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Ive heard a lot about this online, but how viable is it? I resent being mutilated at birth and not being able to have a fully functioning penis, as all cutfags should.
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you will never be uncut and intact, enjoy your lifetime of penis envy, cuck
I have a strong suspicion this wont work. Sorry anon but you wont have a foreskin.
Thats like telling someone who lost an arm to enjoy their arm envy, kinda pathetic of you
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jews develop their repulsive effeminate neurotic personalities as a result of the penis envy that circumcision necessarily induces
I'm just holding out for stem cells or something.

I'm not sure if they can ever repair the nerve damage, but at least I might be able to look normal someday.
>I resent being mutilated at birth and not being able to have a fully functioning penis, as all cutfags should.
From one cutfag to another, you need to know that nothing can change what happened to you. Foreskin is not just an extension of the skin on your penis shaft, it's a very particular arrangement and density of nerve endings embedded in skin of a particular type. Stretching the skin on your penis shaft over the head of your penis will not restore the function, form, or feeling of the foreskin you lost, and it could result in further injury or disfigurement that would only make your situation worse. There's no sense in dwelling it, especially if your penis is otherwise functional. Appreciate what you have, accept what happened to you, make sure it doesn't happen to your kids, and let people know why they shouldn't do it to their kids. If you feel strongly enough about the issue, you could join a group for political activism on the topic with the aim of spreading awareness or even pushing the government to make male circumcision as illegal as female circumcision. Pic related, it's something you should try to take to heart.
Skin stretching is a tried and true method with thousands of years of historical precedent. The Jews used to to it to fit in with the Greeks. The foreskin cannot be replicated but the remaining inner skin and outer skin can be extended to form a substitute. This substitute will restore glans sensitivity, moisture, and skin motility. The new skin will contain new nerve endings as well, not as many as were lost, but a good amount. There are photos online of people who have gone through the process and they really do appear as if they were uncut. Good luck anon.
Jews made $500 by stealing your foreskin.
Not at all. Traction devices do not regrow tissues. Go buy a penis pump, at least the half inch will do something.
Assuming one is circumcised, how can one stretch a foreskin he does not have?
>Joe Cuckold
Check out this good person right here.
stretching works, but those devices are hard to buy. Is the design of that opensource?
I thought it was $5000 these days for a goy putz
Why kikes so insistent about making non-jews follow the jews barbaric third world religious practices?
correct me if I am wrong but isn't that basically mewing for your dick?
This thread is more disturbing than it needs to be
Foregen won't restore nerves but I'll protect the glans from drying out and desensitization due to abrasion.
having large scale genital mutilation of all males in order to please a tiny minority of jews is an extremely disturbing concept, but thats the reality we live in
Literally everything related to stretching or growing your foreskin and/or penis is complete bullshit.

You're stuck with what you're stuck with.
I'm tempted to argue with you just so anon doesn't lose hope, but I'm sure educating myself would involve looking at dozens of different dicks. I take solace in the high likelihood that you haven't educated yourself either, and if you did, that means you looked at a bunch of dicks.
Every european intact alpha should buy one and put on a display as a fortune of fertility and dominance over an inferior species
>God tells Abraham's followers to cut off their foreskins
>The Jews stretch theirs back to fit in with the Greeks
2000+ years of jewish tricks and counting
Its been 2000 years since the murdered Jesus, their history of deceptiveness & thievery goes back far longer than just 2000 years
that bait hooked you because of your penis envy.
you're a cripplecock lol
RIP Penis
maybe you'll get an intact penis in heaven with rabbi Jesus
cripplecock don't go to heaven, the mental illness thats caused by going though life as a cripplecock prevents them. cripplecocks end up as mentally twisted and losers with weird obsessions and neuroses
>Joe Cuckold
nice one LOL
Lmao that trannys think doctors can build a dick out of nothing when they doctors can't even fix a foreskin mutilation on an otherwise healthy cock
Why hasnt janny taken this down
Hope can be good, but false hope - especially blatantly false hope - does far more harm than good.
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I hope you suffer greatly in life.
No woman is ever going to see your penis anyway, so who cares?
And no, foreskin stretching will NOT give you a "fully functioning penis." Your foreskin is gone. It's much healthier to simply accept that fact and move on with your life (while still opposing infant/child circumcision as anyone should) than to spend the rest of your days seething about it.
I'm circumcised and I don't envy anybody's penis because I am not a homosexual. In fact I don't think about other people's dicks at all.
if I regrow my foreskin with stretching and HGH cream, recircumcize myself, regrow it and circumcize again, can I get a triple scar ring?
>If thats not done then they invariably lose track of reality, start presuming they're not inferior and start causing trouble
And how do the "inferior" cause trouble? You have simple re-described the premise. It's your own envy of others sympathy toward the victim. Because it's either too absurd for you...or you're a woman and simply don't know anything in the first place.
I mean why not advocate taking disabled veterans disability? They are "inferior" now according to your logic and need to be reminded of it. Plus those actually affect you and your wallet, whereas others penises do not (unless you're an absolute faggot and you go to gay bars and shit like that). Why focus your particular envy on others penises, especially when you have absolutely no reason to other? Is it pure circular logic or is this just the routine "penis inspection day bot"?

