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A straight man wouldn't date a crossdressing man who identifies as a woman whether the cd has long hair, is shaved, has a fake vagina or tits installed, etc, because underneath it all, he's still biologically male and his frame is male-shaped. Straight men don't date trans women, at all, pre-op, post-op, ever. Bi and gay men do because there's unmistakably male elements in person that a straight man couldn't simply ignore.
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So being attracted to a trans guy who has a beard deep voice n looks like a gym bro Is straight for men?
Your precious bone structure only applies if hrt is started too late. Even midshits have gynoid hips.
This I started before testestrone effected me n have a 100% female bone structure
Then why do dykes like using dildos/straps? Doesn't make any sense.
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Straight men don't date ftm. if you do... you are a closet case or at worst, a bisexual male.

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could a boyremoval business be viable?
>boymoder pays you an amount of money, shows up on a date
>take them to restaurants or fun places to hang out like arcades or malls
>after a few hours take them home, maybe start watching a movie in bed
>makeout session before boyremoval
>they leave after having a whole day of experiencing being someones girlfriend + their boy removed
how much could someone make from doing this? how many boymoders would pay for this?
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sounds quite incredible, at least for the night. it’s amazing to me that you’re willing to go to such lengths to make things happen. thank you for actually caring about their comfort and thinking of ways to ensure they never feel pressured or obligated. one last question, do you plan on settling down with a tranny eventually?
>do you plan on settling down with a tranny eventually?
I would love to, as I said I've done it twice and I've met two incredible women, but sadly we were to far apart and neither of us can move for the foreseeable future.

I mean I'd hope I meet someone through this who i could have a relationship with. I'm not opposed to long distance relationships when there is at least some possibilities to move together within a reasonable timeframe. I can't see myself meeting up only every 6-8 weeks for multiple years.
anyone who pays for sex isn't a real woman anon
>a harem of trannies to fuck who also pay you for the privilege
idk anon sounds like you watched too much hentai

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I'm an effeminate gay bottom and my dream is to find an MEF sissy/cd/trans woman with a ridiculous premature ejaculation problem who cums within a minute or two at most of me putting my ass or mouth on her dick and I cackle girlishly as she cums, humiliated that I have exposed her male nature.

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>cisfem chasers
Not even once.
PSA to transbians: T4T is the way
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This is Nature speaking.
Females are programmed to bitch at males, and they get away with it.
They're even cruel towards males that are unattractive as mating partners, possibly to ensure they don't get to reproduce.
The "woman" gender, if seen as a social construct, is one that emerged from the fact that women are both weaker and valuable than men.
Imagine seeing males, supposed to be dependable, expandable and strong, not only opt out from being males but claiming the same gender as you, the one that gets to be emotional, dependant, demanding... (And without the burden of motherhood).

That makes for a radical contrast to their tendency for "being nice" as some social glue which makes women extremely tolerant and accepting on the surface.
Based terf
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Unicorn hunting is the worst and makes me want to cry.
Imagine a perfect foid. Like a 24 year old enby who looks like picrel. Kind of perfect transbian bait. Then imagine she'll only fuck you if you fuck some loser boomer bottom chaser guy.

Like WHAT THE FUCK. Why do women love bottom chasers so much? It's not because they're men. Women don't give a fuck about men. But women will do anything for a bottom chaser. Best guess is it's a yaoi thing and they get off to the fact the guy is gay.
I guess most women are straight and most women are in relationships so it figures most women willing to fuck trannies are Unicorn Hunters. But still it's really extremely warped that that's the best a transbian can get. I could have 10/10 foids worshipping me if I was willing to Unicorn hunt. Instead I get 3/10s trying to get women to date me without their husband.
In some versions of the Utopian Mouse Experiment the Beautiful Ones end up joining the harems of the Alpha male mice. But not to be submissive towards them. Instead, the beautiful male mice end up topping the dominant male as well as never topping or even touching the females.
Truly an experiment ahead of its time.
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Interesting way to put it. Women despise us both because we're omega males AND because we're hotter than them. Just not attractive for a partner.
In contrast, non passing trans women and gay guys are a favorite of cisfs. They make them feel extremely secure and they know they're dating an alpha chad.

when a ftm two(!) heads smaller and easily 50 pounds less than me tries to start a fight because I (cis, male) were flirting with some trans girls and one of them he liked.
how can i optimize my chance of getting one of the girls this night?
a) rib his head of with one punch (aka end it quickly, clearly avoiding a big fuzz)
b) start a fake fight, let him land some punches and only than take him down (making him look a bit better, bystanders just know)
c) or just go away (everybody knows i dont respect him and dont want to beat a weakling)

what kind of behavior is rewarded by trans women with sex?
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None of this is real, you’re also probably not cis and will probably take estrogen within 5 years
You wouldn’t be posting on 4chan if it were
bcz i like men

also it would be funny to see a dood try to fight a man clearly much powerful than him
This is nothing but bait or bot you already made two threads about this shit. Meds.
there used to be a video of a high school fight where a pooner gets her ass kicked by a 6 foot jock. it was kind of funny until she starts bleeding pretty heavily from the head... however the video got taken down for bullying or violence or something unfortunately
dood thought everyone would come to help him because he is AFAB, rip

