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Am I too late?
Its taking me around 20 minutes to find a match late at night in NA.
Am I learning a dying game? Any advice for a new player?
I figured I'd try each hero at least once before deciding on a main
Really? Nobody here plays this shit?
takes 2 minutes for me to find a match, at 5k hours. yeah there probably arent that many people at that level these days that are brand new
I've also been trying to learn this shit off and on. Maybe we can make some kind of shitter /vm/ community for us dota babies to learn?
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I say play Heroes of the storm instead. Its easier to get into and easier in general also matches are shorter. Most of the time you team fight and you dont grind for items.
and have ARAM mode and vs AI game mode that people play constantly where you can learn the heroes with no pressure. Finding match for it take like 30sec to a minute. (at least in EU) Then in ranked Q in eu is also fast especially at lower ranks i say you will get long Q only at Masters and GM games. Tho i think it take longer for NA at high ranked games.
If you gonna learn dying moba this is the better choice. Its the least soul consuming moba out there.
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This sounds like fun anon, I'd join. What heros have interested you so far?
Once you get some more games in it should be better but depending on your ranking and what role you're queueing for it can take a while. When I'm playing at 2am eastern it usually takes me about 10 minutes to get a game as pos 1 but only 1 or 2 minutes if I queue all roles.
north American servers is just extended south American servers. white people stopped playing this on the western continents back at like ti6. i remember pre ti6 when yeah most of the time people did speak English, then that started to go away than valve made a matchmaking change that always placed south Americans vs north Americans on na servers. because it was always assured that your team would speak enligh but the opposing team is jajajajajajajajajajaing and shit. than that shifted to now both teams are jajajajajajajajjaajjajajaing
valve straight up said fuck you to the white players who begged for a decade for region lock
Because you'd be getting 30 minute queue times anyway
Oh my god who cares if your teammate is calling you a faggot in English, Spanish, or Portugese? Wasting brain power on caring about your teammates nationalities is why you have shit games.
third world south americans have made Paladins nearly unplayable
I'm not here to talk about Paladins I'm here to talk about Dota 2.
ok who is your favorite hero anon? Any advice for a new player?
Coming from League it seems a lot of the heros are less unique. I also am not a fan of the top and bot being duo lanes every game
it's very different from League. Play Drow Ranger if you can at first, and if you're bullied into a support role play Lich.

Drow plays a lot like Ashe, and Lich doesn't really play like any League heroes I can think of. Itemization in DotA is more important than in League, but for different reasons. Lich is a great hero to learn that.
EG, in League at least back when I played your items are mostly for stats. In DotA, sometimes you don't want stat stick items and need something for support. EG Force Staff. Or fucking Sheep Stick. Fuck I love sheep stick.

Low level heroes in DotA can feel kinda samey and shit, but once itemization starts happening and you start to get to the mid to end game the shit starts hitting the fan. DotA's highs are way higher than league, and its lows are way lower.

another thing you may only be half familiar with from League that's way more complex in DotA is creep management. Denies aren't the only factor here, you have much more control over creeps than in League. You can even take an entire wave to another lane if you feel like it.

I wish I had time to start it myself but I've been busy, sorry. I like Lifestealer and Death Prophet mostly. Also like Lich. My favorite hero is Weaver, but I almost never get to play him. Either because he's bad in the meta or gets first picked immediately...

>My teammates are screaming at me!
This is the peak dota experience. It's a very emotional game, if your teammates aren't screaming and upsetting each other then it's not a very good game.
>I also am not a fan of the top and bot being duo lanes every game
I knew I forgot something. This is because of how DotA's map differs from league. You might need someone better at the game to explain it because I am ultimately a shitter as well but it has to do with the way the map is mirrored. I'll use Radiant side when referring to top and bottom, but on Dire it's switched.
Bottom lane is called, "Safe lane" and top lane is "Offlane". The key difference here between League and DotA is the place where the initial creep waves meet. Assuming no creeps are fighting in lane, creeps will tend to meet closer to safe lane's tower and farther from offlane's tower. Safe lane is generally reserved for heroes who have a weak early game. Either because they deal little damage at the start , or just have no health (like Drow). You hide under the safety of the tower and farm until you get your big boy items. Offlane is for the more durable heroes who don't need items for stats as much (like Primal Beast). Because Radiant and Dire are mirrors, Offlane fights the opposing team's Safe Lane and vice-versa. If you can't tell what's safe and offlane look for the secret shop. Your team's secret shop is always next to the offlane. This is only part of why there's no jungle in DotA currently. That meta used to come and go but currently two duo lanes is safer because supports early game can do a shitfuckton of damage and jungle creeps are sort of tough to kill without good items.
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Yes I already understand why I'm just saying its pretty lackluster imo. I hate having to duolane now 50% of the time you're getting an autist who is taking your CS. 1v1 top is more fun. I also loved to Jungle in league, back when I played years ago, junglers controlled the entire match.
I've been playing a lot of characters, already tried Drow. I really miss the unique passives from League the uniqueness just isnt there. Like you dont have a character constantly having to catch axes like Draven, 4 bullet carries like Jhin, teamwork knockup ults and ability combos like Yasuo, etc
Still never going back to League because FUCK RIOT
Go mid then. Alternatively, if your lane partner is a twat and taking cs as a support you still do have other shit you can do. Pull the lane, go annoy the shit out of their mid, run behind their tower and steal all the creeps from your asshole lane partner, the choices are endless.
Tried out Lich he was pretty sweet, I see a lot of potential using his shield efficiently and positioning correctly
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>Oh my god who cares if your teammate is calling you a faggot in English, Spanish, or Portugese?
Most people do, which is why so many people are forcefully muted by Valve's penalty system. Which ironically makes it harder to reduce the reports they get.
>Play Drow Ranger

