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>Ricimer killing Majorian
>Fourth Crusade
>Irish Civil War
>Black September
Byzantines using Turkish mercenaries
In what instance?
Orhan Çelebi and his followers performed well at Constantinople.
>The Vietcong? A trifle. It was simply a matter of outsmarting them. You see, the Vietcong were rice-farming peasants. Knowing their weakness I sent wave after wave of mentally feeble idiots into combat until they started committing atrocities and became a national embarrassment. Cyrus, show them the spreadsheets I made
The "kill count" is honestly probably the dumbest strategy in the history of the U.S. military. It's dumber than a zog rush, because at least that's ultimately working towards the goal.
>Let's reward units based on the bodies they make, and punish units for not meeting the body quota
>In a counter-insurgency
>Where the enemy blends in with civilians
>The same civilians whose hearts and minds need to be won over to win the war

Another moment is Iran-Contra.
>Let's sell weapons to our own enemies and traffic drugs into our own country to get the funds needed to arm a terror group that congress blocked funding for!
post-Manzinkert specifically Byzantines lost Anatolia on their own stupidity
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The Irish Civil War is the most blackpilling part of Irish history. Moreso than any other part.
>Irish electorate vote overwhelmingly in favour of an independent Irish Republic in 1918
>Successful military campaign against British forces; Britain has lost control of the vast majority of Ireland
>A capable, energised, revolutionary generation of politics
>Men and women all over Ireland united in the cause with massive internatonal attention for the first time in history

Britain, realising how dire the situation is, shifts tactics.
>Curry favour with conservative factions within Irish politics
>Offer a heavily pro-British Treaty which
>Threaten total war if it isn't accepted
Of course, the Moderates and Conservatives ran with it. They tell the public that they have peace and that they're just a few years away from total freedom. Any and all energy from the revolution is completely sapped.

Ireland stays in the British Empire until the 1940s, and stays partitioned to this day. There is no event in all of Irish history more utterly depressing than the Irish Civil War. The worst part is that the Republic of Ireland continues to LARP as the successor to the War of Independence, as the inheritor of the legacy of those who launched the revolution. They hold commemorations of 1916, of War of Independence leaders, despite being the ones who sentenced the entire thing to death.

Completely depressing.
Honorius backstabbing Stilicho
(accountants) backstabbing Aurelian
And of course the Ides.
>There is no event in all of Irish history more utterly depressing than the Irish Civil War.
I think the Potato Famine is probably up there but it's a pretty tough competition. Irish Civil War is more depressing in a spiritual way whereas the Potato Famine is depressing in a much more tangible way.
Yeah, the Famine is dire and heart-wrenching but it's a much more clear cut "ah yes, shitty conditions imposed on Ireland" sort of dire.

The Civil War had several of Ireland's own leaders turn on their allies at the earliest opportunity. They snapped up British silver pieces at the first opportunity and then suppressed their opponents more violently and ruthlessly than Britain had in the entire revolutionary period.

Blackpilling stuff.
I listed the Irish Civil War for the opposite reason; the anti-Treaty IRA were the self-destructive giga retards.

Against all odds, Ireland had gained the option of eventual independence. Their only loss was that they now didn't have retarded Ulster Loyalist ape men to govern, and that they were instead Britain's problem. The anti-Treaty faction threatened to put everything back to square 1 because "ooga booga o'grug want independence NOW! o'grug want Ulster Loyalists shitting up republic NOW!"
Éamon de Valera signed the fucking treaty, yet went on to lead the anti-Treaty IRA politically. That should tell you enough.
napoleon invading russia without anticipating cold

hitler also invading russia without anticipating cold

protip: remember russia is cold
If you think its this simple you are braindead
Using steppe mercenaries had worked well enough for them for the prior 500+ years
Are you retarded?
Napoleon's quick logistics and lack of depending on supply wagons worked well before, Russians countered this with scorched earth + Fabian tactics
Hitler tried his best by attacking in Spring, but suffered due to 1941 being the coldest winter of the century
>(accountants) backstabbing Aurelian
Cant find anything on the web about this one but im intrested
I don't think it tracks as well. Starting a war they probably wouldn't win is exactly what happened in 1919.
>only loss was not having Unionist in the country
That is not the case, at all. The losses were:
>The complete dissolution of the Irish Republic
>The reinstating of the monarch as Head of State
>British military retains control of several strategic ports
>British government maintains oversight in politics
>Still in the British Empire
All of this on threat of war, so one can hardly call it democracy.
>ooga booga o'grug want independence NOW
Actually, it's because they saw the Treaty for what it was; Britain maintaining their interests. Remember that in 1919 and 1920 there were voicees calling for an end to all violence, because "they could never defeat Britain anyway."

The overwhelming majority of those who actually fought for Irish freedom opposed the Treaty. In fact, calling it the "anti-Treaty IRA" implies a relatively significant split, when in reality a the vast majority of the IRA opposed the Treaty. Cumann na mBan opposed it. The Irish Citizen Army opposed it. The Trade Unions opposed it.

Having fought for the Irish Republic, it was now being voted into dissolution at the behest of a conservative faction that wanted to cosy up to Britain.
>De Valera is a spineless faggot

The anti-Treaty side were correct, by the way.
The Republic of Ireland has made zero progress to unifying the island. It took the shekels in 1922 and called it a finished job. Depressing shit.

