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Titanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:

>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it here
On all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.

>Titanfall 1
We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics


>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2

>The Art of /tfg/

>/tfg/ Youtube Playlist

>/tfg/-created Helpful Videos, Tutorials & Mods

>TF1/2 Networks
>A majority is outdated possibly
PC: Search for the tag (not name) "tfg" in the in-game network browser, and join the network led by "Azidd"
PS4: Search for "the fast guys" in the in-game network browser
Xbone: Search for tag "tfg" in the in-game network browser and join the network by ImmortalDrifter. Drop your gt in the thread to connect with other xbros

>Steam Group

Doomed Thread: >>1045890
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First for Holo
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second for fempulse thanking the OP for using the proper sticky
What the fuck this is the exact Ion customization I use
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I LOVE fempulse
It's the same as Slone's Ion I'm pretty sure.
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holy shit
Excuse me, movement gods, I humble request that you showcase webms of you getting up to speed/height at the beginning of matches for each map. I have a few already (grappling over the ship on Relic is one I can list off the top of my head), but I want to know if there are more efficient routes, and how to do without grapple. Thx.
yet another game ruined by hitscan cucks and cheaters
just fuck off to apex/cod/cucklorant if you want to be a codnigger so much
Funny thing is that apekeks doesn't have any shitscan except the charge rifle
Also titans ruined the game
>game is called Titanfall
>titans ruined the game
Yeah, it's actually kind of ironic that one of the reasons for the death of a game called TITANfall turned out to be the titans themselves.
it's not dead tho
if you don't appreciate and enjoy the contrast of pilot/titan gameplay you don't actually like titanfall and should fuck off.
The real reason barely anyone plays the game anymore is that nobody likes getting constantly stomped.
Running into actually good players is a fucking nightmare when they also abuse all the metanigger shit.
that, and I've noticed more cheaters as of late. sure there's the remote possibility that they're just that good, but seeing people getting 50+ kills without even dropping a titan, nevermind using it, is downright absurd
You don't have to like every fucked up mechanic and agree with every fucked up decision the developer makes for you to like the game.
You can have fun when you play against really skilled players, but because of the problems with the balance of almost everything - pilot vs. pilot, titan vs. pilot, titan vs. titan, the average player comes to a rather dull meta and gameplay,
play call of duty, man.
or run titankiller build and demolish titans with sachels and GL and stealth mounting and whatever else you can use effecrivelly
This game is so fucking full of chink cheaters, what the fuck
My apologies anon. I feel bad for those living near China and having to deal with Chinese cheaters no matter what game
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i've come to love playing scorch because retarded roninNIGGERS keep slamming their face into my fire shield
Been years since I've played, is the online PVE still any good?
not really, players suck so you have to carry
Are we still not able to play it solo then? All the blokes I used to play with have long abandoned the game
dunno, haven't tried because i only started playing very recently, if you still have the game installed then it doesn't hurt to try
>come back after 3 years
>lobbies are still filled with stim+hitscan+ion/ronin
I have no idea why I was expecting otherwise
it's 7 years into the game, stop bitching about it already, the only ones left that are playing are those kind of people
suck it up already
Am I having a stroke or did they change the description for the Advocate Network? Last time I played was 3 years ago and I remember it say "I am the Advocate. I can find work for pilots who have skills." but now it just says "I am the Advocate." Did I get Berenstain'd or did they change it? Am I retarded?
They fucked around with it for a couple weeks, causing retards to shout "HURR TITANFALL 3 IS COMING THANK YOU RESPAWN" only for it to turn out to be a huge nothing burger. Just more apesex slop.
Seriously? The old description was cool. How does it relate you Gape Sex?
It doesn't. The messages meant nothing, their whole purpose was to generate hype (lol) and then all they did was drop a shitty trailer for some new apex character. Only way it relates to Titanfall is that the new character got her special snowflake powers from touching a titan battery, which is absolutely retarded.
