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Genuinely curious: why is India so unhygenic? Does it have something to do with the caste system?
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So do the Japanese
Mostly poverty/ignorance that comes with being a developing country. Now that they’re industrializing there’s a lot more garbage.

Also most of them don’t have any moral qualms about pollution so it’s not their problem.
Saar there is no need to lie
Hence why der Führer designated them honorary Aryans, try to keep up.
I still wanna burn my nose down there and inhale deeply, sorry pajeet.

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>Want to OWN the CHRISTKEKS and follow TRUE germanic religion?
>Just 3 small payments of $45.95 goy (plus tax)

Is this meant to make your religion relevant? Just looks like a grift to me. Meanwhile Christians and Muslims give their holy books out for free
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>TRUE followers stay hidden (even doe we are a secular society with religious freedom)
I can use the same argument for the beliefs that dominate the West.
Are there better Christians who use social media or those who are more discreet? furthermore, false analogy. paganism no longer exists, regardless of secularism or not.

>TRUE followers dont have temples, they use le groves (even though temples are well attested in the ancient record)
Again, the use of temples in the ancient world was necessary, but not REQUIRED, they are different things, the fact that there were no temples does not imply that we cannot honor the Olympians

>Pagans are le fastest growing religious group (despite being only 0.00001% of the population) (despite most people who identify as pagan are LGBT Wicca types)
no serious pagan says that.
we will always be less than 10% of the modern population.
however, should I really show female and gay dominance in churches? Christians themselves are clear that Christianity is in crisis.
doesn't he look like an actual soijak?
I have no idea who this is or why anyone should care.
Yes, religious and other subjects are not for women, especially women who don't have a uterus, get out of here
So you don't know either, got it.

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>Marriage 1 male & 1 female only
>Legal age: 16 years for males and 14 years for females
>Sex for Reproduction Only
>Have as Many Children as Possible
>No Pre-Marital Sex
>No Divorce
>No Abortion
>No Sodomy (Anal/Oral)
>No Condoms, No BirthPills
>No Lesbian/Gay Sex
>No Incest
>Chasity a Virtue
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>priests are all kiddy-diddling homos
no thanks
That is a Roman Bishop. You’re not making any sense.
The German synod routinely threatens schism because of stuff like this. When someone who is in communion with Rome teaches doctrine contrary to Rome it doesn’t mean that Rome is teaching that doctrine; anymore than Luther or Zwingli’s teachings (before formal schism) would be Rome’s teachings. That is the bishop of Aachen, a member of that synod. He is not a Roman bishop, he is a German bishop, in communion with Rome.

Because they can’t abolish orthodox teachings, “reformers” just do what they can to work around orthodoxy (and schism if ever directly opposed). Pope Francis likely either tacitly supports this and tries to be vague on LGBT issues to give them greater freedom via more bendable rules; or he is concerned that too much opposition might cause a schism. However, the core orthodox teachings of the Vatican remain intact.

Throwing shade at a wordwide church with over a billion members of highly autonomous bishoprics for the heterodox teachings of one or another bishop is just silly; especially considering how heterodox most protestant congregations are (or the diversity among EO bishops for that matter, who disagree on basic stuff like baptism).

Here’s some info on the German synod and how they’re basically attempting to build a national church so they can get women clergy and gay marriage without the Pope’s approval.
So why do they still want connection to Rome? Power?

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>oh lawd forgive me! I saw an attractive woman and had NAUGHTY thoughts about her! I'm a EVIL FILTHY SINNER who DESERVES to BURN in the lava basement for the next 50 gazillion trillion years! Forgive me pwease!
Why do Christians talk like this? It sounds pathetic.
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I disagree. but you can find a woman beautiful without finding her sexually attractive == lusting after her.
most succint summary of christianity so far.
Look, any loving parent lights their children on fire when they are disobedient. That's how it works.
It’s hard to get past Nietzsches take on Christianity. It sounds edgy at first but you can’t help but realize that he was right. It’s just resentfulness for weak people. Like commies or PC people getting mad over saying things like “oriental” to describe an Asian. In all honesty, the weird stereotypical leftist of today were probably what made up early Christianity. It sounds gay to compare Christianity with some stupid “woke movement” but it really is just that. Just weak people who take a masochistic liking to guilt and want to punish others who are successful.
Oh bros when will the world finally be free of the Nazarene?

