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Diet edition

previous thread:

qott1 : Do you diet? If so what does it consist of?
qott2 : What are your ideal end goal / physique?
qott bonus : Hows your sleep schedule?
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do you think outing myself to all my friends could make me less miserable all the time?
Wavy hair. That's good advice but, does seem a rather general? Not to mention the beating those supplements would do to my wallet.
Any more help you might give on sleeping better?

I get a feeling moving out really is the best way to transition, barring the rare cases where families are fully supporting of a transition. Bloody hell.
I just got into new vegas for the first time and i assume you people would know enough about it
what's the best graphics mod to get if vanilla doesn't suffice?
o good me too. so those other suggestions are just more for general care and more for if ur not meeting nutritional requirements already. otherwise for sleep i would make sure ur getting good REM sleep, so at least 8-9 hours a night and also making sure u don't have any sleep apnea. as for the actual hair itself just make sure ur washing semi frequently(no more than 2x/3x a week), using conditioner, and sealing the moisture immediately afterwards with a leave in and serum. also trim ends when u can to prevent damage from moving up from the tip. as for styling its more of a personal choice i guess
the website is whatever but i take my mirror seriously

i dont wana be tramsngener anymore ;_;
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ummmmmm no. id say im even more masculine for doing this, as it proves i am very impulsive
men don't have tits darling
>what is gyno
dont we all

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no one talks about this type of lower face structure being bad for passing. any fixes? braces to push upper teeth down?
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yap yap yap
just get bangs and fatmaxx op. orders of magnitude cheaper
fatmax sure, but I don't think bangs would fit op's face or hair type
hair straightening, easy. bangs always fit trannies whose upper face is bad, because lacking ffs you're better off hiding your hairline, forehead and browbone with an unfitting haircut than having a nice haircut but looking like a man
>any fixes?
Grug grug caveman

What is your fav thing to write onto your/someones tights/body?
(Yes, I'm gonna write whatever you say onto my body, thats why I am asking)
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oh no like thats what i would write
im ssorry ffor making yyou write that on yourself ifeel bad about that im sure you arent worthlessor useless and dpeople are happy with you and that you arent dumb
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haha... but what I said still counts..:

maybe... who knows-- anyways what u gonna do abt it? :3

(oh and even tho I only said "maybe" u should know that you're absolutely right)
ty for your concern but I absolutely am worthless, so is nearly everything in the universe. All the same and if everything is the same it got not more or less worth concluding in absolutely worthlessness

Besides that i think that i am acutally worthless and should prob die but thats another storyyy :33
i am not sure with what I should respond to this post desu

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What's with transgirls being unable to drive cars? It's pretty cute ngl but I notice a lot of you can't drive. You need to learn how to drive to live in this society ladies.
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>tfw enby
>tfw driving instructor
feels good
i have a car that i pay for but my bf drives me everywhere :3
also not knowing how to drive is a gay/lgbt stereotype
a lot of them have too much autism to drive a car
I scared of driving cos it kills so many people + I almost got hit by a truck one time and it's a waste of money and I'd rather blow all my money on FFS instead
>whips is the dutch spelling of whippe
cool whippe

>Be me, transgender passoid
>Be low elo in League of Legends (D3)
>Queue up for placements
>Get Shaco AP twice
>Get piss useless ''assassins'' in midlane almost all games, worst class in the game played only by MEN with mental problems
>Botlane loses lane 100% of times
>Riot then tells me that they do not make anyone lose on purpose

At this point I am sure Riot is just being transphobic, then why do I get AP Shaco and Zed as jg-mid and enemy team gets USEFUL characters that actually do something? They hate to see a trans woman playing toplane, they are trying to force me into playing Janna and Yuumi support like a FAGGOT. They cannot stand seeing a woman standing alone against a world of men.
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I would go grubs if the retards that pick Shaco AP decided to do something else besides spam gank bot and lose all dragons anyways.
>with a fresh acc you should be able to hit d4 in under 50 games.
And why would I spend money on a new acc? Lmao
>playing league
lmao, even
I started hrt very young, I am stealthy... like a possum.
Listen cutie if you're serious, I'm a 6"2 gigachad with a giant cock and a thing for cute skinny genius trannies. I'll let you carry my bronze league ass and then when you rage out at my poor play which makes it hard to carry, I'll beat you back into submission and then when you're nice and bruised I'll force you to gag on my cock. We'll repeat this until your throat has been trained to have no gag reflex whatsoever and you can take the whole thing.

