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Can someone post the other trolley problem memes?
I had a hard drive failure and I'm trying to rebuild my /sci/ folder.
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I have a meme, but I'm not making an image.
>If you flip 100 coins, how many land heads and how many land tails?
>If you flip 100 sardines, how many fish land on their left side and how many land on their right side, and did their death flips matter?

The solution to the Trolley Problem is to run over the single person tied to the train tracks, and then back up and run over the second group because it eliminated six economically dependent individuals and doubled the time worked for the tram driver and increased his pay.
>not having your hard drive backed up
>it is possible to fail in many ways, while to succeed is possible only in one way.
You pull the lever because you ought to have tried.
This isn't science. Take your Voodoo to /x/.
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you should be able to solve this
If at any point n becomes odd, or if n was initially odd, it just blows up to infinity, because 2n+1 is also odd, right? And unless the initial n is a power of 2, halving it over and over again will eventually reach an odd number that will also blow up to infinity, won't it? am i missing something here?
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The image is wrong; for odd numbers it should be multiplied by 3, not 2. The Collatz conjecture is sometimes even referred to as the 3x+1 conjecture.
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oh, that makes a lot more sense, thanks
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this one would be better with only one guy at the bottom track
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and finally, the real solution to the original problem
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this is the one that truly bothers me

Not saving them just the existential dred of not being you

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