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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

After the NSDAP is elected, Hitler is unable to carry out the Night of the Long Knives, and is assassinated by internal opposition. In the year following the power struggle, Georg Strasser is now the Fuhrer of Germany. How does the fate of Europe change?
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I have a better scenario; what if the mongols conquered all the way from Gibraltar to the isle of java?

In fact what if the mongols conquered the entire world?

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What are the historical figures that make normies seethe the most?
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Probably that German guy with the mustache.
Do Maoists really count as people?
No, but interestingly that's not why people hate him now, that's only why mainland China hates him.
Him BTFOing Taiwanese nationalists has pretty much made him on par with Hitler in Taiwan and they HATE him there, which is so retarded it's unbelievable.
Who hates CKS other than actual commies
>Who hates CKS other than actual commies
Taiwanese left-wing nationalists think he's pretty much on par with Hitler

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Muhammad was based prove me otherwise.

You can't.
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Eats poisoned food, even though he supposedly knew it was poisoned. Dies from it later.
Cloths covered in cum stains.
Goes to a temple that didn't exist.
Thinks the devil sleeps in your nose.
Thinks the sun goes to a resting place outside of our universe when it sets.
Publicly urinates in suppsed holy place.
I'm not watching your video, summarize the points or fuck off.
Wasn't rape, they were married.
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> O believers! Do not enter the homes of the Prophet without permission ˹and if invited˺ for a meal, do not ˹come too early and˺ linger until the meal is ready. But if you are invited, then enter ˹on time˺. Once you have eaten, then go on your way, and do not stay for casual talk. Such behaviour is truly annoying to the Prophet, yet he is too shy to ask you to leave. But Allah is never shy of the truth. And when you ˹believers˺ ask his wives for something, ask them from behind a barrier. This is purer for your hearts and theirs. And it is not right for you to annoy the Messenger of Allah, nor ever marry his wives after him. This would certainly be a major offence in the sight of Allah. (33:53)


Historically, what has prevented Brazil from becoming a first-world nation on par with European ones?
Not being white
They have a very powerful neighbor that makes sure the country stays a plantation economy.
Honestly? Race.
Explain. America had worse racial problems and they're the world power.
here's my attempt at an actual answer.

In essence, Brazil in the 19th century was comparable to the southern US states in the same period: an agrarian slave economy, which meant that a significant chunk of the politically influential would always be against anything that eroded the power of those who owned slaves and plantations (i.e. industrial development).

the real nail in the coffin imo was Dom Pedro II being overthrown, and the politics of dictatorship permanently stunting Brazil's development ever since.

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Historically speaking, by what right do government have to tell their citizens what to do? Is it might makes right, or is it something else? Should citizens have the right to tell their government what to do?
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>Basically, they need to obey some degree of morality to actually exercise any lasting might, which means that in the final analysis, the true might is that of God, not the guy with the gun.
mfw reading this absurd cope
Whats the context of this photo
government is just organized crime with (slightly) more social legitimacy. governing a person is morally criminal, just as much as owning them or killing them. government is evil.
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Just move to Palestine.

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That involves reading and people don’t read here. Maybe if one day there’s a paradox video game about philosophy then there will be a philosophy thread.
if there's no philosophy on the philosophy board the where is it? /fit/?
Philosoyphy is secular religion.
There's more philosophy posting on /lit/ than I've seen on here

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I accept you're lazy.
Doesn't that contradict Jesus in John 14:6?
if we convince you that hell is real then we get to take your land and control you on the threat of sending you there
how come the religion that your mommy and daddy happened to believe in when you were born the One True Religion out of all the thousands that humans have believed throughout the millennia that came before and after it?
you're really that special and lucky and have the most special and lucky mommy and daddy ever?
Oh shit you're right, mommy and daddy happened to believe in globe earth that must not be true...

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Who on here has an ancestor that has fought in any major war in history?
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forgot pic lol
Not a major war, but my great grandfather fought in the Chaco War on the side of the Paraguayans
Captain Nicholas Wunder. Born in Fernheim, Germany on February 28, 1830. Served in the German Army before immigrating to the United States and serving in the Civil War. Fought at the Battle of Bull Run. Died in Passaic, NJ in 1910. I wish I had a photo or something
I should also mention that this was for the Union
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>Pierre Bacot (helped found the colony of South Carolina)
>some member of the South Carolina delegation who signed the Declaration of Independence (I forgot which one)
>John Ross (Chief of the Cherokee)
>Cynthia Ann Parker (Indian abductee and mother of Comanche Chief Quanah Parker)
>one of the governors of the Oklahoma Territory prior to statehood
>Harry Truman (indirectly)

>You could trace your ancestry back almost 1000 years ago?

