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Was there something special about national socialism that caused a bunch of misfits to t transform germany from a humiliated country, burdened by war reparations, social decay, and economic recession into THE preeminent power on the continent? Or was it all just a coincidence? The right place at the right time?
There was something special about Adolf Hitler. The majority of the mass of humanity isnt really responsible for anything.
the world was united in their hatred of the french
They didn't turn it into a preeminent power they turned it into a divided, war torn ruin of a country.
There shouldn't have had to have been something special about the Nazis. Most of what they did should have just been done by literally whoever was running their country. The Jewspiracy needed to be invented to explain how retarded everyone else was acting for not just doing obvious crap of ignoring the Versailles Treaty

Were the Allied Powers hypocrites for denouncing Japan? The West taught the Japanese that the only way they could gain respect and be seen as civilized is if they behaved like European colonial empires.
Europeans got 90% of their colonies via peaceful treaties, and the fighting was low level. Only the Italians and as you mentioned, Japs did it only via violent means, which both were denounced by the world in turn
Low IQ copium
>if they behaved like European colonial empires.
And they didn't behave like that. They behaved like barbarians who liked slicing prisoners and civilians with their little swords, which is not something civilized nations did.
They also tried to force in an anti racism clause to Versailles, which would have forced every other country to adopt civil rights laws and DEI at that time.
Yes and that's why America reinstated colonial rule after ww2
oh wait...

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Historically speaking, why was anime mocked so much in the 90s?
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Not much has changed though. However, I get along with very few asians regardless. Very ant like, simian people.
Cartoonists were pissed that cheaply-imported anime was doing better than their home-produced shows in terms of ratings and merch sales, and Baby Boomers legitimately couldn't get their heads around any of it. WB ended up cancelling and reorganizing a lot of its plans just based around the success of Pokemon alone, DBZ was hugely instrumental in Toonami's success, Sailor Moon was a smash hit on literally every channel it aired on, etc. The idea that cartoons could be serious was totally alien to most of them outside of a very niche group of animation nerds, and a lot of Japanese animation tropes just didn't make sense to them. So it was mocked from industry-producers because it was direct competition, and mocked by the cultural zeitgeist at large because it was different.

Of course some people embraced it, notably in Gen X, and Millennials at the time went nuts for it because they were still kids and for them it was just "those cartoons with the plots and big eyes".
It's funny too, because Dexter's Lab was kind of a weeaboo show.
How do you feel that American media would have been different if they had held on to the mid-late Gen X talent instead of firing them after the recession? 18 years of boomer leadership past its prime hasn't worked, but what would an evolution even look like?
Not really.
Aeon Flux wasn't beating Toonami.
The most successful Gen X cartoons were all animated sit-coms. The action cartoons just didn't work.

Since the last time I posted about this, I went to track down the entry of Yasuke in the Maeda Clan version of the Shinchōkōki. Kaneko Hiraku (professor at the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo, the most prestigious historical research institution in Japan) includes in his book below, paired with the translation in Thomas Lockley's book (which is correct):

This black man called Yasuke was given a stipend, a private residence, etc., and was given a short sword with a decorative sheath. He is sometimes seen in the role of weapon bearer.
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Imagine spending years studying theology in the University of Padua, joining one of the most prestigious Catholic institutions, risking your very life by making a dangerous cross-oceanic voyage to the edge of the known world and spending the rest of your life in completely alien land working to expand the Catholic faith, never again seeing your own homeland, only for some retard on a Tibetan fish trap forum claim you were actually a jew without any evidence at all.
Nah, that was enforced by Tokugawa
It's not that far fetched. Jews are very dedicated to their craft of deception.
Yasuke was a slave who spent 15 months in Japan, during which he accomplished nothing of note beside being black, before being handed back to wypipo and spending the rest of his life as a slave in India.
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Very true, but the (((Dutch))) only showed decades later

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So there's this duality between pragmatism and skepticism, where is the truth?
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OK.k but do you recognize that dogmatism can be dangerous in its most extreme form?
When you discover that adopting a skeptical point of view leads to a more predictable development, many fall into dogmatism, thinking that their fate, although predictable, is different in a positive way.
Obviously. Beliefs should be tested, they should give beneficial results
>humans are causing climate change
nice goalpost shifting
didnt it used to be
>humans are gonna turn the earth into venus
that said; creationists are moving towards "Apparent Age"
That's because skepticism is just another dogma. Read Nietzsche.

Why can’t God heal amputees?
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>he wants the world to make sense even from an atheist perspective, so that lots of people choose not to believe and suffer in hell forever.
it doesnt make sense, no.
but he cant be obvious. yes he is a riddler. and hell is only equivalent to how much evil you've done. it's not equal for everybody. you really will never believe? cool, try to help these aforementioned amputees then. you'll only be paid back based on how much bad you've done.
I think worshipping and proselytizing for such an overtly evil god is bad, but would that make me go to hell?
>overtly evil god
what would a good god look like
and second; how is it in your scope of knowledge to determine such a thing?
>but would that make me go to hell?
it wouldnt make it any better for you. but if you're really an atheist then I wouldnt think about it if I were you. I think we all have a desire to do good for goodness sake? whatever the case for reality, you'll be better off in the end if you follow that.
He did. He healed several people with leprosy, and body parts fall off with leprosy.
We're not flatworms dumbass

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If i was Mondale i would've killed myself right there
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like he totally wasn't mentored by Dixiecrat Senators and they were like uncle figures to him
midterms usually go against the party controlling the White House as they're an opportunity for everyone who has a grievance with the president for whatever reason to vote
Hillary would have done the same. "Divide and conquer" is a cop-out, it was always going to turn out this way.
this is what elections looked like until clinton and democrats embraced neoliberlism. they had to shake off the idea that they were hippie extremists because of the 70s and 60s

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>One of the prisoners (whose name has never been discovered) escaped, apparently returning to the site to carve the message "98 US PW 5-10-43" on a large coral rock near where the victims had been hastily buried in a mass grave. The unknown American was recaptured, and Sakaibara personally beheaded him with a katana. The inscription on the rock can still be seen and is a Wake Island landmark.
Let's be honest, this never happened and was just carved afterwards

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Is there any moral way for modern people to use animals for food?

