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what if your bf abused you every time you weren't girlmoding? would you leave him?
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drawing blood is a bit much, but I'd love to slap my boymoder around while I put makeup on her face and watch her lil pp get hard through her frilly panties i just made her put on
that's just sad...
does this count as AGP by proxy or forced feminization fetish? i can’t tell.
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>we didn't let you in our sorority for you to go prancing around like a man stupid sissy

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Okay I can’t take it anymore how do i get another trans girl or femboy to just make me there sex toy?swktdw

Weekend celebrations Edition
previous: >>35587792

Goal of the thread: Make a shopping list of things that you need, consider if there is any self care things you might be missing!
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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Need rest today, more tomorrow..
i need to eat better. i realize that starving myself and fucking my diet isn't the way to lose weight, even if i want to lose it fast. my fp is right, if i don't take care of myself, i could face serious health issues later on. ok, i'll listen, but just for him. i can always sh in other ways
On ritalin now.
I like it, but on the other hand I cant help but feel like this confirms my childhood self's idea of being a monster who has to be fixed. I've never been able to sit down in a chair and relax before yesterday. It's calm. I think I understand how people can get bored now.

The juxtaposition of my ritalin clarity and my infected state is a strange place to be in.

My upper body is in too much pain to move at the moment, all while I'm having my mental world flipped upside down. I'm realizing that I have denied myself the right to live freely as an apology for who I am. People die. Life goes on. There is no purpose but to pursue general contentment and temporary pleasure.

I think I want to do that if I get better.
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Contemporarily, things are rather routine.
>I am very curious what body type you hoped for, theta~

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I advice all reppers to read this, it might help you out a lot:


Anyway IWNBAW sneed and dilate
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finally sunk to the level of crying at the mirror
i wish i could cry instead of just disassociating
how can i possibly repp for another 20 years? is it even going to be enjoyable in any way?
you prob wouldn't want to. when i get out of disassociation mode, i'm an emotional trainwreck. if you ever get on hrt it'll probably hit you pretty hard
id rather have that than just be emotionally dead like i am now

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Diet edition

previous thread:

qott1 : Do you diet? If so what does it consist of?
qott2 : What are your ideal end goal / physique?
qott bonus : Hows your sleep schedule?
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o good me too. so those other suggestions are just more for general care and more for if ur not meeting nutritional requirements already. otherwise for sleep i would make sure ur getting good REM sleep, so at least 8-9 hours a night and also making sure u don't have any sleep apnea. as for the actual hair itself just make sure ur washing semi frequently(no more than 2x/3x a week), using conditioner, and sealing the moisture immediately afterwards with a leave in and serum. also trim ends when u can to prevent damage from moving up from the tip. as for styling its more of a personal choice i guess
the website is whatever but i take my mirror seriously
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u want mtfg this thread is too autistic for talking games
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On a related note
what cool underrated (or not) games /bmg/ wants to recommend to others?

I think OpenRCT2 is super enjoyable to just create pretty parks in.
Hypnospace Outlaw is fun and novel too haven't finished it though.

mtfg unfortunately isn't up at the moment unless i'm blind.
Never played New Vegas it's on my list of games I'm going to play probably after Rainworld and some other ones in my library (Dwarf Fortress, immersive sims,Yakuza).
Is New Vegas a fine place to start with fallout?

previously: >>35722201

thread for cis women dating trans women & trans women dating cis women

QOTT: can you fix her? can she fix you?

if you don't like c4t/t4c get out!! not every space is made for you!! there are other places you can be!! please respect the purpose of this thread and be nice

Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/c4t

Discord(no idea if this link still works): https://discord.com/invite/UCa8gAz9
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I'm really not sure you actually know this woman either as it's only been a few months. Usually when relationships move that fast it's a red flag.
because i been dicking her down. i think she got sprung off of me but she knows it’s socially unacceptable and her parents would never let us be together.
it’s easier to be with a woman as a man than as a tranny. as a tranny you get fetishized a lot, even by other trannies.
we’ve been talking recently about taking things more seriously because feelings on both ends have been getting stronger and she confessed that she’s falling in love with me and that i’m a very special person in her life. she says things to me that i would have never imagined wouod have been directed towards me from the lips of a woman. but she’s straight and lives her life a certain way. while my life is hollow and destitute of anything that could be considered wholesome or good.
i was considering detransition last year and even got off the hormones for a while just to see how i would feel.
eh, better that than never getting to have anything at all. i wanna experience what it’s like to be in love with an early 20s female while i still can. might get a wife and family out of it. whereas t4t and c4t chaserism were complete dead ends for me. i can always retrans and it wouldn’t matter because my face is fucked anyway.
>she's straight
And yet she's into you as a tranny it sounds like?
Idk I think she's repping bi. I'm not sure she'll be into you post transition
I literally crossed the atlantic just to be with my gf and by the first night we were already sleeping together and haven’t separated since. It was super weird, but also really nice
That's really sweet! Do you have to go back at some point?

