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Get it here

Over 650 unlockable playable characters from series' entire lifespan, along with some Konami guests
Over 70 stages, totaling around 500 variants to play on
6 different Battle Mode rules - Survival Battle, Reversi Battle, Dodge Battle, Hyper Bomber, King Battle, Battle Royale
Plethora of different items, many of which you already know and love, some never seen before (if you're not into it though, worry not - you can turn them off)
Frantic gameplay up to 12 players

To enter the server go: Battle Mode > Online > Enter the one server that appears > Select room.

If you're bad/new, feel free to ask for a handicap.

Pass is: read the filename
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I love bombing men in bomber man
Lobby is up

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Third thread for the newest mom.
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In Elrios, Ibu sticks her dick in you.
Sounds like demon talk to me.
The demons speak korean.
I want my wife to look pretty and be stronk
based AISHA main

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/vm/ and /vg/ server with gaming events.
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when are you fags going to play non-boomer games? i dont wanna play geriatric tier games older than me
what do you wan to play then nigga
just create the event
When you want, just create an event :^)
What're we playing on the discord today sisters.
??? women are banned immediately

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We Are Back Edition

Dev stream #10
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kIecKDGIiI [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Latest News
https://blueprotocol.swiki.jp (with active codes)

>Interactive Map (with named-enemy spawn location/requirements)

>Adventure Board

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Same game. Same anti-gaijin measures.
It might be best now to forget that the game is 1 year old and start waiting on China Protocol if you don't mind censorship. China will get a completely different game with remade environments and classes based on the pics.
As long as I can make S size female I'll actually consider dropping JP protocol for chink protocol
Do we have any more details on the mobile remake?
>same 4 screenshots
>same published week on most articles (Mar 2024)
>no website yet

Tencent has a couple games coming out and 1 is that Tarisland MMO. Assuming this does not suffer the parent's fate, probably end of the year ?
>same 4 screenshots
post them!

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Titanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:

>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it here
On all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.

>Titanfall 1
We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics


>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2

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How can I learn such a technique
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i didn't lie i really do topfrag when im solo, just did it again
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>What is this?
A 15 year old byond game that can easily be found via googling the terms "dragon universe byond"
There are guide discords that the game links but I am not here for you to join those

>What do I do?
You pick from a list of almost any race, with some being locked behind mechanics. Open pvp is everywhere so it's up to you to make your adventure of getting stronger, making friends, and building a base, and drilling every planet in the galaxy for your own profit

You can also consider this a strategy game with the builds and many types of characters you can create. You can often consider a few characters you make throwaway such as if you invest in a few permanent buffs and then want to try different ones

Just have fun with it

>What's the catch?
There are almost no rules and you can be killed, robbed, and even raped. Ruthless majin gangs roam the streets
We at /vm/ can band together to place our foothold in the sandbox

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tried ss14 for the first time

why did they implement every single shitty change made by oranges and his cucks? shitty as in 90% of players agreed it was bad and yet ss14 trannies copied it

was hoping for a classic sandbox ss13 experience, got a weird version of modern tg
>shitty change made by oranges and his cucks
Like what ? The botany nerfs ? Nanite removal ? Taser nerf ?
OP here, I refuse to touch ss14 because how offbrand it is. Being taken over by tg fags and not having any real safe haven is awful. Then there's many things where the mechanics aren't fundamentally the same such as no body blocking that just make me feel like I'm playing a worse game. ss14 would have to introduce some fucking amazing unique features and even while some are cool there's no in depth modes or features from what I always hear. I've been playing /vg/station a bit recently and I think I'll stick with what works, I'd even try some of the ss13 different distros before touching 14
Don't forget to wish your mom a Happy Mothers Day /vm/, the gains from it will be endless
>Server hit god ki after over month and a half then got wiped in 8 days
Guess nobody gave a fuck by then.
Should we do a discord to organize a wipe when enough of us feel like playing again? We'd primarily use the thread for discussion and questions where the discord is for roles such as active/retired or for alternative tutorials/image guides

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Season 11 is here. How's the update?
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>The total experience gained should count how many successful hits your crew landed, if you boarded and dropped their anchor, and how many pirates you killed either in melee or cannonball headshots.
Ok here's what would happen
>I park
>Enemy parks
>We fight melee for ten hours to get 50 levels of experience and never sink each other
>We shoot each other two times and then repair and then shoot again for an hour
You just know this dude was jousting some poor souls that weren't skilled enough to just board and end it.
No. /vg/ sucks.
They have the audience and the halobros and frozabros can help keep the thread alive always
>Don't take longer than 5 minutes per match

You can't sink anyone in just 5 minutes unless you get a total newbie or you're cheating
Cannon, ram, board and burn.
It's better to lose in 3 minutes than to win in 30.

