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How does science justify this?
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Whores love money. Simple as.
a little brain damage from meningitis didn't do me any harm
builds character I say. kids these days are soft
Your micro brain and micro penis can fuck off out of here.
Vaccines can only get government protection from lawsuits if they're on the pediatric immunization schedule. As a result, there's a lot of pressure by pharma companies to get their vaccines on that schedule in order for them to gain liability protection.
Why would the vaccine manufacturers be concerned about getting government protection from lawsuits if the vaccines they were selling weren't harmful?
They are not harmful 99.999% of the time
The problem is the 0.001% of patients who are harmed can shut it all down if they had to be liable, especially for something that is at it's core an elective procedure.

The cult of society deems a small amount of collateral damage as inevitable and preferable to the alternative which is not having these vaccines or having a very reduced uptake.

IMO no one should be harmed for doing the right thing but most of society does not see things that way. Being maimed by a vaccine is just seen as an unfortunate, unavoidable event on the same level as any other accidental death where no one can be considered at fault.
That's wrong.

It's "fewer"
both are cute and valid
They should be held liable for killing people retard.
>person eats peanuts
>dies from allergic reaction
>peanut grower should go to prison for killing them in anons world
Go back to your containment board, incel.
So who is mandating babies eat peanuts? How should any one product be mandated? I bet you don't have an answer smart ass.
Your parents can refuse the vaccines though
>How does science justify this?
That's not true. I am 50 and have received tens vaccination shots in my life. Most were mandatory (public health service preventive medicine) but I did not oppose them, I welcomed them. The rest were paid out of my own pocket, either because I needed shots for traveling to some corner of the globe, or just to make my life more comfortable: I get the flu vaccine every year, paid out of my own pocket. I hate dealing with the fucking flu, and it's nice to cruise through wintertime without ever dealing with that shit.
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Vaccines are always introduced after deaths have already been experiencing a consistent and strong decline. The ongoing downward trend simply continues and then the vaccine is credited for "curing" a disease that was already on its way out thanks to improvements in hygiene and nutrition, removal of environmental toxins, and other factors that reduce incidence of illness. The vaccines aren't actually doing anything if you look at the data instead of the headlines.

This only really shows people were less likely to out right die, but doesn't necessarily disprove whether the number of measles cases didn't decrease with the vaccine. You for example might not necessarily die from polio but can still end up crippled by it, so this data doesn't tell the full story.
doesn't that exclude their children from pretty much all public (and most private) schooling down the road? not that that's necessarily a bad thing but the system is definitely stacked against you if you don't want to jab your kid 120 times their first year on earth
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Another point is many of the data he uses here are for bacterial infections, which of course had reduced deaths prior to the vaccine due to being treatable with anti-biotics (though you still run the risk of long term side effects). His data on the measles vaccine however shows a clear decline in measles rates after its introduction, thus obviously the vaccine was working in preventing the rate at which people caught it.
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The incidence rates do go down, but there's another problem: overlapping diagnoses. Lots of illnesses have similar or even identical symptoms and there's a lot left up to personal interpretation by the doctors. Measles and smallpox are two of the best examples of this because measles, mumps, smallpox, and chickenpox all have the SAME symptoms. So what happens when you think a patient has measles, mumps, or smallpox but you see in their medical history they've been vaccinated for those? Must be chickenpox! And if they're too old for chickenpox or they've already had chickenpox before? Oh, now it's shingles. Smallpox and measles didn't get eradicated by vaccination, they got eradicated by not being diagnosed. We made many other improvements that make those conditions no longer life-threatening and practically routine to manage, then we started lumping one disease in with another on the assumption that the vaccines must work so it must be a different disease causing these identical symptoms. It has nothing to do with the effectiveness of vaccines.
I don't think you can just put it down to that when the decline very clearly occurs just as the vaccine is introduced, not much will have changed in the year or so between its introduction and the clear dip.
Shingles is definitely not the same as chickenpox either, thats an absurd claim. The symptoms are vastly different beyond the fact that they cause blotching.
better to be smart and insane than dumb and learning
>I don't think you can just put it down to that when the decline very clearly occurs just as the vaccine is introduced
All it takes is convincing the doctors that the vaccine is effective. If they "know" that a child is immune to measles due to vaccination they're going to rule out that diagnosis and attribute it to another illness with enough overlapping symptoms. It's a simple logical conclusion to not diagnose a patient with an illness you know they can't get. The vaccines don't have to actually work, there just have to be other available explanations for doctors to fall back on in the diagnosis process.
My daughter was six months old in 2023. I don't remember how many jabs she had had at six months but it couldn't have been more than four.
there's no mercury in vaccines. It's one thing to criticize vaccines. It's another to do so based on false and incredibly outdated information.
>It's another to do so based on false and incredibly outdated information.
Figures why all the mainstream antivaxxers would do so. Aren't they still blaming thimerosal despite that having been discontinued in the '90s?
You meant to say...
>99.99% of the time they cause no DISCERNIBLE OR DIAGNOSABLE harm

Every vaccine literally injures your body physically and into the future given tbey contain heavy metals and other contaminates.