Holy fuck Nu-spawn sucks so much dick it's unreal.
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holy shit I can't
the wheelchair gets me every time kek
the kraber is so fucking fun, same levels of fun as i had with the epg
i miss most of my shots but the ones that do hit are good enough that they wouldn't feel out of place in a youtube compilation
No, you actually cannot have fun against skilled players in Titanfall, as they will beam you with the CAR or use a Kraber if they really feel like making people feel bad.
This is without the ridiculous number of cheaters.
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Skill issue
Nobody is interested in playing your dead game infested with boring sweatlords who only use the CAR, anon.
>filtered that hard
Lmao, back to apex
nobody's forcing you to be in this general, you know?
can these redditnigger ronin/ion/legion cucks fuck right off? i just want to play scorch
no, you will play the meta
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Watch it there buddy, this place is run by Ionfags
>A fucking wheelchair
Ion's shitscan is only a problem if you play like a faggot and snipe with it from behind cover. If you play aggressively and at close range (the correct way to play her) then Laser Shot is fine.
>trying to justify shitscan
What the fuck…
Nobody gives a shit about hitscan in titan vs titan fights. Hitscan is problematic because it shuts down pilot movement too easily, this doesn't apply in titan fights.
Also Ion shits on Scorch with just the rifle anyway. The issue here is Scorch being a slow piece of junk, not lasers hitting your ass too fast.
>Nobody gives a shit about hitscan
I can’t believe this is real, first our network gets deleted and now this fucking thing?!
Anons… is this truly… the end of us? We were supposed to be fast.....
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Yeah bro that's exactly what I meant, one specific scenario where I think it's a non-issue means it's also completely fine in the rest of the game, disregard everything else I said
> one specific scenario
> it's a non-issue
No such thing
In titan combat it absolutely is a non-issue. If you're getting shot across the map as Scorch on any map except Homestead that just means your positioning is bad and that you're not using cover to sneak up on titans. At close range you'd get hit regardless because you're a big slow piece of shit with a single dash that you're probably saving so you can shove your spicy finger up someone's ass. You really gonna pretend like you'd totally shit on Ions as Scorch if only Laser Shot was projectile?
I feel like people constantly saying shit like this about fucking TF2 is the best example that this site is full of complete casuals now. Like, I have two friends that don't play shooters regularly, would be the first to say that they suck at them, and they not only can still hop on Titanfall and do alright while favoring projectile weapons but they like it the most out of anyone I know. This game is not hard and the vast majority of players are not that good.
>Nobody is interested in playing your dead game
There are still 2-3k players playing whenever I get on, and we have several dudes here who regularly stack to this very day.
>infested with boring sweatlords who only use the CAR
The CAR being so hilariously overpowered just makes if more satisfying to beat metaslaves while using shit like Softball and Mastiff.
We doing TF1 sunday lads?
I'll hop on if I see people playing, but I'll only have maybe an hour or two in the evening before work.
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EU TF1 server doesn't work
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Supposedly a new movement tech? Idk, doesn’t suit my playstyle, unless some other interaction is found, but maybe some of you will find a use for it.
nothing usually works when it comes to tf1, or europe
neat-o, this oddly ressembles that technique where you could deny the speed penalty when falling too high from something
bretty based, is it double jump?
Nah, it is, even Ronin doesn’t use this shit.
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>get into a match
>cheater on the other team
>find another match
>another cheater
>starting another game
>3 cheaters on the enemy team
what the fuck is going on?!
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do i gotta get the legit tf1 to try it out or can i just pirate it?
there's no singleplayer so you have to buy it
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God damn I fucking love Ion, I changed the ejection messages so it was like she was talking to me but I lost them all and I'm immensely demoralised