I'll never understand horrific tips like this. You don't play heroes that require good positioning when you're not good at positioning early on.

Even heroes like Gyrocopter is better for beginners because of the instant attack for last hitting, can farm up quickly, has nuke potential and AoE skills to contribute if a little underfarmed or to help kill players that get too close.
You can never go wrong with Ogre Magi.
>good damage early on
>a walking CC chain and waveclear machine later
>can buff allies, creeps, towers even
>tanky so you can get away with more dumb shit
>only point and click abilities, passive ult
>ult also works on your items
Take the ogre pill.
It's because she plays exactly like a league of legends hero and she's easy and does a lot of damage.. It's not hard to transition from shitter Ashe play to shitter Drow since the basic theory behind the two heroes is the same. Only itemization is different, because dota items are less linear. Even then it's pretty much the same gameplay. Run away from dudes, right click supports in team fights.
I usually recommend lich for new players anyway because he's awesome and you're going to feed like a sonnuvabitch until you git gud.

Yeah lich is sweet. You get to be a battlefield mastermind until you hit that sweet, sweet ult. I don't play a lot of support but he's easily my favorite. Try out Nature's Prophet and other split pushers if you want some very not league experience.
Drow isn't particularly complex but I think you're hard pressed to call her an easy hero considering her only form of escape is gust and potentially glacier if you get a shard. Like sniper she requires an extreme amount of positioning in fights to be effective, even moreso than the sniper because drow's ult gets disabled if anyone is near her. She has a good armor but can be bursted down quite easily if you jump her and with the ult disabled she can't fight back against a jump as well as sniper.
At competent levels, yes. At new player level? Grab a pike, which she kind of wants anyway, and then build Yasha for easy fast farming of enemy heroes. Farming with her is much easier than a lot of other new heroes early and she has pretty easy timings to hit compared to other heroes you tend to see as a new player. I was getting out farmed by a DP one game when I got forced mid as Drow and just pissed off into the jungle and later proceeded to farm their supports. She's really easy.
And anyone who plays sniper shouldn't play dota, they should be taken into the streets and beaten publically. I hate that motherfucker so much.
I wish I could transfer all those hours I've spent on League to DotA. DotA feels slower and more strategic, League is just statcheck bullshit nowadays. There are also barely any ways to interact with other players (combo with them), the best you can do is chain cc someone with another teammate. The buffs come down to 'shield someone' or 'give someone ms'. I love playing support (I play 4 roles, I dislike jg) but the champions are meh. I'd love if there were more champs who boost someone's dmg/aa/tankiness (in another way than giving him shield/healing him). Preferably AoE, stuff like J4's flag is a cool concept. I wish for a Paladin character with AoE auras.
Drow has been very effective for me against the ghoulnigger recently. Would recommend.
Must be bad players you're fighting then since Lifestealer has a good kit vs Drow.
early/mid you counter him pretty hard with gust and lategame you can kite pretty easily, as soon as he wastes a dispel item he bought its over for him.
no he doesn't lmao. A drow vs ls carry matchup is determined by whether ls can get ontop of drow first or not, if he focuses anyone else you lose the fight, which means ls needs a delivery hero like clockwork or something
forgot to mention, this sucks for ls since ls wants to hit the guy in front and protect his supports. he also needs to buy a dispell earlier or he can't solo swagger down lane and invade jungle which is what ls wants to do since hes not going to outfarm you by staying in his jungle.
>no he doesn't lmao
He has a skill that ignores gust and her arrows, has skills to keep her close, can infest others that can get the jump on her.
If you think Drow is a good hero vs LS you're not good at this game. He's not a strong Drow counter, but playing it off as Drow is actually strong vs LS is delusional.
Aussie reporting in
12-15min queue times these days only to get the same ~10 people in every match. feels bad
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>He has a skill that ignores gust and her arrows
You can't ignore gust with rage. Gust stops you from being able to cast rage. That's why the matchup is good...
> but playing it off as Drow is actually strong vs LS is delusional.
I don't want to take all the credit though, I got the idea of drow vs LS from a Gorgc stream.
lmao you should be embarrassed at this post
Am I missing something about carry in this patch? Literally every single game my lane partner leaves at around 5 minutes and for the rest of the game I'm just on my own. Doesn't matter if I'm having a great game with lots of farm no one wants to play around me or do anything I literally can not be on the same side of the map as my team no matter how hard I desperately try. All of my games are ending with us winning and I do nothing or us losing and I have like a million hero and building damage in a 1v9.
lane phase ends at 5 minutes
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>Gust stops you from being able to cast rage
Yes, hence why the the instant case debuff immunity skill is cast before the one with cast time and the Drow player will try to use not too early.
Is this a fucking joke? Are you people THIS fucking bad at this game now?
>match data
Utterly fucking irrelevant. Shitting on anti OD lineups as OD because the enemy players are shit doesn't magically mean they're not counters.