This requires you call me "Master" at all times except when you're being a brat. Also assumes you have a cute voice. Hmu if interested.
I don't feel like desu

the underboob sweat is real friends
jar it and sell it to horny chasers
I want to taste it

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What should I be practicing on a daily basis in order to voice train?
bump again...
also curious, here's a bump

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Nutrition edition
Prev: >>35813641
Shiny discord link (it’s not the other one) https://discord.gg/RP6Kkkaf
QOTT: where do you get your protein from?
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me on da left!!
>t.the cancer that has invaded this gen along with like 6 others u know who u are
>Verification not required.
Vagueposting is just lazy snark desu
they seem nice
>not having to live at home and commute to college
Failing uni because I'm a pathetic low-life tranny

This is gen for trans women with bottom dysphoria.
This gen is to help eachother, give best sources, experiences, doctors and anything SRS related. Pre, post SRS all welcome!
>QOTT: are you planning to get SRS soon?
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Look, this thread is not for you and your stupid questions. Just leave if you don't like it. That's all. Bye.
I already had srs so I guess I'll get asked a million questions I've answered on here a million times before
in short yes it was worth it
Does anyone have an opinion about Dr. Gladys Ng at UCLA for srs? She does PTP apparently. I have a consult with her soonish but I can’t find any healed results online
Where are post srs trans women ready to date and eventually marry me
I legitimately have no idea if I want SRS or not. When I was a teenager I questioned my gender but decided I wasn't trans because I didn't have bottom dysphoria. I even had PIV sex and apparently enjoyed it. Now I've been on HRT for over 2 years and I've socially transitioned, and I fucking hate my dick. I hate tucking, and the sensation gives me constant anxiety that someone will notice it and be disgusted. I only bottom now and am mostly only attracted to guys. Anal feels good but the logistics of it are annoying. I feel like I constantly wish I had a vagina, or at least that I didn't have a dick. I'm scared of getting a bad result or regretting it though. I also don't know how to reconcile it with how I was before. I'm worried that my dysphoria is mostly due to social factors, i.e. I don't want to have the "rape organ" attached to my body. Or maybe I just want the convenience of not having to tuck or prep for anal. Maybe I figure I've got nothing to lose since my dick doesn't work anyway, and even of it did I wouldn't want to use it.

Has anyone else had late-onset bottom dysphoria like this and then gotten SRS?

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>"she" is a transbian who doesn't pass, doesn't voice train, doesn't want SRS, only has male hobbies, is only friends with other transbians and men, and studies computer science
Does anyone take these people seriously? I literally see them as men.

t. straight passoid
op is not like the other flamers
nobody can sense he is male or gay anymore
t. seething malebrained transbian hon
unironically agree I do not feel comfortable or safe around those types

This new conservative cartoon is lit. Prepare to be mocked trannies.
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this is like 60% of the men on grindr
very good, very good. however you missed the opportunity to write CUM on the other mug.
Lol does anyone actually watch Daily Wires slop besides their talking heads?
jesus, it's painful to look at
>daily wire slop
>homoerotic subtext in the title card
Why does all of their content try to brainwash chuds into sucking BBC?

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

QOTT: what is your favorite dessert?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35815100
discord: https://discord.gg/vakBkTTwBx
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yes i love kfc
in a second
Fuck.,.,., I'd love to do that with someone.......
>speaks like peter griffin
switch that with speaking like elvis and it'd be way better
how do you have hope again

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I want a bf who is bigger than me who will make me feel smol. He doesn't necessarily have to be taller, but he absolutely has to have the presence that makes me feel like I'm looked after and can let go.

In turn, I don't want him to feel alone either. I will defend him viciously. Listen to any of his woes. Make him feel secure with me.

I want a man to worship and make him feel loved; I also want to feel wanted.
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My current partner but male, more successful and also less kinky (I'm into it but not *that* much).
The ride never ends with BPD.

You can reassure and calm them down, but the next day it's the same shit all over again.

They are simply unable to manage their own emotions, they're incapable of staying grounded.
Thank you for this gift. May you find the peace your ex did not
Someone that loves me, ideally same height or taller, dominant, nerdy and smart, can deal with my autism, trans women preferred but others work as well as long as they are true allies, also either poly or truly ok with me having other people

In short this person probably doesn’t exist but I currently have different partners that all fulfill parts of this so I’ll probably manage 8fvs
>smaller than me
>younger than me
>introverted, a little shy
>very affectionate, loves to cuddle
>into music
>likes eating out, somewhat adventurous eater
>likes to travel, or will at least do it with me

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Previous: >>35511744
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cute. also single-handedly carrying this thread
nah anon the actual artists carry these threads I just bump it with my silly doodles
don't be so hard on yourself. i mean, i'm not an artist, so i can't validate you in any contextual way. but your "doodles" are far beyond what i would expect a doodle to be. gotta keep the expectations low, i guess, lest anyone see you at your full power. your creativity and passion is appreciated!
this is literally as good as art needs to be

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