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What were the best inventions of the Roman Republic/Empire?

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this would be the minimun necessary amount of land needed to feed 5 people in medieval times, all with basic tools

now shut the fuck up
It depends on the age and sex of the people in question, the quality and health of the soil, the kind of crops you're growing, access to trade goods and to other resources like river and forest products, the weather that year, access to water in drier climates, knowledge of particular agricultural techniques
Not much different than today. A year is a long time to feed an adult human.
I don't know what argument exactly you're making beyond the surface.
imagine having to till, weed out and harvest and store all that shit
I could do that myself, without a donkey or ox.
you got a year to figure it out, anon

If deer were sapient and able to philosophize, would they state that wolves are evil?
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If OP were sapient and able to philosophize, would he know he was a fag?
or those that punish them for the latters' some original sin.
Are tigers evil? They eat Indian villagers quite often
>They eat Indian villagers quite often
Doing God's work, so quite the opposite of evil
That can't be good for their health, that's way too unhygienic.

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South brazilian guy here with germanic (bohemian) ancestry.
Is it possible I have phoenician or cathaginian ancestry?
What exactly you guys look at when you see these informations? I'm good at history and geography, but I'd like to see other people's opinion on that.

For me it is obvious the mediterranean, once I have portuguese descent. Also some african and native american as I live in the americas. But the other informations are kinda blurry to me. Is that arab blood from "mozarabic" or "moriscos" in the iberian peninsula?
I may have some turkish or levantine blood in it, but not sure how to locate it on a map.
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>la luz extinguido
Where you from.
I miss this nigga so much
surprisingly a lot of CHG.
All Europeans have West Asia/caucasus, often northern Europeans have more of this component than meds.

Why do American Christian boomers support Israel because of religion even though Jews reject Jesus and Muslims view Jesus as an important prophet?
because all the Jews have to be gathered in Israel for the rapture to kick off or smth
realistically it has a lot to do with Muslims doing 9/11
They read the Bible, but they don't seem to actually absorb it or get anything out of it. Their real source of information is the megachurch pastor on TV, not the Scriptures. So when they come across explicitly anti-Judaism verses like Galatians 3:29, Matthew 21:43, or Romans 9:6 it just doesn't even register in their minds.
You can try to do the "we are all allies against da jooz and the gays", muzzie, but everyone outside of edgy contrarians has enough brain cells to know you want to fuck us, and we are no friends.
I don't have all the information at hand but it's my understanding that a lot of the pro israel pastors like Hagee was being paid by zionists
They also gets trips to Israel were we can only speculate what goes on
Also the schofield bible has had a lot of influence
Then there is also the politcal/media aspect were ""conservative"" media is ultra pro israel
But you say boomer but frankly it's a phenomenon that has gotten stronger and stronger over the years
If you went back in the 50s 60s you wouldn't find a lot of super pro israel churches and a lot of younger christians are all in on the zionism
they also grew up with the anti muslim war of terror era propaganda from the 2000s so they are primed to be pro israel
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Protestantism in terms of authority is a free-for-all, and since Jews have money and power, they can buy off enough pied pipers to get any number of Christians to frolic off a cliff. Look up the history of the Scofield Bible and dispensationalism. Interpretation is not a matter of indiference, and ideas on a page can have serious consequences.
>Dispensationalists profess that there exists a historic and demographic distinction between Israel and the Christian Church. For them, Israel is an ethnic nation consisting of Hebrews (Israelites), beginning with Abraham.[7]:127 The Church, on the other hand, consists of all saved individuals from the "birth of the Church" in Acts until the time of the rapture.[15] Classic dispensationalists refer to this period as a "parenthesis" or temporary interlude in the progress of Israel's prophesied history when God has paused his dealing with Israel and is dealing with his Church.

Did anyone in the Middle Ages actually claim to have seen a dragon with their own eyes?

> Lilith
> strong and independant
> Would never be stupide enough to eat the fruit by the serpent
> is banned just because she had individuality

> Then make Eve
> Make her more submissive
> So making her totally stupide and naive
> Eat the fruit because of the serpent

Is God and Adam never happy ?

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If everyone only did work that they “loved and believed in” civilization would collapse in a week maximum. Who would run the machines and do the paperwork? Adults are supposed to understand that what we want isn’t the same as what everyone else needs, and it’s on us to adjust ourselves accordingly. When did you first wake up from the American dream?
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>if everyone only did work that they “loved and believed in” civilization would collapse in a week maximum.

Okay, now this* is based
I will continue to do what I love, Anon
shut up idiot
Ill keep doing what I love, thanks. That being nothing
THere are people who enjoy doing paperwork and running machines. Especially when it's their own company.

Its one thing to be a janitor, its anotehr to be a 1 man cleaning company and in charge of your own fate

George RR Martin used the War of the Roses as scaffolding for GoT. What other historical event would make for a good fantasy parallel?
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The Constantinian Dinasty after the death of Constantine
>Massacre of the Princes
>Empire split between Constantine II, Constantius II and Constans
>War between Constantine II and Constans
>War between Constans and Magnentius
>War between Constantius II and Magnentius
>Gallus as Caesar and his execution
>Life of Julian before becoming a Caesar
>Julian as Caesar
>War between Constantius II and Julian
>Death of Constantius II, naming Julian as his heir
>Julian as sole emperor
>Julian war against the persians and his death

Half of the work is already done with Gore Vidal novel. Just flesh a little bit more the sons of Constantine, especially Constantius II, and you get a top tier story
>What other historical event would make for a good fantasy parallel?
>Jesus and Magdalene being the ones to personally introduce christianity to Britain.
oh wait, we have LOTR.
>Juba II being the adoptive son of Caesar and Augustus
oh wait, we have Star Wars for that
>The Massylii tribe helping sack the phoenecian grasp over Carthage and the southern sands by siding with rome
oh wait... that's Dune
honestly, someone should jump onto the story of Aztlan with a billion dollar franchise already, and explain how the vikings brief introduction of the sniffles ended in the domino collapses all the way down into mesoamerica.
Make it a sequel tv-series to Apocalypto or something, exploring the origin of the blood-sacrificing Aztecs and their move into Mexico.
me with a blond wig
I prefer the modern version of the 30 years war (Syrian Civil War)
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agreed, tons of unique cities to draw inspiration from too. do you have any good sources in mind?

