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Personalized mRNA vaccines are going to cure cancer making anti-vaxxers the biggest retards in the solar system
I want you to live forever.
i would consider a cancer vaccine but why would i want to incorporate mrna that just makes inflammatory spike proteins into my genome?
did they work out the kinks for the pauses that are supposed to be in the shit that gets made or what

that being important is what got someone a nobel prize
Wouldn't it be funny if mrna treatments didn't work if you've had more than one

what happens to fields of study if there's too much material to remember?
let's say they start including dark matter, higher dimensions and quantum entanglement into courses that are mandatory for a physics degree and a physics PhD. What about all the stuff that students are learning these days? they'll have to cram the new knowledge in as well in addition to the previous stuff
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no I got it
buy pass for your bot, bot passes captcha
>special case/search databases
Does this even exist? Anywhere else in the world the knowledge of law is not standarized and you can't find shit, you must know everything yourself or specialize in a topic.
May as well get rid of rule 14 then.

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I've seen two doctors now who have told me it's okay to take Zoloft (sertraline) while drinking tons of alcohol every day. The whole internet says it'll kill me. Who should I believe?
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fags always be claiming one can't x meds and booze because they fell for the cautionary tale that has a generic subject. Because folls can't be trusted with nuance or abstraction. Better be safe than sorry right ?
So: If no one can name the mechanism by which the combination harms you more than the compounded effects of each individually or at least provide data then theres no reason beyond caution to believe you shouldn't.
It won't do anything.
But you may get drunk quicker.
Also nausea may be a problem.
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Doesn't matter, take those antidepressants right now. They are good for goys.
Dodge the anti depressants buy better booze
Maybe he is a junky who gave up and wants to mix alcohol with antidepressants.
But I'd go towards moron.

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Its literally juat metaphysical interpretations of energy exchanges no different that Thermoeconomics professor or a Many-Moons Sage Witchress (penised).

All is One.
>or a Many-Moons Sage Witchress (penised)
Now you know why those people are running the Uni-Versity.

Meta-Physics only works with Empath-y or Aspergers++ people, Autism gets BTFO'd by it, normies are lost in its hyper vague-ness.

So fucking abstract to have almost completely contradictory definitions operating simultaneously.
fucking javascript, I swear to christ
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Base 1 is just tickmarks:

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>Chemists actually call this [math]H^+[/math]
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Potato, potato.
Oh please. You must be trolling. But I am very interested in how you solve fundamental issues surrounding >>16180737 . Does it always somehow travel with the observer ?
Why would a medium that exists everywhere need to move? I don't understand your question.
Everybody with a brain knows that electrons are just quanta of the electron field. Particle is just a label created out of convenience.
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This isn't a "number"

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Can /sci/ explain to me why having too much tylenol gives you autistic kids?
It doesn't.
can /sci/ explain to us why frogposting OPs are always bullshit?
>the mechanism of action of tylenol is unknown
great medication you have there maybe you should just give it to everybody with mild aches and pains

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Since IQ can't be increased what are good cognitive frames of thinking to make you smarter? Such as improving lateral/divergent thinking, and problem solving.
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>Since IQ can't be increased what are good cognitive frames of thinking to make you smarter?
It can
Drop Acid
I’m pretty sure you’re confusing it with the Quran
You could explore relativism, constructivism, interpretivism as cognitive frames. Use different viewpoints (and different cognitive frames) to discover different perspectives.

Further suggestions to improve divergent thinking and problem solving:

+ Get to know people who have quite different beliefs, experience, cultural backgrounds and qualifications/training than you do. Listen to them, talk with them or get to know how they are thinking.

+ Spend time living in a different culture or country (may help you become aware of some of your unquestioned assumptions/beliefs or your social conditioning).

+ Explore your own biases, subconscious beliefs/assumptions, feelings, emotions, intuition/instinct and the subcsonscious (e.g. via critical self-reflection, mindfulness or meditation).

