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How come average daily post counts on 4chan have dropped so dramatically over the past 3 years? Nearly 30% of the posters have disappeared, are they gone because they all died of the vax?
There's a new mod who abuses range bans and I can't spam BBC threads anymore.
No one gives a shit anymore. White people have turned their backs on society, just like society turned its back on them.
More and more are going their own way trying to secure themselves a life outside the matrix.
20% reduction in posts in 2 years. assume the average user contributes 20 posts per day. then 1 million daily posts a day means 50,000 unique users globally across all boards. given that /sci/ is about 500 times slower than /pol/ (order of magnitude based on 2 hours vs. 2 days until death), i estimate /sci/ has an average of 100 users posting on any given day, each of whom is posting an average of 20 posts a day. so without looking at data i expect to see /sci/'s data revealing 2000 daily posts. if this is indeed reflective of the daily posts on /sci/, then gentlemen, it's been an honor being a part of your under 100 club.
Because 4chan got a huge temporary influx during the WSB shutdown 3 or 4 years ago. They've been trickling out ever since.
factor in the 15-20 schizos here at any given time, and that the real daily posts are 1500/day (20% lower than 100 so 80 unique posters) that indicates there are at most about 50 unique non-schizos here. a handful of chemists, some medfags, a few math autists, a couple physicists. that probably makes up 15-20 of the users and the other 30 are just kids or /pol/trolls. welcome to /sci/!
Return to office means that people who were on 4chan during work are now not posting as much if at all
80% of us are lurkers
we're here
we don't care
4chan is really millennial culture and made its peak contributions to internet meme culture from 2007-2016. People who grew up with 4chan when it was created in 2003 were teenagers around that time. Obviously zoomers come here, but it's not quite as interesting to them. As more millennials age out, have kids, and stop coming here, the userbase will drop. That only leaves the loser 35 year olds such as myself to keep hanging on to the past.
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I'll assume the site-wide distribution is as follows: there is a small population of terminally-online, neets, and bots, all of which constantly shit out posts on the order of 250-500 per day. While a vast majority of unique users (not unique IPs from vpns, and people with multiple devices) post rarely and sporadically, with around a 5-15 posts per day average.

So /sci/ could have as few as 8 people online at any moment on average. And two of them are almost always online, and make 75% of posts and threads.
based, cant wait for the raids and manipulation to stop once this site becomes irrelevant again
Ryan, I've told you a million times it's not cgi cum
why did bbs boards die
why did usenet die
why did topsites die
why did efnet die
why did msn messenger die
why did forums die
why did fark die
why did SA die
why did 4chan die <- you are here
>And two of them are almost always online, and make 75% of posts and threads.
I'm one of them. Feels good to be a high quality contributor to this community.
>on the order of 250-500 per day
ridiculous, 25-50 more like it
>2000 daily posts
1900 of them is vaccine, iq, climate change, or news spam btw
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someone—most likely the CIA—is silently taking out the most prolific posters
>worm super solider anon
>can’t build muscle anon
>0.9999 anon
>female politician dino anon
>where are the aliens anon
…watch this space!
>i hate /sci/
why are you here?
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Typical science fag cherry picking where to cut off the graph to push unfounded conclusions.
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>he thinks 4chan is dying because "white people have turned their backs on society"
you are not white, pablo
What is interesting to zoomers
Probably tiktok and the centrifugal bumblepuppy.
Centrifugal bumblepuppy is pretty based tho ngl.
80% of posts are made by 20% of the users
thats all the data it shows for /all/
show the graphs for specific large boards then?
I've got the 5 year graph open for b, pol, int, v. vg, tv, a, and biz

/pol/ is spiky but v and vg rule
The Office Space type?
I wouldn't be surprised if that 30% missing traffic was the result of shitposters posting wojacs all day on /qa/. They're all on that other site now.
You shouldn't even count /b/ since that place is mostly bots nowadays.
ppl who found an alternative to giving $10 to lowtax
Pretty much this, some millennial people I know who were 4chan addicts for a decade stopped coming here. They claim this anyway, I assume they still lurk from time to time. They mostly use twitter now which is quite similar to 4chan in a lot of ways. I think more and more millennials are being swayed by left wing ideology too and they'd probably find this site unpalatable