Yeah man, you keep sucking hard at Dota, giving players bad advice so they lose and keep blaming the team. Which you most likely do constantly.

If you think Drow hard counters LS you're objectively a shitter.
Leave and never turn back. This game is a massive timesink for no return. Plenty of retards have wasted over 10k hours over a decade popping veins over random teammates and come out 30+ years old and unemployable with no skillset whatsoever.
idk sounds like you want to play any other position other than carry, ideally as carry you want support to leave so you can get solo xp and farm.
lmao the archon is still trying, gust is not even the reason ls doesn't want to play into drow, you fundementally don't understand how the two heroes want to play the game and why it's an inconvenience for ls. I wouldn't say it's a hard counter either you're just making shit up out of desperation, it's playable for ls but he has to change how he wants to play, which is the definition of an unfavorable matchup.
>making shit up
It's called you being illiterate.

The anon initially suggested Drow agains LS of all things. As if someone picking LS should make you slam that Drow button.
There are much better noob heroes than Drow.
There are much better heroes against LS (since Drow isn't a strong counter against him at all).
A noob picking Drow into LS is especially bad since the things that would help you play better against LS is not something a noob has.
Then when you factor in the team aspect, LS has better synergies with heroes that are good against Drow, which means is more likely for a noob to get facerolled and blamed by their team for losing the game.
List goes on.

It's just bad advice.
>Utterly fucking irrelevant. Shitting on anti OD lineups as OD because the enemy players are shit doesn't magically mean they're not counters.
Yeah 8k MMR players are shit ones here, not you....
just played Crystal Maiden and got 30 kills first time, is she just a noob stomper?
fucking around with glimmer cape is a lot of fun
You can always play a few bot games to test heroes.

Also, don't try to have a "main hero", try to have a "main role." Just remember that support is objectively the most fun and most impactful role to play. Play empty bot games to try and learn how to pull/stack with a variety of heroes. Some, like Venge or AA, can stack incredibly easily.