I think it's still too slow, epically on the come down on the flip. If you're on the roof, you're gently being guided down and have little air control (I think) while you're at your apex (the height of the 'hump')

I think I can get it across by saying if you had a 'fastfall' you could shoot down and go right into a slide behind the build board rather than floating there and imploring to be Kraber'd by a fastguy entire socio-economicly gerrymandered school district away.

just sayin'

Neat Tech tho, straight up - Make It Work
>shits can
>Shits can
>Shit's Can

Fuck yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Glad to see anyone loving on this game still tho hellaaaaaaaaaaa
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>Out of curiosity check out Apex's latest cinematic to see if there's new Titanfalll content because I'm retarded and I never learn my lesson
>It's fan fiction-tier bullshit
>No titans
>Shit doesn't even look like Apex when it first came out
It's pretty much guaranteed at this point that if there's ever a Titanfall 3 or Titanpex, it's gonna suck ass, right? I just know that it'll be a faggot shooter with flashy skins worth gorillions. Fuck this faggot timeline and fuck f2p battle royales for ruining gaming. I don't even know why people play that shit. It's all ogre...

It's nice that the servers are out the shitter and that we have an alternative client, but it's only a matter of time before they either get shit on again, or hackers start getting up to their usual baboonery; and the Noncestar client is full of queers who don't understand that typing "nigger" in chat 94 times per match is funny.
> it's gonna suck ass, right?
The current parts of the series are sucking ass already as it is
> a faggot shooter
Always has been: poor weapon balancing, movement being inferior to camping, boring titan gameplay overall as well as in TvT and TvP + poor balancing in both, smart pistol, lol lmao even 20Hz tickrate and etc.
The only thing that saves this game for me is the unique movement system in which there is a bunch of stuff to learn, but it’s debatable that this system is exactly the developers' merit, and not the engine of the game on which it is made and speedrunners.
>It's pretty much guaranteed at this point that if there's ever a Titanfall 3 or Titanpex, it's gonna suck ass, right?
On top of the state of gaming being what it is right now, nu-Respawn could never do it justice.
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very pretty
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sick grope foto. we should do it again some time
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Yeah, I don't remember what it was exactly or if I still have the clip--probably do--but I remember Barker-sama saying something like "Wow! That was somethin' else, kid!". It's recognition like that that makes me like Barker and his ACES.
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Punching an execution hungry Ronig to death never gets old.
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barker is pretty cool but i still enjoy blisk more "that was lekker!" is unbeatable, dude had energy. the only faction who could beat blisk for me would've been davis&droz last resort, but they're not available for mp
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I really should pay more attention to the banners in the top right corner
Very nice
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How can I learn such a technique
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i didn't lie i really do topfrag when im solo, just did it again
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Are you supposed to hipfire at medium range with smgs or ads?
You guys still doing Titanfall 1 Sundays? Titanfall 1 /tfg/ GMV when?
You're supposed to kill yourself for even considering using one
you're supposed to use the epg you giganigger
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Gud webm
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You can now create Titanfall 1 private servers with R1Delta

It's on a really rough state, but you can host a server and other people will be able to join.
Can anyone do the redeemful and me towards where I should get Titanfall 1 from? I remember back when we had regular threads on /vg/ someone mentioning that I should get the Deluxe Edition from Gamestop so that I'd be able to download the DLC. Is there anywhere else I can get it, like a key store?
Kinguin and g2a both haves keys for the deluxe edition but right now they're like $25
How often does that price fluctuate? Are pretty much all key stores legit? Why hasn't Respawn put Titanfall back up for sale on Steam even after going through the trouble of pulling it out the shitter for their shitty little Apex event a few months ago? They should just bundle Titanfall 1 with Titanfall 2.
Forgot to ask if it should be the Origin version or Steam.
No idea desu, I rarely check key sites. I've personally only ever bought a key from g2a and that worked fine but a couple of my friends say kinguin works well too.
As for why they don't relist the game, nuspawn just hates Titanfall lol. Don't be fooled by the studio's name, they're not the same people who made Titanfall.
Origin vs Steam shouldn't matter, I have it on Steam without any issues.
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>nuspawn just hates Titanfall lol. Don't be fooled by the studio's name, they're not the same people who made Titanfall
I really thought that things were gonna change for the better with the introduction of titanjanny...
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>didnt melee the one moment it'd hit
what a retard
the anniversary was like the midnight hour, everything turned to pumpkin and mice
at least lobby crashes are gone and stacking is a breeze again
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T-plating scorch chad
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God, this game is awesome
i don't usually play fps games, but i distinctly remember hopping on a match last year and getting dominated by a guy who was sliding all over the map killing everyone with that burst rifle weapon. it made me angry as shit but also made me want to git gud and learn the movement
first time i hit 30 kills i felt like a god. i've never had any other game make me feel like I was good at it to the extent TF2 does, rare as that happens
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You love to see it
This game makes me feel unfortunate for being a SEAnigger. Singapore 1 is just chock full of hitscan and Ion/Monarch/Ronin cucks, it's basically impossible to have fun with EPG + Scorch
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I think every server is full of hitscan at the moment
>last year and getting dominated by a guy who was sliding all over the map killing everyone
>it made me angry as shit but also made me want to git gud and learn the movement
Same except they were using the alternator/car and were REALLY good at movement, especially grappling. Some might say that using grapple is a crutch, but they way they used it was incomparable to everyone else in the match. Elevens, amirite?
I think Monarchs are the worst when you have a team that doesn't bother taking them down before they get their upgrades. That battery thief execution really pisses me off too. I dunno how it is on PC, but on Xbox, in Titanfall 1 pretty much everyone uses the smart pistol and places arc traps everywhere. The gun balance is kinda better--even though I'm pretty sure they're still hitscan--because of the recoil, but that just means you aren't able to play like you do in TF2 and beam people from a distance while hipfiring. It's a real shame we'll never go back to the TF1 art design, TF2's looks too bright.
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That's literally every region you dumbass
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I think the other glory kill would have been more thematic desu, where the Ion catches the punch. Still pretty good though
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is this cheating
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i miss all the shots you dont see
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you are mvp every match don't be coy with me
So...how long until they shutdown Titanfall 1 servers?
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