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I advice all reppers to read this, it might help you out a lot:


Anyway IWNBAW sneed and dilate
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finally sunk to the level of crying at the mirror
i wish i could cry instead of just disassociating
how can i possibly repp for another 20 years? is it even going to be enjoyable in any way?
you prob wouldn't want to. when i get out of disassociation mode, i'm an emotional trainwreck. if you ever get on hrt it'll probably hit you pretty hard
id rather have that than just be emotionally dead like i am now

good afternoon everyhon post urself rate others u know the deal
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I call dibs on your ass
the other guy can fuck your mouth
>not far from passing but that's a big head
I dunno what a normal size is but I measured like 9.5 inches from the top of my head to the bottom of my chin, is that big?

Thanks anon! My voice must be okay tier, because on the phone people have assumed I wasn't me before (legally guyname) and I haven't seen people look surprised when talking to me.
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Got called ma'am at work despite being a giraffehon.
Should I just girlmode?
not ready to girlmode yet. you should start wearing a bra though. as it is you're honmoding
lol that is not a flattering pic wtf is that expression. i see your eyes. i see your features close up. i hid your face to show just your body.
c'mon now pose for us and give a nice smile babe. you're cute. keep cooking with your pics. finish pissing and shidding (public bathroom) then take another?

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How anyone would mistake flamers for tranners is beyond me.
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Yes and the thing is the CIA never really cared that much about stopping civil rights in particular, they just need a culture war distraction. 'White supremacy' was never actually the point. Divide and conquer has always been the modus operandis of the CIA. Keep them distracted and fighting among themselves. Every moment you focus on race, gender, sex, or whatever stupid culture war topic of the day is, thats a moment you aren't thinking about class. You aren't thinking about the fact that they own EVERYTHING and you own NOTHING. They need to keep it this way, because those thoughts are dangerous to them. After the soviets were divided up well enough in the sino-soviet split, the US government turned its attention further inward to ensure no revolution would occur here, as it did in many other nations. Ofc, MLK was a socialist and had genuine desires of overthrowing the US establishment, so that certainly didnt help his life expectancy either.
why the fuck does she spin around so often
she's a dancer
i am unironically fully admittedly openly mogged by james charles. the man is gorgeous. i wish i could have looked like him and been a gigafruity albeit cis boy
This is demonic crazy

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when a 3/10 beta male become a 8/10 QT? Anyone here experienced that?
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How did her neck shrunk so much
mousefag has a longer midface than this girl tho
giwtwm (text, not image)
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I would have loved to cuddle and play Metroid
Prime with him when he was a guy. Nice lips and a good jawline
t. chaser and bisexual
Almost looks like a FTM that uses makeup to make a mustache to pass better kind of like bidenmoder used to

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Should effeminate men repress and become masculine, or double down and become women?
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Assuming the man in question is just naturally effeminate and isn't some loser that fetishies weakness? Taking on a more feminine role in society would be the way to go. Not to be women, but eunuchs. He can't fulfill the exact niche of a woman but he can take on some of the duties.
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Honestly? They should do whatever brings them the most lifetime happiness and wealth. Gender roles stopped being about realist social cohesion a long time ago. I don't see any reason to embody some weird male beta provider stereotype that's been warped by feminism for 100 years, unless it aligns with that first principle I mentioned. Effeminate men should only respect what society tells them to do (repping) if they get something out of it - the social contract is supposed to be reciprocal, not some weird exercise in masochism.
Elaborate on what this role means in your eyes.
being a housewife
double down

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don't lie, you missed it
I know I missed it! Welcome back!
Having women who openly oppose transgender ideology is critically important to stopping them.
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hormone disruptors are society disruptors!

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what to read (option to sing it if you wish):

It's okay to be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way
It's okay!
Hooray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way

Hey man gay man pick up the soap
Get on your knees and pray
Hey man gay man
Release your load
You've got to cease to delay
The gay way

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Diet edition

previous thread:

qott1 : Do you diet? If so what does it consist of?
qott2 : What are your ideal end goal / physique?
qott bonus : Hows your sleep schedule?
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o good me too. so those other suggestions are just more for general care and more for if ur not meeting nutritional requirements already. otherwise for sleep i would make sure ur getting good REM sleep, so at least 8-9 hours a night and also making sure u don't have any sleep apnea. as for the actual hair itself just make sure ur washing semi frequently(no more than 2x/3x a week), using conditioner, and sealing the moisture immediately afterwards with a leave in and serum. also trim ends when u can to prevent damage from moving up from the tip. as for styling its more of a personal choice i guess
the website is whatever but i take my mirror seriously
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u want mtfg this thread is too autistic for talking games
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On a related note
what cool underrated (or not) games /bmg/ wants to recommend to others?