The safest vaccine in the world is the yellow fever vaccine.
Usually made close to on the spot, never stored long periods, attenuated LIVE virus, NO ADJUVANTS AT ALL.

It's the most effective and has almost zero recorded side effects in all of it's history.
All other shots are purposely poisonous for whatever reason you can guess.
Try eating good food. There is no one alive that still thinks the flu shot works.
Thanks paid poster.
You guys are too dumb to not show your hand if you write more than three sentences.
Just stick to insult posting.
They reintroduces it a few years ago to the flu vaccine and then put the flu vaccine on the children's schedule.
Try staying at least within 20 years of up to date with your facts please.

>Thimerosal removed
>RFK is a kook
For the discussion.
Heavy metals are bad, but ALL ADJUVANTS literally train the body to have immune reactions to a wide spread of things that are in your body at time of injection or enter shortly thereafter.

This is why autoimmune is thru the roof. There is literal DNA in some of these shots as well as genetic portions from animals.
Your body is being trained against those proteins.
>Thimerosal contains ethylmercury, which is cleared from the human body more quickly than methylmercury, and is therefore less likely to cause any harm.
>Thimerosal is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose (multi-dose vials) to prevent growth of germs, like bacteria and fungi.
It's more appropriate to say "fewer" when describing an amount of countable items.
Not OP but big meh to this post.
>Thimerosal was taken out of childhood vaccines in the United States in 2001.
>Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines do not and never did contain thimerosal. Varicella (chickenpox), inactivated polio (IPV), and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have also never contained thimerosal.
>Influenza (flu) vaccines are currently available in both thimerosal-containing (for multi-dose vaccine vials) and thimerosal-free versions.

Learn how to read...
The official CDC narrative is: Thimerosal isn't in vaccines, except when it is, and you shouldn't worry about it anyway.
Besides, there's plenty of other nasty shit in vaccines to worry about like aluminum.
if I had it all to do over again I would have claimed to be jewish and my kids aren't getting any shots and nobody would have dared look at me sideways
peanuts are not synthesized in a lab from 1000s of ingredients
>There is no one alive that still thinks the flu shot works.
Theres a small group of people who believe it works wonders when it comes to generating massive windfall profits for Pharmaco Inc.
Nice tip, thanks. We'll make fewer and fewer mistakes as we learn from these.
>tfw 34 and developed autism while my older siblings did not
>MMR vaccine dose was massively increased for my birth year
Happy to be of service.
when I were about to start my PhD in the US, the trannies there required me to take like 5 additional shots. the full list had like 30 vaccines tho most of them are optional.
it's retarded.
Could you not claim a religious exemption?
Why tho? I'm not religious and I'm fine with taking those additional vaccines because they had been tested and in circulation for many decades. I just felt it's too extreme about the number.
life sciences building thru -
>I'm fine with taking those additional vaccines
Oh... okay.
yea, they get meningitis instead lmao
if you dont have a problem with 5 vaccines i dont see why you would have a problem with 30. if your doctor recommended 30mg if penicillin would you be like “woah, 30? isnt that a bit high? cant we just do like 5mg?”
I had already taken a fuck ton of shots at that time. Also had to take safety precaution rabies vaccine cause some pitbull got me in the hand. what can 5 more shots do lol.
>30 shot
they're optional and will probably require multiple appointments to take them. why should I bother if they're not mandatory?
that vaccine miraculously does nothing to prevent meningitis.
you must be on your tenth covid booster. how many times have you had covid?
are they up to the 10th booster already?
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How many other ailments look like the measles?
>Some common viral rashes linked to contagious viruses include:
>Rubella (German measles)
>Hand, foot, and mouth disease
>Fifth disease
>Mononucleosis can cause a "mono rash"
>A Zika virus rash is maculopapular. It includes macules (tiny, raised blotches) and papules (reddish bumps). It usually starts on the trunk and spreads to other areas of the body, often causing itching.
>HIV rash occurs during acute HIV infection
>West Nile virus is an infection transmitted by mosquito bites. ... The rash appears two to 14 days after infection. It tends to resemble measles and be maculopapular
>A dengue fever rash can be macular (flat) or maculopapular (flat and raised). It usually covers most of the body two to five days after the fever starts. Later in the disease, a flat rash similar to measles appears.
>Molloscum contagiosum is a viral infection caused by poxvirus. The infection causes mild skin disease.
>Acrodermatitis produces a rash that may or may not itch.

