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>Ozone Layer
What happened to all the mass hysteria of the holes in the Ozone layer back in the 90's? You couldn't get away from it.
How did it all go away?
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The enviro cult always needs an imminent disaster to keep itself relevant. Acid Rain was the first one, from the 1980's until it was utterly disproven. Fucking tree huggers were telling us it was the end of the world if we don't stop burning coal and using gasoline. Then the ozone hole was discovered. It may have been there 10,000 years for all we know. It was a nothingburger. Global warming replaced it, and when global warming is gone, it'll be something else. Global cooling probably.
>ozone layer
>Y2K bug
>Climate change
to name but a mere few
It didn't
It steadily grows everyday
You can go to the place where the radiation makes it through in Australia I believe
google it kiddo

>almost like humans are good at problem solving despite our greed and arrogance

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Occult doesn't mean evil, it means hidden or concealed.
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White magic or black magic makes no difference. It's all sorcery. They're two wings of the same bird, employing dialectics to control the masses. I like to think of Demon's Souls. Miracles and Sorcery both came from the Old One. There is distinction until you learn the truth. Lucifer has a light side and a dark side. Duality is the great lie. God the Father is only light, with no darkness in Him.
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Ok christocuck.
the war is fake
oooo someone got a dictionary!
Tuccah is a mockingbird asset. Though, not a cut-out. He is one of the few who got there through talent. Still, I take everything he pushes with a grain of salt

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Anyone who is trying to hurt the white rat and the luciferians & co. From now on until I die storming is possible and right. Nothing is better than this, nothing is worse for them.

Punishment turns into daily life.

No one should be a slave, no one should be controlled by these ugly cheating freaks.

This is how true leaders and true groups are made. The blue skin as our rug. Watch as I turn you into one. Grrr
Last P.D.

Slim too.
Had your chance to repay, fattie. Now your energy belongs to moi and my co for life
Pues adiós
ya me acusaron y valió verga.

Quienes son las niñas ahora?

Hasta nunca, pinches putos
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Ya oíste putito? Ya me prohibieron meterme contigo.
También con el puto gordo.
Pero no con los naconakis, esos si que si puedo.

Adiós pinche niña. Me voy a casar con tu mamá LAUFEY cuando pueda y deba.

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Donald Trump? Is that you?
It's analogous to a feedback loop. The speakers hearing the speakers gives rise to the feedback whine. Your senses sensing your senses gives rise to the inner person.
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Ohh uhm.... Yessh...
How do you know you are observing your thoughts, and that isn't just another thought?


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Telekinesis is just poltergeist power. Anyone who has telekinesis is using a spirit to move objects. Discuss. Never sell your soul. God also offers powers through the Holy Spirit, use that instead.
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You first need to have a priest come inside you so that you will have holy blood, but the priest will no longer be celibate therfor he can't be called a priest. Therfor the holy spirit doesn't exist, debunked by gay sex
>We're totally on the Righthand path bro
>Our idea of God is that he competes by offering competing powers in exchange for souls with spirits
>Because the Holy Spirit is constrained by free market forces

But OP, (You) are a spirit...
Escape the theta trap known as "your own" head and tell an ashtray to stand up while projecting your intention from tone 40.
>God also offers powers through the Holy Spirit, use that instead.
What are you talking about, God doesn't offer shit. He doesn't even offer a direct and undeniable vocal response when you pray lol.

