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"Governor Dukakis, would you still oppose capital punishment if your wife Kitty was raped and murdered by Willie Horton?"
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this is a troll, right?
>and information technology services
...meaning a couple of roasties hired on affirmative action quotas and poos doing the actual grunt work
suckifornia and assachusetts need to be expelled from the union
Iconic is so overdone for Zach impressions, he doesn't use the word as often as you think he does.
One that he uses a lot that people don't reference is "vital organs"
Nah, I'd still think he was just coping to not come off as a hypocrite, maybe even more so since it isn't just a hypocritical answer, but implies he has no actual concrete beliefs and his morals will just shapeshift to whatever is convenient in the moment.

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$10 million or the chance to wait this table?
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Uhhhhh..... Beethoven.
Talleyrand, Castlereagh, Metternich, Kaiser Francis I, uhh.... I'm guessing Wellington and Humboldt are featured
Britain: Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Portugal: Joaquim Lobo Silveira, 7th Count of Oriola
Portugal: António de Saldanha da Gama, Count of Porto Santo
Sweden: Count Carl Löwenhielm
France: Louis Joseph Alexis, Comte de Noailles [fr]
Austria: Klemens Wenzel, Prince von Metternich
France: Frédéric-Séraphin de La Tour du Pin Gouverne [fr]
Russia: Count Karl Robert Nesselrode
Portugal: Pedro de Sousa Holstein, 1st Count of Palmela
Britain: Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh
France: Emmerich Joseph, Duke of Dalberg
Austria: Baron Johann von Wessenberg
Russia: Prince Andrey Kirillovich Razumovsky
Britain: Charles Stewart, 1st Baron Stewart

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Evil people trying to undo what the hero Napoleon and the French Revolution did. They ultimately failed because the revolutionary valued were superior to everything these subhumans offered. How much did this world order survive, 30 years?
I cannot understand how you could look at the modern world and think that the Revolution provided a superior system of values

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Who is ultimately responsible for scholasticism and by extension the derailment of true Christianity leading to the reformation and the breaking apart of the Church?
Boethius? The pope who first allowed the establishment of the universities? Some later pope who empowered them to the point their influence became inexorable? Aquinas for maxxing it?
Who is most to blame?

>tik: you have to read multiple sources on a particular subject or else you will have a biased view
>also tik: also this one book written by some random bong historian fuck no one has ever heard of which blames everything about operation market garden on the americans is correct and better than all other books on the subject because uhhh...it just is ok
Does anyone still take this guy seriously?
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Anyone who argues the military should be voluntary and run on market competition can be safely dismissed as retarded. Ergo, TIK is a fucking retard.
lmao moron. Obviously being a store manager is not high accolades, he knows fuck all about logistics and made a fool out of himself with such a hairbrained idea.
A society where the public is expected to directly fund the military will immediately go for crowdfunded nukes only and will have made the correct choice instantly
>>muh hecking ebil nazis and commies
I didn't call modern day nazis 'evil'. I said they are mostly cringe teenage larpers. Too cringe and stupid to be evil.

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Historically accurate memes
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Whoever made this meme is a retard. I agree with the message, but “Latino” means from Latin America. So the Romance/Latin people of Europe AREN’T Latino. They’re Latin. Latin = White Europeans speaking a Romance Language (derived from Latin), Latino = From Latin America, regardless of race, but most often brown.
He will never admit the similarities Sanskrit has to European languages and Avestan not to mention Hittite, Greek, and Latin lead to common steppe ancestry theory being the only acceptable one.
>POV: Dravidian well tanned locals observing the approach of his new Brahmins. Indus Valley 2000 BC colorized
Sanskrit is an ancient Indo-European language
Aryan. Just say it, it's not a bad word.
If it's in the British Museum, it's British

George RR Martin used the War of the Roses as scaffolding for GoT. What other historical event would make for a good fantasy parallel?
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me with a blond wig
I prefer the modern version of the 30 years war (Syrian Civil War)
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agreed, tons of unique cities to draw inspiration from too. do you have any good sources in mind?
Any writer who doesn't rip off history is leaving a lot on the table.

Why do you think third world countries are so rife with rape and misogyny?
Conservatism holds that women are only good for fucking and aren’t real people
That's a norm in many "enlightened" and upper skilled workplace environments.
Imagine living is a shit hole like picrel, anyone would end up hating everything.