CloverMC is a cracked whitelisted Minecraft server compatible with any version of 1.8. Brought to you through courtesy of ICA.

Reply with your username to be considered for a whitelist and the IP.

It Features:
- Cracked account support
- Web-based login system that allows you to remain logged in for up to a few days at a time
- A map size of 32k x 32k blocks
- No jannies. Other than the owner ximself who takes a hands-off approach to allow muh sneedom of speech to shine (kind of like hausemaster from my favorite faucin tranarchy server 2builders2tools)

As for plugins, there's an anticheat, one for cracked skin support, another for chat greentext, and finally one that (re)spawns you to random coordinates across the map upon initially joining aswell as when dying whilst no respawn point is set. Not for the faint of will.

Rules are simple.
NOTE: This is not an anarchy server
- No janitors.

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/v/craft is dying, can we convince them to come here instead? :3
do what you gotta
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the 'lon Babbles on..........
babble babble babble
on and on and on

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Gunblade, third-person fighting games: A major hole in the game’s industry.

Reddit soys couldn’t handle the idea and decided to shadow-ban me for semantics but In short "Gunblade, a 3D third-person fighting game featuring free camera control and a competitive emphasis on advanced movement and depth in fighting game mechanics”.

I have design docs and such in the making, constantly tweaking in a sort of “pre-production”.
[->Design Doc<-](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-wXew93S0LxCncjefgg1bfSSooJdFoeqLcdouzKOvUc/)

Kino? Let me know. Ideally I get a group of loyal chudcels that band together and create another 4-clover studios or something jfl.
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>i'd say it's more similar to GunZ
the second i read "advanced movement" and "free camera" i got reminded of it.
>it will have the classic game design gimmicks in that sense, in a good way.
Good, everyone being 100% thinkered to be as homogenous as possible would be bad.
Hope you get your project going anon.
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thanks, you're one of the few who didn't right away shoot me down by attacking me with semantics or telling me to kill myself because i shared an idea and not a finished prototype/game lmao

if anyone reading has interests and isn't an outright fag, the blueprint doc has my discord, thanks.
I don't really like to just shit on someone. I think you're already aware that creating a game isn't as simple as having an idea and a design doc. It takes time, patience, knowledge and passion, especially if you're not being paid.
I'd add you if i had an inkling on how to code, so i'll just be watching from the sidelines. Good luck, don't grind yourself down.
>third-person fighting games: A major hole in the game’s industry
trust me, it's for good reasons
this is why your ancestors never left africa

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Am I in all over my head? I’m trying to make a MMO-lite, on a small scale. How feasible is 10 concurrent players if I were to use a cloud service for a dedicated server? Is making a MMO-lite a bad idea?
What if it's relatively simple? I.e. Not that complex.
I'm using Unity. I just want to continue the world I made in RPGM, Mongol and The Great Conclovince of Mithrithnogg and turn them into an MMO.
Is this mobile only? You wouldnt call it MMO if its a 10 person lobby, but it depends on the gameplay type. If you got this far then im sure it can become something of value.
You sound like a crackhead
I could try it
>Cash Shop
>Mongol and The Great Contrivance of Mithril Nignog
>former RPGM game
holy kek I'll play it if the lore is as schizo as it sounds
10 players is nothing, you might want to look into making it peer-to-peer instead if that's the number you're aiming for
>cash shop
can't wait to get my Mongol a new skin lmaoooo