oh i hope the dood started the fight.. otherwise it's sad :(

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I'm really finding it more and more difficult to take. I don't know how many more dead ends I have in me. I've gotten FFS, I've been on HRT for nearly 3 years. I still look like the same person. I still look male. There are a few more things I need to try. I hope a more "healthy" lifestyle will be enough to make me at the very least cute and attractive to men and maybe I can just cope with sex idk. I'm just finding it hard to see a future for myself. I'm tired of seeing me, I'm tired of being me, I never wanted to be a tranny. I didn't ask for this, and I don't see any way out. I don't see a reason for continuing, and I know saying that prompts people to list off reasons for why you should stay, but I just don't want to continue being something that I despise. I still have some hope, and I hope it gets me somewhere, but the more I do the more I realize there's nothing I can do.
>I've gotten FFS
>I still look male
happens all the time
happened to me too
it can happen to anybody if:
>shit surgeon
>shit starting point the surgeon secretly decides isnt worth trying on
>surgeon was too conservative
>didnt specify enough

its why sometimes people get 2-3+ rounds of FFS
What if you have brainworms and I have to assure you you don't

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The point beyond which not even the strongest repper can escape the allure of HRT.
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yeah and
>taking meds away causes people who need those meds to die
>this is terrorism to the chud mind

from what third world country are you from?
It's not a threat, retard. Stats show trans people are way more suicidal when they're not being treated. Any state that aligns itself against a group of people for bigoted reasons like this is evil.
>what will you do if I withhold all art and entertainment from you indefinitely and lock you in a white room?
>what if we banned all antidepressants outright?
>what if we banned all autistic coping mechanisms outright?
>ooh you're feeling suicidal? that's a bit dramatic isn't it? It's not like I'm causing you harm or anything
Something can be necessary for human wellbeing without it being a biological need on the level of water/food/oxygen
They'd just go back to dressing up on the weekends like they used to.

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How can I, a cis black nerdy guy get a cute tanner gf? Or am I barking up the wrong tree and should just give up?
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not op but fit the description, how old are you
not her but are you black

are you uncut?
how big is your cock
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Woah woah pal back off this is my thread
yes, yes, no
well grats on being uncut at least

Authoritarian: male brain
Libertarian: female brain
Any questions?
right: male brain
left: female brain

So stalin was a repressed tranny for being an authoritarian communist
Let's come up with a compromise.
Auth right: male male brain (cis man)
Lib right: male female brain (trans woman)
Auth left: female male brain (trans man)
Lib left: female female brain (cis woman)

Why do trannies, femboys and other morons killed old school flamers? Fuck you.
I miss seeing them around. Now they all got into trans cult.
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A harrowing realization i've had is that the demographic that made up trve homo twinks 5-10 years ago are now all becoming trannies & the ""twinks""" which replaced them are all AGP prisongay discordcel psychos. So if I want to aquire a trve androphile twink i have to settle for one with gynecomastia & pretend he's a girl. Nightmare world.
times change, grandpa
Like femboy/trap is any better. It's all just so fucking cringe and goes down to tranny rabbit hole.
Old school flamers were hot, this is just mentally retarded.
>So if I want to aquire a trve androphile twink i have to settle for one with gynecomastia & pretend he's a girl. >Nightmare world.
It's not even twink or flamer anymore. It's just a mutilated mentally ill man.
This world truly become a nightmare.
Go on discord to groom more children, pedo.
Im actually glad if there are less flamers. Its inherently indicative of repressed trannyism. Not to mention, flamers are pretty fucking gross because they are just a weird manchild thing trying to act feminine and failing miserably to pull it off. Trannies who transition young are built for it, biologically and mentally.

If the option is hon or flamer tho? I prefer flamer. Hons give trannies a bad name.
I hate faggots they are annoying, good riddance.

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Foid genetics combined w t and no jim = glute gains under unredistributed fat
are all ftms just ugly women with short hair, or just this one?

Imagine expecting people to see you as a man and take u seriously when you shave ur whole body (except under arms ofc, still gotta look gross) and smack ur ass like you're asking to be dicked down.
This is why I dont, and will never respect ftms ever

t. tranny
when it gets to the point where there's actual ass muscle flab, like it can be lifted as if a separate stretch of meat and dropped back down onto those toned thighs? I need transman ass
>muscle flab
Everything you're describing is just flab, which you can find on any woman in america, seeing as most of them are obese. There is nothing unique or special about 'transman ass' other than it will lose all feminine shape in the near future, which is not desirable by any real top.
if it'll lose all meaty shape in the near future, It'll be my life goal to eat out as much as I can, my duty as a power bottom will prevail

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twink chaser here
How do i pull a tranny like this? What do they like?
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peactically nobody is a caricature of a dominant personality irl, you're fine anon
wat, i dont rly talk to other people ever, i guess if u mean by being alive then mayb
> being alive
Then it is not yet over for you, go now and reflect on is
Which one is true?
giga based

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I'm making my bottom wear my little sister's clothes while we fuck.
disgustingly hot, especially if they are way too tight

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QOTT: How did you sleep, anon?

previous: >>35830716
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take double the recommended dosage of nyquil
yeah, i guess i got the wrong signal?

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trans attracted men out of the closet?
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because sexo
alex is a chaser so prob
I hate I'll never get to see her or Keffals beat it on cam

provided it couldn't be traced to me I'd pay like $500 not kidding
do you mean beat literally, or "beat" as in fuck her bacon?
jack off

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