As for wards, look for the little icons that appear on the map, like in radiant safelane and dire jungle. Those are decent observer wards spots. Just remember to place a sentry ward first (it provides a few seconds of normal vision when placed) to check for enemy wards.
NTA, but I'm trying to play carry/mid more, mainly because I've been maining Offlane. I get bored if I'm not ganking every four minutes.
Wait, do sentry words not reveal invisible wards and players the entire time?
They do, but some parts of the map have a higher elevation, and you can't see them if you don't have some sort of vision up there. Pic related is an example of how to get vision on higher places.
Without Kinetic Field (the spell) or the flying courier, Disruptor wouldn't be able to see the enemy ward. Another option is to place the ward on the little mountain, which give you a few seconds of normal vision.
Going to add a bit of a support protip to this, if you deward an enemy ward you should not place your own ward right on top of it. It's just going to get dewarded if you don't constantly play on top of it. What I like to do is look at the radius my sentry I just dewarded with reaches, and try to place the obs a bit outside of that.
I totally agree. Even if that places it in a "sub-optimal" spot, it's fine. A bad obs ward that stays up the whole duration is worth way more than a good obs ward that is dewarded two minutes later.
Just remembered another good non-obvious one. This relates to the previously mentioned point of sentries not providing constant vision. If you sentry some high ground and the enemy only has a sentry there, it can sometimes be beneficial to place your ward there and not attack the sentry. The enemy won't be able to know your ward is on the hill without warding there themselves or casting an ability that gives vision. Can be risky but rewarding.
Anyone playing the new patch?
Yeah, Crownfall is fun. One thing that wasn't really explained is how exactly you get tokens. Each Hero has three tokens associated with them, and they can be repeats (Zeus has 1 jumping and 2 Nuker tokens). Whenever you play as that hero, you have a chance to earn tokens. For normal games, you get all three tokens on a win and one random token on a loss. For turbo games, you get two random tokens for a win, and no tokens for a loss.
what are the tokens for exactly? All I see different in this update are a couple new arcana
There's a map-thing where you spend the tokens to progress, getting rewards like coins (which act as a discount for the shop), candy (to exchange for old sets/treasures) and style unlocks. Apparently there is going to be three more "acts"
Just played a couple games and it looks like there isnt shit to unlock. The most you get from "tokens" is a shitty little discount in the shop
You have to play unlock a few map spaces to actually get the stuff. I would say the biggest thing is the candy caravan, as that can potentially stock arcanas.
*play to unlock
If you're matching for 20 mins I guess you're queueing the newbie MM mode. Very few players is playing that so it'll take much longer to find a match. Try normal MM instead for faster queue and watch guides to learn the game. If you find norms too hard you can try to learn from bot matches to start.
I've lost 16 of the last 20 games, this is getting frustrating. Almost half the time it's because some retard calls "gg" in the first 8 minutes. Oh, your safe lane got bullied out of lane and only has a wraith band/boots at minute 12? Boo fucking hoo, maybe try protecting them as they farm. (Also, I just had a game were I as offlane fucking starved the enemy Faceless. He literally had a quelling blade, brown boots, and fucking null talisman by minute 13. We still fucking lost)

The worst part is when these fucking cowards don't do anything when they complain. Be a fucking man, stand by your words, and dive the enemy fountain. Don't be a hypocrite and tell the enemy team "end fast" if you're going to fight back. If you want to give up, don't just sit there farming the jungle "just in case". Dive the fountain. Sit in mid lane and destroy your items. Fucking do something!
No its not, but you need thick skin deal with this game
you will get stomped
you will get angry
you will become extremely racist
you will lose a lot
and most of all
you will waste a lot of time learning it, for no real gain.
There is nothing like dota tho.
Coming from league I've noticed that early leads aren't nearly as important and games cannot be called as early
play winter wyvern mid/hard support and rush witch blade --> recommended items. if you're hard support, just buy random shit, can't go too wrong in low level games, you'll figure it out eventually.
it's a very league of legends like hero and lets you troll allies like anivia, except even harder. if you're decently good at league, this hero really fits like a glove.
t. convert from league
I know that. Hell, I've seen comebacks from a single teamfight even after megas, and from both sides! It's just people feel that if a game isn't a complete stomp from minute 1, it's a lost cause. These kinds of people would struggle to walk to a store because they would give up at the first red light.
queue europe, even if you're from us west
na is dead, i only queue east europe and russia from us w
it used to be bad, but with fiber, ping's basically unnoticeable
also, new player experience seems so much worse, you have so much shit to cram into every match now
stay away from int heroes who dont have a stun
and those with a stun should mostly be used to counter-attack
highly recommend sticking to strength heroes as long as you avoid playing like a bot and running into towers
almost everyone has a signature str hero (ie mastered)
it's still a very burst orientated meta (yet sange is still bad), so prioritize buffing your burst damage (with khanda, orchid, daedalus, nullifier rapier, (diffusal)) and defending against it aswell (heart, shroud, linkens, aeon disk, manta)
>overall, the biggest problem
in my games, is nobody ever groups for rosh, nobody every pings tormenter, complete afk rng faggotry
so dont forget towers mostly mean jack shit at the end of the day meanwhile rosh and tors give shit loads of gold and it gets your team to group up to focus on winning shit instead of mindlessly farming a 4th rapier
dota is a mental game, good players will break their opponents mind.
So how am I supposed to use manta style?
There's two main ways of using it:
Split pushing. Just pop the manta off cooldown, select your illusions and order them to attack down a lane. I have alt+space set to select all non-hero units, which makes this much easier.
Mid-fight. Pop manta during a teamfight to create two more threats. Also, note that Manta will dispel you, so it's a great way to get rid of silences, slows, and other debuffs.
Also, you are invulnerable for a bit while using it, so some people are able to use Manta to dodge certain spells like Laguna Blade and Finger of Death or items like Rod of Atos. However, I have literally not been able to do that on purpose, so don't worry.
Play Smite instead.
Much more fun and not dead somehow.
smite 2 july 30th

Not too late to learn and play at all. It's still one of the biggest esports scene with over 30m in prize pools.