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>Hey guys
>The first humans came from Africa, and native Americans were the first humans in the Americas.
>(no, don't look up Graecopithecus or the Cerutti mastodon site)
>haha k bye
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Graecopithecus is the only member of the “Graecopithecus” genus.

The three genuses under Hominidae are: Homo, Graecopithecus, and Pan. Homo and Pan branched off from the common ancestor much later than Graecopithecus did.
>Graecopithecus was Hominidae. Not Homo.
Well technically it's a Hominin with shared ancestry with Homo but no shared ancestry with Chimps, according to the most modern research.

>Homo and Pan branched off from the common ancestor much later than Graecopithecus did.
See above, Graecopithecus was found to have shared ancestry with Homo but no shared ancestry with Chimps, according to the most modern research.
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[makes an awkward sexual joke]
While you are trolling I do enjoy his reddit takes on smaller issues of academic consensus so much because on a lot of issues you can tell he doesn't totally buy into it, and it is enjoyable watching the little worm tap-dance. He's a terrible liar and it comes off very insincere, but he does have a deep desire to be taken seriously.

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So did Black people really contribute so greatly to Asian/White/North African civilization as historians claim?
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It's a fake image you retard
Lmao he basically carried Oda's purse for raughs
It won’t be if you give it enough time
Link to actual story? Or is this just a fake ragebait image?
The funny thing is that if you said European people helped build Japanese civilization, people would seethe, even though it's literally true.

Protestants still cannot demonstrate their doctrines of merit and satisfaction from the early Church. The fact of the matter being that the Church Fathers views on satisfaction, merit, and penance are closer to the Catholic point of view and contrary to the Reformed perspective.
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>The issue here isn't on initial justification
every verse and every quote on justification by faith alone you take, a priori of NOTHING, and claim it is only this mysterious "initial justification" as though Jesus' couldn't save you all the way.
There is no reason to do this other than if you don't, you are unequivocally proven wrong about everything.
continuing, the reason I say you have no prior reason to even believe in this thing called "initial justification"; it's nowhere in the Bible.
Anyone; man, woman, boy, and girl, knows that
>But to him that worketh not, but believeth
is present tense continual aspect.
It's not some thing that happened once as an initial justification, it's him that doesn't work, but believes.
Scripture is very clear about the transformative power of sanctification, we are "new creatures" in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Paul is also very clear that

1. that upon justification we are to die to sin and no longer be enslaved to it (Romans 6:5-6),

2. that those who do in fact sin after justification and do not live by the Spirit will not be saved (Romans 8:13),

and 3. that Christians who continue in obedience will lead be lead to life:

>Do you not know that, if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which LEADS to righteousness?
>But thanks be to God that you who were slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the form of teaching to which you were entrusted
>and that you, having been set free from sin, have become enslaved to righteousness.
>I am speaking in human terms because of your limitations. For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and lawlessness, leading to even more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, leading to sanctification...
... But now that you have been freed from sin and enslaved to God, the fruit you have leads to sanctification, and the end is eternal life...
(Romans 6:16-19; 22)

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>their positions is much too strong
True. Thank you.
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St. Paul is clear, justification is by faith alone. Cope.

