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Why were there no cowboys back in europe?
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They had cowboys in asia.
Rules and regulations
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Cowboys were a product of

1. Frontier lawlessness. I'm not even entirely referring to the frequency of robbery and murder, but the lack of effective enforcement of property law as well (ex. ranches being ambiguously delineated or not at all), which was a frequent cause of familial blood feuds in the "Old West". This, along with conflicts with bandits from Mexico and Native Americans, was the driving force behind the image of cowboys being almost universally armed.

2. Cattle driving, or the practice of taking herds from one pasture to another for grazing. This is what the actual profession of "cowboy" entailed.

Neither condition existed in Western Europe by the 19th Century due to more uniform law enforcement (most European countries had some form of uniformed police by 1860, whereas law enforcement in the Western US during the same period mainly consisted of locally elected sheriffs who usually wore civilian clothes with only a badge to identify themselves) and the temperate climate negating the need to move cattle herds long distances to graze.
They look like Santa's elves haha
Border Rievers were basically cowboys. They were mounted, herded livestock, engaged in blood feuds, and raided and pillaged each other.

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as of the year 2024 A.D
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I'm convinced this map was made completely earnestly. It is retarded in so many ways there isn't even a hint of bias. It's just uniformly retarded.
It larps as it pretty hard.
>White Ruling elite
I am still puzzled on how exactly americans got psyopped into the "White elite meme". They aren't coal black africans, sure, but their genetic make up has been embellished.
Nah, I think he just figured the far east was too alien (which it is) to the western model of civilization in a way Brazil isn't.
Also, what are your opiniond on China?
rather be anything except an actual sub saharan poo poo coloured ohionigger like (You)!

hope that helps Deshawn...
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>/his/ has finally outgrown being seduced by aesthetics and taken the protestantpill
The truth wins.
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I'm generally adverse to doctrinal shit flinging contests but that is a laughable point of criticism for Catholics to make toward protestants desu. Catholic clergy was hoarding wealth and making political appointments for more than a millenia before Luther was even born. It was one of his main points of contention with them. Protestants also have the advantage that they can disavow bad acts by any other protestant pretty easily, whereas Catholics have to believe that the Church is ultimately just and good. I think there are good arguments to be made on the Catholic side but this just isnt one of them.
Do tell, what other denomination (besides Unitarianism) so shamelessly wipes their ass with the Bible?
nta but uhh Mormons?
Reeeeee give me back my free will C*lvinist
39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.

40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?

41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.

42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.

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Obviously it happened at some point, but when and why is what I would like to know.
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They didn't have haplogroup spreadsheets in the middle ages, and had no way of knowing that high-caste Indians had European steppe ancestry
The Protestantism Reformation wasn't about race
>wasn't about race
It was, in part, about the authority of the pope to dictate who is included in the body of Christ, and his abuse of that power to polute that body. The church, the body, is dying due to the poison that the enemy, acting as it's leaders, have filled it with.
>acting as it's leaders, have filled it with.
Allowing non-Jews into the faith?
>forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing
plus the other verses speaking about those who follow the law by heart already.
Monkeys are simply not ill intentioned, while niggers will orient their whole lives around evading cops because it's inconceivable to them that they could be considered innocent. (they know damn well that their actions don't follow basic mammal posession and territory laws, much less written law.)

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I know next to nothing about South America. What are some good points to start learning about its history?
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You’re welcome. But I made a typo, the Peru book is called Conquest of the Incas by John hemming
Develop a seething hatred for the Spanish Inquisition who burned basically every written document made by the natives
>Spanish Inquisition
Spanish Inquisition ≠ the process of religious conversion overseen by distinct orders
The actions of Diego de Landa in Yucatan, which led to the burning of Mayan codices, was an inquisition in the verb sense, an inquiry.
THE Spanish Inquisition (the institution) did jack shit in the New World other than persecuting crypto-Jews. They didn’t even have jurisdiction over the native conversion process; the Crown explicitly instructed them to never proceed against the indigenous peoples.
>puts a picture of Central American natives
>ackchoally it was the Dominicans that burned every native record they could get their hands on, not the Inquisition
very cool!

