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>Black hole
*Counterspatial sink

We have.

It makes sense that they focus so much on them. It's an object where our best theories of the universe break down. The presence of singularities in the formula usually indicate that you have taken the math too far. Finding places where our theories might be wrong is the essence of science.
Why do chuds like to post here so much?
what is it about black holes that makes them the number one most popular popsci topic of discussion amongst the brainlet soience fangoys?
is it the comic bookish aspects of the spectacular, unrealistic and completely non disprovable conjectures which go along with the topic that make black holes so popular amongst the scientist posers and wannabes?

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wrong board

Moomin edition

Last thread
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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Please recommend me an Anki deck for biochemistry.

Take into account I'm interested in it for veterinary purposes(small animals).

I don't know if there's any difference between Animal and human biochemistry(I'm an idiot).
What do you want to do in medicine? I would apply to high ranking schools as well as midrank and some state schools with that MCAT. That's a fine score.
And talked to your dreams
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>Be me
>Second year fag
>Constantly defend psychiatry both AFK and in this basket weaving forum
>Actually reached the point where I need to go to a psychiatrist
>Nigger doesn't look a single moment away from his laptop, never even looked at me more than a second
>15 minutes later I get a piece of paper signed by that kike that allows me to buy my meds
>Take them, feel a couple of hours of good times (or at least, decent times), a raging boner and then spend the next 12 hours thinking some glowie CIA faggot is going to bust a cap in my head
FUCK psychiatry. I guess that at a societal level it has the useful purpose of not putting psychotic patients in prisions or "normal" hospitals but the treatment sucks ass.
Yeah I'm not over that hill myself but I largely agree with this. Another thing that is important is that newbies have to learn to put in the long hours like you never had to do before, but don't wear yourself out too much, sleep and whatnot.
Here's one I didn't know about, found on the simple wikipedia page:
Lipoid pneumonia

"Chemical pneumonia
Chemical pneumonia (usually called chemical pneumonitis) is caused by chemical toxins such as pesticides, which may enter the body by inhalation (breathing in) or by skin contact. When the toxic (poisonous or harmful) substance is an oil, the pneumonia may be called lipoid pneumonia."

because there's no way this guy could say something so stupid without being paid. Highly likely this is the case though, because just a few months after attempting to sell SLS as an alternative to Starship, he has a video hanging out with the ULA CEO. I guess youtubers don't need to declare sponsorships when the company is owned by lockheed and boeing.
>it's not efficient
What the fuck does this guy think efficient means? If Starship pans out then it'll deliver 100 tons to the moon. The only thing all the extra refueling missions will cost is fuel. By the end of the mission, you'll still have all those rockets. With SLS/Orion you're throwing away an entire rocket just to send a metal tent to the moon- which we already did 50 years ago!
The point of the SLS is to use the ULA to funnel money from the federal government to state governments. No one making the decisions cares if it ever gets to space.
Dustin is either a moron or paid, probably both.
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>Starship in these regards is a solution looking for a problem (ironically like a lot of space advocacy in general).
Completely agree. That's why I'm not bothered by SpaceX's actions. It's a strong possibility that the entirety of the space industry only exists because governments steal people's money and waste it on space. That is to say there isn't an economical reason to go to space yet. Though I do hope our economy/technology has reached the point where that's no longer true.

Of all the stuff the government wastes stolen money (your taxes) on, I think 10,000 ton rockets are pretty cool.
He got a ride on a boomer sub. They don't do that for just anyone.
Over here, Germany, i have to pay monthly around 18 Euros to finance most worst, dumb idiotic primitive unwatchable state propaganda thinkable. It sucks out around 90% for pensions and "administration" which is a useless apparatus every communist state will be jealous about. That retarded paid shill do it for "free". Compared to the productions quality over here it is way better and informative too, beside the dumb propaganda. Sure that's relative, but could be way worst.
The whole point of starship is completing Musk's autistic dreams of colonizing Mars.
Starlink and HLS are useful revenue and development programs to help fund and develop this endeavor. Musk does not give a shit if there as an economic case behind Starship - which this thread fails to realize. He will have Starlink paying for it. Alongside his incredibly lucrative F9 venture.
This has been known for years.
Two more weeks. Trust the plan.
>starship has yet to make LEO
easy way to spot someone disingenuous or gets their info from someone disingenuous
No it has not made orbit, flight 3 was slightly suborbital so in case the control systems failed, you wouldn't have a giant tube of space junk

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What is the equivalent of this for physics?
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LMAO, that is called cracking not decrypting.
How many books, courses and years would I need to learn all this stuff?
Enough to get a PhD in math and several years of research on top of that given that much of the stuff near the bottom is highly specialized.
Four color theorem is deep. Could not be solved other than by brute force by computer.
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speaking of