Feels like I'm going to be stuck here until this place finally dies though, nothing else scratches that itch of hearing peoples true opinions on topics without having to filter it for fear of backlash
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>0.9999 anon
Humanity will never recover from this
>Obviously zoomers come here, but it's not quite as interesting to them.
I'm a zoomer and I love this place. I used to use all the normie apps, but then I found the boards and it was like I finally had a home. I use 4chan more than I use any other social media at this point. It's great. I hope others from my generation will realize the value of this site and do their best to preserve it.
Those were shills. Don't worry, they'll be back to spin narratives and muddy the waters again, soon
>over the past 3 years?
Why not 4 years?
glowies turned down the bot posts because it was scaring people out of the containment zone
/pol/ gets spikes during elections just like /sci/ gets them during shartship test flights
This and twitter is better than 4chan now
>i estimate
>i expect to see
>assume the average user contributes 20 posts per day.
Krautchan has dramatically improved recently because they banned porno and anime
Cooming to anime is a time honoured tradition among generation of channers
This is degeneracy manifest
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this is correct
may 1989 checking in
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Japanese media is so much less censored and controlled than USA media is. They have the freedoms that America lacks
anime is for faggots
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Over the same period of time /sci/ has fallen off from 5000 posts per day to 1500, a far greater drop percentage wise (apologies to those who think per capita is racist).
And /sci/ is by far the most gigavax'd board on 4chan, so its no coincidence that /sci/ has experienced a more severe post count decline than the site's overall average.
>How come average daily post counts on 4chan have dropped so dramatically over the past 3 years?
Because I methodically scan each thread on the catalogue for racism and I know how to use the report tool.
>why did msn messenger die
pity, that was a great program
>I'm one of them.
hey fren! this is me!:
3 of the 4 most recent spikes on that graph are shartship launches (all failures) and the other one is the superconductivity fraud. how come /sci/ never gets excited about anything thats real?
Was succeeded by Kohlchan, which is the pit of miserable middle aged degeneracy and bans none of what you speak. Other krauts are pretenders
Yeah. I checked that place out once and dudes were posting CSAM on there. No fucking thanks. That website is despicable
>That website is despicable
You need to go back. When I said it was a pit, I meant that as a good thing
>based, cant wait for the raids and manipulation to stop once this site becomes irrelevant again
Because burgerstan elections are only every 4 years.
>Because burgerstan elections are only every 4 years.
I mean, you're not wrong. But you also need to acknowledge the coordinated raids driven by seething leftists because their party is literally too stupid to meme.
>two-party politics
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>direction brain
Incurable. Terminal case. Recommendation: euthanasia
Because everyone here is retarded.
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If you look at the traffic of the largest boards, the biggest contributors to this decline are /b/ and /pol/

/b/ was pulling 115-120k posts a day in 2018, but apart from a brief bump during the pandemic they've been steadily decreasing, and are barely pulling 40-45k posts a day now.
/pol/ was averaging 200k posts a day a few years ago and they're under 100k posts a day now.
That's probably about 75% of your total drop in posting.

Some other boards have lost a bit here and there. /co/ has had a particularly rough decline (about 40k to 15k), but a lot of that can be attributed to the declining interest in comics and comic book movies among readers and audiences.
How come science doesn't ever do anything good thats worth getting excited about?
I remember when /b/ was the fastest board by far and generated nearly all of the site's traffic.
Yes, that is a true possibility, this new captcha is absolutely annoying.
it only upsets you because you're low IQ
Its 3 years later and Gamestonk's P/E is still hovering around 1000. Wall Street jews keep on shorting it and getting burned.
>this time it's sure to go down!!!
Whats the next event thats gonna make /sci/ popular again? That fake solar flare scare in the media a few weeks ago didn't do it. Are people just done with soience these days and they no long believe it anymore when the media says that scientist are saying the world is about to come to an end?
the faker science becomes the slower /sci/ gets
Let's be honest: if anyone around here would really study for a STEM degree or really work in academia they would adapt their ways of thinking to whatever is expected from their peers and superiors to secure good grades and a well-paying job. They would not have the time and energy to act all rebellious against The Science and argue with a bunch of schizos. Furthermore: it's obvious that in recent years not even once has there been a technical discussion about any subject besides some first-year math problems. There appears to be only a superficial/popsci interest in understanding a subject.
This is now a /sfg/ board
Lurkings will continue until flight rate improves
>everyone on /sci/ is a total idiot
>except me of course, I'm a massive genius
why are you here if you hate this board so much?
why do you bother with us if you're so superior?
Lot of political censorship on various boards. For ex, /k/ has been taken over by Biden CIA agents who push the Biden narrative only and ban anyone who disagrees.
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Twitter becoming mainstream 4chan + reddit's continued relevance (especially with the meme stock shit) explains the drop in posters.
The spikes don't represent /sci/ folks getting exited, but rather non /sci/ anons coming to /sci/ due to exciting !!science!! happenings
Been here for way longer than I should have been
Generally, 4chan has been overrun with politics and just pure toxicity. This was always 4chan, but now there is literally nothing else. There isn't any more 'fun' to be had. Coming here now gives nothing but negativity.
The only winning move is not to play
Reply only in good threads
Sage, hide and report others
Simple as
>the only winning move is not to play
This line comes from a computer in a movie about tactical nuclear deployments against enemies with nukes. The irony here is the poster purposes the problem is something other than bots.
Shit moderation and /pol/tards. Nuff said.
>I hate 4chan
why are you here?

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