+ Explore spirituality (may help you to connect and access fields of information subconsciously).
E.g. ask yourself: Who am I? WHAT am I?

+ Follow your interests and explore many diverse fields of knowledge (and diverse aspects of life).

+ QUESTION everything (common beliefs/knowledge/facts, your beliefs)

How do you know that IQ can’t be increased?

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The book specifically goes over experiments that heavily suggest the addition of new cells according to the observation of cells containing some sort of tracking drug that is used to observe the formation of new cancer cells. This is pretty explicit and the reason is obvious, because new cells are being formed. Some california school also came out with a study showing that damaged neurons revert to a transcriptional state or something where they can be reactivated to regrow themselves.

The question of whether or not SSRIs are antidepressants seems well documented, at least in that there is a marginal benefit that can't be overlooked by placebo. Never have I seen a more persuasive case for the antidepressant effect than in the simple case that we are organic learning machines and that if we don't learn things and receive positive feedback, our innate systems learn that it doesn't fucking matter to keep learning anymore. The "felt" outcome of this is depression.

I don't care to learn things written by "scientists". I think for myself, and I can accurately predict and understand phenomena that aren't understood by other people with very minimal input. I don't need to learn, because I guess ahead of time and look for validation that I'm right. The book I quoted in my post just happened to validate the things I already knew, that I wouldn't expect to get off the bat from orthodox "neuroscientists" who apparently can't even succinctly prove things that I was able to guess from reading about 30 pages of grey's anatomy and a handful of wikipedia articles. I have 0 respect for professionals because in my experience they are profoundly stupid and afraid to be right because it might impact their academic standing. That is why I will believe a pseudoscientific pop science author who links science with buddhism before debasing myself by stooping to believing in academia.
>meme made up by Malcolm Gladwell
Doesn't really matter. If you can run the gauntlet that is putting in suicide tier numbers in hours towards getting good at something you chaces of getting somewhere are better off. It's essentially a North Star for never giving up; if you're only willing to assess your progress in terms of 10,000 hour increments you'd be a freak of nature in perseverance.

The short cut is running the race the long way, with great patience and not getting bogged down by cheap and easy ways out. Work smart but also work hard and get ready to eat shit for thousands of hours.

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I have been researching prime numbers for over almost 1 year and a half now (well much less since I was slacking off for some moments).
I had gone deep down to the thicket of ergodic theory, topological algebra and profinite groups in order to understand and share new perspective on primes and their distribution in some irreducible small degree polynomials and yet I feel depressed and bored to the point that I can't finish writing the paper.
How do you force yourself to work after you achieve something and think about how much there is still ahead to complete?
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number theory more like numerology
Why, what's wrong with number theory?
as useless as impotent
I don't see it useless, at least cryptography-wise...
bout as useless as anything else

Why are hollywood writers so wrong all the time about math? The monty hall problem is such a popular piece of math and yet they cannot even understand it.
its most likely about digestability
hollywood is 'wrong' so often about such trivial things that you must come to the conclusoon it never was about being right, but about the picture, the story, the dialogue and so on... shocking I know.
In short they don't really need to, its just needs to look like what they're doing is complicated in the context of the film.
Its like that 4koma meme where someone is thinking with a bunch of highschool level math super imposed over each of the pannels
>Teacher: How do you know he's not tricking you, using reverse psychology by offering you another choice.
>Student: It doesn't matter, it's simple probability. 33% is the answer.
Except it does matter and completely changes everything. The probability is 1/3 only in the model where the presenter ALWAYS opens a door with a goat no matter what you choose.
However, if he's actually trying to trick you sometimes, for example in the model where he always opens a goat when you pick a car, but otherwise doesn't let you choose again, you NEVER want to switch. In this model, the probability of winning a car if you switch is 0%, and 100% probability of winning a car if you stay.
So if there's a possibility that the host is trying to trick you, the probability is no longer 33% but a complex combination of 33% and 100%, which could be whatever. The model is underspecified.