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Was the concept of an afterlife created as a cope to deal with the fear of death?
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Yes, and also to justify the lack of justice in this life per promises made in religions, e.g. Judaism. One could keep the Law and suffer for it while someone could not and prosper. The idea is that the just will live forever and live well, while the wicked will be punished forever. Without this system God's promise in the Torah is falsified.
>was the idea that your relatives and friends actually still alive somewhere, on fact not only alive, but cooming forever on a magical cloud, and you'll see them again one day, a cope?
It's a cope for reality as a whole

There is a skydaddy watching your every step because you feel alone
Everyone that does bad things will be punished.
Not only will you live after death but you will live forever and reunite with everyone and also be in complete bliss.
This shitty world is actually just a test for the real life that will surely make all of this worth it
>Maybe. But then again, the fear of death is what drives all living beings
not really. cells will selflessly commit suicide to prevent infection. the thing that drives living beings is something like maximizing computational complexity of a system.

>christians invented afterlife

does judaism even have an afterlife?

I doubt it.
>does judaism even have an afterlife?
from second temple judaism onward it does, but it hasnt always supported an afterlife iirc

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A question for all you Civil War /his/torians out there, what was the first engagement where the the Confederate battle flag was flown?

I know it was officially adopted on November 28, 1861, but I'm curious about when the first time Union soldiers actually encountered it in combat.
Maybe it was there all along
>At the Battle of Bull Run in July 1861, uniforms and battle standards were far from standardized--some Union regiments wore gray uniforms and some Confederates blue. This may have been important in deciding the battle as blue-clad Confederates were able to get up among a Union battery on Henry House Hill and take possession of the guns, which were turned on the charging Union infantry. In these early engagements of the war, Confederate regiments flew the Stars and Bars but it proved difficult to tell apart from the United States flag when limp, which led to the Confederate battle flag being devised and put into operation late in the year.

>The Confederate battle flag used the saltre, or St. Andrew's Cross, and like with the Stars and Bars there were 13 stars on it to represent the eleven seceded states as well as the border states of Kentucky and Missouri. An upright St. George's Cross was originally considered but Jews and certain Christian sects objected to this as it would appear to be an official endorsement of the Christian religion.[8]

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/his/ cannot refute this
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Way less likely if we get rid of all men (including you)
>one country keeps one tank
>becomes god ruler of the world
Great plan
Just make women reproductive vessels who can guarantee 100% reproduction with 100% of males. /his/ will hate it but a lot of the reasons violence occurs is due to lack of vaginal access. You may seethe now.
the earth is already level
How about you ban pedophiles in your organization first, Papa Frank?

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>there is no place called hell in the bible
>hades is named as a resting place for the just and unjust prior to the resurrection and final judgement
>hades will be thrown in the lake of fire (revelation 20:14)/gehenna
>the wicked will be subject to κόλασιν αἰώνιον, aeonic chastisement (matthew 25:46)
>the works of the wicked will be burned up and will only be saved through the flames (1 Corinthians 3:13-15)
>αἰώνιος is *not* a synonym for ἀΐδιος, the greek word for eternity used in Romans 1:20, and does not mean the same thing in scripture as affirmed by Philo, Dionysus the Areopagite, Iraneus, Theophilus, Tatian, Justin Martyr, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Didymus the Blind, Athanasius, Eusebius, Gregory of Nyssa, Basil the Great, Gregory Nazianzen, Evagrius, Diodorus, and virtually every other Christian that knew Greek in the first millenium
Why do 99.5% of christians fail to grasp this?
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There’s fire in hell and there’s fire in the lake of fire and the torment lasts forever either way
Is it really that hard ti understand?
Hell (inside the earth) is like a trash can filling up
When the earth is made new, the trash is taken out and dumped in the lake of fire in outer darkness
Fire the whole way through though, forever and ever
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The point is there's no "narrative problem" as this >>16642349 anon tried to say. The lake of fire isn't mentioned until Revelation 19, and it is where hell is emptied into. You can think of it as unquenchable fire before this happens as well as afterward. I don't see any narrative problem, and there is no confusion surrounding the fact that everything in hell is cast into the lake of fire in the Bible.
Which afterlife has the most monstergirls for me to marry and cuddle. That’s my religion.
>the Sadducees didn’t even believe in an afterlife
Incredibly jolting and redpilling once learned, especially since they were the priests.

/his/ still cannot explain this one.
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And every other one got squashed
At least Black people tried, and had up to two or more successful ones. Far better than the resistance of Whites, who were castrated, enslaved or completely exterminated by Mongols, Chinese, Arabs, Turks, and other Whites without lifting a finger against their slavers or killers. The wish of the ancestors to resist and struggle against any and all forms of slavery until the very last corpse is evident.
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Plentifulness.You are right however, the modern world prefers indians and chinese over blacks
Borders are temporary but BBC is eternal.
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Most african slaves were castrated if they weren't going to the americas. If anything it's jungle fever for black women that resulted in this.

