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>creates someone knowing they will go to hell
>this is somehow not predetermined
God isn't real and neither is hell, so there is no predetermination. Hope this cleared up your confusion.

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Greeks are Mongols, not white. This has been observed for centuries and true for Millennia.

Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer, a German scientist, visited Greece and did not see any white person. So he wrote that Greeks are no longer Aryans, but Mongols due to racemixing with Slavs and Turks. During the World War II, Italians used Fallmerayer's works to justify their invasion of Greece.

Arthur de Gobineau, a French scientist, visited Greece and did not see any white person as well. So he wrote that Greeks lost their Aryanness by racemixing with Mongols.

White men erased Mongols from history. Plato, Aristotle, Alexander, Alkibiades, Constantinus, Cleopatra and Basil II were all Mongols, not white. According to Anders Retzius, a Swedish scientist, original proto-Europeans were Mongols but Aryans replaced Mongols in Europe around 5000 yrs ago and pushed them into the northernmost reaches of Europe where no white man would bother. White men have been systemically using racism and imperialism to erase Mongols and Mongolian achievements from European history.
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turks and greeks are both mongols, not white
I thin you're something of a mongoloid yourself anon
First germanic kings were Hunnic a.k.a Turkic
>inb4 hunnic weren't turkic reeeee
he makes some valid points
another garbage thread

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Our ancestors did. Why?
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weren't neanderthals light?
No, if they were Eurasians wouldn't need to develop their own light skin genes multiple times via random mutations.
We just inherited some of their genes.
No thanks I’m not attracted to jewish women
average Russian

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"Governor Dukakis, would you still oppose capital punishment if your wife Kitty was raped and murdered by Willie Horton?"
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i see
yes it be like that. well, my dad went to school in the South (i'm not >>16643701 btw, different anon). it was pretty different, put it that way. they had a quite different take on US history, the relationship of the Federal government vis a vis the states, etc and they were not nearly as enamored of the civil rights movement.
this is a troll, right?
>and information technology services
...meaning a couple of roasties hired on affirmative action quotas and poos doing the actual grunt work
suckifornia and assachusetts need to be expelled from the union

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Was Leningrad a genocide? If so, the Finns are evil.
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Based Finns
Prussia is now a dilapidated shithole and the Soviet Union got to subsidize the failing Eastern European economies for for half a decade, contributing to her collapse.
Hitler was the one who called off the assault on the city because he didn't want a repeat of Smolensk. In 1942 Manstein tried to take the Ladoga coastline but the Soviet offensive cancelled it.
Finland wasn't expected to do shit on their own.
Most people agree that the Finns could have kept pushing south in 1941 and taken the coastline if they tried. Soviet north-facing defenses in the area were minimal
Why did the Finns listen to the US and Brits?

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What are these guys talking about there are tonnes of good arguments for atheism
>there is the argument from...well that one kinda sucks
>there is also the...well that one doesn't even make sense
>I'm sure they like exist though we just haven't discovered them yet
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- God is real
- Jesus Christ died for your sins
- Scripture is the inerrant word of God
- You should repent and believe the Gospel
these four are self evident btw
>these are self evident
How? And before you call me a hypocrite I'm not the same anon who posted the earlier assertions, I also want him to tell me how
>another fedora thread
Thanks for your contribution
not even jews believe in that garbage
>The Lord has predestined everything whatsoever comes to pass, and nothing happens which is beyond His power, in order to bring about the best possible ending to the world and the greatest good.
calvinists are sadists

Clayton Lockett became the 111th person executed in death penalty-happy Oklahoma for murdering a young white woman in Ponca City in 1999. Lockett, an African-American, was born on November 22, 1975. His mother reportedly used drugs while pregnant with him and abandoned him when he was 3 years old. Lockett was then raised by his father, who beat him, introduced him to drugs and pornographic movies at an early age, and encouraged sexual activity. He also taught his son to steal and punished him if he got caught and that women were bad and only existed to do as one pleased with. Family members also believed Clayton's older brother molested him and that he sucked his thumb and had bedwetting accidents until he was 12.

Lockett had an initial run-in with the law in 1992 when he was 16 and got charged with car theft, burglary, concealing stolen property, and intimidating state witnesses. He pled guilty and was sentenced to seven years in prison, paroled May 13, 1995. Lockett was sentenced to ten years in 1996 for conspiracy and was paroled on January 4, 1999.
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We just liked it
Lethal injections were always a stupid idea. They should just bring back public hangings and be done with it.

Was there something special about national socialism that caused a bunch of misfits to t transform germany from a humiliated country, burdened by war reparations, social decay, and economic recession into THE preeminent power on the continent? Or was it all just a coincidence? The right place at the right time?
There was something special about Adolf Hitler. The majority of the mass of humanity isnt really responsible for anything.
the world was united in their hatred of the french
They didn't turn it into a preeminent power they turned it into a divided, war torn ruin of a country.
There shouldn't have had to have been something special about the Nazis. Most of what they did should have just been done by literally whoever was running their country. The Jewspiracy needed to be invented to explain how retarded everyone else was acting for not just doing obvious crap of ignoring the Versailles Treaty

Were the Allied Powers hypocrites for denouncing Japan? The West taught the Japanese that the only way they could gain respect and be seen as civilized is if they behaved like European colonial empires.
Europeans got 90% of their colonies via peaceful treaties, and the fighting was low level. Only the Italians and as you mentioned, Japs did it only via violent means, which both were denounced by the world in turn
Low IQ copium
>if they behaved like European colonial empires.
And they didn't behave like that. They behaved like barbarians who liked slicing prisoners and civilians with their little swords, which is not something civilized nations did.
They also tried to force in an anti racism clause to Versailles, which would have forced every other country to adopt civil rights laws and DEI at that time.
Yes and that's why America reinstated colonial rule after ww2
oh wait...