Factory farming is so inhumane it’s sickening
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I figured the thirdies cant afford a bolt gun. The gun and the cartridges cost money. They might even also have laws against them who knows.
You have animals on a field
You drive up to an animal, fire a captive bolt gun into the animals skull and then cut it's throat
Generally they are sent to proper slaughterhouses. My father only called me to watch goats and pigs being killed.
I don't know why. It even makes the meat hard. I hate it.
Gone off farmed meat.
Would still hunt, kill & butcher if I ever needed to (I don't).
It's tied to capitalism for one thing.
But, even with that said, there is the alternative of plant based meat. There's also the possibility of lab grown meat.
If you can find meat that is locally sourced then, that's one way.

In this thread we'll list our favorite historical misconceptions. I'll start:
>China was an advanced civilization even in ancient times
Not really. They did build some impressive structures, such as the Great Wall, long before contact with western Europeans. However, the astronomy, philosophy, and even writing system of China are recent advancements. The Ming emperor was said to be shocked and amazed when he first saw that Portugese ambassadors could store information on paper, and he ordered the creation of a written language in response to this. Furthermore, a similar situation played out in Japan, hence the similarities between Japanese and Chinese calligraphy.
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Could it be that one retarded Ming Emperor?
>Zhu Youjiao became emperor at the age of 15, following the death of his father, the Taichang Emperor, who ruled less than a month.[3] He did not pay much attention to state affairs, and was accused of failing in his filial duties to his late father by not continuing the latter's wishes. It is possible that Zhu Youjiao suffered from a learning disability or something more. He was illiterate[3] and showed no interest in his studies. However, he was an outstanding carpenter and craftsman, often spending vast amounts of time on woodworking and instructing his servants to sell his creations undercover on the market just to see how much they were worth.
>1) even if they did make these alleged discoveries, they never wrote it down until the 16th century
Bait used to be more believable
A lot of old Chinese books were destroyed during the Qing dynasty but preserved in Japan which is why we know about them. Did the CCP collude with the Japs to fake them too?
Big Chingus
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>Ignoring the mighty Tang dynasty and its strategic victories.

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>all art is political
>she says, while posting political art
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>xe says, while posting political art*
Get xer pronouns right, chuddie!
Everything is political, including being non-political.
*Said the psychopaths - incapable of anything...

Why were there no cowboys back in europe?
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They had cowboys in asia.
Rules and regulations
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Cowboys were a product of

1. Frontier lawlessness. I'm not even entirely referring to the frequency of robbery and murder, but the lack of effective enforcement of property law as well (ex. ranches being ambiguously delineated or not at all), which was a frequent cause of familial blood feuds in the "Old West". This, along with conflicts with bandits from Mexico and Native Americans, was the driving force behind the image of cowboys being almost universally armed.

2. Cattle driving, or the practice of taking herds from one pasture to another for grazing. This is what the actual profession of "cowboy" entailed.

Neither condition existed in Western Europe by the 19th Century due to more uniform law enforcement (most European countries had some form of uniformed police by 1860, whereas law enforcement in the Western US during the same period mainly consisted of locally elected sheriffs who usually wore civilian clothes with only a badge to identify themselves) and the temperate climate negating the need to move cattle herds long distances to graze.
They look like Santa's elves haha
Border Rievers were basically cowboys. They were mounted, herded livestock, engaged in blood feuds, and raided and pillaged each other.

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as of the year 2024 A.D
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I'm convinced this map was made completely earnestly. It is retarded in so many ways there isn't even a hint of bias. It's just uniformly retarded.
It larps as it pretty hard.
>White Ruling elite
I am still puzzled on how exactly americans got psyopped into the "White elite meme". They aren't coal black africans, sure, but their genetic make up has been embellished.
Nah, I think he just figured the far east was too alien (which it is) to the western model of civilization in a way Brazil isn't.
Also, what are your opiniond on China?
rather be anything except an actual sub saharan poo poo coloured ohionigger like (You)!

hope that helps Deshawn...
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>/his/ has finally outgrown being seduced by aesthetics and taken the protestantpill
The truth wins.
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I'm generally adverse to doctrinal shit flinging contests but that is a laughable point of criticism for Catholics to make toward protestants desu. Catholic clergy was hoarding wealth and making political appointments for more than a millenia before Luther was even born. It was one of his main points of contention with them. Protestants also have the advantage that they can disavow bad acts by any other protestant pretty easily, whereas Catholics have to believe that the Church is ultimately just and good. I think there are good arguments to be made on the Catholic side but this just isnt one of them.
Do tell, what other denomination (besides Unitarianism) so shamelessly wipes their ass with the Bible?
nta but uhh Mormons?
Reeeeee give me back my free will C*lvinist
39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.

40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?

41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.

42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.

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Obviously it happened at some point, but when and why is what I would like to know.
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there was no schism about converting non-whites

no, they actively tried to convert southern indians with no steppe ancestry
Never heard of Protestantism, and the anglican church of the english? interesting, i thought everyone knew about that.
Neither protestantism, the reformation or the Anglican church happened because of non-whites being converted (a thing that centuries before)
They didn't have haplogroup spreadsheets in the middle ages, and had no way of knowing that high-caste Indians had European steppe ancestry
The Protestantism Reformation wasn't about race

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