I know I'm descended from one of the clans that fought for Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn yeah. My knowledge beyond that is pretty limited though.

>What tribe did your ancestor fight for and why did they fight for them?

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I understand the system in Rome, where debtors could be enslaved by their creditors. The Roman state just allowed it to happen. Or overlooking debtors being killed by their creditors, and other similar activities that don't come out of the coffers of the state. But a debtor's prison, I don't understand. A king with his limited coffers is going to take up the responsibility to feed and house a debtor on behalf of a creditor that made the decision to make a bad loan? I could understand how private debtor prisons ran because the cost of running them wasn't coming out of the king's coffers. But not all debtor prisons were private.
How is this any more mysterious than prisons for burglars not being funded and run by home-owners that failed to secure their property sufficiently?
the government is evil, and is not particularly efficient. I hope that clears things up for you.

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Before the modern era, if you were from like a sheep village. You could get the wool from your sheep, buy up wool from others in the village. And then take a wagon to a city and sell the wool for a profit. You could work your way up to having a fleet of wagons that bought and sold wool from nearby villages to sell in a trade hub. You didn't need expensive horses to pull your wagons and could have them pulled by mules, donkeys, or oxes. You might even be able to buy a barge to transport bulk wool larger and more profitable hub.

Though, I'm aware it's not this simple. What I'm trying to point out is that historically opportunity could be everywhere. But nowadays the barriers of entry are so high, and unless you're going to be a junk peddler on Ebay or something it's hard to break in. When I see historical merchants, I envy that there was opportunity almost everywhere they looked.
with the exception of government regulation/taxes/etc increasing costs, there are still opportunities like this. I know a self-made millionaire who started out mowing people’s yards, and then just expanded gradually, hired more people to work for him, and now offers many different types of services to homeowners.

They wuz kangz
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Not helping your case here.
>They plot closer to middle easterns, nafris and southern europeans hahahaha
they don't plot ""closer"" to anybody
arabs fucked niggers and that blood went into some regions
NOBODY had any nigger admixture in 1 AD cause in pre christcuck world fucking a nigger is an unthinkable crime
Now we have two mentally ill people.
and now they be changz
made the nigerian nigger shut up kek

Why weren't their ancestors domesticated?
Meant to post this on /an/ fuck
>Their ancestors
This isn't a dog it's a misnomer, it's a 3 million years old hyena like predator, you don't play domestication games with predators, if you don't feed them they feed on you.
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>Why weren't their ancestors domesticated?

They were.
African wild dogs aren't dogs. They're not even in the Canis genus.

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Has there ever been an "abbreviated religion"? I was thinking about Sun Tzu's The Art Of War. Almost everyone can recall passages from it. It's only 46 pages (in english paperback form). Tzu managed to cram a lot of digestible easily understood wisdom into a very short length. Now compare that to religious texts. The Bible is needlessly obtuse. Just as a lot of alphabets were designed to be difficult to learn, thereby artificially creating upper castes and lower castes based on literacy, a lot of religious texts were written to be obtuse, verbose, and nebulous, necessitating trained priests to properly instruct their disciples.

It got me wondering. Has anyone ever created an "abbreviated religion", a very short text of very simple understandable approachable guidelines and stuff like that? Something more than the Code Of Hammurabi or The Ten Commandments, but vastly less voluminous than The Bible / Koran / Torah etc. A religious text steeped in wisdom of similar volume to The Art Of War.
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>The Qur'an is like, 604 pages
Of repetitive, demonic garbage.
the dao de jing and works of chuang tzu are good simple aphoristic writing, simple labourers and farmers could grasp those truths
Not that guy, but I think most self-help books are more about lifting people's self-esteem and making them believe they're capable of doing big stuff than feeling that they can be in connection with the universe or that they should learn to be good and humble. I feel like certain books, such as Epictetus' Epitome and certain devotion works written by Christian saints (like St. Thomas a Kempis' The Imitation of Christ) fulfill a similar purpose to what he mentioned, but the Bible and the Vedas do not.
>stories about historical narratives
Do you know what board you are currently on?
yeah afaik Taoism is the closest religion to what OP is looking for. especially considering he wants something similar to Sun Tzu

>Well Anon, you had better take your leave, you can hardly expect me to paint Mademoiselle Tilly in the nude with you standing there leering at us.
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She has a bit of a double chin and droopy eyes. She’s the least striking of the trio by far.
Man the thought of fucking them all on that rug is made even more erotic by the prospect that, with enough money, I could have done exactly that.
>by far
Hardly by far. I think what you find unattractive about her is the black dress, which indicates that she's "used goods" because she's in mourning over presumably a late husband
>used goods
They’re all literally prostitutes anon, they’re all used goods.
I could have saved them.

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