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Historically speaking, why was anime mocked so much in the 90s?
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Not much has changed though. However, I get along with very few asians regardless. Very ant like, simian people.
Cartoonists were pissed that cheaply-imported anime was doing better than their home-produced shows in terms of ratings and merch sales, and Baby Boomers legitimately couldn't get their heads around any of it. WB ended up cancelling and reorganizing a lot of its plans just based around the success of Pokemon alone, DBZ was hugely instrumental in Toonami's success, Sailor Moon was a smash hit on literally every channel it aired on, etc. The idea that cartoons could be serious was totally alien to most of them outside of a very niche group of animation nerds, and a lot of Japanese animation tropes just didn't make sense to them. So it was mocked from industry-producers because it was direct competition, and mocked by the cultural zeitgeist at large because it was different.

Of course some people embraced it, notably in Gen X, and Millennials at the time went nuts for it because they were still kids and for them it was just "those cartoons with the plots and big eyes".
It's funny too, because Dexter's Lab was kind of a weeaboo show.
How do you feel that American media would have been different if they had held on to the mid-late Gen X talent instead of firing them after the recession? 18 years of boomer leadership past its prime hasn't worked, but what would an evolution even look like?
Not really.
Aeon Flux wasn't beating Toonami.
The most successful Gen X cartoons were all animated sit-coms. The action cartoons just didn't work.

Since the last time I posted about this, I went to track down the entry of Yasuke in the Maeda Clan version of the Shinchōkōki. Kaneko Hiraku (professor at the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo, the most prestigious historical research institution in Japan) includes in his book below, paired with the translation in Thomas Lockley's book (which is correct):

This black man called Yasuke was given a stipend, a private residence, etc., and was given a short sword with a decorative sheath. He is sometimes seen in the role of weapon bearer.
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Imagine spending years studying theology in the University of Padua, joining one of the most prestigious Catholic institutions, risking your very life by making a dangerous cross-oceanic voyage to the edge of the known world and spending the rest of your life in completely alien land working to expand the Catholic faith, never again seeing your own homeland, only for some retard on a Tibetan fish trap forum claim you were actually a jew without any evidence at all.
Nah, that was enforced by Tokugawa
It's not that far fetched. Jews are very dedicated to their craft of deception.
Yasuke was a slave who spent 15 months in Japan, during which he accomplished nothing of note beside being black, before being handed back to wypipo and spending the rest of his life as a slave in India.
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Very true, but the (((Dutch))) only showed decades later

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So there's this duality between pragmatism and skepticism, where is the truth?
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OK.k but do you recognize that dogmatism can be dangerous in its most extreme form?
When you discover that adopting a skeptical point of view leads to a more predictable development, many fall into dogmatism, thinking that their fate, although predictable, is different in a positive way.
Obviously. Beliefs should be tested, they should give beneficial results
>humans are causing climate change
nice goalpost shifting
didnt it used to be
>humans are gonna turn the earth into venus
that said; creationists are moving towards "Apparent Age"
That's because skepticism is just another dogma. Read Nietzsche.

Why can’t God heal amputees?
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>he wants the world to make sense even from an atheist perspective, so that lots of people choose not to believe and suffer in hell forever.
it doesnt make sense, no.
but he cant be obvious. yes he is a riddler. and hell is only equivalent to how much evil you've done. it's not equal for everybody. you really will never believe? cool, try to help these aforementioned amputees then. you'll only be paid back based on how much bad you've done.
I think worshipping and proselytizing for such an overtly evil god is bad, but would that make me go to hell?
>overtly evil god
what would a good god look like
and second; how is it in your scope of knowledge to determine such a thing?
>but would that make me go to hell?
it wouldnt make it any better for you. but if you're really an atheist then I wouldnt think about it if I were you. I think we all have a desire to do good for goodness sake? whatever the case for reality, you'll be better off in the end if you follow that.
He did. He healed several people with leprosy, and body parts fall off with leprosy.
We're not flatworms dumbass

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If i was Mondale i would've killed myself right there
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like he totally wasn't mentored by Dixiecrat Senators and they were like uncle figures to him
midterms usually go against the party controlling the White House as they're an opportunity for everyone who has a grievance with the president for whatever reason to vote
Hillary would have done the same. "Divide and conquer" is a cop-out, it was always going to turn out this way.
this is what elections looked like until clinton and democrats embraced neoliberlism. they had to shake off the idea that they were hippie extremists because of the 70s and 60s

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>One of the prisoners (whose name has never been discovered) escaped, apparently returning to the site to carve the message "98 US PW 5-10-43" on a large coral rock near where the victims had been hastily buried in a mass grave. The unknown American was recaptured, and Sakaibara personally beheaded him with a katana. The inscription on the rock can still be seen and is a Wake Island landmark.
Let's be honest, this never happened and was just carved afterwards

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