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Is male rape as a form of corrective punishment technically sanctioned by the Bible if you would never dare to do it to a woman?
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that's not how the ancient hebrews interpreted it as nor the jews in the time of jesus
you're grasping at straws because you want cock
come to >>>/lgbt/ habib we welcome you there
>unclean lust
Going back to the premise from OP: what if people were to rape others not due to sexual desires, but rather as a form of punishment? There is nothing lustful about applying punitive measures in and of themselves.
>nothing lustful about having sex
the fuck are you even on about
>that's not how the ancient hebrews interpreted it
If the ancient Hebrews REALLY wanted it to be interpreted that way, they would've said so.
they uh

Why do you think third world countries are so rife with rape and misogyny?
Conservatism holds that women are only good for fucking and aren’t real people
That's a norm in many "enlightened" and upper skilled workplace environments.

Any bros studying history and humanities in university?
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>classics fags are always unimaginative
For real. Greece is the gruel of history and archaeology, everyone's over it.
Nah, doing electrical engineering
Archeology just collects the data for historians
>muh rocks and field trips!
Grow up. It’s up to the big boy historians to actually write and sell the books that translate your rocks into knowledge
Never went to college. Dens of neoliberal and leftist vermin. Would rather study on my own.
I don't go to university, too liberal

Do you think Gilles de Rais was a hero or villain? Explain your answer
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>Do you think Gilles de Rais was a hero or villain?


>Explain your answer

Had good taste if you catch my drift
Convicted under faulty means.
I want to write a novel
It'll have a framing story of a man who discovers a manuscript containing a play featuring the character of Gilles de Rais
yeah he's an interesting figure for sure

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When would you say that the world became fully mapped out?

1492? 1519? 1895? 1957?

Not yet?
when radar was invented.
only then could you scientifically measure shit reliably.
Bro, can you tell me how to find images on the Internet? I have an interesting map and I can't find the source

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>Not my problem
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e-thots with piss bottles in the bg do not reflect the common man
Are you stupid or disabled? You do realize how many rivers run through Europe, right?
this >>16642497
You don't even need tallow, you can clean using ash from the fire and a bundle of straw. It was a daily ritual for English medieval peasants at the end of a working day, but then they were IQ 100 Anglos living in an idyllic country village like Hobbiton not IQ 80 Gypsy Ottoman rapebabies being preyed on by vampires.
Ask me how I know you get your history from movies

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Plato ruined Western civilization by denarrativizing truth. His cave allegory was deliberately set up like the Greek theater to make people doubt their personal heritage and tribal commune in favor of an impersonal God. He is the ultimate deceiver for using narrative to persuade others that truth can't be found within narratives. The dissolution of the tribe, family, and homeland starts with Plato.
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Ancient Sumer was part of Western civilization and had already existed roughly 5000 years by Plato's time, and Sumer certainly was not the beginning of it.
Protip: "Western" means "human."
Now you're speaking my language
>His cave allegory was deliberately set up like the Greek theater to make people doubt their personal heritage and tribal commune in favor of an impersonal God.
Probably so. He was very critical of the Greek poets and how damaging the stories of the gods could be to children growing up and taking them literally. He correctly posited that hearing about how the degeneracy of the gods would give kids the impression that it was good behavior for them, and suggested not allowing kids to hear the stories until they were old enough to understand things figuratively. The Greek mythos and culture, I'm sure, was full of good stuff, but there was an obvious corruption that even Plato felt merited rethinking. He probably just didn't speak out about it more forcefully because of what happened to Socrates.

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Why did people stop using war chariots?
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This. Basically the entire state apparatus of pylos was in service of the chariot corps. Virtually all written evidence from this period details materials and equipment that would be relevant to charioteerings. The chariot itself was a very complex piece of machinery that needed master craftsmen, no small ask
Have you ever heard about how "gifting an elephant" isn't actually a gift? Same concept.
Another useless Indo-European invention.
it was expensive and very dependent on very specific factors and was defeated by better tactics until it fell into oblivion, the Romans had no problem putting an end to the Celtic chariots
but I'm happy that the 2018 meme le sky father chariots super ultra mega useful is dying
It was not practical to wage wars centered on chariot skirmishes. Chariots went from main equipment to sideline usage and then dropped from battle completely. Nestor’s speech in the Iliad is one of the last direct references to chariot on chariot combat as it comes from the early Iron Age.

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