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>Ricimer killing Majorian
>Fourth Crusade
>Irish Civil War
>Black September
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If you think its this simple you are braindead
Using steppe mercenaries had worked well enough for them for the prior 500+ years
Are you retarded?
Napoleon's quick logistics and lack of depending on supply wagons worked well before, Russians countered this with scorched earth + Fabian tactics
Hitler tried his best by attacking in Spring, but suffered due to 1941 being the coldest winter of the century
>(accountants) backstabbing Aurelian
Cant find anything on the web about this one but im intrested

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Recently increasingly more people have started adopting the Jesus as a purely mythical figure pov. Was he really an actual, physical person at some point? I know of references made about him in outside the gospels, but can we know for sure they weren't added in later?
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Ya Paul casually mentions meeting up with his brother James and people who knew him like the apostle Peter. Even mentioning his bitter religious disputes against Peter which he would have no reason to make up.

That's good enough for me.
>mentioning his bitter religious disputes against Peter which he would have no reason to make up.
>never once has an author faked an argument to make a point, ever
I like how in 2 Peter (totally not written by some Paulist) goes out of its way to talk about Paul and how awesome he is. And how if you don't understand what he says (because it's logically contradictive) then it's the readers fault.
why even bother repeating such an obvious lie

Christ is a greek word meaning "annointed", meaning Messiah
it's literally used in the LXX

your kind relies first on their targets being uneducated on the basic facts of the subject you're attacking
>why even bother repeating such an obvious lie
You sound Christian. Project

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What a traitor
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The Soviet Union was an illegitimate terrorist state built by a German agent and traitor to Russia anyway.
the fruits of capitalism...
You know this would have still happened if they opened up the country, right?
that's what the chinks did
he never stopped being a commie. Yeltsin was the real traitor.

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What would happen if some Jew, as a prank, fulfilled the Messianic prophecies? What would the consequences of this be for Christcucks?
do jews even keep genealogies anymore?

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Talk about Oda Nobunaga. I want to learn more about him and the goofy shenanigans he got himself into. He seemed to have a reputation for being an idiot before turning into a very powerful figure in Japan's history.
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Yes, we know who he was. What was his unique insight that Nobunaga did not possess?
Nobunaga was like other warlords. He did not show any plan for the government of japan
I want to thank you for your insight into this. Very interesting.
>in that spirit he would have done to Christianity exactly what his successors did, once powerful enough.

Even if he didn't, his descendants probably would have.
>As a kid he'd walk out in theopen market town, eating melons and rice cakes as people stared at him. He didn't mind people staring at him and would often eat by stuffing his mouth.
>Hung out with a variety of kids. These include pages, serving boys, local peasant kids, and sons of his nobles. In typical feudal society, Western or European, effort was made to keep the upper social classes separate from the lessers. Nobunaga made no distinction.
>Threw incense at his father's funeral. Hirate Masahide, Nobunaga's teacher, was so appalled by this act since it highlighted his failure to properly raise Nobunaga that he committed seppuku.
>His brother, Nobuyuki, rebelled against Nobunaga's rule of Owari. Since they were full brothers, sharing the same birth mother, and his mother begged Nobunaga to spare him, Nobuyuki was spared the first time. Then Nobuyuki made it clear he wanted to rebel again. It's commonly understood the source of this info was Shibata Katsuie, who served Nobuyuki. Upon hearing of a possible 2nd rebellion mere months after the first, Nobunaga had his brother killed inside a fortress as his own mother watched.
>His personal unit of troops, some 500-800 men, were the remnants of Okehazama. They acted as bodyguards and his most elite military unit. During the 1574 New Years banquet, usually a fun affair for nobles since their lord would lavish them with food/alcohol/entertainment, he displayed 3 heads gilted in gold as prominent trophy. They were the heads of his enemies: Asakura Yoshikage, Azai Shimotsuke, Azai Bizen. Reportedly, everyone found that absolutely hilarious but to common nobles outside of Nobunaga's circle that was horrifying.
>His "horse guards" wore "horos". They were divided between Red Unit and Black Unit. Nobunaga often gifted them meat for their service.
>Liked hunting but preferred hunting with falconry over firearms/archery (archery was most common at the time though fire arms were becoming more popular).

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