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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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Why do modern multiplayer games feel like a second job? It's been so long since I actually had fun.

Everything is battle passes, dailies, ranked climb, FOMO, manipulative algorithms, skin economy, anticonsumer practices, deceptive marketing, prolonging gametime, EOMM, bad mechanics, etc.
VALVe set a stone for the video game industry and nobody is blaming them for the horrors of time sinking they have produced.
no I had fun with most of valve's games
Dota 2 was definitely a time sync. But I think GTA Online was the worst contender. Having to drive across the map to kill a couple baddies and go all the way back is not fun. I miss when people played death match and other pvp games. What happened where everyone wants to play matchmaking or singleplayer?
Maybe you've grown up
This is only an issue for fickle players who move from game to game trying to follow trends. Anyone who actually likes the game and plays thousands of hours of it wont care. Look inward. The game "industry" demands that we constantly move from shiny thing to shiny thing, but also tries to manipulate us to invest in one. Just stop. You dont need to play 50 games a year. Just play the one you like. Stop falling for their trick, the trick that makes you think you need more games. We need less games, or better games. Not more games.

I play maybe 4-5 actual games a year. And fuck, like only one of them has battlepasses.

Ok I just wrote this and now I realize you just play trash games lol. Sucks to be stupid, doesnt it?
Rainbow Six Siege is the main multiplayer game I have continued to play over the years. PvP, focus on developing my skills and strategy, which is reflected by steady overall improvement in my K/D and win ratio. That is what drives me, motivates me, makes it fun to play. Pop off and hit shots like crazy, run circles around my opponents, be proud of myself. Die stupidly, recognize how I can improve and how my position / reaction / timing was inadequate. Do better next time.
Not the battle pass (cosmetics), or any semblance of progression and leveling. For me, hate when there is a loadout "meta," ever-changing 1 or 2 guns / armor / skills to use that dominate, but changes every other patch. The need to "progress' (log hours and grind matches) to unlock better tiers of gear. it's all some shit to your point where it feels like a second job. Utter bullshit and I've cut myself off from games like that (Destiny 2, CoD, others). I will play for as little as I like, to have fun and enjoy myself, that is it. Don't make me fucking waste hours of my life doing virtual tasks accruing virtual credits for virtual goods that help me not get fucked by your virtual difficulty scaling / manufactured imbalanced multiplayer. I want to play a few rounds of vidya, on an even playing field where my actual skill makes the difference, and move on with my life.
You can't make a videogame that normalfags will play for thousands of hours without getting bored. But you CAN make a videogame that normalfags will play for thousands of hours because their monkey brain has been tricked into wanting to do so. And you need normalfags to be playing for thousands of hours if you are to maintain an MMO population, otherwise everyonr will just bounce once the adventure is over.
Then don't partake in any of that stuff.
Because they’re made by social engineers for social engineering purposes, not game designers for fun purposes.
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I will definitely not touch a MP game in the next 20 years
it might even be better to stop playing video games altogether
the only people that try to convince you otherwise are the ones trying to sell you something or have an agenda in a similar vein


also I feel like developers make wrong decisions why bother playing

would you rather play this

or this lame ass combat here
>he can't afford a heli/jet
poorfag coping

nah it was grindy though, cayo perico does make it real easy to get a big pile of money for little effort though.
It's just most gaming in general
they are allergic to making something fun with no bullshit attached and it's just eating away at the fun, not to mention finding new ways to make more gooder games gets harder as the industry matures
because kikes took over the gaming industry

indie games simply can't compete since you would need tons of investiments to do it

the market works like this:
big company has bank money so they can make good games
smal company do not have enough ESG practices and therefore no financing

make big companies take full control of the industry and try to destroy any competition, set a new model of gaming like you just said and voilà... everytrhing you love is destroeyd

fix the economy and things would get back to normal but """big tech""" won't allow it
This, but also video game culture in general has changed way too much to ever recreate the feeling old multiplayer games (especially MMOs) had.

There's no mystery anymore, the second a game, patch, update, content comes out, it's datamined, analyzed, the numbers are crunched by mega autists and everything is curated into a series of videos, wikis, spreadsheets, guides, that make sure a good majority of players don't do anything but follow the most painstakingly optimal and efficient build, path, options, playstyle someone else laid out for them.

People have been mentally geared to feel like they are enjoying a game less if they are not working 24/7 towards some greater grind or goal and if they are doing it in subpar ways.

In addition to this, the way people play multiplayer games has drastically changed, you used to be able to make tons of friends in random MMOs, shooters, you name it, just by going up to people, talking to them ingame, asking them if they want to do something. Nowadays most people think you're weird for doing so, most people are either playing the MMO solo or on a discord call with irl friends.