How is AI going to impact human civilization? This is going too far. The birthrates will never recover now.
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The current attention transformers may have plateaued (I don't think so) but the future is in analogue, continuous learning, forward-forward circuits. That curve has yet to start. Oh and they won't be clonable or backuppable, being analogue, hence they will be "alive."
Whether we can sex them is another question. I hope so.
Checked and based beyond belief. Thank you fren for rolling the future for us. I will leave this here as a tribute.
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/tremendousappropriatestoat (NSFW) (enable audio)
it's better to just get a puppy
I thought that was gonna be a news article on how puppies can improve mental health.
it's just gonna increase competition and make it more difficult to get anything done besides being a bug.
no utopia or cool cyberpunk dystopia, just more mundane warfare. war is hell.

"the pinnacle of warfare approaches the formless"
- sun tzu

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Hello, Eggheads.
E.G.G.M.A.N., Here.
I'm Performing an Experiment, Dubbed: The Memory Experiment.
It is an Investigation, into the Effects of Dark Flow, and How it Affects, the Nature of Memory, When Reality Itself, was Coming to an End.
So, I'd Like You to Remember, a Day, Before 9/4/2017, and Then, Remember, Any Day Afterwards.
Tell Me, If You Want, The Results.


-Dr. Philonius Eggman.
This Is a PURElY Scientific Question, With "Para"normal Implications.


I was psyched when trump won in 2016.
Yesterday was lame. I had a lot of driving.
Your MAIDFAG is evolving...

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Post math/science "facts" that make you mad when you hear them. I'll start.

>The Universe is infinite, so an infinite number of different versions of me must exist
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It could be true, but some people say it's necessarily true - that if something is infinite, it must hold an infinite number of permutations of every possible thing. But then you can have infinite sequences like 1,2,1,1,1,1,1.... where there is only one 2 and no 3's. And, for example, if you had an infinite number of chairs you would need an infinitely spacious room to hold them, but that room wouldn't necessarily contain a table.
If our universe were actually infinite and its properties were consistent all the way around, then it’s pretty hard to argue that there are NOT infinite planets with water, infinite planets with water that have life, infinite planets with water and intelligent life etc. etc. and even infinite planets where you made this exact post. We don’t really understand infinity because we’ve never experienced it or interacted with it, so we can’t really talk about it
Not reading that shit. But the title already gives it away: The claim that multiverses existed accompanied by the argument that this must mean several versions of 'one self' existed is something entirely different than claiming the (1) universe being infinite would lead to the conclusion of there being infinite versions of one self.
So: No one ever said that shit. Before OP here.
>According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly.
so not only are you a faggot, but you are also an illiterate faggot.
how horrifying

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Is it possible to geo engineer a forest in the desert? Like mutating a tree or new ways of getting water?
I mean, the saudis have the money if its actually possible
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Saudis dont have that much money. They are just hyped. Their oil exports bring them about 100 billion dollars, compare with Italy that exports 700 billion dollars. They just seem rich for nigger standards, plus the saudis one is likely to meet will be the rich ones.
UAE is unironically richer but its because of foreign investment. They have maxxed on PR and hobnobbing with the powerful
sure bud.
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Saudi arabia has a mountainous region near yemen that gets plenty of rain
Asir mountains in Saudi Arabia. All natural, this is not some govt project
probably not even necessary; I vaguely recall a documentary on the Arabian peninsula being a massive grassland a few millennia ago. it's got something to do with certain regional weather patterns created by all the different bodies of water around it; these patterns ebb and flow but basically puts the region between wet cycles and dry cycles.

don't recall the details

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What is "Cognitive Infrastructure"?
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Even if there was a conspiracy afoot, it illegal to say anything because that would be "hate speech"
thats part of the conspiracy
Congrats, you guys were lucky enough to be born at the beginning of the era of hybrid ideological-memetic-philosophical conflict. All the shit you're seeing - government agencies attempting to carefully control sources and pipelines of information, astroturfed meme campaigns, blatant retardation believed by millions of people (see the whole Q thing), truth getting drowned out by a firehose of obfuscating bullshit, memes from 4chan seeping into real political discourse - is part of an immense struggle between competing metaphysical structures, themselves far beyond the scope of any one person, entity, or group, but pervasive and influential enough to draw dozens or hundreds of such groups into their orbits.
If you see any of this as simply "the government wants to control the people" or "Country A is undermining Country B" you're missing the forest for the trees. Hell, if you see it as "multipolar strongman ideology versus American market liberalism" you're still thinking on too small of a scale. The people pulling strings behind the curtains are just as confused and caught up in the sweep of things as you are, they just have more powerful means to react to it all (though arguably this makes them less free than the average Joe).
If there wasn't a conspiracy it wouldn't be illegal to suggest there is one.

