. no point found by them to use logic, to use reason. it was all a play on a stage to them, actors and actresses, saying nothing. exit stage left!
one displayed consistent stupidity, as per the lack of interest in reason. he never realized anything about that. i told him he had no self respect. he left his phone w/ rubber case on top of a friends car who drove off for a 30 minute drive. it was still on it hilariously, got it back.
I've lived my whole life in a city located 50 km away from the sea, with a river running through it and a series of lakes nearby and i can't swim. In uni during swimming classes i was one of 2 people who couldn't swim among a ~hundred. I don't want to drown and generally see no reason why i would ever need to swim. I'm not from the US if it matters.
>I don't want to drown and generally see no reason why i would ever need to swim
I feel that knowing how to swim would decrease your chances of drowning
>I don't plan on getting in any crashes and see no reason why I need to have auto insurance

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I just took a WAIS-IV IQ test and it turns out my IQ is a measly 143. I was a bit sleep deprived and had heard some bad news just before taking the test, and got flustered and tilted halfway due to a poorly worded trivial question (two cakes can bake in 30 minutes, how long would it take to bake 8 cakes? I asked if all 8 could fit in the same oven because then it would be 30 minutes again, but the tester just ran out my time) but other than that I did my best. The highest I could've gotten with perfect conditions is probably around 146 or so. How do I cope with being such a massive fucking retard?
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Very unfortunate, you are true midwit tier. Blessed are the sub-80s, blessed are the super-160s. 80-100 and 140-160 have limited access to ancestral/instinctual knowledge so there is some hope for them. But everything in between is redditor, master's degree, adam ruins everything type smug garbage
Feynman got an IQ of 125. I'm sorry Anon but you've missed the sweet spot. Sorry you're a brainlet.
Sorry anon. You're not gonna make it.
you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media
why would you ask such a retarded question in the first place? you don't get any points for being a fucking smartass. you're just supposed to be a machine who answers questions as literally as possible.

also its over for you. as other posters have said, unless you have an iq of 1 in 30000 or above then your life is worthless

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Flood of Fake Science Forces Multiple Journal Closures
Wiley to shutter 19 more journals, some tainted by fraud

Fake studies have flooded the publishers of top scientific journals, leading to thousands of retractions and millions of dollars in lost revenue. The biggest hit has come to Wiley, a 217-year-old publisher based in Hoboken, N.J., which Tuesday announced that it was closing 19 journals, some of which were infected by large-scale research fraud. In the past two years, Wiley has retracted more than 11,300 papers that appeared compromised, according to a spokesperson, and closed four journals. It isn't alone: At least two other publishers have retracted hundreds of suspect papers each. Several others have pulled smaller clusters of bad papers.

Although this large-scale fraud represents a small percentage of submissions to journals, it threatens the legitimacy of the nearly $30 billion academic publishing industry and the credibility of science as a whole. The discovery of nearly 900 fraudulent papers in 2022 at IOP Publishing, a physical sciences publisher, was a turning point for the nonprofit. "That really crystallized for us, everybody internally, everybody involved with the business," said Kim Eggleton, head of peer review and research integrity at the publisher. "This is a real threat." The sources of the fake science are "paper mills" -- businesses or individuals that, for a price, will list a scientist as an author of a wholly or partially fabricated paper. The mill then submits the work, generally avoiding the most prestigious journals in favor of publications such as one-off special editions that might not undergo as thorough a review and where they have a better chance of getting bogus work published.
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>shit tier journal full of lies goes out of business
boo hoo
They should all go out of belly up, the whole journal system is a farce. Its existence allows non-scientist publishers to gatekeep science.
>make a billion dollar business out of publishing for the sake of publishing
>people start to play by those rules and focus on publishing instead of doing actual research
who would've thought
If you have to pay to publish in it - it's a scam.
The normal vanity press is at least honest about how and why they're publishing materials that are not commercially viable

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Is it true that far, far more animals die in order to produce vegan food than do to provide food for normal sane people? Has science ever bothered to count up the animals dead from all of the pest control operations that farms do?
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> if the vegan mostly eats apples, pears & grapes
You're describing an all sugar diet and a sure fire way to get diabetes and have constant diarrhea. Try eating only grapes for a week. You'll be begging for death.

A realistic vegan diet includes lots of legumes, which come from fields. A large fraction of the calories also come from vegetable oils, produced from crops that grow either in fields (e.g. rape) or in orchards (e.g. olives).
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>A realistic vegan diet includes lots of legumes
enjoy ur estrogen
Okay. All that other stuff, for what people? The ones that don't exist or live unnatural hellish lives with shit tier diets? Cool. Thank you, anon. All the shit you just said can be made on LITERAL wastelands instead.
It isn't necessarily wrong just like proving the pythagoras theorem isn't necessarily wrong. A truly remarkable statement.
which part of the brain is that

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