The only thing though is that most of the player base is in asia as Valve is mostly focusing on that market for Dota 2. Europe is good too but NA is totally neglected because

1. The esports scene is piss poor and a huge risk financially .
2. MOBAs just aren't as big as in asia.

But there's definitely ways to circumvent this, like playing in EU servers for example or having a team of friends and playing together.
yeah stomps in low MMR but once you get to higher Herald/Lower Guardian people start wising up to the "Blink Ulti Invis" trick.
as you get higher MMR you'll have to get better at farming, pulling camps, setting up kills etc as well as watching your positioning as one fuck-up will get you killed.
by Crusader you'll want to do cheeky shit like ulting from inside trees near a team-fight and building a BKB/shard
you can also see up the pillars if you move right up next to them and know where to stand, but shit's risky. dont do it if some of the enemies are missing on the minimap.
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or just picrel and every match just turns into a botmatch with somehow even more retarded AI
Heres the Actual 2 ways to use manta
>1, Bait out initiators
Use manta in trees and control one illusion to attack the creep wave, works better if your tower is already getting pressured
>2, purge silences
This is mostly why manta is bought, dispell roots, silence, fight-changing debuffs like meld, etc. so you can get your abilities off and sustain fights
I am trying different heroes and learning stuff with ai matches, not sure if want to go into some player games and see how they can be even more brainless
>pick razor
>lose game
every time
Why would you pick such a shitty and boring character?
As long as you know how to efficiently farm and freeze lane you'll be miles better than 50% of players
how are you managing to lose with the most op hero in the meta?
are you skipping shroud, manta, shard or bkb? or any other survivability items
you should be winning your lane and farming fast enough
unless you're playing razor like a strength hero, theres no reason to lose "everytime"
>pick techies
>win game
every time
>>1297444 (checked)
Played storm spirit for the first time yesterday, was mid against a Razor, fucked him all game and im a big noob, Razor is for boring faggots
retards will throw matches by doing shit like
>running straight down mid and feeding
>going afk for 20min mid-match to walk the dog
>retards trying to 1v5 then getting angry that he engaged with no teammates around
>trying to play on Public Library internet
>queuing up as Support then picking a Hard Carry
>stealing farm from people who need farm
>not buying wards/dust/smoke
>wasting wards by putting them in really shitty obvious places
>not taking advantage after winning a team fight
the last one shits me the most
you'll win a team fight and whole enemy team will be dead, then your 4 team mates will run off to farm jungle instead of taking a tower or HG.

honestly i dont find it worth it to play online anymore, the 12-15min queue for a match just to spend 70min watching retards feed is just such a waste of time
>pick techies
>9 items
if either of you anons are still alive id really appreciate such a community as well.
storm is a very good counter to razor, since you can just burst him while he cant even touch you
>new patch dropped
>verdict: newfags btfo
dota died at patch 7.00 and Valve purposefully worsens this game with every passing day
you'll NEVER solo carry a game as TA/storm mid because every support gets thousands of gold from every possible source + neutral items
you'll NEVER berate a support for taking away the solo courier from yo
ded game
>team game makes you play as a team
>noooo ded gaeeeyymm
yes, every patch since and including 7.0 was made by r*dditors and campo santo
but the game still plays as it always should have
the spirit of the game is the same as it always has been
ofc op cheese shit gets patched out and you have to adapt every once in a while
but to say that all this minor shit is why you have a sub 50 wr is comical
I miss 6.81.
Yes. My group of friends quit because Deadlock is on the horizon. The game will displace Dota since shooters are more popular, just add the Dota mechanics and not many people will keep playing it.
Deadlock will be kino
My impression it's alive among eastern europe/russian players but dead everywhere else. These players have an effect of chasing anyone else away pretty much because they are FAS drunks and toxic communicating only in their primitive languages.
Picking heroes is way more important in DOTA, so it's really over at the draft because most of the heroes do not have significant skill elements. Probably a majority of players still playing use the "dota plus" paid interface addon which shows you detailed stats for each pick, and even shitbrained people have very deliberate picks and get real mad at you before the game has even begun.
Arguably the game has been pretty terminally mismanaged, most dota players just say you are bad(at a 1 unit RTS game) and your opinion doesn't matter but really the high skill players don't really like it either.
I had enough of trashtalking Russians; is there a joyful equivalent of Tianmen square copypasta I can send them?

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