Something like Ultima Online can just flat out not happen again in today's gaming culture. People were just too naive back then to do anything other than enjoy the game for the sake of the game because they didn't know anything else. I remember how much shit I'd learn just talking to people, people would teach new players mechanics, show them around the world, lots of hearsay, secrets, and bullshit, now people watch 10 hours of videos and read a 5000 page guide before even starting the game.
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I know the feeling. I stopped playing Destiny because it literally turned into a fucking 9-5. I can't even go back because the only way to hit max light would be to grind for a literal week and then find 8 different LFGs to run raids and dungeons with.
you are jaded, that's all. Games like diablo 2, wow, gta, runescape, are all old as shit and are massive time sinks
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Take the Board Game Pill, anon. Board Game Arena, Tabletop Simulator, and even individual digital versions, are a great way to play games. You have all the benefits of modern gaming (automatic matchmaking, stable servers, etc.) without any of the bullshit. You don't get to be intrinsically better at Scythe just because you spent 500 hours grinding in-game currency, and no one starts with extra resources in Terraforming Mars because they bought the super special edition. If you take a month off of playing Settlers of Catan, it's not like you've missed a month of drops and items that you need to catch up.
But at what cost?
None of the "non-normalfags" enjoy the games anymore.

It would be better if some (or more like all) major game companies went out of business.
Bungie is so desperate for players rn that they let you skip up to max light to play current content, made made most of the dlc (temporarily) free
Limp dick move honestly. They should have either hand out them permanently in hopes that people stick with the game afterwards or not bother at all. This is the worst kind of fomo to try and attract people who aren't mazed already.
maybe you should play better multiplayer games like Barotrauma
matchmaking and battle passes
before that, you played to have fun, you joined a server and just played
now you get assigned a set of people by a machine, and if you don't win (which the machine is made to ensure 50% chance of happening over the course of infinity) then you get less progress on the battle pass, so go back to the matchmaking mines, slave
I just want some new casual shit to fuck around in, I don't even mind having to get good at a game but the offerings havent changed in years, with many being inferior versions of themselves too. I feel like I'm checking for a new game every day and Im getting so close to just playing some dogshit because I need something
>no one starts with extra resources in Terraforming Mars because they bought the super special edition
actually they do, it's called the Prelude expansion
however unlike pay-to-win vidya, the Preludes in TfM are given to all players if enabled
Yeah, that's why I stopped playing them.
A good tip, and something I recently adopted, is to ask yourself: If I could just press a button and get a win, would I? This has caused me to drop quite a few games, and only hold onto the ones I actually like playing. For example, I found that I only ever played Deep Rock Galactic for the rewards, and not, you know, the bug killing. The same with a few other F2P games, mainly card games, that I just found exhausting. Now I'm focusing a handful of games that I actually enjoy the act of playing.
>I dont have fun playing video games guys
Then dont play them retard
Play More QuakeWorld
As a quake 3 fan since it came out, quake players are way too sweaty and playing the game now, while still mechanically satisfying, is competitively miserable. You literally have to do homework to even compete, which is the opposite of solving the problem this thread is listing.
>Board Game Arena
>only premiums can start a game
>b-but you can host unknown game name outside the top 200 played games!
absolutely retarded post. Modern multiplayer games are not the same and contain everything the OP said
I mean, yeah duh. BGA is for friendless losers or those who want to play with randoms. If you want to play with friends, use TTS. And the only gamemode that matters, Arena, has literally no difference between free and premium.
that is not true, team games are the most popular mode now and your fellow players are more than eager to give you any amount of tips and pointers while balancing teams with your skill level in mind. Lots of new young noobs, lots of old noobs who have been playing forever but are still div3, lots of old pros and young pros. The scene couldn't be more varied right now. In NA and EU alike.
>unknown game name
Pax Renaissance is not unknown, neither is Through the Ages
and yea the whole premium thing is a bummer but you can queue up in turn based mode and wait for some premium to hosxt a game with settings you like. A good price to pay for playing in a good interface.

and if even that is not enough, take the Tabletop Simulator pill at >>>/vm/tts/ and host whatever you want (as long as you can teach it to others if it's obscure)
sea of thieves also springs to mind
Speaking of board games, Talisman('s base game) is going f2p on the 23rd.
it's just a microtransaction haven with contrived excuses to create the suggestion of a game
shame talisman sucks but hey at least it's suckage you dont have to pay for
>it's just a microtransaction haven with contrived excuses to create the suggestion of a game
>never added a level booster
yeah pretty much
which games do you play fag
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lol this thread
Mainstream games are a psyop designed to trap normies into a skinner box to milk them for money. Just stick to the classic stuff. This board has plenty of good niche communities.
Gotta keep player engagement up to milk people for mtx. Even games without mtx need to point to high player counts to convince more people to buy the game.
Explain why playing the old ones still can be enjoyable then
>you are le nostalgic for le game you le never played at le time
Don't think so kike

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