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They spent 88 billion? Gimme some sort of source for that. I hate the government and think it wastes money, but even to me that sounds hard to waste.

>then how were they able to spend $88 billion on a $500million telescope?

because the DoD has a bottomless budget and can do whatever they want without having to justify it to congress every two years. You are not arguing seriously and are trolling.

This is bait, you are just pretending to be retarded. But I'm a miscast and I'll bite.

Ares I
Ares V
Earth Departure Stage (Constellation)

Project Prometheus
Toggle the table of contents

Space Technology 3
Space Technology 4
Earth Observing 2
Earth Observing 3 (GIFTS)

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NASA and the Department of Defense have separate budgets.
idk, they need to hire some of those boeing engineers, like the white men who wrote MCAS, that'll work so much better

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do you look like a scientist?
I showed this to some children of color and I got beat up

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Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?
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Real science is really hard.
And people have to eat.
So after decades of failures frustrated scientists start peddling pseudophilosophical bullshit to the masses to earn a living.
Some of them may even believe their own bs - contrary to the popular belief, old people are dumb - you may have more experience and knowledge collected through your life, but regardless - your brain and mental capacity degrades over time.
Metaphysics is just theoretical physics.
Which your picrel is not.
science strongly appeals to the mentally ill, particularly to narcissistic know-it-all types
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They must in order to survive. It was bad enough when it was just publish or perish, but schizos are calling long shots. The sciences only defense mechanism is to say a little bit of everything so they have their own schizo army and correct predictions.

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Female ferrets, once they're mature enough to breed, will become extremely ornery and violent if they aren't bred. If they go on long enough without being inseminated, eventually the estrogen buildup in their bodies becomes so severe that it will kill them, they become lethargic once its really bad and then die of anemia. So inability to breed is a death sentence for a female ferret. I doubt this is unique to ferrets, but I haven't studied the issue.
It seem likely, judging from their behavior, that human females go through something similar, although not severe to the point of death. Inability to breed seems to turn women into massive bitches and I get the impression that birth control pills mitigate that kind of hormonal activity.
So my theory is that if you know a girl who is a massive bitch and she isn't on bitch control of getting fucked regularly then thats probably because she wants to be inseminated, craves it desperately.
Is there any actual scientific research thats covered this topic?
I don't know much about it outside of my familiarity with ferrets and my experiences with women.
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anon this applies to stupid people in general, I hope you know that
fuck christoids
and also ignorant people
I mean they're basically synonymous and they're not all christians. In fact there's probably an even distribution between christians and non christians. I'm more willing to believe that more atheists are stupid than religious people, personally.
>anon this applies to stupid people in general, I hope you know that
And stupid people are more likely to be devoutly religious.
>In fact there's probably an even distribution between christians and non christians
There isn't. It's been studied to death too. Also it has numerous long-term historical attestations.
Napoleon famously pondered on why his sponsored scientific team were less devout than he was because naturally he expected the most devout Christians/Jews to be given privy insider knowledge by God.
Abrahamics are routinely surprised or disappointed when non-believers or agnostics live longer or are more intelligent/gifted.
In a way I feel sorry for them.
>Be female
>Hit puberty
>Half of all people you meet pretend you're interesting and useful
>Get first crack at college applications, job offers, etc.
>People buy you gifts and do whatever they can to make your life easy just for a minute of your attention
>Sometimes complete strangers will send you money over the internet just for being there
>Get showered with compliments and attention so constantly you take it for granted, it even gets kind of annoying
>Turn 30
>It all disappears in an instant
No wonder they all go nuts.

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scientifically, shitalians disgusting
I like Italian women, stop being racist to beautiful women you faggot.
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get killed nigger.
Shitskin lmao
>green veins
yeah you're not brown at all.
>computer says 2019

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The reason none of the remaining Millennium prize problems in math haven't been solved is because a million dollars is not worth the trouble. It would literally be more enticing if you didn't get any money at all.
Have*. Whoops double negative.
No it’s because solving them wouldn’t help you bomb other countries more easily
P vs. NP could
they should increase the prize to like 100 million each. then maybe it's worth the hassle needed to solve them. greedy mathematicians that are at the level who can potentially solve those can work for a quant fund and make 7 figures per year.
mathematicians that aren't greedy aren't solving them because they have a life.
Yeah and it's also an insult to receive that much for so much work and humiliating to collect the inevitable giant cheque.