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Post favorites and guess letters
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retarded bi male in his 30s
>gay femboy virgin
wow... 3 for 3
dangerously malebrained autistic mtf tranner
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is self harm a core part of the autistic tranny experience?
yes, being a tranny is loudly self flagellating over your birth sex and expecting others to validate you for doing so in return
trvth nvke

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>qott: what's your favorite song

>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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"cubist camouflage" by huerco s.
22/mtf/nyc (brooklyn)
mtftmtf twinkmoder
just moved to brooklyn for work (software), looking to meet people in the area
maths, creative writing/literature, music production, outdoor stuff
>looking for
people in greater NYC area for coolvibes and goodvibes
>not looking for
not cool vibes

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Excuse me, you need to be 18 to post on 4chan.
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>qott: soon - my bloody valentine
21 / MtF / South Australia
>About you
Alcoholic university student, likes reading and vidya.
Reading books with frens then holding discussions, playing PvE vidya, going for hikes, wine appreciation.
>Looking for
aussie friends to hang out with irl in SA, or in Sydney as i travel there fairly often
>Not looking for
Relarionships, sex, rapehons

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shit taste
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lesbian type thing twenty five years old (in 9 days)! and i live in the east coast of america

tumblrina who likes sailor moon currently i like collecting things i cant afford mostly surrounding old video formats.. i do photography sometimes-ish, also i'm getting into cars kinda.got in a car crash yesterday actually. more details to follow
looking for just people to talk to of any variety i sit in a room all day so i like computer people
not looking for high energy stuff generally


Nothingburger as it stands, but the moment this gets RT'd by Rowling or suchlike, it'll hit 100K easily and DIY gets debated in parliament. Get stockpiling.

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Fuck with cis people
Get angry cis people trying to shut it down
signed, ty
Freedom is coming.
Freedom is coming.

Sign the petition,
Freedom will come
arguably could be different for een as this is just an estimate and im not sure what if any oxidative resistance one or the other ester offers but for practical reasons can just assume this is valid for any ester i think
this is a rough estimate based on room temperature in a dark storage box, especially important to avoid exposure to light since the vial is sealed to air exposure by default
note that pills are similarly resilient *if* they're individually sealed, for estrofem as a counter example there isn't really a seal so they'll hold up worse long term
its best to stick to the expiry on your meds but if there are no other options i think this info is nice to have
just rember that after you've drawn from a vial you should use it within a year to avoid excessive exposure to contamination

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How many of you are just extremely transphobic chuds that just act thirsty and nice on the outside but actually just want to kill us as soon as we meet irl.
There is no way people like trannies that much you are just trying to trap and kill us
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But hey at least being a tranny is not a mental issue right
At least you got some grip on reality
A nigger hating tranny dident think sutch a thing existed
Chuds like skinny waists and big hips/tits

Trannies tend to have a high bust to waist ratio.

There's no mystery here and no lurking danger. The plain fact is you were built for my tastes. The only reason a chud like me would want to kill you is if you do something mean to them or threaten them.
you must be 18 or older to post here

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I don't have anything against bi men I just prefer straight men much much much more.
(I'm trans female)
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any dating preference is fine, it's your life
if you're not post-op and pass 100% then it's gonna be extremely hard to find a genuinely straight man though
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No I get it. Some of us are fucking weird and blow our chances with trans women by being too sexual or having specific/degrading fetishes
it's your life and your boyfriend who cares what others think
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I'm dating another bi guy (we're in love btw) and we're fucking weird with each other... If you're a hetero trans woman, please don't date us. We're horny and have degenerate fetishes I will admit that...
There's a difference between being gynephilic and bisexual. These zoomers who larp as "bisexual" to be cool are only attracted to the top 99.99% gigapassoids.

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I'm worried about Simon Hurley. He hasn't made a new video in a MONTH, and his youtube channel promises a new video WEEKLY, and obviously that hasn't happened.

Do you guys and gals think he might be gay?

he really needs a makeover, his wardrobe of size-too-large masc-compliant t-shirts only and weird uneasy masc-compliant haircut needs to GO
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he's um pretty obviously gay, you have no gaydar at all
He seems gay, not trans tho
ive seen guys who were way way fruitier than this and straight
who said anything about trannies?

>Be me, transgender passoid
>Be low elo in League of Legends (D3)
>Queue up for placements
>Get Shaco AP twice
>Get piss useless ''assassins'' in midlane almost all games, worst class in the game played only by MEN with mental problems
>Botlane loses lane 100% of times
>Riot then tells me that they do not make anyone lose on purpose

At this point I am sure Riot is just being transphobic, then why do I get AP Shaco and Zed as jg-mid and enemy team gets USEFUL characters that actually do something? They hate to see a trans woman playing toplane, they are trying to force me into playing Janna and Yuumi support like a FAGGOT. They cannot stand seeing a woman standing alone against a world of men.
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>playing league
lmao, even
I started hrt very young, I am stealthy... like a possum.
Listen cutie if you're serious, I'm a 6"2 gigachad with a giant cock and a thing for cute skinny genius trannies. I'll let you carry my bronze league ass and then when you rage out at my poor play which makes it hard to carry, I'll beat you back into submission and then when you're nice and bruised I'll force you to gag on my cock. We'll repeat this until your throat has been trained to have no gag reflex whatsoever and you can take the whole thing.

This requires you call me "Master" at all times except when you're being a brat. Also assumes you have a cute voice. Hmu if interested.
I don't feel like desu

most sane league player

This new conservative cartoon is lit. Prepare to be mocked trannies.
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this show RULES.
within the next 3 years Daily Wire+ subscribers will overtake Netflix subscribers. People are tired of the Woke and want some REAL entertainment
Mr. John Birchum
ok and who is funding the daily wire?
Lol, this is Adam Carolla's doing. The guy hosted love line with Dr. Drew in the 90s. Teens would call in with their relationship and sex problems and the hosts would offer advice. if you listened to the show for long enough you started noticing the same problems over and over again. tons of it is on youtube now, it was comfy as fuck back in the day.
im gay and my dick is small

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