I've been away from school for a while. Took calculus of a single variable and linear algebra a while ago. Most of it was hand wavy. I'd like to get back to math but I feel I don't have the mathematical maturity to truly understand calculus. What are some good resources/books for learning discrete math, number theory, etc. to build the maturity needed to tackle calculus?
>build the maturity needed to tackle calculus
The /sci/ wiki has (IMO) good advice in this regard:
I'm in a similar position as you and have just finished working through Stewart's Precalculus after completing the exercises on Khan Academy. It took a while but I definitely feel a lot more confident now about all the math I learned in high school.
I'm now starting Chartrand's Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics as preparation before tackling Apostol's Calculus I and continuing on from there. I'm obviously a noob but so far the wiki's guidance seems to be really good.
Name something specific in calculus that you failed to understand. If you can't just study calculus. If you can we will help you with that.
For starters why is integral from 1 to x 1/t dt logarithmic? This was also my motivation for “retreating” to discrete math, to get a better grasp of summation since they’re heavily involved in proving integral properties.
I'm a brainlet too, I just end up reviewing Khan academy YouTube material whenever I forget about statistical stuff.
The area under the curve y=1/x between x=1 and x=2 can be stretched horizontally by a factor of 2 and shrunk vertically by a factor of 2 to get the area under the same curve between x=2 and x=4. Similarly it's the same as the area under the curve between x=4 and x=8, and so on. Same thing works for a base other than 2. That's the basic insight, and with a bit of work you can show that if the integral from 1 to x (x being positive and not equal to 1, and we lose nothing by making x > 1) is a, the integral from 1 to x^y is ay. Here y can be any real number, but it's easiest to prove it for natural numbers first; then you should be able to extend it to integers, rationals, and finally real numbers.

why does everyone hate him, I like listening to his show even if it retreads stuff a lot of the time :]
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He's not even the original black science man; that's my nigga Ronald Mallet
the inventor of watermelonium
>immediately things about sucking dicks for no reason whatsoever
i get that you are gay but i never even asked in the first place.
Einstein hated Chinks and Jeets and left us his notes to prove it.
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Upgrade your AstroPhysics and Historical Astronomical Cartography and various eccentric curiosities.



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>The highest regular use (16 percent) was recorded among U.S. adults who earned less than $24,000 per year, and those whose completed a high school education or less (13 percent).
>Almost half of Biden voters want to live someplace weed is legalized
>The consumption levels dropped nearly threefold with those who have advanced degrees and those who live in high-earning households.
>95% of people who make $180,000/year or more do not consume cannabis regularly

It's a fact. If you want to get ahead in life, you shouldn't be wasting time/money smoking pot.
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Music minus merit. There is no sustained melody hence it is not real music. Like 96% of people you lack the ability to feel the music and process melody and replay it in your head under perfect pitch. Instead, like most people, you simply relate to the lyrics and find them deep and consider it music only because there's a background of scratches, strums or beats. You're worse than a loser. You cannot think in the proper sense. You were impelled to share your discovery of le deep song because of evolutionary social memetic broadcast action responses. You feel as though this makes you unique and repudiates feeling like a loser but its sheer lack of musicality and your personal relation to the lyricism of it, simply proves that you are an NPC. Music isn't a matter of personal taste. 96% of people hear and feel music one way and 4% experience it an entirely different way. One of my favorite hobbies in real life is ridiculing the musical tastes of a drunken individual, equating the artist to trash, denigrating the composition, finally levying the enjoyer is flawed for liking it, and watching the rage and seething that ensues. You would be among them.
post song


The Apocalypseis the feeling you have when you finally realize what the rest of the future will look like.
Isn't it amazing how people who "trust the science" suddenly stop trusting it the second the science says that their addiction to illegal drugs is harmful.
cannabis is for non-nerds that like to use critical thinking
dont be a square smoke the weed
ive honestly had an enhanced life from it. in fact the first time i got high (it was with a sobe bottle gravity bong siiiiccckkkk braooo) i had intense euphoria that reset every 5 seconds. and other shit. highly recommend wasting your life on it
i had powerful close eye visual journeys - surreal extremely nuanced multicolor journey progressions, like through candyland for example -for the first 2 years. then it went away due to tolerance.

Will playing chess make me more smarter?
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What is the original purpose of that image?
Is "different but equal" a problematic outdated chud phrase they're cataloging very solemnly.
What did you say silly esl
If Napoleon Bonaparte were alive today, he'd be playing they Civilization games
I wouldn't be so sure.

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>Chinese decreases pollution
>Climate change gets worse

Uhh... science bros??

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