Pic related is a rash said to be caused by COVID-19: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-52493574
More about COVID rash: https://www.verywellhealth.com/covid-rash-in-kids-8608828

As you can see, doctors have plenty of illnesses to choose from when diagnosing conditions involving full-body rash and high fever. We supposedly eradicated smallpox and measles through vaccination, but their symptoms persist in the population so we define them as new diseases.
Can we leave the vaccine-autism boogeyman behind? It's old and stale. And the doctor in question has no expertise on vaccines anyway.

But the "conspiracy" never was organic in the first place. It was always pushed by plants.
I have 2 kids. Followed the vax schedule for the first one but not the second. Surprise surprise, the first one has food allergies and other strange ailments.
I agree, vaccines are dangerous enough to avoid without the specious link to autism.
Recommend paternity testing as well so we can better understand this data.
Sure, as soon as you post all RTC for every approved vaccine in the CDC list.
Just like gun companies are.
Food allergies are caused/worsened by not introducing your kid to foods as a kid. Be less of a shit parent.
If gun companies were lobbying to make the government pay them to shoot civilians under the guise of public service they should be.
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Okay, now show me the childhood bullet schedule required for participation in public school.
Never been to Florida, have you.
I have, it was nice and warm
>I have, it was nice
Kek. That wasn't Florida.
Glad you liked it and were not shot.
Do they give shots for allergies now cause zoomer parents are too stupid to take their kids outdoors?
Or the definition of autism changed. When I was a kid the autistic kid at school drooled everywhere and shit himself constantly. Now have any kind of neurosis you are autistic.
don't forget that this pressure only exists because of the government and that this is intentional
Florida is nice as long as you avoid the parts with blacks and jews
They justify it because they make money on it
Scientists are extremely greedy people
People who get obsessed with math are all greedy people, they get their obsession with math from their possessiveness and materialism, from counting their money or from developing schemes to get more money for themselves
how bout not being genetic waste with a dysfunctional immune system
there is lots of mercury in vaccines
and other heavy metals too
adjuvants just trigger a inflammatory reaction which increase the efficency of the adaptative immune response + allows to generate immune memory. It is needed for an efficent vaccination. Yes, if you have autoreactive lymphocites they will maybe be triggered by the inflammation (maybe), but any next inflammation that you will have could have triggered it.
>Your body is being trained against those proteins
..isn't that the whole point?
>..isn't that the whole point?
The point is your body being trained against the virus, not against the proteins of adjuvants which come from food products.
vaccines are good actually (with the exception of mandated covid vaccines perhaps)
mandating anything isn't good if you can help it and in the case of covid you could have certainly "helped it"
I had Lyme disease that progressed to late stages. Imagine my shock when I found out, a preventative cure existed, and you fucking retards caused it to be made available for pets only.

My youngest sibling never had to get chicken pox. I never had rheumatic fever.

Imagine giving kids preventative cures for diseases.
>mandating anything isn't good
nearly all vaccines are mandated
>vaccines are good
The covid vaccine is good, its killed millions of low IQ midwits.
thats not enough
>children NEED to die of whooping cough and measles, libtard!!!
Kids stopped dying from those things before vaccines were introduced. See: >>16175851
That graphs cuts off recent data. All of the unvaccinated illegal immigrants have started to make diseases like measles become far more common than they used to be.
If you're over 35, you have drank more leaded water than a baby in 2023.
only REAL men drink leaded water and unsanitary food, PUSSIES like the new generation could NEVER walk the tightrope between death and an iron lung
It has nothing to do with vaccination and everything to do with hygiene and diet. Though, the lack of vaccination does cause the reverse of what I talked about in >>16175921 and >>16188494. Someone who's not vaccinated for measles can be diagnosed with measles, and their lack of vaccination will be blamed for their illness. No one will be diagnosed with smallpox regardless of personal vaccination status, though, because that one was declared to be globally eradicated so it's fully off the table in the mind of any diagnosing physicians.
This, you're restricted from using the pubic services you pay for via taxation if you're not maxvax'd, so all of the list of 6 zogillion vaccines are effectively mandated. All of the college children on /sci/ had to get their vaxxxie injections before college would admit them.
Lots of children die every year from vaccine injections

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