Are basements and sewers really gonna be a game changer?
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Bros I'm so sad. All those hours exercising my character, grinding skills, building a base, gone. Level 9 aiming, level 9 long blunt, crates and crates of ammo. I had cleared out so many places in LV only to get insta killed while on an easy run. Bit straight through all my armour AND my thick skin perk and took 100% of my health. Literally just checked that room and shouted and I'm normally always so careful

That's always how they get you, when you're least expecting it.
skill issue
deserved for walking around like a clueless retard
Now you know why playing a shitty unfinished game with permadeath is a stupid idea

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Am I too late?
Its taking me around 20 minutes to find a match late at night in NA.
Am I learning a dying game? Any advice for a new player?
I figured I'd try each hero at least once before deciding on a main
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you can also see up the pillars if you move right up next to them and know where to stand, but shit's risky. dont do it if some of the enemies are missing on the minimap.
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or just picrel and every match just turns into a botmatch with somehow even more retarded AI
Heres the Actual 2 ways to use manta
>1, Bait out initiators
Use manta in trees and control one illusion to attack the creep wave, works better if your tower is already getting pressured
>2, purge silences
This is mostly why manta is bought, dispell roots, silence, fight-changing debuffs like meld, etc. so you can get your abilities off and sustain fights
I am trying different heroes and learning stuff with ai matches, not sure if want to go into some player games and see how they can be even more brainless
>pick razor
>lose game
every time

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Why do modern multiplayer games feel like a second job? It's been so long since I actually had fun.

Everything is battle passes, dailies, ranked climb, FOMO, manipulative algorithms, skin economy, anticonsumer practices, deceptive marketing, prolonging gametime, EOMM, bad mechanics, etc.
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sea of thieves also springs to mind
Speaking of board games, Talisman('s base game) is going f2p on the 23rd.
it's just a microtransaction haven with contrived excuses to create the suggestion of a game
shame talisman sucks but hey at least it's suckage you dont have to pay for
>it's just a microtransaction haven with contrived excuses to create the suggestion of a game
>never added a level booster
yeah pretty much

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>What is Ninjala?
Ninjala is a free-to-play arena brawler where you face off against other players using special weapons, skills, and green cum gained from magic Ninja Gum.
>Is there single player content?
Yes, although you do have to purchase it. Ninjala is primarily a PvP game.

>Official Websites

Anime Episodes, Manga Chapters, and More: https://pastebin.com/xVggDhQ6


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Where is my free jala?
GungHo can't afford free jala anymore, please understand
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don't worry anon, if you put your ninja through this official GungHo(TM) Jala hole, you can get up to 1000 jala for free!
you just have to get your ninja to crawl through the very tight Hole(TM) for the free jala
No Ulterior Motives guaranteed
Wow, what a deal! I'm glad GungHo is finally giving the players what they want.

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Now that the dust has settled... what do we think of Seon and the Anniversary? New expansions are always great since that means more toys to play with but I don't agree with them pushing a stronger emphasis on custom epics and bringing back hell mode to facilitate (lol) the process. The Anniversary did help give out two (2) guaranteed 4/4 pieces but if you didn't have enough 3/4s already the results won't be significant enough to warrant a switch from a fixed build. Maybe it's because I'm a lucklet and call it cope but I'll stick with Archon so I can turn my brain off and unga bunga through dungeons, thanks.

The other Anniversary rewards were helpful too and just as you expected from every year. Geared an alt with the free rare clone avatar and emblems, topped off with the fabled +13 weapon ticket which boosted their fame rather quickly. Now I can larp as a chink whale with that sweet sweet sweet pink glow.
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you can solo everything in the game except for bakal raid. there's a weaker version of it called total war that gives less materials but with enough clears you can buy all your fusion armor pieces
thanks, cutie.
one more question, does the game support 4k yet? last i played it only had 800x600
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800x600 is the native resolution but yeah it should work if you do fullscreen or window(free) and adjusting it by dragging the screen. there's a detailed page on resolution changes about a year ago somewhere i'll see if i can find it.
i finally found it or so i thought... not only was it hidden somewhere completely unrelated but i was wrong about resolution it's just a bunch of options for the chat window. still a nice feature
Yes, and it has decent support for widescreens, but you want to stick to a multiple of 600(height) so the sprite-work doesn't look blurry as shit.

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