I think OpenRCT2 is super enjoyable to just create pretty parks in.
Hypnospace Outlaw is fun and novel too haven't finished it though.

mtfg unfortunately isn't up at the moment unless i'm blind.
Never played New Vegas it's on my list of games I'm going to play probably after Rainworld and some other ones in my library (Dwarf Fortress, immersive sims,Yakuza).
Is New Vegas a fine place to start with fallout?

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why is this board so lowkey sexist? being stupid and irrational is considered "fembrained" here and idgi, arent most of you trans?
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ya... i used to be the same way with other communities. rip optimism.
It's literally just incel mindset. But being the dumb slut is good instead of bad
>women is when you be shallow and dumb and shit
yeah there's a ton of that and it's aggravating
it's mostly a joke i don't think most of us are like this in real life (i hope)
rip optimism
but i still believe in the individuals here desu, even if it may be foolish at times
i hope that me, or others, who even slightly question the rigid thinking they have, will lead to at least a little doubt that could bring them to a better place

maybe thats too optimistic tho

previously: >>35722201

thread for cis women dating trans women & trans women dating cis women

QOTT: can you fix her? can she fix you?

if you don't like c4t/t4c get out!! not every space is made for you!! there are other places you can be!! please respect the purpose of this thread and be nice

Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/c4t

Discord(no idea if this link still works): https://discord.com/invite/UCa8gAz9
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I'm really not sure you actually know this woman either as it's only been a few months. Usually when relationships move that fast it's a red flag.
because i been dicking her down. i think she got sprung off of me but she knows it’s socially unacceptable and her parents would never let us be together.
it’s easier to be with a woman as a man than as a tranny. as a tranny you get fetishized a lot, even by other trannies.
we’ve been talking recently about taking things more seriously because feelings on both ends have been getting stronger and she confessed that she’s falling in love with me and that i’m a very special person in her life. she says things to me that i would have never imagined wouod have been directed towards me from the lips of a woman. but she’s straight and lives her life a certain way. while my life is hollow and destitute of anything that could be considered wholesome or good.
i was considering detransition last year and even got off the hormones for a while just to see how i would feel.
eh, better that than never getting to have anything at all. i wanna experience what it’s like to be in love with an early 20s female while i still can. might get a wife and family out of it. whereas t4t and c4t chaserism were complete dead ends for me. i can always retrans and it wouldn’t matter because my face is fucked anyway.
>she's straight
And yet she's into you as a tranny it sounds like?
Idk I think she's repping bi. I'm not sure she'll be into you post transition
I literally crossed the atlantic just to be with my gf and by the first night we were already sleeping together and haven’t separated since. It was super weird, but also really nice
That's really sweet! Do you have to go back at some point?

>one chance at life
>born afab
That's my only wish
Wow that could have been me
You want to be a useless parasite?
But you’re the one who wants to be male. This world is literally carried on the back of afabs.
>But you’re the one who wants to be male.
Yes, because I was born like a subhuman.
>This world is literally carried on the back of afabs.
That's why it sucks, lmfao.

He did nothing wrong desu
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Burger planet clone
whos this
even his hole pics are plagiarized
why does he look like that
Yeah it was interesting to see it all unfold.
toddintheshadows had a nice video on the crazy shit hé said that people accepted because of trust and production quality. I only knew since I like history and on YouTube plagiarism/lack of citations is a serious issue.

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Post favorites and guess letters
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retarded bi male in his 30s
>gay femboy virgin
wow... 3 for 3
dangerously malebrained autistic mtf tranner
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desperately needed thread. the girls yearn to be clicker trained

no picrel so here's a random hell portal I found
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Never say never woof woof bark. A dedicated owner is how you get more and better clicks ruff.

And I think we both know you can't resist those.
dont tempt me woof, im not gonna actually let myself fall that low trust me
The clicks are there for the taking, if you just reach out woof woof bark ;)
Puppy you should know that telling a bottom to act on her own desires won't accomplish anything. A submissive, bottom like Kasey could never ask for what she wants.
yeah listen to your owner Catrina, you're much better at following orders than giving them im sure

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Dear /tttt/ who is your favourite trans person in history and why
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i eat butt and lick toes
Can you lick your own butt? That would be indeed very cool
i would only do one of those probably, stop pretending to be me i'll find you
no but i like to stick my toes in my booty so i can taste it that way
i dont know what youre talking about

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