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Captain Marvel #8
The Avengers #14
Avengers United #31
Infinity Paws #6
Avengers United #32
Infinity Paws #7
Ms. Marvel Mutant Menace 3

Last week's thread: >>143529203
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Speaking of Avengers and X-Men swapping members I love that Jubes became the leader of the Avengers in MC2, even though she eventually quit. That's a hell of a promotion for her.

Of course in that timeline mutant hate was eventually solved so it's a bit more lenient than the current 616
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Batman does not eat nachos!
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he also doesn't support gender ideology but that hasn't stopped modern writers from making him support trannies
Nice thumbnail retard
This panel always gets me.
>Bruce just eat the fucking pie
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I like it when Batman is portrayed as a dull lame-o in social situations because it's something he would do to hide his identity, considering Bruce Wayne is a philanthropist and social butterfly loved by many
Why not?. Are you on a diet or something?

>Meanwhile in Metropolis...
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I'm fucking tired of all the Gotham goons making fun of us for not having any hot female villains. We have Livewire and that's all we need
Selling Supergirl upskirts over here, DM for details
>No hot female villains
Does no one remember that alien princess who came sniffing around Metropolis a while back trying to jump Superman's bones?
>beautiful 2d linear cityscape
>shitty 3d sky render and a sickly moon
Any people an honest to God henchman could work for in this city? I know Lex is there but I don't know if I could land that job.

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Who's Ready for Slumber Party mayhem?
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Is this a proof of concept comic series?
Skylar is best girl
Thanks. That looks very good.
Alright, so who is best girl?https://strawpoll.com/3RnYl2Qamye

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what would you do in this situation
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I don't like that Gwen was with Kevin at the end, I mean I watched the original show again and at the end of S2 I didn't remember that Ben suffered so much from having the omnitrix removed, it was basically ripped out of his skin and I think Gwen saw that.
Would you date someone who hurt your cousin to that point? I think it's something that everyone should accept.
I understand that they were not thinking about creating AF but still... Kevin for me did not deserve such redemption and it would be better to do it with another character, a new one even
I like Julie a lot still
MoA has been on record saying that had the OS continued Charmcaster and Kevin were going to get a redemption. The two of them were made for the purpose of showing how Gwen and Ben would turn out without a nice parental figure like Max.
The thing about the Omnitrix fusing to Ben's skin or whatever was sort of retconned too in AF. In the third season, he gives it to Vilgax like it's a regular watch and I think the watch detaches itself on its own at least once too
Which is the biggest buncha bullshit ever. The Omnitrix being fused to Ben and being a part of his body was one of the reasons it was so cool, taking that away just cheapens it

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Should Finn have stayed with Susan?
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fun fact, the early plans for Susan were that she would have been Finn's sister, and the two were separated early on, Finn being raised by Jakes parents, and Susan being raised by the subterranean Hyoomans, but this was scrapped pretty early.

and it was way better than the convoluted Susan backstory we ended up with.
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I'll never understand why they scrapped that.
I will never not be mad at the susan backstory showing that her "GAINS" weren't from living in the wild as a Wild woman but instead because she was a genetically altered super soldier. It pisses me off so much I honestly just pretend it's not canon.
Everything they did to Susan in Islands was fucking criminal. It's like they actively chose the worst ideas they could think of.
seriously? I always kinda suspected that, via the water-theme and Farmworld Finn having a sibling too, so that's cool
pretty neat

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is he a cautionary tale?
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You have a philosophy of making cartoons like the Married with Children series look a little better as the actual talent draw way below their level

Not making animation people care about
C'mon cowards speak up. His "offensiveness" is absolutely normal in golden age Looney Tunes and other classic work that guided his artistic development

You chose political correctness over that, celebrate Max's suffering for his choice, and increasingly shift to bitterly begging for him because you realize your choice sucked pure shit. I will be emailing this since I expect you'll let it drop off
>drawing like shit
You keep saying this as if the industry ever just looked at who draws the best and let them take over because that's not how it works and it's been decades of working with the people writing your checks, not just ensuring them that your vision is going to make all this time and money they're giving you worth it. I know you have a problem with the industry, but this has nothing to do with Max.

A lot of people cared about Invader Zim and it was well done, but it went away beyond the control of anyone but what marketing determined to be the audience and how that was outside the target of their advertisors. You're breezing over basic factors just to sound like you're disagreeing, but you are understanding why Max is better off solo and why he isn't a good match. If there were more Maxes and John Ks in the industry, the industry would need to outsource and replace more people. They can't function with them, they need to be solo.

