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What would happen if some Jew, as a prank, fulfilled the Messianic prophecies? What would the consequences of this be for Christcucks?
do jews even keep genealogies anymore?
Christians would just cry
>muh antichrist
until Christianity fizzles out. They'd be reduced to a faction of reality-denying lunatics in that worldwide peaceful kingdom (or whatever it would be).
>Jesus will return and judge us all, even though everything seems perfect, just you see
Yes, Christians would do what they've always done: whine in the corner.
I don't think you understand the amount of prophecies there are, first there's the stuff where he's born, that he's gonna stay in Egypt, no normal person can decide those things because you're not even born yet
>where he's born, that he's gonna stay in Egypt
Can't you just like make that shit up? After he get popular I mean
Doubting Thomas refused to believe Jesus was rezzed and that was after he had witnessed all the other mircales, just because they lived 2000 years ago doesn't mean they were stupid.
maybe a little stupid
If Netanyahu is "Moshiach" then he's being set up to get slain by the true Antichrist
Can't you just like make up the doubting Thomas story to shut up people at the time, 2000 years ago, who said Jesus came back as a ghost, rather than a bodily resurrection
or would only stupid people fall for that?
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It's probably impossible to keep a lie for several decades and never falter but let's say the 12 were all in on it, the problem for atheists is that Jesus was seen by over 500 people and those that received holy spirit could do special things so it's not like they were ordinary.
Paul of course is also another example of someone who went from enemy to dying for his faith.
Jesus himself acknowledged that some wouldn't believe no matter what kind of evidence they saw in Luke 16:31.

>who said Jesus came back as a ghost, rather than a bodily resurrection
or would only stupid people fall for that?
Jesus became a spirit being again so he wasn't a ghost but he wasn't human any longer.
That's why he could appear/disappear.
I don't think people are stupid for falling for lies, people basically believe whatever they wanna believe.
Yet Islam is nearly one and a half billion strong, so was it a lie or not?
Well then he'd be the Messiah and God was having a laugh about it all
There is no way to fulfil the Messianic prophecies without God intervening, especially seeing the way the world is now
Galatians 1:8, Revelation 12:9.
Rev 12 brings up Satan is actively deceiving the entire Earth, Satan and demons use false religion to do this amongst other things.
Galatians brings up nothing can go beyond the gospel which is obviously muslims did that by writing the quran.

But the numbers for Islam are deceiving: "Apostasy from Islam is considered a hudud crime. Death penalty is the traditional form of punishment for both male and female apostates for leaving Islam."
Tons would leave if there weren't any consequences.
>Jesus was seen by over 500 people
So says 1 person
It's not like there actually are 500 people I could go ask, there's just Paul's story about 500 people
Jesus also acknowledged that when he spoke to Thomas but that's why the bible has so many prophecies about the last days like Matthew 24, 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and so on.

>So says 1 person
The bible is written by Jehovah God and God can't lie.
The next prophecy is peace and security which will trigger great tribulation, destruction of false religion. Anyways I'm going to bed, good night
Have you ever considered that even Christianity is a deception?
>The bible is written by Jehovah God and God can't lie.
Wow, you should have brought out this banger at the begging to end the conversation.

But seriously.
If I tell you a story about how my neighbor walked on water. Do you believe me?
Well, you should, because 500 people saw my neighbor doing it. Trust me, I wouldn't lie.
is he gonna be the Jewish messiah or the Christian Second Coming? totally different prophecies so he'd have to pick.
>if some Jew, as a prank, fulfilled the Messianic prophecies?
Like how Alexander the Great fulfilled the Gordion Knot prophecy as a prank?
Probably the guy will get many followers and he would be considered a great guy by the many
Would consider him as an Anti-Christ.
They still keep track of Cohenic lineage apparently, for example dough offering (a sacrifice) is still carried out by the descendants of kohen lineage taking role of kohen during holidays.
Moshiach, so building the Temple et cetera.
It would definitely be funny though, right?
The bible is scientifically accurate even when the entire world believed different things so you can't fake those things, like hey if you touch dead bodies you're unclean and need to burn your clothes etc and wash yourself. This sounds obvious but it wasn't that long ago doctors would deal with dead bodies and then go deliver babies. "Within months, the results of this simple hygienic change were apparent and astounding. The maternal mortality rate dropped to 1 to 2 percent, matching that of the women in the midwives’ ward."
If they had studied the bible they would already know this but instead he was mocked
"Despite his research, Semmelweis's observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community. He could offer no theoretical explanation for his findings of reduced mortality due to hand-washing, and some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and mocked him for it."

It also teaches that the Earth is round and hangs upon nothing which isn't what people believed.

Would I believe a random nobody? No.
Would I believe God after he's provided me with literally thousands of pieces of evidence, including doing things that nobody else can do? Yes.
Why would you use Semmelweis for the truth? Remember when Jesus wanted everyone to not wash their hands when eating? This was back when we didn't have toilet paper either.
>Don't wash your hands, eat food with shit on them.
>Touch lepers
>Touch the dead
The jews just attacked him all the time and wanted to prove he wasn't the messiah, remember that he could/can read hearts so he knew if their intentions were good or bad from the start. There's a huge difference asking and accusing someone. They created traditions that overstepped what the bible said. Read Matthew 15.
Yes, washing hands is Lucifer worship. That is, it's an act of faith in the power of unholy water to cleanse you. It is an act of faith that, just because Satan is evil, his domain is full of filth. So every time you wash your hands, you're paying Satan a compliment. If someone reading this is a Christian, then you know Lucifer's power is limited and you shouldn't be giving him the benefit of any doubt, and the benefit of worship, by using water that has not been blessed. And don't think Satan is stupid. He can feel every bit of the worship that goes into the water, and he is flattered. That's why you should never let Satanic water touch your skin. I don't care if the rest of the world does. If they're paying homage to the Prince of Darkness, that's their business. We are not of the world, and we must not have any dealings with its ways. That includes hand washing.
This is just ridiculous, you have to be a troll...
You have to be a demon. The only thing that washes away the stain of sin is the blood of the Lord Jesus. It is an affront to Him to wash with anything else, even if it's water that you think is pure . Sorry Satan, but you can't fool me. There is no way a few drops of ordinary H2O is going to do anything. You can't just use water and think everything will be okay. The only thing that is trulyy pure is the blood of the Lamb.
Its no prank bro and they are trying to fulfill it and this video they lay out what the consequence for Christ cucks will be

Oh the prank will be Christ cucks helping them fulfill there prophecies. For example giving them red heffers. Sure sure goyim if you give us red cows and help us build our temple your Jesus will come back. No goy its not like we made Jesus up and gave him to you so 2000 years latter you could aid us and pick our grapes.
lol, why did you mention the 500 eyewitnesses if it doesn't matter? And you're just going to wave at 1000 other things
What do you mean it doesn't matter?

>And you're just going to wave at 1000 other things
More like you should study the bible yourself instead, /his/ is extremely lazy when it comes to these things. They'd rather just waste time online.
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You're just too lost in the sauce

You were talking about why Jesus being seen by 500 eyewitness "is a problem for atheists"
When I told you that there's actually just Paul, one man's claim that there was 500 eyewitnesses
you just went like: Well, the Bible is true, so we should trust Paul (as if this isn't the exact thing in question)

Atheists don't believe the Bible is the true word of God. So they got no problem when Paul says 500 people saw Jesus, because they don't believe everything in the Bible is true.
I saw 500 men fuck OP's mom.

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