Is this historically accurate?
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UK salaries are legitimately shit though. UK is probably better if your only aspiration in life is to live on the dole and shoot smack, but if you want to be a working professional like a nurse, engineer, or doctor, you're probably still better off in Mississippi. See pic related. That is a laughable wage for a strenuous career that requires a bachelor's degree.
Now compare to Mississippi
You might say, well of course healthcare is lower paid in the NHS than private. Okay, how about a comparison for Mechanical Engineering...
Now here's Mississippi. This holds true for pretty much any kind of professional field requiring a degree or skills. People who wait tables and low IQ layabouts are better off in the UK though, for sure, which brings the average closer.
Professionals are a minority of the population in both places, even in the US as a whole bachelor's degree holders are barely over 1/3rd (and in both Mississippi and Britain they're below that), and that's people with any degree not people who found careers in related fields.
You're caught in a well-off bubble and failing to pick up the experience of the average person.

Would you rather be an American grunt in the worst combat the US went through in Europe in WW2 like the Hurtgen Forest, Anzio or Bastogne, or in the worst parts of the Pacific like Tarawa or Okinawa?

>Pros: German troops are Europeans and are sometimes able to behave in a half-civilized manner (actually made an effort to not shoot at medics, etc) and did not immediately do horrific things to any American they captured, also they would surrender in large numbers when they couldn't do much more
>get to drown in wine, cheek kisses, croissants and easy pussy after being in the shit from crowds of grateful qt French/Belgian/Dutch etc women

>Cons: overall casualties were way higher in Europe due to the Germans actually having a proper industrial base (Japan had roughly the same industrial output as Mussolini's Italy; i.e. primitive by white standards)
>Germans had all sorts of dangerous GI-mulching gear like 88s, half-tracks, STuGs, etc
>Germans are arguably more skilled soldiers in the conventional sense than the clumsy yet fanatical japs
>Pros: Jap army mostly has very little actual heavy gear; after Guadalcanal they did all their fighting with small arms and the occasional old 1900s field gun
>Most of them will also starve to death or die of disease before being able to shoot at you
>Japanese occupation duty after the war is filled with cheap booze and easy pussy from desperate jap women whose husbands you killed


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My grandpa shot a nip kid while on body recovery detail cause he wouldnt surrender. It really fucked him up and he talked about it a lot when he was with his war buddies
Europe for sure. American POWs captured by Germans were usually treated somewhat humanely. By contrast, the Japanese tortured and killed American POWs all the time. Europe also has a much more hospitable climate than most Pacific islands. I'd rather be at Bastogne than Guadalcanal.
>Freeze your balls off while getting shelled nonstop on Europe but you get white pussy of all kinds of foreign flavors
>Get all kinds of jungle diseases while sweating your balls off and getting death marched by nips and no pussy for years
Tough decision, but I'll have to go with French pussy for this one.
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Pacific front, because I'm actually genuinely literally German-American (actually speak German, know my cousins and aunts there, have passport, studied in Bamberg, etc.) and I have moral qualms with shooting my potential literal cousin.
Okinawa is remembered as being especially awful because we (as in us *and* the Japanese) literally killed like 40% of the islands civilian population and US soldiers/marines were literally witnessing this bloodbath firsthand within a miniscule confined surface area of this tiny archipelago.
Okinawa was concentrated suffering on a scale your average Joe didn't expect to ever come across.

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South brazilian guy here with germanic (bohemian) ancestry.
Is it possible I have phoenician or cathaginian ancestry?
What exactly you guys look at when you see these informations? I'm good at history and geography, but I'd like to see other people's opinion on that.

For me it is obvious the mediterranean, once I have portuguese descent. Also some african and native american as I live in the americas. But the other informations are kinda blurry to me. Is that arab blood from "mozarabic" or "moriscos" in the iberian peninsula?
I may have some turkish or levantine blood in it, but not sure how to locate it on a map.
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Where you from.
I miss this nigga so much
surprisingly a lot of CHG.
All Europeans have West Asia/caucasus, often northern Europeans have more of this component than meds.
Cope. He’s a brown mutt like you.

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why didn't they fight back against british occupation like the irish did?
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Its mad how successful the Scottish nationalist movement has been at rebranding Scotland from the reality: a willing and if anything proportionally overrepresented partner in empire, to a fantasy of being a poor oppressed victim of English colonialism.
Oh, absolutely, and if they hadn't enclosed on Catholic land nor unfairly preferenced the Protestants in political and economic life it would never have become as bloody. At best it would be like the Germans in trans-Danubia or the Russian Mennonites and other Germans: islands of free Protestant settlements in a sea of Catholicism, without the tension that comes of manoralism. The Germans in Haiti were considered honorary black because they didn't bother anybody.
I think there would be conflicts still, but they'd be very different from what we see today and would probably be far more mild and easy to "bury the hatchet" so to speak.
I think even in a Protestant Ireland scenario you'd eventually get some butting heads with Westminster due to Ireland's own ruling class possibily seeking out greater autonomy from a centralized London government (much like the Canadians, Aussies and Kiwis all did) and Ireland itself would still be Ireland, i.e. possessing their own identity and national consciousness, which is a product of the UK itself never really putting any effort into really solidifying BRITISH identity as opposed to just chilling with Englishmen, Scots, etc. in a country which is conceptualized as a "union of peoples" rather than a new singular entity.
We must remember that not everything has to be Catholic vs Protestant or Celtic vs Germanic even. For example, the Norwegians are Nordic and Lutheran just like Sweden and yet Norway fucking hated Sweden and was constantly bitching for independence for 100 years (and Sweden wasn't even oppressive).

Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, or a Scottish nationalist what all those names on the Scottish regimental banners mean.
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It's the issue with projecting present conditions onto the past.
It's probably true that a total majority of Scots in 1707 did *not* want Union and that it was forced through by the rich elite.
But at the same time, the type of SNP voter who exists today is the exact demographic who would have supported the union in 1707 (the urban bourgeoise middle class/university educated types). Pro-British unionists were the progressive hippy dippy College Kids of their times, the pro-Scottish independence crowd in 1745 were literal Hillbilly country bumpkins who were religious and hated change.
It's why modern Scottish civic nationalism can't really bank on Jacobitism as a legacy to work off of, the Jacobites were a bunch of diehard monarchists not a bunch of pro-EU urban young kids.

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>who smelt it dealt it
whats your retort?
I take out my samurai sword and slice off their head.. heh
He who did the rhyme, did the crime.
gg ez
>He who refuted it tooted it.
He who claims refutation, was the cause of creation.
He who keeps making a comeback, made it leak out his crack.

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Which city would be the best to bulldoze and replace with Hilbersheimer or le Corbusier's designs?
I think Washington, D.C. is a good one. It started as a planned city, has all of its few important landmarks already demarcated, and the majority of the city is occupied by impotent liberals.
Nothing of value would be lost, and something awesome would be gained.
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Let's do all liberal cities and build walls around them without gates.
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These aren't just 'affordable' 'commie blocks,' that's a compromise made for efficiency's sake, to be built and made functional in as little time as possible.
The Ville Radieuse is not negotiable or pragmatic, it is a monstrosity, a monumental symbol to the raw power of a society which can create a perfect new landscape out of the sheer force of its will.
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It really doesn't even look that bad
I may have to rethink him.
I feel like the thing in the background is attacking the thing in the foreground. Attempting to devour it, even.
>I feel like the thing in the background is attacking the thing in the foreground. Attempting to devour it, even.
Really? That's interesting. I'm guessing by the rest of your post that you don't like the style. I do, and I'd say I feel like the background towers are protecting the old Paris in the foreground. But now that I think about it I see the towers as more primordial than just protectors, like they could just as easily destroy you- and they should be respected for that.

>Never ordered military forces under his command to indiscriminately kill Africans
>Never ordered Africans to have their hands, feet, or noses chopped off as punishment for not meeting work quotas
>Never withheld food, water or medical aid to Africans as a form of collective punishment
>Never enslaved Africans (Belgium had never participated in the slave trade and in fact, ended the Arab slave trade in the Congo immediately after taking over)
If anyone in history deserves an apology, its King Leopold II. One (1) shitty book came out in the 90s that made all sorts of bizarre claims, was called out for being grossly inaccurate by actual historians, and now hes some great mass murderer like Hitler or Stalin in the minds of clueless reddit normies.
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Who gives a fuck? All monarchs deserve to die anyway simply for being monarchs.
The government mandates that you suck cock for free at your local bar. If you say no you will either be imprisoned, fined+made to suck cock in prison or shot dead for refusing to suck cock for free. Would you call this slavery or just a cheek bit of coercion ?
I never said they weren't impacted retard. Pygmies were still persecuted because they couldn't contribute to the mining+plantation concessions.
>every Belgian owned town went through a massive baby boom.
The "boom' was occurring before the Belgians though. You do know they git access to new world crops ages ago, that and population drops and pop bumps can occur at the same time. That's how the Chinese had a population increase even during the great famine.
No they didnt, prove that new world crops were being cultivated in massive agricultural projects. Congolese agriculture was limited to inefficient and small scale operations. There's zero proof they were having a population boom before Euros arrived and organized SSA. And China was lightyears ahead of the Congo, shit comparison

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the caste system is based. if you disagree with me, you're a cringe onions libtard.
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>endless buzzwords
Skibidi rizz edging gooner amirite?
caste between elites and commoners are okay.
But when you split commoner into caste you end up with a situation like India where everything is unhygienic because everyone thinks cleaning is for the lowest caste
Strict class hierarchies are still very much a thing.
yes every "civilized" country did away with it to their own detriment
Why the caste system was left behind?

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