Y'all really need to stop with these delusions.
is not always malicious poltergeist
is somekind of warning
i do not think supernatural entities are only source

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Is there genuinely anything real on /x/ that isn't gay or a larp? glowies need not reply with Nobody or BEN shit. Any proof of aliens has been fucked and I have yet to see any cryptid. What about the seals that wash up that are cut open in spirals? https://badaliens.info/animal-mutilations/ has good info but nothing concrete.
All the cool shit like the Chronovisor or Mothman are deboonked currently and there's not a lot interesting to read on /x/ lately.
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I am certain that there are space aliens on this board.
There are space alien reservations in America, just like indian reservations in America.
There are space aliens in the DUMBs. The DUMBs were built with alien technology.
There were space aliens who fought along side the US military, down in the DUMBs, to rescue the children.
Beginning with George Washington, every American president has met with space aliens. There is a letter, dictated by General George Washington, written by his personal stenographer, while camped at Valley Forge, that states that Washington met twice with space aliens, which Washington called "the green skins" during the encampment at Valley Forge. The text is in the Library of Congresses, and available online.
Why doesn't anyone talk about this?
most people are kind of retarded

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/x/, what are the spiritual implications of this?
terrible camerawork

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what do you do if someone souled your soul?

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Why aren’t you studying the numbers
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Hey OP, I've seen >>37937446 posted here a few times. Can you elaborate?
I already pay attention to and try to find meaning in numbers in my every day life, and it's maddening to be honest. I want to take a break from it but I can't help myself.
What good does any of this bullshit do me? Material delusion is what I see
This was cool. Thank you.

Because numbers = quantity, angle, dimension etc. at the least, and at most, numbers = binary, 'yes or no', on or off, positive or negative etc. i.e. choices within a system, dualism. Even if it's 'quantum', that's still just combinations/fluctuations of those 'numbers'.

Numbers are just signifiers, signifiers of the material. It's the same reason why even the most advanced A.I. will never generate 'consciousness'; because computations (read: combinations of binary/numbers) will never lead to a true 'semantic' understanding of what the numbers are signifying. I'm more interested in what's OUTSIDE the system/the material/dualism etc.

This is why science and the metaphysical/nondual are (ostensibly) always at odds; because the scientific method can only explain the material, and only in some form of 'numbers', while the metaphysical can't be fully represented in numbers.

What are the lists of Freemasonric/Esoteric organizations that control the World and indulge in massive hedonistic sex and give people like Epstein power.

Roisucrician order probably is a good example but still its motives are to "Englihten society" but its real motives are unknown to this days.
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Skull and Bones stopped admitting anyone who doesn't identify Democrat some time ago.
Really? You have to "identify" with one of the circus tents? For what purpose?
This is fascinating, thank you.
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They are all related to or adjacent to Sabbateans
IMO ... you all aren't thinking outside the box enough here. Secret societies are like clothes the real power brokers wear. When one is boring and unfashionable, it's discarded. It's members are useful idiots lured by "power" and the lies that they can possess it. The spirits that influence then are the power brokers. All humans are just pretenders.

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>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)


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imagine making a tulpa out of a clown girl
>Harle from Chrono Cross
>Lola Pop from ARMS
>Geiru Toneido from Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice
>Clownpiece from Touhou Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
>Circus Baby from FNAF
>Project Nortubel
>Orange Princess (Castle Crashers)
>Joker Buro from Muse Dash
>Peekaboo (Fortnite)
Imagine the smell.
>out of A clown girl
>lists 10
I’m scared. Is this a new chaos magic tulpa conjuring method? Where you turn a bunch of pop culture characters into a big sigil and then make a tulpa of the sigil to basically boil the clown girl trope down into its barest essentials? Or are you are haremfag?
Researchers are never fast
Well, in your case, it seems you’re just gifted when it comes to tulpa-related matters.

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just say coincidences, you fuck
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coincidences don't exist
cia nigger
This thread was the last thing I saw before getting a lucid dream
Everything is a coincidence
If you're constantly experiencing synchronicities it can not by definition be a coincidence.

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Just say it, “I am god” and you will be lifted. Just don’t let it corrupt you.
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i have feeling that the thought of "i'm god" might be self-empowering, and demiurge doesn't like that?
thinking a few words will heighten or destroy you is like being afraid of the n word
I guess you have to be in certain mind state for it to be work.. like third eye chakra
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>we never learn...