You should see the ones on /pol/. They're absolutely hilarious, but most end the same way. Just a bunch of fags talking about dicks.
sex work is largely illegal in the US
Also my foreskin is too big OP can have some of mine if he wants.
"Sex work" is an oxymoron.
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if you stand naked and swivel your hips left and right quickly so your dick slaps at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock, if you have foreskin this makes a loud popping noise

also I invented a new puppetry of the penis pose, pic related. you have to kind of roll up your dick and hold it trapped under your ballsack with 6 fingers, while using your thumb and forefinger to pinch your putz and stretch it in and out. It's upside down for any viewers, but I never found a way to make it right side up. I think a full 180 degree twist of the whole package would take up too much of the slack.
Doesn't the uncut penis feel less girthy than cut ones? I'm uncut myself and just recently thought about this.
The foreskin serves as a wall of sorts, and it doesn't move much against the vagina wall. It is the friction between the moving inner penis and the foreskin that provides the pleasure, for the man, but the woman only feels the unmoving foreskin and something less girthy moving inside the foreskin.
As opposed to cut ones, where the entire penis is moving in and out with its whole girth, and the friction happens between the vagina wall and the penile skin.
wise words
>in order to please a tiny minority of jews
You realize this isn't the case right? People do it because everyone else is doing it and/or because they think it's good (hygienic or something), after all, if everyone is doing it it must be good, right?
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Sounds like jewish reasons to me.
divest from Israel
every day more and more American newborn boys are having their genitals mutilated because of vaguely scientific reasons and more because of the Jew
>because they think it's good
If its good then why did foreskins evolve to begin with?
You really think the average citizen is thinking about human evolution and natural selection when deciding to do that? You'd be better off convincing someone of not doing by saying that god created the foreskin and his plan is sacred (but then again they will just think "but everyone is doing it")
There may be something dumb about being jewish but there's nothing jewish about people being dumb
that theory has been completely debunked by the fact that negroes can't swim
reminder that the talmud tells the jews to circumcise their slaves
This, if the aquatic ape theory were real then Africans would all be excellent swimmers
If you reach that point there's no going back.
As a cut man do yourself a favor and remove pornography from your life and only ever pleasure yourself during actual sex, you do not have the natural mechanism to masturbate, in fact you are cut BECAUSE of a religious teaching that aims at restricting self-pleasure.
So avoid masturbation and porn to at least feel the bare minimum during actual sex, otherwise you will feel nothing during intercourse, trust me, I've had the experience.

Only desperate men resort to foreskin stretching and if you reach that point you're pathologically obsessed, because this shit takes literal YEARS before you get any result.
Cutfag here, I masturbate chronically and feel extreme pleasure during sex to the point of prematurely ejaculating. Masturbation doesn't hurt and my dick isn't numb and I'm sick of these retarded lies being spread. Yes, circumcision is wrong and shouldn't be done. No, men who've been circumcised shouldn't be shamed and told lies about something they didn't choose.
Oh, and I don't masturbate with lube, either, that's another dumb lie people spread around for some reason.
you have zero self control and are deeply mentally ill
They're already genetically prone to insanity even without having their dicks crippled
imagine trying to be secretly jewish, but the jewish media won't shut up trying to brag about how jewish you are
>but the jewish media won't shut up trying to brag about how jewish you are
And they publish it in English too, they could just as easily publish their jew secrets in Hebrew and nobody would ever bother reading them, but instead they feel driven to spam out jewpills on the royals in English.
I'm intact but I want an even longer foreskin
Wow thats really creepy
What'd they delete?

so when you get a pic thats banned, that means theres something in there that you need to know
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You can absolutely grow your foreskin back, it's the simple process of cell mitosis. You still have lost nerves and a frenulum that's gone but stretching the skin just like obese people who have stretch marks, you can create new skin through mitosis. It's documented, not just anecdotal evidence but documented with pics. It's not impossible, it's not hard at all. I've been stretching for about a year and I'd say I have about an inch or inch and a half more foreskin now. I don't need lube or spit to jerk off now, my foreskin stretches enough that it goes over my glands when it didn't before. It's 100% noticeable and not just placebo. Stretching works, do your own research.
You're like a colorblind retard telling people you can see in color. You never knew the difference. Just ask those who were circumcised as adults, you lose moisture/sensitivity through circumcision. Feel the cheek inside of your mouth, see how it's wet and moist? It's a mucous membrane, which is how your dick is supposed to be. Instead it's dry and keratinized.
But hey, whatever helps you cope.