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>Despite the popularity of Greek culture in the West, Greek culture is generally seen as having little importance in Indo-European comparative studies due to the strong influence of pre-Greek and Near Eastern cultures, which outweighs what little Indo-European material there is can be extracted from it.
> Y DNA studies show that the Greeks carry some of the oldest Y haplogroups in Europe, in particular the J2 haplogroup (and other J subhaplogroups) and the E haplogroups, which are genetic markers denoting the earliest Neolithic farmers derived from the Near East.
> Minoan, any member of a non-Indo-European people who flourished (c. 3000–c. 1100 BC) on the island of Crete during the Bronze Age.
>A 2017 study of the genetic origins of the Minoans showed a strong similarity to modern Greeks, but with some further dilution of early Neolithic ancestry. (meaning modern Greeks are actually more European compared to the ancients)
>A comparative study of DNA haplogroups of modern Cretan men showed that a male founder group, from Anatolia and the Levant, is shared with the Greeks. (meaning that the Greeks are, at least paternally, derived from those Anatolian/Levantine people who settled in Minoa)
>Gods presumed to be of pre-Greek or Near Eastern origin
>Ἀπόλλων, Apóllōn, Apollo;[33][34]
>Ἄρης , Ares, Ares;[34]
>Ἄρτεμις, Artemis, Artemis;[34]
>Ἀσκληπιός, Asklēpiós, Asclepius;[35]
>Ἀθήνη, Athḗnē, Athena;[34]
>Ἄτλας, Átlās, Atlas;[ 35]
>Διόνῡσος , Diónȳsos
, Dionysus ;
[ 37 ] >Ποσειδῶν, Poseidôn, Poseidon;[38][39] >Δημήτηρ, Dēmḗtēr, Demeter.[40]
Nordcucks and slavcucks and butthurt than meds with low yamnaya admixture are much better looking than those asiatic mutts.

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What are the most liminal nation-states next to Belgium?
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I'll be honest I hate romanians as much as the hunigga but I cannot help but feel like they deserve Moldova in it's entirety. Why is it even called Moldova?
a tumor of a tumor
>nd the upper-class often spoke French.
Why? I guess it makes sense since they are next to France, but do you know the specifics?
it was named after a germanic tribe retard

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Tankies don’t hate Nazis because they were virulently horrifically antisemitic. They just resent them for having opposed the glorious eternal Soviet empire.

Antisemitism is fair game to them, so long as it brings them closer to their schizophrenic Marxist utopian world order, whatever that actually looks like (because Marxist schizos also can’t agree on shit unless they’re coerced into it by naked brutality).
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>Do you support a fighting force that deliberately embeds itself among its own civilian population so as to maximize the number of casualties?
that's not a thing Hamas is actually doing, that's just what Israel claims in order to justify mass slaughter of civilians
So true, and the Holocaust was an Allied fabrication meant to delegitimize German National Socialism. Also everything that was supposedly published from the Soviet archives after the collapse of the USSR was just anticommunist CIA propaganda. High five guys, we did it!
Israel has repeatedly rejected peace offers from Hamas because they'd let Gazan civilians return home, and also blown up every hospital they could reach, and also bombed refugee camps,
somehow I doubt Hamas policy has anything to do with Israeli commitment to ethnic cleansing, and Israel's claim that Hamas is hiding among civilians should be taken about as similarly as its claims that the UN and American college students are Hamas
>eternal Soviet empire
Collapsed within 68yrs

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They herd cattle in the vast plains of southern Spain, like the Guadalquivir marshlands.
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yes, and? mexicans shoot them and leave them for dead as the animals they are too
Well, y'know, America is the land of shootings and obesity, so I reckon there oughta be a few people of partial or total Native American descent being shot by non-urbanites in America right now.
t. non-Spaniard who lives right across the border from the Great Satan
Those are not cowboys. Cowboy is a roguish outlaw.
While Iberians are all criminals. They aren’t handsome or quick witted.
Iberians have the lowest crime rates in western europe. Nordcucks subhumans are savages no better than their viking ancestors. Also they keep stealing stuff from the meds because they can't come up with anything original themselves, case in point here
>cowboy is an outlaw
Retard. You think vikings also had horns on their helmet.

>be jesus
>get boner
>go shit in desert
>still think you are god while getting boner and shitting in desert
how did he do it bros?
he was a man, too

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Hey white man, how can you look at yourself in the mirror and call yourself christian?
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a what? never heard of it.
never did that. whites are atheists or gravitate towards atheism via increasingly abstract and inconsequential notions of a god. abrahamic believers are wannabe jews - christians claim they are the true israel and muslims have kosher - sorry: halal - food taboos and circumcision.
Nah. He's right. The jewish influence birthed christianism and destroyed european native culture. It's obvious when you see white people, they always looks that they are in a stage of confusion between paganism and monoteism. Most of the european wars, most of the european blood, most of the european religious building, most of the european culture and history is based in the act of bowing to a jewish messiah.
If you think this way, this one of the greatest humiliation in history, on par only with people that suffered the same destiny, like the pagans of the middle east and elsewhere. They won, and nothing europeans could ever do will change that.
White people have been majority Christian for 1500 years, that's how.

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