Is this where you come out as a commie and say profit motive is bullshit?
lol you remember your original bullshit argument. You were almost productive. That's really funny.
>You keep saying this as if the industry ever just looked at who draws the best and let them take over because that's not how it works
So, it needs to change or be gone
Chuck Jones, various big names in Golden Age Disney, some Spumco animators, Richard Williams, they were the best and made big projects. That's how things used to be and changed for no good reason
>profit motive
You mean for yourself personally? Classic Looney Tunes and other such work was actually profitable, work made with your industry philosophy fails over and over and you basically just ignore it because actual results are outside of your ideology. You need to ignore those results just like you ignore that Max's work, Chuck jones, and others are way better than Craig of the creek and other wastes of money
Voodoo nonsense from people who don't understand what differentiates appealing artwork from artwork nobody cares about
>Le vague nonsense reply to screw with my head
Filling inboxes to screw with yours, since you think with the collective :)

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Youtube take my video down and say
"oh no it's not cause your Chinese"
But every time I say AIDS and Russians in the same sentence
It's get deleted
The government invented AIDS
And gave it too youtube and said
"here give this too rucka"
This song is called
"me no rikey youtube part 2:
No more dj nice guy"
I come here from Red China
Cause internet there is controlled by
Men with vagina
And youtube say

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Youtube please tell me why you did this
Why you take my song
I bring your shitty website business
Count them 40 million
I bring Chinese food too the table
And try to be your friend
If I was signed to major label
You'd say "oh hello come in have a blow job"
I'm pissed off you don't like me
And next time I have
Some rice crispies
And youtube say
"hey can I have some"
I will tell you too fuck off
You won't get no cereal

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Does anyone get upset when a love interest only appears once and then the show forgets they exist?

The Simpsons dropped the ball with Gina Vendetti. Especially at the end of the episode where Marge said they'd have dinner with her in prison often (That went nowhere)
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Considering Barts love and history with Krusty the Clown, this actually makes sense.
Actually thinking about it Milhouse would be the perfect wife for Bart if he was a woman.
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Did Bart impregnate all of them?
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Milhouse is already a needy, manipulative, petty cunt. Being a woman would just make him worse.

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What do her feet smell/taste like?

Also blue thread?
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I like the angle on this.
GiWTWM. Iv le bever seen another piece of medua where i hate its storyline and much of the general tone given by its creaters yet really like certain characters and their designs.
That was interesting.
Nice lips in this art.
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>flash is stupidly overpowered
>could kill anyone in the justice league before they even knew what happened
>gets no respect
What did they mean by this?
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A reminder that the editor behind Dark Metal was hired by Bob Harras who was hired because of Jim Lee.
And who the fuck is pumping the batmobiles tires?
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>Superman stops a train by pushing on it, but by pushing forward he's supposed to be pushed back - the only way he barely moves by stopping the train is if he is multiple times the weight of the train, but of course we don't see him breaking the ground with each step.
Superman can fly. Which means he have a way of applying a certain force to his entire body. Depending in that force it might be more than enough to be immovable by anything providing this force's value is adjusted just right to counteract the force of a blow from, for example, huge heavy train. Problem solved, u r a faget.
If you think no real science ever makes it into comics, you have never read John Byrne's Fantastic Four or Carl Barks's duck books. It isn't the medium, it's on a writer by writer basis.

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Allansisters, we made it!
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I'm not ashamed to say the nostalgia of hearing Jerry Jackson's voice again after so long made me happy and probably contributes to why that one's my favorite.
that's why even hadel moved to LA right
Love people who live in flyover states thinking California is some kind of mad max hellscape because they only watch conservative propaganda.
Not 100% sure but I think he said something about moving there for the show in one of his podcasts. Zach doesn't seem like a Cali guy
been there since that podcast where he said he would never go there

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What are some other media featuring gay, gentle southern guys?
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How do you get his hat?
In seriousness, I don't think anyone has sold it and it would be cool
I think Huck’s hat is supposed to be a boater hat. The zig-zag shape of the brim of Huck’s hat is an exaggeration of the texture of boater hats.

Is Huckleberry gay on Jellystone?
Heavily implied
Everybody's gay on Jellystone.

Whose your favorite DC and Marvel character?
Mines Batman and Captain America
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Roy Harper, Cheshire

I like most of the XMen, Thor, Loki
Mutie lovers keep walking.
Mr. Fantastic and sandman.

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Nessie vs ogo pogo, who wins?
Biology is not one of anon's strengths.
He had a cat? Maybe there was some paracite competition between the smurfs and the toxo
They have one female servicing a large group of males, that implies a species that lays eggs.
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Maybe if all the other smurfs were infertile females, but every colonial insect species with a singular egg layer is overwhelmingly female with a handful of males being born purely for reproduction.

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