The scientific method was used and the official science man was in charge of the science been established up in here. White monkey ass, yeah sorry not sorry that just science
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no it isn't
you only think that because you can't help projecting your own racial hatred only other people. get some self control, everyone else isn't like you are.
Why does he hate whites so much? The planetarium that gives him a $500,000 annual salary was founded and is entirely funded by whites.
They give him that money because he shills the white genocide agenda for the people who give him the money.
The jews started the transatlantic slave trade nearly 400 years ago and its still going strong to this day
I think God put them on earth so that we can criticize ourselves through them.

Littering, loud, obnoxious, vile and violent often with no purpose. That's white people on earth.
That's (most) blacks in their societies.
It's a funny joke from God where he puts us in a place of judgement and dominion over them like He is over us, and the problem won't go away until we ourselves stop being noggers on this earth. Makes perfect sense.

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Alright /b/ I'm going to need some Adderall to finish my PhD. How would you get it in the US without a prescription these days?
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It's easy enough to just make
You can buy it on the darkweb but it's expensive as hell, you're better off buying speed and micro-dosing it.
what is the point of any of this?
>be in this room
>know this person
>hack fraud level of competence understands ADHD can be missed in childhood.
Not shit, Sherlock (this is the fiction character you are this time around).
I was only diagnosed with ADHD as an adult as well. I was speaking of their being ADHD *symptoms*, not a diagnosis.

>I only bit my nails & daydreamed :))))))
No, you didn't, fag. First of all just because this is the limit of your introspective ability top self-diagnose doesn't mean it's the limit of a psychiatrist's spective ability as well. There are vectors you probably aren't even cognizant of are thing. For example, did you often submit your worksheets with bent corners? How often did you doodle on them?

During the appointment, were you kinda uncomfortable on the chair? Like, instead of shifting your body mass once the entire 1 hour appointment, did you shift it thrice?

There are also null results which are significant because they just never apply to you. Did you earn many proverbial gold stars for conscientious work?

The doc went by shit like this. Not your shallow-ass self-reporting.
Ask the tired cashier in your local retail shop. They know the society around (You) better than any local politician ever would.

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previous thread >>16113091

This is one of the boards newest generals. Fairly high activity due to edge lords trying to be funny but instead spreading facts about the absolute state of our world.

Intro stats is fairly easy, intermediate stats come the programming and we have already have several battles about what language is the best in the thread. Nobody uses SAS funnily enough, SPSS has had some people trying to joust the edgelords who are into R and C++, while the stata children are silent as usual.

Come one, come all. State your dumb questions, /pol/tardy or not. Some fairly useful and funny math is showcased in this thread.
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What are we talking about, like continous time series, operations research or just stuff like net sales, COGS etc?
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Is this statistically significant
I don't have a background in SDEs yet, so any rec would be appreciated. I'm mostly interested in studying stochastics in the field of differential geometry, cause that is roughly my area of work. I've heard talks about the Wasserstein metric, but that is kind of too specialized for what I want to learn. I'm roughly interested in studying "probabilistic" (pseudo-)Riemannian metrics and their induced curvature tensors, geodesics, etc. with an emphasis on stabilty. But I'm not even sure if people study this, or if studying it makes sense. Just feels like it might be interesting.
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction by Liu and Rockner.

It's mad alright, but about as good as I've found for a textbook rather than just reading 10 million separate papers.

Honestly your best bet is just a simple stochastic processes book which then goes into stochastic calc. The classic one everyone recommends is Springer GTM 113.

I really don't have much differential geometry experience beyond self-studying Lee's Smooth Manifolds book almost a decade ago, so I really don't know how much there is in terms of relating the two fields.
show me the regression tables?

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> Later that year, he attended advanced math classes at Cooper Union until he changed colleges in 1971.[27] From September 1971, he attended the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University studying mathematical physiology, but left without receiving a degree in June 1974.

