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Would you?
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Why so mean?
Olive with a blue eye filter?
or just lose like 20kg first, maybe you're as ugly if you weren't so disgustingly fat
you're super pass.

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because it's hot to give your lover a good time.
Is eye color important to you?
idk. the quran is about being a bottom
balanced chemsitry is the only thing that gets people to first base, nothing can make up for that.
bye sisters, im reality shifting with no intention of coming back to this shithole reality, in my dr I will be non-autistic and pretty enough to be a model and I will be a celebrity and stuff, omg im so happy

im also scripting that supernatural creatures similar to the ones of the k-drama hellnound are real and the world is ruled by a new religion just to make things more interesting

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prev: >>35660005
qott: what hobbies/interests do you have? do you frequent any other boards?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup

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crying bad need to scream but i don't want to be heard.
I made love to my partner this afternoon. I dressed as a maid. I folded his pants and underwear while going down on him. Then he ordered me to lay down on my back and he fucked me tenderly, he even let me use the wand while he was inside me ^_^

They seem like they're slutting perfectly adequately.
Kayla's body is that of a woman. Paige wanted to be a shota, and never put any effort into it. Make-up and girl fashion is 'misogynistic' lel lol lul

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>be coomer
>download sissy hypno files from strange darkweb forums
>they are actively trying to make me dysphoric
why do you need them from the darkweb lol
also mind sharing?

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

qott 1: are you into feet? if so, what's your favorite thing about them?
qott 2: how would you feel about dating a girl who had a foot fetish?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35642016
discord: https://discord.gg/hrbygddw
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Went to get noodles with my ex and told her I got called a chaser here. She said I can't possibly be a chaser because I dont treat girls like fetish objects and I'm not afraod to be in public with them. Then she told me about some of the gross chasers she had experience with and how gross they are. These girls don't seem understand how much of a disgusting rapehon I am. How do I get it through to them?
ultimate love <3
can’t believe lago posted her pussy in the discord and said TRANNIES WILL NEVER HAVE THIS
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cant decide if i love or hate my gf it goes back and forth every hour or so..

i started at 17 so im curious
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and if you really wanna go based on puberty

>gigayoungshit = pre puberty
>youngshit = early to mid puberty
>midshit = mid to late puberty
>oldshit = post twink death
mtf, yeah i think that fits tbf i think i expirienced twinkdeath at 14
>>oldshit = post twink death
not everyone had a twink phase (most didn't if you're going off the average cis male) so inaccurate just say after 19 or 20 or so
i repped at 15 for looking too much like a man you really have to start much earlier than that if you want to consider yourself a youngshit

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I regret posting pictures of me on this website..
ok and fag. want me to cry for you
that sounds hot
You gonna cum about it?
i dont

is it sad that i use ai's to write personalized smut for me because im so lonely? :( i make it write romance stories for me.
im obsessed with it its written hundreds of stories by now
t. rans girl
You should make a website to post them all on. You might make a few bucks.
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I think this is fembrained so its probably ok...

what kind of smut r u generating :p
>what kind of smut r u generating :p
cute friends to lovers stories
ooh ooh i forgot about the one im making it write rn.
its a story where my family is threatened and im assigned a bodyguard :) ))
oh cool, they seem pretty wholesome! do u just use chatgpt or do u go to a specific site? I know of character.ai but not relaly anything esle :(

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femboimaxxers/twinkmaxxers/MtFs/etc. of /LGBT/; what electric shaver do you use for your routine full body shaves? Any recs?

I'm looking for something that shaves everything completely off as quickly/seamlessly/effortlessly/painlessly as possible. The more budget friendly the better - but I'll try to wing with whatever if the value's not that compromisable for the criteria of what im looking for. I have a cheaper/lower end(?) Wahl shaver; doesn't seem to be all that good at all (don't recall what exact model name, but I might look for it & post whenever im not that lazy.)

Somebody recommended me this a while back: https://a.co/d/0kA1ylJ - what's your hearsay?
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Oh? Is this supposed to be used as shaving cream in itself? or just a generalized cream you apply every day to stunt/slow hair regrowth?

Any additional *potential* catches/cons of this to be aware of?
Get at home IPL - it wont be permanent laser, but way better than anything else you will find.

Also, if you arent a supermodel yet yngmi
Use to use a Philips multigroom which was good but now I have my own diode laser machine I got from AliExpress
nta but just in case they don’t answer, nair is a hair removal cream. you apply it to an area and let it sit for a certain amount of time before rinsing it off. it chemically removes the hair, so you get better results than shaving. if you don’t follow instructions you can get a chemical burn so watch out!
a cream you put on your body then wipe hair off with a rag in the shower 10 mins later (: it always makes me smooth for weeks
i think the product effectiveness depends on how much hair you have but this method is usually the fastest and cheapest way to eliminate body hair for me

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Is it just me or is Andrew tate, aside from having a good build really ugly? Like i don't think you'd find his face attractive as a gay guy or as a straight woman. He even wears sunglasses to hide his silly eyes lol
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>We are not stuck in a 20th century paradigm for the rest of humanities existence
I fuckin wish we weren't. You all are desperately boring and stuck in ideological ruts.
>you wanna call everything you don't like nazis
I dislike many more things than just nazis. Nazis are but one group of retards in the world.
>You're jiving like a useful idiot
You are jiving like an intentionally dishonest retard trying to distance themselves from their real beliefs.

