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what would you do if you saw a boymoder for sale at your local slave market? would you buy her freedom, or would you buy her for yourself?
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who cares faggot go back to twitter
u should facefuck me
gladly, anti-chan :3
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Kys pedo
there's no way someone strawmanned with a wojak that liking loli/shota is reddit. and this nigga just reposted it

>just make a blog
ok bitch!

i am finally making a digital jason shrine because i love him so much... i will be hosting the website on neocities. i wanted the index page to be very skeuomorphic so i literally just made a little room in three.js. all the items are going to navigate to other parts of the site. i will ofc still go on this board but this is just an extra thing for me to maintain. im not gonna link it right now bc its still heavily under construction but i probably will when its in a presentable enough state. cheers

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realistically is there any market for a vers 5’2 tranny? I feel like my height basically restricts me to being a subby bottom
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this is so real im such a bottom
lol adorable
I mean it’s annoying to be this short. I’d rather be 5’7 or something.
I'm 5'11 T~T
I think size difference is really hot too so I really really wish I was way shorter

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she is literally my favorite hon. fr. no cap.

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>my penis nuts
>you can put them in your mouth
>im male im male
>im male im male

>has she actually done porn? i thought she was just naked in album arts often
no. i'm talking about the album stuff.
no. you are.
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You're seriously ill if you prefer Kim Petras to SOPHIE
>look at her fucking shoulders.
Look at her boobs!

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>1st month of taking 4mg estradiol and 100mg spiro daily
>no issues side effect wise
>first week of 2nd month
>usual routine of taking one of each in the afternoon and my second dose of each at 8pm resulted in me having to use the bathroom like once every hour and still feeling like my bladder was full and i was about to piss myself even after i had just used the bathroom
>changed my routine to taking the full 100mg dose of spiro in the afternoon with my first dose of estradiol
>first day on new routine was fine and i didnt have the full bladder feeling all day
>2nd day and i was back to feeling like i was going to piss myself (only after 8pm i was fine for a few hours after i took spiro)
>changed routine again to only taking my first dose of estradiol in the afternoon and taking the full 100mg dose of spiro alone with my 2nd dose of estradiol in the evening at 8pm
>no issues for the rest of that week
i have a follow-up in a few weeks so im going to bring this up but should i stay on spiro or switch to progesterone? its only really a problem because i work nights and having to piss all the time for the 2nd part of my shift is annoying and i dont want my boss to write me up or whatever
but then again i was fine for my first month and i only got noticeable side effects into my 2nd month and after changing my routine i was back to being fine so...
i know frequent urination is a side effect of taking spiro but i did not expect the full bladder feeling all the time but like i said that went away after i changed when i took it
mucho texo i know but yea idk if its that much of an issue or whatever

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I'm worried about Simon Hurley. He hasn't made a new video in a MONTH, and his youtube channel promises a new video WEEKLY, and obviously that hasn't happened.

Do you guys and gals think he might be gay?

he really needs a makeover, his wardrobe of size-too-large masc-compliant t-shirts only and weird uneasy masc-compliant haircut needs to GO

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Anyone else in love with their best friend?

I hate it he's not into me and I respect that and I don't think I will ever cross that line

He's known since like 2017 since I was drunk and messaged him to suck his dick.....

Last year when I got dumped by my ex I got drunk and I messaged him a just complete confession of love it was so cringe and we didn't talk about it for months until he brought it up and idk it was a weird talk I denied it but I'm pretty sure he just knows I love him

He has teased me 2 or 3 times and has laughed at my responses

God I wish he would fuck me lol more than that I wish he was my boyfriend and we could sleep in the same bed and cuddle...
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>Anyone else in love with their best friend?
>be 10 yo plane autist nerd
>cool tall popular guy learns u like airplanes too and u become friends
>sticks with u through high school even though ur the weird kid and nobody else wants to hang out with u
>never bullies u for not being masculine or not wanting to talk about guy stuff
>move away during college but stay in touch
>ffw now i'm 25, been on hrt a few years and had ffs
>he's always been a man's man and i wasn't sure he would take it well to learn about my transition but he was actually completely fine with it
>told me after i got ffs that the surgeon did a rly good job and i look good and he supports me completely
>in the time since we met, he finished college then joined the navy to be a pilot
>now he's a muscular 6'2 naval aviator flying jets to finish his flight training, after that he's going to be living on/flying off an aircraft carrier
>he has short dark hair, dark eyes, stubble, a thick mustache and lots of body hair
>still talks to me regularly and hangs out, tells me about his gfs and stuff
god i hate my stupid heart it's never going to happen and i'm grateful just to have him as my friend, i shouldn't even think about stuff like this because it can only make me sad

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best friends make the best boyfriends
me too...
it hurts so much. i'm convinced we're actually made for each other. but he could never tolerate being with a fucking tranny and i know he would be happier with a pretty cis woman/kids later also so it could never happen. my heart hurts every time i think about him and know that i'll never get to be with him and that maybe in another life, (or maybe the next one here's hoping) i could have been a cis woman and i wouldn't have had to hide my feelings from him and we could really be together and i could have him and we could have a family and he would love me too. it hurts so much. life is a cruel joke.


