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Tankies don’t hate Nazis because they were virulently horrifically antisemitic. They just resent them for having opposed the glorious eternal Soviet empire.

Antisemitism is fair game to them, so long as it brings them closer to their schizophrenic Marxist utopian world order, whatever that actually looks like (because Marxist schizos also can’t agree on shit unless they’re coerced into it by naked brutality).
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>Do you support a fighting force that deliberately embeds itself among its own civilian population so as to maximize the number of casualties?
that's not a thing Hamas is actually doing, that's just what Israel claims in order to justify mass slaughter of civilians
So true, and the Holocaust was an Allied fabrication meant to delegitimize German National Socialism. Also everything that was supposedly published from the Soviet archives after the collapse of the USSR was just anticommunist CIA propaganda. High five guys, we did it!
Israel has repeatedly rejected peace offers from Hamas because they'd let Gazan civilians return home, and also blown up every hospital they could reach, and also bombed refugee camps,
somehow I doubt Hamas policy has anything to do with Israeli commitment to ethnic cleansing, and Israel's claim that Hamas is hiding among civilians should be taken about as similarly as its claims that the UN and American college students are Hamas
>eternal Soviet empire
Collapsed within 68yrs

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They herd cattle in the vast plains of southern Spain, like the Guadalquivir marshlands.
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yes, and? mexicans shoot them and leave them for dead as the animals they are too
Well, y'know, America is the land of shootings and obesity, so I reckon there oughta be a few people of partial or total Native American descent being shot by non-urbanites in America right now.
t. non-Spaniard who lives right across the border from the Great Satan
Those are not cowboys. Cowboy is a roguish outlaw.
While Iberians are all criminals. They aren’t handsome or quick witted.
Iberians have the lowest crime rates in western europe. Nordcucks subhumans are savages no better than their viking ancestors. Also they keep stealing stuff from the meds because they can't come up with anything original themselves, case in point here
>cowboy is an outlaw
Retard. You think vikings also had horns on their helmet.

>be jesus
>get boner
>go shit in desert
>still think you are god while getting boner and shitting in desert
how did he do it bros?
he was a man, too

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Hey white man, how can you look at yourself in the mirror and call yourself christian?
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a what? never heard of it.
never did that. whites are atheists or gravitate towards atheism via increasingly abstract and inconsequential notions of a god. abrahamic believers are wannabe jews - christians claim they are the true israel and muslims have kosher - sorry: halal - food taboos and circumcision.
Nah. He's right. The jewish influence birthed christianism and destroyed european native culture. It's obvious when you see white people, they always looks that they are in a stage of confusion between paganism and monoteism. Most of the european wars, most of the european blood, most of the european religious building, most of the european culture and history is based in the act of bowing to a jewish messiah.
If you think this way, this one of the greatest humiliation in history, on par only with people that suffered the same destiny, like the pagans of the middle east and elsewhere. They won, and nothing europeans could ever do will change that.
White people have been majority Christian for 1500 years, that's how.

Just found out the Jews used to proselytize pretty heavily thousands of years ago.
Why do Jews nowadays not want to convert people?
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That is all wrong
You are deeply mistaken
>Why doesn't he exact vengeance by sword, pestilence, and famine on those who blaspheme his name
He did and still does, you're just not seeing it.
Because Judaism is not a universal religion and is instead a self-serving, self-worshipping ethno-cult.
>Just found out the Jews used to proselytize pretty heavily thousands of years ago.
Because those are the Jews of the Bible.
>Why do Jews nowadays not want to convert people?
The people claiming to be Jews today are actually a gnostic group with no connection to Biblical Jews.
>Why doesn't he exact vengeance by sword, pestilence, and famine on those who blaspheme his name
My man, in late 631/early 632, he invoked(or at least wanted to invoke) God's curse on him and his family if he was a liar.

Within a year, he, his only son, his daughter, and some other relatives were dead, and the manner in which he died prevented him from writing down how he wanted the community to be organized after his death.

Which ended up leading with his family murdering each other like idiots, and permanently split his religion in 2, and the resulting factions are killing each other to this day.