Why shouldn't I call nazi's nazis?
Like an anemic Dave Bautista
he is ugly and not even strong and he looks like a gay chaser so the only hot thing is that hes tall but yea no
Elon got an hair implant and no one clowns him for it. Why dont this guy get a chin implanted?

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>be AMAB
>be seen as a sexual threat no matter what I do
Please God make it stop
Trooning makes it even worse. It seems like a genuine catch-22.
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you know whats a nice feeling anon? the other day i was feeling kinda tired, so in the middle of town i sat down on this long like, bench, thing? its hard to describe but its like a half moon shaped bench like twenty feet long or something like that, its a big bench is what im trying to say here
anyways, i was at one end and this old guy was at the other, and we were as far apart as we could be. it was nice.
and then a lady sat next to me
and another
and some younger girls
and some women stood behind me while chatting
and in that moment all of these women were just chilling with me, minding their own business, feeling safe because they thought i was one of them too

truthfully, it kinda reminds me of how it feels when a flock of birds gathers around you, and you must be still to not startle them
it was a nice feeling
i was one of the birds that day :)
Do you look like a woman? Do you sound like a woman? Do you act like a woman? Maybe there's something you can change to stop being perceived as a potential rapist. A passoid with a cock is less threatening than a hon without one.
Does it still work if you're bi, like openly bi? Cuz that was my plan, I'm sorta fag-coded anyway, I've just masked it for years because I didn't want to get picked on. If it gets me female friends and I don't need to lie about my sexuality, based.
I was raped so I developed an immense amount of self hate for having ever lusted.
Sex is evil and I'm evil for wanting it.

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you are an eggless man
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Desperation like this is genuinely sad to observe
>we found a sewing needle in a hecking cairn bro
>anthropology is desperation
why does acknowledging this disturb you so deeply? we have made some crazier conclusion off weaker evidence, like analysing the diet of some frozen dead guy by looking at his hair.

>we know their customs
>we know that this is a male skeleton
>we know that this is a female burial item
what conclusion would you draw?
My conclusion would be that we can't reasonably draw barely any conclusions from most of the archaeological evidence we find. Very often we will draw conclusions to suit our own biases, which evidently you do not see in your own behavior.
People don't like us because the activists and media bombard them will bullshit until they react predictably, which justifies the activists' existence and makes the media rich.

90% of people would be fine with us if we just stay away from kids and leave them alone.
Ladyboy culture has existed in South East Asia for 2500 years.
Science has caught up to what religion already knew is all.

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istg every time i see a cis girl i just want to kill myself im so fucking jealous i hate myself fuck
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they do use dead women's skins sometimes for the surgery but that is a hsts thing, agp are the majority and the ones most desirable to straight cis men and lesbians
Especially obese cis women. Imagine having the gift of a female body and ruining it by stuffing your hole.. utterly inhuman, animalistic behavior
then i feel disgusting and like im objectifying them . i try not to ever make friends or talk to people that much when everything i do is so disgusting
imagine unironically believing in blanchard in 2024
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>agp are the majority
Because they're heterosexual men according to Blanchard, and straights outnumber gays
> and the ones most desirable to straight cis men
No, picrel is hsts and passes 100% and it's genuinely fembrained. Straight men want that, not some agp awkward tranny that plays dnd and fallout all day.
> and lesbians
iow, heterosexual sex, which isn't lgbt

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are there regional differences (in the USA) of how MtFs are like in terms of generalized characteristics/attitudes/mindsets?

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>QOTT: Show a piece of clothing you've recently bought or want to buy

Last - >>35658998
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Weed. Also I'm 5'8" and I bench about 160lbs currently, but I'm also not training hard at the moment. 3000 calories was what my personal trainer a few years ago made me do, and that shifted me from being perpetually underweight and struggling with my gains to not struggling nearly as much. It's not just calories obviously, it's the protein too. He said the amount of protein per day should be about your weight in grams. I do manual labor as a side gig now.
man that face, yikes
but that ass I would OBLITERATE
i refuse to believe this is a pooner, thats the most MtF tranny face ive ever seen. you're actually fucking gay if you fucked this thing.
Rice and peanut butter. Easy, versatile, and cheap in bulk quantity. Go to discount food stores and look all the labels, buy anything that's cheap and has more protein than it has sugar. I call it the protein to sugar ratio, anything with more sugar than protein goes back on the shelf. Milk and eggs if you can get them cheap, I know those have unfortunately gone up a lot in price in recent years. Be willing to experiment and try things you haven't before. It's not all going to taste amazing but that's not why you're eating. You're eating to get the fuel you need to get stronger.
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i would if i wasn’t practically asexual offline

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