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Does it have any use in spiritual practice like shrooms do, or will there just be demons in the corner staring at me?
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>>37933881i tried it, also have experience with other psychs ... to have any effect it feels toxic, like you're not suposed to ingest that much in a tea and feels like you are ingesting bug spray. just feels toxic/ too much. i think the ffect is just a "feelling" of taking too much. Not sure if they add somrthing to it so in larger ammounts it feels like that but it does
>(you) are one
Seconding this, be careful with nutmeg, anons. It can indeed mess up internal organs (including liver), in some cases irreversibly. Not saying it must or will happen, but still. There are better, safer, natural ways of messing the mind up out there.
I've tried to get high off of it multiple times in my life, and it only ever worked once. And the only thing I did differently that one time was to mix it in yoghurt instead of straight swallowing/parachuting it, but I don't know if that even had anything to do with why it worked.
Although that one time it worked was actually really nice, never felt any delirium like some friends had reported, just felt like a good indica high except it lasted well into the next day too.
Fuck you people are dumb. If you spend sone time studying chemistry, you can extract MDMA from nutmeg, but not in its natural form. It may make you dizzy and it is a stimulant,but you aren't hallucinating from egg nog

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This question was on my mind earlier today and I’m genuinely wondering this now. How would one go about actually seeing / meeting God? Interacting with him as if you were simply checking in on your father?

Say someone would like to meet God and learn what they could from him, but without doing anything such as:
>taking psychedelic drugs that only give a convincing illusion of meeting a diety or having a spiritual experience
>dying, for obvious reasons
>going off of pure faith alone, as they would want to actually meet god rather than concede with the “Holy Spirit”
>self inducing any kind of psychotic breakdown (excessive pattern recognition, hallucinations etc.) or psychological creation (such as tulpas)
>gaslighting themselves into believing any of the above are valid measures for “meeting god”

If billions of people throughout history can put their faith in the Abrahamic God, and nearly all of the 106 billion humans that have lived have at the very least believed in some form of creator dieties, then it makes sense for someone to believe that it is worth at least trying to get in contact with them.

How would one go about genuinely meeting God with everything above kept in mind? Have you personally met god or any kind of deity? How did it go, and what did you do to meet them?

Thank you.
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>god loves you
he definitely does not love humanity. let's see his track record

>hiding himself when Satan came after his children
>creating hell
>putting us in this shithole world
>admitting he sends most people to hell
>allows the earth to become the dominion of satan and demons
>untold human suffering on his watch
>knows how everything will be shit for humanity but goes through it anyway
>CREATING ETERNAL TORTURE AS A CONCEPT I cannot stress this enough just obliterate them in void instead of torturing people forever
Your opinion on humanity is reflected on how you think God works, so every time without fail pessimistic and self hating people push the theology that God hates humanity or the source creator was involved in some kind of schism where hes the "bad one" and the "good one" is elsewhere, blameless. You just project your hatred for life and or humanity onto God and youre trying to control the narrative by removing yourself from it and making it like a court case wherein God is on trial. It is you who will be on trial in judgment.
Christianity bad…

Not like Christianity or Islam. Their "conquests" weren't based on imposing religions, creating more Hindus or Buddhists. This allowed religious tolerance. Buddha predates Christianity but he wasn't crucified for challenging the Hindu beliefs.

Meanwhile Christians were inventing torture devices to convert people. That's how much people hated christian ideas.

Christian bible starts on the Genesis which is a Semitic text. But, Christians today, the white race, have absolutely nothing to do with the Semites. You probably had an awesome origin story from your own European pre-christian religions.

Fake and gay. Because Christianity used to kill people who reject or challenge it until very recently.
>How would one go about actually seeing / meeting God? Interacting with him as if you were simply checking in on your father?
Pure bhakti.
Or God is merciful.
And it isnt that its hard to see God, it's that it's hard to recognize you are seeing God.
Write His name, and He is 100% present there.
God is 100% present in anything related to God.
And since everything is related to God, those with pure vision see God everywhere.

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