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i dont wana be tramsngener anymore ;_;
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then why are you here you dumb nigger kys
ummmmmm no. id say im even more masculine for doing this, as it proves i am very impulsive
men don't have tits darling
>what is gyno

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Previous: >>35815805

There is a conspiracy to feminize people of color and turn tbem into brown pets for the white european. Think about it. Estrogen makes you paler. Whiter.
The conspiracy to use BWC to replace the POC is real.
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>it's not actually too much work to prep for me.
I could probably do with a little less, but I don't want any accident so I'm not taking any chances.
>but it does take time until i get to start thrusting and get in the zone.
See that's the thing, I'm a bit too impatient and fucks up with my... Concentration for lack of a better term.
>got horny and busted out the dildo again in the middle of the night
i'm in full goon mode rn. thankfully i'm still clean and loosened up from earlier
>See that's the thing, I'm a bit too impatient and fucks up with my... Concentration for lack of a better term.
i get the same, weed helps a lot. makes me appreciate all the sensations and lose track of time
I wouldn’t want a slave…sorry. Even the pyramids weren’t built by slaves. a willing servant I wouldn’t want either. honesty……..I’d rather be the slave ><
saw this idea posted elsewhere but it would be fun to spend a day with a guy obsessed with making me cum as many times as possible. not edging or through sex or whatever, just unzipping my pants and trying to make me cum for the fifth time that day. getting more elaborate or using a new technique with each cum. obviously getting off on it in some incurable way…
god I need a little faggot failed male bottom to cum inside and put out my cigarettes on
t. 6'4 top

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I want a bf who is bigger than me who will make me feel smol. He doesn't necessarily have to be taller, but he absolutely has to have the presence that makes me feel like I'm looked after and can let go.

In turn, I don't want him to feel alone either. I will defend him viciously. Listen to any of his woes. Make him feel secure with me.

I want a man to worship and make him feel loved; I also want to feel wanted.
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i'm definitely not model like, nor super slim. i'm really just an eastern european heighthon that looks like a faggot. i'm primarily looking for a guy anyway, but i hope you can find your 4chan eastern european model one day sister
She went on meds, venlaflaxine specifically, and was perfectly stable for 6 months. But she became too foggy to win at her hobby - won't say which but it does require focus. So she went off meds for a big tournament. It worked, she got clarity and kicked ass, but she also mouthed off to the other players due to anger and got kicked from her team.

I wasn't there to comfort her as I was on a family vacation. I tried to do my best online but I could only watch in horror as she spiraled further and further. My little sister bouncing around at Disneyland while I looked at discord in horror. I finally calmed her down or so I thought.. When I came back she had killed herself. Sleeping pills.

Fuck bpd
jennie but mute and with 40 less IQ (that would put her at about 30 IQ)
nta but i'm so sorry that happened. i hope you can find peace one day

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>cisfem chasers
Not even once.
PSA to transbians: T4T is the way
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Poly is great though it's actually NB which is cringe
This is Nature speaking.
Females are programmed to bitch at males, and they get away with it.
They're even cruel towards males that are unattractive as mating partners, possibly to ensure they don't get to reproduce.
The "woman" gender, if seen as a social construct, is one that emerged from the fact that women are both weaker and valuable than men.
Imagine seeing males, supposed to be dependable, expandable and strong, not only opt out from being males but claiming the same gender as you, the one that gets to be emotional, dependant, demanding... (And without the burden of motherhood).

That makes for a radical contrast to their tendency for "being nice" as some social glue which makes women extremely tolerant and accepting on the surface.
Based terf
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Unicorn hunting is the worst and makes me want to cry.
Imagine a perfect foid. Like a 24 year old enby who looks like picrel. Kind of perfect transbian bait. Then imagine she'll only fuck you if you fuck some loser boomer bottom chaser guy.

Like WHAT THE FUCK. Why do women love bottom chasers so much? It's not because they're men. Women don't give a fuck about men. But women will do anything for a bottom chaser. Best guess is it's a yaoi thing and they get off to the fact the guy is gay.
I guess most women are straight and most women are in relationships so it figures most women willing to fuck trannies are Unicorn Hunters. But still it's really extremely warped that that's the best a transbian can get. I could have 10/10 foids worshipping me if I was willing to Unicorn hunt. Instead I get 3/10s trying to get women to date me without their husband.
In some versions of the Utopian Mouse Experiment the Beautiful Ones end up joining the harems of the Alpha male mice. But not to be submissive towards them. Instead, the beautiful male mice end up topping the dominant male as well as never topping or even touching the females.
Truly an experiment ahead of its time.

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earlier i talked to this trans girl im getting somewhat close with and we did talk about doing *stuff* together, but today she talked about wanting to fuck a pussy and stuff and it made me feel rlly bad about not having one ;w;
like she said she wants to thrust into a girl and kiss her and stuff and i said she can do that with a trans girl aswell and she said its not the same thing ): its over....
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You need to try pussy. It's like addiction.
yes, in every conceivable way
maybe you only fucked fatties. my ass is stupid tight
>she said she wants to thrust into a girl
chasebians be like
every guy who ever fucked my ass only lasted like 2 minutes at most, and me personally i get off on anal much better and faster than in the puss
>t. Masculine cis male