*ruins your week*
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Getting sick is literally a choice that losers make. Notice you never see winners being ill.
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*Fixes your week*
*Makes you healthy as a horse again*
If you throat burns like a mothefucker, saline nasal spray (not the medicated kind, just plain saline) can help a FUCKTON especially if you start using it at the earliest sign of a cold.
Try it out anon. It will be a game changer.
Common cold is le good. It makes hot girls produce a lot of snot.


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/sci/ is this accurate
I say it's bullshit but I can't see why
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If we scale it out OP's pic makes even more sense. The fighter can be moving twice as fast as the bomber but the bomber can still aim behind the fighter to hit it (aim at green area). If the fighter is far away enough it's speed becomes irrelevant
So here we can also see that any path that would allow the fighter to threaten the bomber is one that would require the bomber's gunner to aim behind it to hit (or to its left - which is the same thing)
You know, if you're just baiting, it's surely masterful. Few would be able to milk so much ill will out of something this stupid.
Are you sneakily complimenting yourself for keeping the con going so long?

Look, at the same time you were whining that it's impossible to explain the intricacies of Aryan Physics to me, someone else just posted this >>16179853 and engaged in conversation to clarify it, and even included the conditions under which you WOULD be correct.
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sweet video, thanks

But I have to support myself.

Serious: how do I find a lifestyle where I have no obligations but math? I know it's a fantasy, but I want it. I'm willing to compromise.

I'm just looking for ideas.

There is no better way to do math (or science) than to dedicate your whole life to it - that doesn't necessarily mean all waking hours spent on it, but it means spending the best parts of your day in deep work on math.
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Become a highschool teacher and do it in your free time
Commit crimes, read math in prison.
Teach highschool level math to convicts in the penitentiary with nothing *but* free time.

Solved. Score a hit on TV and change hearts and minds for the rest of your life.
>how do I find a lifestyle where I have no obligations but math
The tradtional route would be to get a PhD and then get an academic position, but getting a PhD takes longer than it did even a few decades ago and there aren't all that many academic jobs anyway. Thus the best way would be to find what available non-academic jobs use math and the most often and then get whatever qualifications you would need.

Get off 4chan Ted, you're dead.
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>how do I find a lifestyle where I have no obligations but math?
Being free from any financial obligations.
How do you get there? Study the problem with math and publish your findings.
Many of us here would be interested in the results.

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I have a question,. How much do scientists really know?

How do we know folks out there don't have answers of their own?

How do we know who to Trust?

How do we know they are telling us everything?
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Nobody likes a sore thumb, that's true.
Not many people know, this but

Some common research suggests that endothermic bacterial cell binders are not easily displaced by ,common, soaping and activity agents as

The binding reagent will stay preferentially with a thermal source, or will not react preferentially with an agent when the common binding strength is endothermic

Similar to bath mould in the common sense, some bacterial agents have preferential binding and growth mediums and are not easily displaced by common soaps and activity agents

Such as those which the common man could associate with say
"Deep-urinary tract infection" or kidney-urine binding agent
Which can often strain blood responses and activity

Such as with bath mould, what is appropriate is an endothermic reactive agent for displacement or activity. Urinary agents such as ethyromycin or dihydro-ergotamine and -arguabally some diuretic agents would be more effective in lifting such bacterial infections

Although such things have yet to be Proven. It is the common view that these things may not yet be fully understood
Sic. f.Aus.X
>How much do scientists really know?
No field of knowledge is complete, and there's a veil of ignorance regarding how much we don't know.
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truth is limited
fiction has infinite possibilities

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what ever happened with this?

website is still up yet it hasn't been updated since 2013.
no one?

What happens when they colonize space and rule it under a socialist colonial administration?
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Ah yeah, libertarians would never space someone who's inconvenient
So when you say "libertarianism is the only viable political system" what you mean is "I will literally murder you before sharing resources"
How are you not forcing people to live the way you want them to (or be murdered) exactly?
Fucking lolberts are always fascists in disguise.
You have it backwards.
This is kino

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