What would have his math career looked like?
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>oy vey, stop noticing the corruption in academic science goy!!!!
>datz anti-semitic!!!
What kind of researcher did sex offender Jeffrey Epstein like to fund? He told Science before he died
oh crap, science itself has been tainted by the homosexual pedophile mossad demon CIA cult!
Go back to /pol/, loser.
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>liking sexually mature girls with curves, fat in all the right places, lips and body hair makes you a pedophile

What happened? I thought we were the science.
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>plants cannot keep up
Cool. If only the trannies stop chopping tree down. It's a fake problem that can be solved extremely easily.
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I'm the tranny chopping down your trees. Did you want to say that to my face or do you want to buy my lumber while the government sells me the rights to cut down more forests?
>Unironically invest in nitrogen based fertilizer.
Nitrogen fixing plants become more efficient nitrogen fixers when they have more CO2 available to work with.
Kek was about to post this

I'm sure some dudes would be into it
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What's the scientific reason why an obviously fraudulent research get published and was under suspicion for a decade but only recently get retracted?
>duplicated image patches
>811 citations btw
lmao, their whole field is so fake and gay that possibly thousands of "experts" read this paper and none of them bother to check.
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yep, they're worthless
>0 discoveries of meaningful use
if they make a discovery thats useful, it doesn't get published, nobody is going to give away a lucrative discovery for free, anything useful would be kept secret until it could be commercialized by the discoverer or sold
The soience faggots sweep all evidence of their dishonesty under the rug because the reason they're employed is to shill lies. Thats why they never address the issue
>nobody is going to give away a lucrative discovery for free
the real scientists in the previous centuries did give all for free.
albert einstein charged nothing, newton charged nothing. mathematician, physicists and computer scientists gave all the knowledge for free. in fact in computer sciences most research are open sourced and source code published.
it's only a certain new breed of "scientists" in certain fields that are subhuman greedy money seeking frauds.

Why is science dying?
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1-2IQ points/decade = Africa teir in 300 years. Civilization will collapse from lack of civil engineers (~115IQ). We can already see cops no longer operate satisfactorily, that's because they're a standard deviation (~15IQ) above average IQ. 1SD above average IQ in the 1880s was 130. Now it's 115.

The tail ends of the bellcurve are heavily impacted by small changes in avg IQ. When your population loses 15IQ points, people with 145 IQ become as rare as 160s. People with 160IQ stop existing.

School teachers today have 115 IQ. In the 1880s they had 130. Today that's a university prof. Shit's totally fucking fucked mate, big time.

This civilization will collapse, there's so little time left. Perhaps there's a tiny chance given we've access to genetic engineering but I doubt it. Not the end of humanity, just like romans and all the other civilizations there will be others. But we'll see at least 1000 years of dark ages before our genetics are restored to the point we can do complex civilization again.

I recon we'll break the cycle next time: Free market genetic engineering = eugenics program that works. Imagine trying that now tho, trying to convince subhuman socalists to both have a free market (antithetical to socialism) and improving people's genetics (antithetical to socialism).

Socialism is definitely a civilizational poison resulting from dysgenic mutants trying to destroy humanity out of spite.
>Before the jews literally mindfucked the US for the sake of ethno-religious objectives.
>Turns out Jesus really did a fucking number on us
what the fuck are you talking about? He had/has nothing to do with the populations of India or China or Indonesia or Bangladesh or any of those places being ten times what they should be and Western NGOs largely run by jews are the ones pulling African excess births into the western world
>Why is science dying?
I'm sure shoving women and melanated individuals into it en masse has nothing to do with it
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Look at this shit. How is science different from voodoo priests saying voodoo is proven true because another voodoo priest said so? Or a Wikipedia article saying something is true because Salon said it’s true and Salon said it’s true because Wikipedia said it’s true? (Someone initiated the circular reference and then it becomes self-perpetuating)

Science is in salvageable and scientists are net negative impact 105 iq assburgers thinking they’re much smarter than they really are. They also believe they’re at the end of history at any given moment, again because of midwitism. This allows them to justify any atrocity, and never consider any evidence outside their established narrative.
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wrong, they all have a conclusion section at the end which is the only part anyone ever reads outside of the abstract
>University is an intelligence predictor
no it isn't, college students are 100 IQ midwits
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Correct, university students are predictably all midwits and compliant and easily manipulated midwits is what employers want
I work at uni ... Yes, this is exactly what needs to happen.
school was never hard, you're just too lazy and entitled to do your homework and study, snowflake. going to school is what children do, its not challenging or difficult in any way, the teachers tell you what to do to succeed, all you have to do is follow their instructions.

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Why do male feminists have a higher rate of erectile dysfunction?


>Men's Feminist Identification and Reported Use of Prescription Erectile Dysfunction Medication
Because they have bigger penises, and additionally do not get a heightened heart rate when seeing a woman naked on account of all the sex they have.
Rightoids can boast of neither.

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