Better go with Vans
I'm never gonna pass
I should stay home
Why did I make plans?

Trans anonnette why aren't you osno1pilled yet?
because it is very bad
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Laura was the first "normal" transwoman I was ever aware existed and wasn't just Bruce Jenner or a porn star.

Enormous inspiration to me.
Her moment came and went 5 years ago and she couldn’t deliver. The sophomore gecs album came way too late and wasn’t worth the wait. Definitely no SOPHIE

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any1 else have this problem
no, my browbone is huge, but i still I squint from the sun so hard that my facial muscles start to hurt. It isn't even summer.
Hot, im never trimming my bone

Trans women
>skinny as a stick
>small breasts
>always wears girly clothes like skirts or dresses
Cis women
>fat as a pig
>huge breasts (from obesity)
>almost always wears unisex clothes like jeans or sweatpants
When will chuds admit that mtfs are far closer to anime girls than cis women?
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chuds will already accept this if you look good enough, older republican-leaning ones are still trying to do the trad larping but younger natsoc-leaning ones despise cis women to a degree you might find unbelievable. frankly you're about as likely to get kids from a relationship with a (white) cis woman as one with a trans woman.
they're right though
in my country (USA) the average fembrained thing to do is to be overweight and not really feminine at all, actually. If working hard to appear feminine (which plenty of women do just in different ways) like trannies have to is malebrained, then so be it. Malebrained isn't even an insult at that point.
I hate this feeling. I actually pass too so I know exactly how vicious cis foids get when one of them outshines another one just a bit too much. I feel like all the money I spend on cute clothes is just going to go to waste rotting in the back of my closet.
damn you're making cis women sound hotter

>be me
>pooner who bit the bullet and finally went on T
>everytime i used to ovulate it would only be slightly noticable, mainly when gooning
>now after months on T i leak grool like a fountain and can physically feel my ovaries working overtime
>horny everytime im ovulating and whenever a dude is nice to me my instincts tell me to get knocked up by him

is this normal and should i be getting off cypionate? ive never had any kind of breeding kink before now, never been particularly horny but now i can barely focus.
and before you ask the increased libido isnt constant its only when my uterus does the funny.
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the pooner to trans girl pipeline is real
That’s incredibly hot but I’m sorry you are going through that, make sure to find a partner who won’t take into account your heat cycles so to speak, for your own good!
Imagine if all the detransitioners were actually just retransitioning to women as a consequence of t induced bottom brain.
unironically this is it
Very Hot.

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People will never understand the struggles of the humble FtM real estate agent
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Ah ah ah. Calm yourself buddy. I've been on HRT since aged 13. There's no playing around in this thread
i just can't imagine what troubles a person who buys and sells houses for a living could actually have...
unfathomably based
I don't even own a house. This is a side gig I sell and tailor suits full time
I'm acquiring licenses left and right the soul crushing machine wants to stifle my hustle
Wow, you have a full time job AND a side-gig?

People around here are lucky to get offered 25hr a week.

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Why do non-whites hate us so much?
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Not really sure yet. I'm not sure if I can work after getting my residence permit approved, or if I need to wait till I get a permanent residence permit. I was moving over there to live with my boyfriend. Currently I'm moving back and forth every 3 months (as much as I can legally stay over there).
most worthless religion on earth. Quite a feat considering the steep competition
White guilt is a speedrunning strat for acceptance.
Whats the original?
I am rapper

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What's with transgirls being unable to drive cars? It's pretty cute ngl but I notice a lot of you can't drive. You need to learn how to drive to live in this society ladies.
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they're too disoriented by all us hot guys giving them smooches
Unless you can parallel park a giant pick up truck between two cars in a tight space you can't possible call yourself a good driver.
>tfw enby
>tfw driving instructor
feels good
i have a car that i pay for but my bf drives me everywhere :3
also not knowing how to drive is a gay/lgbt stereotype
a lot of them have too much autism to drive a car

What is assimilationism and why are white transgenders on Twitter/Tumblr obsessed with it?
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because they don't live in conservative dominated places
What does that mean, Portland?
it's easy to ask people to out themselves for the sake of liberal "tranny activism" when you are not living in a dangerous place for trannies
What does ''dangerous place'' mean? I know protestants are savage subhumans but, is Texas a ''dangerous place''? It's still the first world, is a third world country that's friendly to queer people less dangerous than the richest country in the world?
idk about the USA since i don't live there but we have the same kind of activists here and muslims are dangerous. I mean they won't probably kill you here, but most likely you won't get a job/housing.. everyone would think you are a pervert.. that kind of stuff.

also people act differently when they learn you are a transgender. All their interactions with you change after you disclose. So how's that going to make us more "comfortable"? Not all places or cities are that flooded with trannies to let people know about us lol

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