I don't recommend r*ddit for anything but they have a community with pictures and proof of before/after foreskin stretching. Works for me personally as well, I'm well on my way.
This entire thread is cutfags coping "it's not so bad", it IS you fucking retarded dimwits. COPE
>You're like a colorblind retard telling people you can see in color.
No, I'm like a colorblind person telling people I'm not completely blind and getting pissed off at people who say so relentlessly.
>You can absolutely grow your foreskin back
No, you can't. You can stretch shaft skin enough to cover the glans, but that is not a foreskin. The foreskin has a couple of specialized tissues that are gone forever and can't come back.
>monkey finds way to jack off, more news at 11
Yeah, and the glans becomes moist and wet again like it's supposed to be. I already said:
>You still have lost nerves and a frenulum that's gone
but having the glans become a mucous membrane again is gigantic. Countless anecdotes of individuals who regained tons of sensation just from that alone. It's worth it to stretch it back, not much else to say.
>people spread around
who owns the media that spreads those rumors around?
Since when does "people" mean "media"?
trannys love nasa
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The feeling is mutual
In terms of circumcision it would the lack of feeling being mutual
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how does science justify genital mutilation of males but not females?
Female genital mutilation isn't commanded in the Bible.
The problem is if you do this, it won't look like a foreskin, it won't move like a foreskin, and it won't feel like a foreskin. The skin will be thick, it won't be elastic, it won't fit tightly, and it won't be shaped right. So you basically get a third type of penis that looks weird. And this hardly matters at all, but you obviously gain a new hygiene requirement to clean it.

So the upsides. It will protect your glans and foreskin remnant from friction and keep it moist, allowing it to dekeratinize and increase sensitivity.

I would only do it for two reasons:

If you have a tight circumcision, you can stretch the skin just to make it loose and more comfortable without making enough new skin to cover your glans. If you were cut short, and you're advanced, you can stretch the foreskin remnant and not your normal cock skin to increase the amount of skin thats sensitive.

If you have ED or low sensitivity, and you think thick volcanic leather skin is to blame, and you've tried switching to non abrasive masturbation methods, and non abrasive underwear, and none of that helped, only then are you better off growing a false foreskin. Helps if you are happily married and your wife doesn't care what you dick looks like, which is probably like 1% of men.
oh forgot to add, your glans will look softer and smoother but it'll never look pristine. A lot of natural uncut guys don't look slimey smooth because they have short foreskins. Basically nothing is going to fix cracked skin
Neither is male genital mutilation.
Are you saying science is somehow subservient to jewish religious rules?
And uh finally, don't stretch skin that has hair or testicle sack on it unless you want more of that.

Actual real bonified foreskin regeneration is on the table though. I don't know how far the technology has gotten. I think the catch is you have to surgically attach a dead man's foreskin on your dick while your new one grows in its place. But the process should completely restore you with your real and complete foreskin.
Being real here anon, ejaculation is actually really complicated. There are cases where I have cum really fast from dull stimulation, and times where my dick is swimming in ecstasy but I can endure the sensation. But sensation isn't just about skin quality and intactness either, if it's been a long time since your last fap and you're really into it even the most destitute dry fap can be a good one.

No one should be using abrasive methods for masturbation regardless of skin quality or intactness. It just increases the amount of time you have to wait for a good fap. If you use soft wet toys and give your skin 18 days to replace itself you can get to where you can nut every day. Just make sure you master your domain first
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>Neither is male genital mutilation.
>Genesis 17:10
>This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: every male among you shall be circumcised.

>Are you saying science is somehow subservient to jewish religious rules?
I'm saying that circumcision isn't done for scientific reasons.
Amputating an evolved piece of male genitalia on babies purely for an ancient barbaric religious ritual is disturbing.
Americans are truly yoked cattle
you weren't ready for it - so we moved on. i could even cry.
thats all superseded in the christian bible, only jews abide by it. Jesus expressly forbids circumcision
>thats all superseded in the christian bible, only jews abide by it.
And yet it's the reason circumcision is so common in the US, not anything scientific. There was some pseudoscientific cope that sprung up around it about hygiene and such, but it's not the actual reason it started and proliferated into the modern world.
>Jesus expressly forbids circumcision
Where? The screenshot I attached has multiple passages from the New Testament, none of which speak against circumcision. Source your claims.
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>dickcheese pride
Quit bragging about your smelly slavic wangs you unwashed turd world peasants.
Anon, I literally said in my post that I'm circumcised. It's literally the start of the very first sentence:
>From one cutfag to another
This is untrue.
Jesus was a Jew and followed the Torah (your old testament)
Paul (real name Saul) is the person who opened up the tiny obscure Jewish sect to the gentiles by removing circumcision and dietary laws. Laws that forbade Jews from eating with goyim, etc. This was hugely popular and the money rolled in (evidenced by his early letters to his ministries)
Paul never met Jesus but claims to have received these revelations in dreams.
He did actually meet Jesus's brother James and Simon/Peter.
Of his letters that are genuine, it's just internal squabbles between Paul and the original Christians who hated his guts for defiling and hijacking the religion
And I'm calling you a liar. Now, go wash your cheesy dick, Ivan.
I don't even know what that means. I've never even known anyone with an uncut dick.
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>he couldn't jerk off without lube
I'm cut and I NEVER use lube to jerk off (I've tried it and it's just an irritating mess to deal with). unless you have ridiculously tight skin then you should be able to jerk the skin up and down.
Also the area around the scar/bottom of my glans is really sensitive. Feels great when the loose skin glides up over it. Whereas before I was cut my glans was so oversensitive that it was excruciatingly painful to even touch it.

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