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Prove Jesus could turn water into wine
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Prove your mom didn't fuck my dog
He also founded Adrianople II on the ruins of old Jerusalem. Hadrian giveth after he taketh away. A just and merciful emperor.
>And that's how OP proved Julius Caesar was a man
Hadrian reigned from AD 117-138, anon.
See >>16641478.

Riddle me this, how does a human soul fit into an animal?
the soul doesn't exist so ofc you can fit it into anything
Through the mouth or the butthole

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In the early Church Christians were theoretically supposed to be sinless after baptism which is an idea present in the New Testament (Romans 5:6, Romans 6:22, 1 John 3:6-9).

Only those who remained in a sanctified state and followed the commandments would be saved, but those who fell back into sin were under God's judgment which is again also reflected in the New Testament (Romans 8:13, Hebrews 6:4-6).

Early Christians came to different conclusions about how, or if, it was possible to restore somebody who had committed a grave sin after baptism.

Within Proto-Orthodox circles ideas about penance were developed. Tertullian, for example, believed that via confession and penance, one could satisfy the wrath of God, and that the greatest way to do this was via martyrdom where not only would God's wrath be satisfied, but the act would be a supererogatory one that made God a debtor to the martyr owing him a reward in heaven.

Cyprian of Carthage further developed this idea which would later lead to the Roman Catholic doctrine on the treasury of merit. For him, the merits of the martyrs could be applied to carnal Christians that had lapsed from the faith and desired readmittance as a form of vicarious satisfaction. Later on this thought was also extended to the sufferings of confessors and the merits obtained through that to be applied to the faithful that had fallen.
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> [18] "Every one," he says, "who hath this hope, maketh himself chaste, because He too is chaste. Every one who doeth sin, doeth withal iniquity;246 and sin is iniquity.247 And ye know that He hath been manifested to take away sins"----henceforth, of course, to be no more incurred, [19] if it is true, (as it is,) that he subjoins, "Every one who abideth in Him sinneth not; every one who sinneth neither hath seen nor knoweth Him. Little children, let none seduce you. Every one who doeth righteousness is righteous, as He withal is righteous. He who doeth sin is of the devil, inasmuch as the devil sinneth from the beginning. For unto this end was manifested the Son of God, to undo the works of the devil:" [20] for He has "undone" them withal, by setting man free through baptism, the "handwriting of death" having been "made a gift of" to him:248 and accordingly, "he who is being born of God doeth not sin, because the seed of God abideth in him; and he cannot sin, because he hath been born of God. Herein are manifest the sons of God and the sons of the devil."249 [21] Wherein? except it be (thus): the former by not sinning, from the time that they were born from God; the latter by sinning, because they are from the devil, just as if they never were born from God? But if he says, "He who is not righteous is not of God,"250 how shall he who is not modest again become (a son) of God, who has already ceased to be so?

(Tertullian: On Modesty)
All we have left from history is pseuds misunderstanding things.
I suppose that will be the legacy of this website as well.
>You didn't do exegesis
I didn't say I did
>avoid the plain meaning of the passage
It is not the plain meaning of the passage. I interpret this book with the same respect I interpret your words. It is not reasonable to assume the author was attempting to contradict the immediately preceding passage, nor to interpret him out of context.
Yes, this is.
>it would be anachronistic to inject current Catholic-Protestant debates about atonement back into the early Church
I don't recall doing this
There is still no such thing
>I didn't say I did
You implied you did.
>It is not the plain meaning of the passage. I interpret this book with the same respect I interpret your words. It is not reasonable to assume the author was attempting to contradict the immediately preceding passage, nor to interpret him out of context.
Nothing about what you said somehow refutes the idea that this passages speaks about the possibility of no repentance after initial salvation and I don't know why you think it does. It's plain that this is the meaning and even if you don't think it is that interpretation would still make sense in the context of Hebrew's theology about the atonement and on top of that his talk of there being no "repentance" is more than just an off the cuff remark about it but probably more technical as the phrase was used by early Christians in the context of there being a first repentance (in baptism) and possibly a second one if a major sin was committed after baptism if we look for external factors here to help better interpret the meaning.
>Yes it is.
Nice so you admit you have no argument.
>I don't recall doing this
You obviously have a theological commitment.
Yes there was.
Have you taken into account what Paul says in Romans 7?