Remember that the National Army (which recruited many British Army veterans) carried out more extrajudicial killings of Republicans in 1922-23 than the British did in the entire revolution.
The British used Hindu troops to conquer India and china.
>Enver Hoxha allies with the Slavs
He didn't ally himself with slavs he was a slavic asset from the start. Him and the LANÇ were created by Tito.
Parliament refusing to grant the 13 colonies representation.
it's not that they didn't anticipate the cold, they simply thought they'd win before winter arrived. There's one other thing though. Historians like to harp about cold whether working against invaders in russia, but the usually fail to mention another weather effect that works well in russian favour - roads. Now you might ask "wtf does that have to do with weather", and I'll anser: russian roads are notoriously bad, well, notoriously among russians, not so much among europeans who are used to high quality european roads. So any time it rains or snow starts melting (which is spring and autumn) the roads become nigh impassable. So good luck moving your army and forage
One of Aurelian's secretary was afraid that he would be discovered embezzling money from the imperial treasury, and Aurelian was a pretty harsh judge, so he faked a document that had a bunch of officers marked for death. They believed him because it was signed by the Emperor, being his secretary he could easily copy Aurelian's signature. That group of officers conspired and killed Aurelian, but the ruse was quickly discovered and they regretted acting on a fake document and killed the slimy secretary.
>it's not that they didn't anticipate the cold, they simply thought they'd win before winter arrived.


Before the Battle of Hattin, most of the barons of Jerusalem had held a council and decided NOT marching on to Tiberias and meeting Saladin in battle in unfavourable conditions was preferable until he could be met in better conditions, but during the night Gerard of Ridefort went into Guy de Lusignans tent and somehow convinced him to attempt to march on Tiberias, when the order came at the morning the army was confused and the barons, although they disagreed, remained loyal and the army marched out, and although some knights managed to break out and the fighting was fierce, Saladin had to encourage his men to press on multiple times on top of his horse, Guy and Gerard Ridefort essentially handed the victory over to to Saladin on a silver platter, the crusader army ultimately got annihilated and the Kingdom nearly completely destroyed until Richard I arrived.
They had greatcoats, but they were useless for a very meme reason: it was so cold that the buttons, made from some shitty metallic alloy, would easily break apart and the soldiers couldn't keep their coats closed.
Ok let's think of the counterfactual. British go for total war against ironiggers. You would complain about the carnage more than you kvetch about potato famine had that happens. Ulster won't be papist, nigger.
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I don't disagree.
That was also the argument in 1919, with several senior Republican leaders very strongly rallying against any further violence.
>Ulster won't be papist
Ulster is already majority Cathoic.
>muh 6 counties
There are more Catholics than Protestants, and Shinners are the largest party. Northern Ireland was a complete failure, we know this. Ulster Unionism as an ideology went from weakness to weakness after 1912.

The argument is not "how do we beat the Unionists" anymore, it's "what will a United Ireland look like." The biggest opposition to Irish Republicanism is not Ulster Unionists, it arguably never has been. The biggest opposition to a United Ireland is not Ulster Unionsits either, it's Free Staters and centrists.

Ulster Unionists will exist after unification, as a conservative political bloc likely working with Fine Gael. This is how it should have been in 1922, but sure.
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If you want the REAL "what the fuck are you doing" moment of Ireland, it's Diarmait Mac Murchada.
>be king of Leinster
>hate the High King of Ireland, war with him a lot
>one ally of the High King, Tigernán Ua Ruairc, kicks the shit out of your province
>High King dies, his son takes over
>uneasy peace
>kidnap Tigernán Ua Ruairc's wife and steal all her shift, and support a pretender to your neighbour's kingdom
>everyone sick of your shit, get deposed but permitted to live out your days in peace ruling over your home town
>get assblasted
>leave Ireland, go to England
>meet Henry II
>"I'll give you whatever you want if you help me war the High King of Ireland"
>goes to Norman commanders
>"hi guys, you can have all my land and also my daughter if you help me fuck over the High King"
>norman invasion.wav
>die in the middle of the war, not even in battle
>daughter married off to norman cock
>lands held and settled by normans
>literally invite England into Ireland, kickstarting the next several centuries of conflict
Iran Contra was based you seething zog commufaggot.

There’s nothing wrong with Iran, and countering communists by any means is heroic.
The fact that only someone deranged enough to call themselves a chud is willing to defend it just proves how retarded it was, thanks.
Israel was behind Iran Contra
James, Duke of York converting to Catholicism
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The famine is anything but "dire and heart-wrenching" unless you find pity for the Irish for being so stupid.

>Fail to grow anything except one variety of potato out of thousands.
>somehow manages to fail at growing potatoes.
>When this happens, people flee because shocker, the British haven't done the sensible thing and turned Ireland into an Escape From New York level prison colony.
>2.5 million leave and ~20-25 thousand die of "starvation".
>Despite population only falling by ~2 million from 1841-1861, Irish government claims 1-1.2 million died. Again, 2.5 million EMIGRATED, so we are seeing net population growth amidst what's supposed to be a famine that killed 1 in 8 Irish.
>Even if you do the Black Book of Communism level math that the Irish do, you only get a number between 400k-450k. This includes all 400k people that died from 1841-1861 of all diseases. Which is a completely normal portion of the population one would expect to die of diseases in this period.

In short, the only way you get to the numbers claimed by the Mick Mafia is if you do even worse math than Black Book of Communism and account for things like estimated population growth were it not hindered by mass emigration and economic pressures.
Peak midwit answer.

The turks always served valiantly and effectively as mercenaries. Compare that to Greek experience with Their Catholic brothers like the Crusaders or the Catalan Company: pillaging, indiscriminate killing between the Muslims and local orthodox, and claiming superiority over the other.

The greeks were so desperate they converted to catholicism and the Latin west still just didn't give a shit lmao
>Fourth Crusade

It was way too successful to count as this.
Iran-Contra wasn't that bad, it just exposed the kind of shenanigans that the alphabet agencies do behind the curtains (they do shit that is way worse).

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