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The new series follows the Bundys after moving from Chicago to Florida. All original actors will be reprising their voices.
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i prefer this one
>Golden Girls remake
aren't all of them dead
the only offensive thing about south park is that it's still on the air, despite being so creatively bankrupt.
and peggy was hot and horny. what the fuck? guy has a nice family, friends, steady employment, large, paid off house. fuck this boomer shit.
>seething zoom zoom

Who can tell me how this show ended?
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I seem to remember it ending on a reset of sorts. That gag where the teacher wanted Danny and his friends to become a superhero team and collect a bunch of gems only for them to refuse turned out to be important. The villain(s) collected them all and were going to use them to destroy and/or conquer the universe, but it resulted in time shenanigans that rewinded the show back to the first episode.
Whoa, somebody actually watched this?
yep it ended like that, where you can literally watch the whole show in a loop. Still wish it had a second season.
They had a way out. That's admirable

there's something uneasy about this show
the odd colors and the world these kids exist in already makes it look otherwordly, the spiritual references, the way they live and interact within this seemingly limited space under this dome sky, the way there always seems to be a barrier between them, every event, whether it be a gathering or a birthday party, almost never feels spontanious, like they cannot traverse the land freely but must request entry into every bubble of this world, it all feels strange and offputting

even the name has an uncanny feeling
i believe thee kids all live in some kinda pocket dimension, an eternal life on this one street, it doesn't end, just repeats, if you reach the end it rolls back over onto itself as some kinda spatial anomaly like a game of Pacman
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>this show has the most bizarre fanbase I have ever seen aside from the abuse art and the weird shit

Scuze me?
>even the name has an uncanny feeling
It's a reference to Harvey Comics, which published the characters this show is based on back in the 1940s.

Also it's a cartoon for six year old girls and you sound like a schizo.
theres a lot of deviantart users who draw audrey either crying or having the shit beat out of her its disturbing
Nice to see the show still gets fanart. Good job.

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Now back to a special Baby Looney Tunes marathon on Cartoon Network
Great, stonerkino

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I still find it so weird they brought BubbleBass back as a recurring character
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This, I always got the impression from the pickles episode that Bubble Bass was a long time antagonist for Spongebob and probably came to the krusty krab regularly to criticise his fry cooking
Yet they can't figure out what actually made those seasons good?
Spongebob says he has a reputation for being picky
Exactly, this doesn't match the style of the show at all. I blame Nick for forcing millennial weebs to work on this show instead of just canceling it and letting them make their own crap
One of the Spongebob writers is friends with OneyNG, Oney probably persuaded him to give Doug his long overdue cameo

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post characters/series that never got their time to shine
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If you're wanting billionaire/scientist with plans of world domination, there's Kazuya and Wesker

tho Wesker's for Liquid
Liquid doesn't have any good modern models, so Death Battle would either have to make one, make the fight sprite based, or do hand drawn animation. But Liquid is only around for 2 games (1/Twin Snakes, and as a kid in 5. Other times were Ocelot larping).
the model for Snake was pretty good, and it ccan't have been a port since there's no pc mgs games besides 5 (but there's no Snake models in either), so it's possible they could make a custom model instead. And yeah, he wasnt around super much, but you could easily make scaling between him and Snake, possibly even Solidus if you stretched it. Idk if you'd go so far as to say he should be above Snake due to being the superior clone and all, but you could certainly say there's a train of thought with that throughout the games. From 5, he wanted to surpass Big Boss, who then got killed in MG1 and MG2, so then he switched his sights for Snake in MGS.
>the model for Snake was pretty good,
It was from Brawl.
Really? Huh I didn't know that

Steven should’ve fucked Pearl
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He's greco-italian, his 'fro is a stand-in for tightly locked curls
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any good au fics where pearl is steven's mom?
Thank you
But pedophiles like OP wont see the best ship, they just want to self insert into their dark and twisted fantasies.
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God i need this thread tonight. Thought about killing myself later but ill probably just goon to pearl and then sleep it off
Well done smeet

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Still the most popular female cape in the business and yet they continue to drop the ball on her at every opportunity. Holy fucking shit. How do you fuck it up this bad? There was gold to be struck at the height of the PJO novels, youngsters were loving greek mythology shit. Well DC, you've got a character that screams it. Wonder Woman! And yet they just can't write a good story for her. Why? Is it that hard? And don't give me that "but but wamen are hard to write" eat fucking shit. Women aren't hard to fucking write at all. Anyone who says that is laughable or, and I hate to even say this, sexist. Genuinely. Not the shitposty kind.
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How soft are her cheeks?
I get it. I just hate that for a long time League of One and Hikiteia were her most recommended stories.
The fuck are you on about. Perez's bright-eyed Diana trying to bring her message of love to a world that has long left it behind is great and the reason why her interactions with the Kapatelis, her publishist (whose name I forget) and, hell, her villains, work so well.