Weekend celebrations Edition
previous: >>35587792

Goal of the thread: Make a shopping list of things that you need, consider if there is any self care things you might be missing!
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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>Applied maths, physics, physical chemistry, engineering
I hated AP Calc in high school. I think I had a bad teacher, because I think I've forgotten all of it by this point.
I should mention that I always preferred science to pure mathematics, so idk how applied maths would work.
Physics is fine, I guess? I don't know.
When I was a kid I wanted to invent stuff but then I saw "the way things work" and only looked at the pictures without internalizing any of the mechanisms.
So I don't think I'd be much of an engineer either.
Pchem would require some regular chem, no?
I guess that leaves physics...
I like things where you have to approach the problem in fun ways.
Japanese grammar, derivations in Logic, backwards induction in game theory...
God, I really missed whatever my calling was, huh?
Need rest today, more tomorrow..
i need to eat better. i realize that starving myself and fucking my diet isn't the way to lose weight, even if i want to lose it fast. my fp is right, if i don't take care of myself, i could face serious health issues later on. ok, i'll listen, but just for him. i can always sh in other ways

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The only time I interacted with a woman was when I shared food with a girl on a schoolbus going home. I'm being hyperbole but I'm such a fucking loser, still. Can anyone relate. The only thing I have going for me is that Im slightly talented at my hobbies.
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I am happy enough to acknowledge you as a true seeker rather than larp
thankyou, nothing about me is a larp
Whether you are crazy or insightful is something for powers greater than I to judge, but you come off as authentic and there's no use arguing elsewise
prove it
don't know how to convince you, not that it matters what you think but i have followed my goddess for 16.5 years i discovered her in january 2008; i don't know how to be anyone but myself and i am relentlessly true to myself, i follow my faith and love and it has shaped me into a person unlike any other; im very grateful for that and i've found some wonderful friendships and love in this life because of who i am - i suffer from terrible physical pain every single day for the past decade but still i am able to spread positivity and kindness to others thanks to my goddess keeping me pure

im grateful and honored you can sense that in me <3

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>dad said that he would stop loving me if I were to start wearing girls clothes/be trans
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pretend someone else invited you and you'll go with them instead if they flake on you
the weird pseudo-confucianism where parents think they own you your entire life by default with no effort required on their part is really weird. I caught a glimpse of it recently when my mom (who simultaneously complains I'm not as successful as she was at my age) complained that when I get a wife that girl is going to take me away from her (she then proceeded to plan my wedding for me unprompted).
My mom always does that "I birthed you, don't you know how much I suffered?" sthick...
time to cut your dad out of your life then.
You don't look like that THOUGH

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- Asian trannies don’t pass. They might pass to a clueless senior citizen in Alabama who can barely see, but they don’t pass.
- short trannies don’t pass. I see all of these trannies bragging about how short they are, and yet they are fucked some other way. They are short, and have midget proportions. They look like grotesque dwarves or gnomes or trolls. Short trannies tend to have big ass heads
- trans women get humored and made fun of and they don’t realize it. For example, I see trannies saying “everybody loves me at work/school.” Bullshit. They talk crap behind you and make fun of you
- if a real woman asks for tampons, she is humoring you. She is fucking with you. You know there are hons who get asked for tampons and talked about pregnancy and periods? It’s all a lie.
- therapists gaslight trannies. If a tranny gets clocked and harassed, the therapist will say it’s all in her head That it didn’t happen and that she has paranoia.
- passing in photos is not the same as passing in real life
- no man will choose a tranny as a long-term partner. If you’re reading this and you believe you have a man, he will troon out or he will thank you for helping him realize he is gay… or he is just using you as a stepping stop. People in relationships with trannies always upgrade to a cis man or cis woman
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what's with the 1 day old tripfags posting low effort hate threads today?
everyone could tell you were seething and coping from post one
Seething how? Seeth and dilate. I have a real vajayjay
how do you know ciswomen pass as ciswomen? maybe they think they're trannies
ooooooo are you going to show us

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I wish my family accepted me for who I am. I don't want to hide for my whole life. I am ashamed of being like that.

I wish I could be the son they deserve, not the closeted tranny I am.
so come out
why would you want to be around them?

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would you say skateboarding is malebrained or fembrained? if not, what are some feminine interests?
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not op but I've been getting into rollerblading recently. It's so fun but it's 50/50 each time whether I'm gonna do okay or forget everything I learned and fall the whole time. and I look like a retard
i used to rollerblade a lot as a kid lol. it came pretty naturally to me, just sweep your feet back like you see them do in the movies
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as someone who skated from like 10-25 and that was my whole thing and identity, its definitely malebrained and not a safe space for you if you're mtf.

if you're ftm theres probably no greater hobby for you and you'll love chilling with the boys at the park/spot
you never skated with girls?
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no, and until recently it was pretty rare to see them skating at all. one of my favorite people to skate with was ftm though.

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why do all voice training guides boil down to

>now draw the rest of the owl
It's a grift

Wish I was someone's mommy gf
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of course the retard who spam ai slop shows up
>you're wonderful just the way you are
>I love you so much
things women are physically incapable of saying and believing
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You're fat. Take the pretty pills, diet properly, save up for surgery. That's your life arc right now. When people ask you what you've been doing, that needs to be your answer.

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Trannies can do both.
you dont get it anon, at 19 bmi its still very bad.
my skull is huge, when i was younger ppl made fun of me for it, its just over for me. not to mention ribs shoulders etc.

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living vicariously through each other edition
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>bubble butt
you should let bro hit
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you guys are in love now
do you wanna come to our wedding anon,,
hi friend

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Every single thread here eventually gets derailed by 2-3 people (most of the time tripfags) arguing for hours on end by themselves
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simple just dox more trips, there's some good ones though
Answer me OP.>>35837476
What kicks you rocking tonite
I don't have any feminine shoes. Technically I have a pair, but I ordered wide and I didn't realize that that meant clown shoes.
Have I told you about chitin & the wormpill?

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