"For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:
But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin."
(Romans 7:18-25)

I think that would explain all of these other passages. According to the Bible, when we die in this life we lose our earthly bodies which were part of the fallen world. And according to Paul that is the only part of the Christian believer in this life that remains with the capacity to sin. In other words, as soon as their earthly body dies, they will never sin again because that is the only part of them that had the capacity to do so after they became believers.

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How accurate is this archaeogenetic chart?
Archaeogenetics: horoscopes for autistic manchildren
In what way are horoscopes and genetics related
You tell me
One thing I notice is the massive bizzare underestimation of basal eurasian ancestry in Iran HGs. They are by other people considered the MOST basal eurasian of all the WEC.

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>Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided but by iron and blood
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I don't think so. What's really happening here is that neo-rabs and indians keep getting verbally violated upon any slight passing interaction on other more highly charged boards. So, they come here because it's easy to regurgitate their hatred and misbeliefs about the world than correct themselves or understand others. This results in extreme amounts of anti - historical content and Europhobia.
>Austria was a multiethnic empire
Yeah exactly, because of the Habsburg Monarchy. Plenty of Nationalist liberals at this time were pretty alright with just ditching them and the empire in exchange for Austria in Germany
>crushed twice
you mean inbetween them dominating the continent thrice over?
Why is it funny?
Chud has appreciation for the martial character and dedicated work ethic of Prussia.
>just starts making shit up

>The 1988 US presidential election set several records. It was the last election where working class white men were the largest voting bloc and the last to date where the Republican candidate carried California, Maryland, Illinois, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, and Maine, and the last in which a Republican presidential candidate carried any counties in Massachusetts.[3]
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Also the last time a genuine leader with any actual administrative skill ran for president until 2020
Not when you sound like a stereotypical crochety grandpa ranting about broccoli and the Simpsons.
>not when you
Learn basic grammar retard
he said, forgetting the comma after his introductory clause.

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Why was lesbianism never condemned as harshly as gayness?
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Well I’m autistic so yeah
Not a matter of hypocrisy and homophobia isn’t a real thing. You’re either moral or amoral.
Aw, did the axe wound get offended?
Gays are like niggers. They are harmful and degenerate but not hide with it so its pretty easy to hate and persecute them. Dykes are like kikes, they will infiltrate media and institutions to destroy society and make women hate men because they want more cunt for themselves but they will pretend to be someone else and always find excuses. Even worse people will always believe them
>we tolerate the bullshit of women to breed with them
You are the exact type of person to cry about the male loneliness epidemic because feminism allowed women to live independently from men like you who refuse to actually humble yourself.

Now that the dust has settled, who was right?
>Inb4 Neither, Fuck Christcucks!
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.
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Galatians 1:8
The Book of Mormon is false

See the link between Hebrews 1:10-14
And Psalm 102:25-27
Jesus is Fully God of the OT
As far as I know the Orthos didn't spend the better part of a century shuffling homosexual priests around various parishes to avoid the embarrassment of a scandal, so they win by default
>No Response
You've baited me, good job
no, they honestly do hate each other.
Neither, Fuck Christcucks!
>inb4 Reddit is down the hall and to the left.

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How much does morality extend to animals?
Is it moral to kill and eat conscious beings because they're not human?
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I know that, but the thread is about how we should treat animals in general and general rules that can be applied across species, not what just is culturally accepted.
>general rules applied across species
No. Each animal is different and deserves different treatment.
>Who gives a fuck if a pig is more genetically close to a human than a cat?
Well for starters its why Islam dislikes it so much

I will defend French Africa til' the day I die.
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>I will defend French Africa til' the day I die.
it's dead, Jim.
French Indochina > French Africa
The only Frenchies who still find the concept appealing are those too retarded/prideful to get welfare jobs in the French departments for easy money and resumé padding.
Both were just reaource depots and the French treated the locals and Buddhism like shit.

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