Why is DC so fucking stupid? How could anyone enjoy this shit?


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Let's post Mandy
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My point was that she wouldn't be a left wing totalitarian, because communists hide their power grabs behind pretty words of "workers revolution" and making society more "fair and equitable." Mandy is a force of personality that would crush all opposition thru sheer military might and ruthlessness. She also probably believes in some form of Great Man theory with herself as the Great Man. Ergo, she's much more likely to be a fascist than anything resembling left wing
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since we are posting offmodel and smutt....
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Mandy has a cute butt.
>Mandy is a force of personality that would crush all opposition thru sheer military might and ruthlessness.
That's not how she took over the KND.

>She also probably believes in some form of Great Man theory with herself as the Great Man.
Probably. Keep in mind that that is in Bleedman's comic, where she goes on to become queen of the underworld. The terms right and left as political descriptors derive from the seating arrangements in the Estates General in pre-Revolution France. A monarchist is literally right-wing by the original meaning of the word.

>Ergo, she's much more likely to be a fascist than anything resembling left wing
The use of left and right as political labels really gets a workout, and applying it to fascists is getting into Humpty Dumpty territory. You can redefine the terms such that fascism is right-wing, but that just makes the statement "fascism is right-wing" a tautology. Actual fascists (like Mussolini and Hitler) were economically liberal and socially conservative. Say what you will about it, but it's an actual ethos. Mandy is obviously authoritarian, but she's only right-wing because she wants to personally rule as an absolute monarch.

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>Be Hickman
>Write and X-Men re-launch event with inherently sinister undertones and where all the X-Men act like pompous assholes. Even working with some of their worst villains to achieve their goals.
>Plant the very obvious seeds that Krakoa isn't right and that this will all blow up in their faces because of one man's ego for a better tomorrow.
>Everyone including Marvel completely miss the messages and views Krakoa as an obliviously happy mutant death cult.
Hickman did nothing wrong and I'll stand by it.
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Uh, yeah? That's the problem. They didn't let him finish his story and a bunch of hacks appropriated it and fucked up.
That summary describes about half of Hickman's books because he's absolutely in love with the Great Man archetype and frequently has morally ambiguous, arrogant, and sinister behavior be the objectively correct course of action. So excuse me if I don't take the word of a guy who frequently botches the ending of his books at face value when he says that if he didn't bail on the project halfway through he would have totally nailed the landing and it was everyone else who ruined everything.
Doom actually might not notice at first because he'd shrug it off so easily. he likely would notice and not appreciate it being done to Latverians (in both his 'ruthless but benevolent tyrant' or 'ruthless and evil tyrant' modes, the latter because "Only DOOM can control the minds of Latveria!")
This shit was getting boring even when Hickman was writing. Great premise, no follow through.
Xavier powers worked on Reed easily which prove he had zero defences or any plan to counter telepathy.

Yeah it was out of character and bulllshit for Xavier to easily be able to mindfuck Richards but the fact is Richards didn't had anything prepared and Xavier could do the same to him to avoid the F4 ruining it.
>but what about Doom
He wouldn't tell the UN nations anything and even if he did they would ignore him, no one woudl believe in him, he got no allies to support his word,

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Japan gets Pups Save a Cow today
Should be new Rocky's Garage soon too.
Skye is gonna be on Rubble & Crew - how hideous still she look?
And someone please get us the movie 3 turnarounds from Paramount - pretty please!
PAW Patrol thread go!
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Thank goodness Niko is back. It's just not the same without her.
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Have there been any new members? How are they going to add Rex? Put him in a wheelchair?
Marshall sucks
Rocky swallows
WooF woof wwof wood
(where is Zuma?)
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Fucking what? Tell me more lmao
This shit again. That was two different people. One got the tour, took the pics, then took them down at the request of Mir. Unfortunately, the pics had already spread from their Tumblr to Twitter like wildfire.

The "blackmailer" was a literal 14 year old on Twitter with no followers, who simply made the retarded comment. They got dogpiled by the fandom, and nuked their account.

This whole thing got picked up by a literal faggot shipper "journalist", and he posted the story as you said it on some shitty clickbait site like den of geek.
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>girl that Jaune has the best chemistry and cute interactions with is a green lantern in a non-canon crossover movie
It’s not fair.
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On this Mother's Day, let us celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Nia
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She sure can!
heh, finally a nice crossover.
No down payment!
lol, this is great

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How different would be the post 2010 TV animation landscape if this had never existed?
Nothing would've change because the true factor was Rebecca Sugar getting into the industry. That's the real game changer, "what if Sugar never got a job in the animation industry?"
You give her too much credit

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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

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Awesome delivery
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Requesting your own modern redesign of forgotten Iron Man villain "The Termite". He can dissolve/decay anything he touches. Something intimidating/cool preferably
Pomni as a mermaid
Pomni and Ragatha shooting big guns together.

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