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Why wasn’t Pocahontas this cute in the Disney version?
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Anime hadn't influenced the west yet, please understand
>the one time image search decides to work
>it's some edgelord Youtube shit
Go shill this trash somewhere else. Or better yet, kill yourself.
Always found it hilarious that the real Ratcliffe was an actually pretty okay guy, and John Smith was the piece of subhuman garbage. But hey, nominative determinism, amiright?
There was also this one.
What were you hoping to find is my question?
Something that deserves to exist. Nobody wants t watch your shitty tryhard garbage. Fuck off.
Almost same pic at the exactly same second, huh. Not something you see every day.
>the one time image search decides to work
>it's some edgelord Youtube shit
You deserve it.
I'm a little embarrassed at first I tried to google search, but didn't get what I wanted so I decided to just screenshot it. And to my surprise someone beat me to it.
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I was hoping to discover the reason why series creator massa grew to hate his show's growing non-Dutch fanbase and why he subsequently canceled Ongezellig out of spite.
Wrong thread anon.
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Gonna be honest I'd colonize that
>Anime hadn't influenced the west yet, please understand
The fat animator who was interviewed by the Nostalgia Critic on his "Little Mermaid(1989)" video straight up said that they were inspired by aniem when designing Ariel, he said she originally had more shiny spots in her eyes but it was too hard for the animators to draw them properly than they just have her one shiny spot on each eye in the end
>we will never see a historically accurate (12, bald, naked, doing handstands) Pocahontas animated.
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tan barefoot tribal girl, why don't these exist anymore
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She cute.
Nice now draw her converting to christianity then getting bred after marriage
bros how do I get a squaw?
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From the New World, I would assume.
Real pocahontas was a slut
How many colonizers?
More Fattitz!!!!!
No but seriously his work sucks and he should be killed for making Racist Mario
Flashgitz is terrible but that doesn't matter because his audience are 12 year olds and they will consume A N Y T H I N G. No mind for quality, those kids.
THATS why I hate his stuff. It seem like the most run of the mill YouTube slop, taylor made for zoomers
>Lighter soles
It's a shame that most artists, including footfags ones, don't include this detail in their drawings.
Truly is remember aco having a whole thread on it once. It's weirdly hot and adds to a brown girls sex appeal
>including footfags ones
those are what you call posers. no true footfag would miss that detail
yeah I would never miss an opportunity to draw the soles lighter
>t. footfag artist
Lost Ongezellig character.
As someone who grew up near james city county, us locals had a good laugh at how much the movie got wrong, including the geography. Spoilers: that area is mostly swamp and marsh with forest the closer you get to Williamsburg. And while are some small vallys and small hills in the wooded areas, it's mostly flat. Ain't no waterfalls.
Also, fuck off that pilgrims shit Massachusetts. We were here first.
>real Ratcliffe was an actually pretty okay guy, and John Smith was the piece of subhuman garbage
Yes and no. Smith was a bit of braggart and and a dictator, but he saved the colony with his tough rules. Ratcliffe, btw, was tricked by the powhatan into a trade meeting were they captured him and then skinned him alive.
not all soles are lighter
I know, I was talking in general.
>Coco is super friendly to her and basically takes her under her wing
>Mymy keeps saying /pol/ shit about Native Americans to her
>Maya is probably browsing this thread right now
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me on the right
draw feet
What is this image come from
Anime is just a modified version of classic Disney art, particularly of Alice in Wonderland's art direction

Latinas are just red indians that speak spanish
yeah but they're full of Iberian admixture, no thank you
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So are American Indians. Depending on where you look in Latin America you can find purebloods. Andean mountains, Bolivian highlands, Amazon rainforest...
Joking about native children being raped to death by hideous, diseased Europeans seems a little...tasteless.
The people making it hate whites and will always portray colonialism in the absolute worst light possible. It's the 'noble savage' shit of the 19th century in a fresh coat of paint, and it's hilarious just how many of them don't realise it.
I second this btw.
Based, yeah nothing wrong if it's ok'd by the church.
one, she never actually interacted with john smith, and john rolfe was extremely relunctant about it and acted like he was doing the colony a favour by marrying her
is it bad i can tell who drew this?
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You mean the artist in gaan8mthe filename?
you mean on the roight?
thanks for the username
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yeah I fucked up and didnt click inside the captcha
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They are for all skin colors but white.
Why aren't there more native american girls
what happened to them

Still around. Native-Americans are still a thing but facing their own problems since the reservation system is still f-ked
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i will make more
leave her alone :(
Look normal and you have to be willing to raise another man's kid because every single one of those welfare warriors are single mothers
>welfare warriors are single mothers
Watch Rez dog. Main character has a Single mom, tracks down his dad the dad's baby momma is at the door complaining she hasn't seen him in weeks.
Yeah that's just how it is lol, very accurate depiction.
To the anons wanting a squaw, they aren't as good as they used to be
>*Me completely covered in scars and open wounds all over my body*
I can fix one
why do retards like you think appealing artstyle = anime?
I want a full short of just her doing cute things.
I want a full short of her in the ugly bastard ending
media brainrot
A guy I play battletech with is married to one. She’s sort of a battleaxe.
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a cartoon set in a comfy native american village would be cool
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Did northern native tribes also practice scarification as the Mesoamerican cultures?
Fun fact that native americans are ij someway related to hungarians, finns amd turkic people
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Not exactly what you're looking for, but there's a kids puppet show about natives on an extremely small reservation. It's called Wapos Bay on youtube. Beware, uncanny valley and bad voice acting ahead
It'd be plagued by "fans" begging for some white people to show up
>Comes to Europe.
>Does not die at age 21.
I hate Disney's historical revisionism.
yeah I like when cartoon movies portray history with some accuracy. like how in Anastasia, Rasputin was a lich
That going to be before or after the creator goes out of their way to talk shit about white fans like they were there when Tenochtitlan fell?
before that but after the guys obsessed with the aztecs show up
we have those?
>sexualized in Disney version
>Pedobait in this version

She can't win.
>Cr1tikal and Wendigoon both have native ancestry
It took me by surprise recently
cute feet
You can sort of see it from their eyes, though that could also have come from slight Asian admixture.
Oh chicanos you mean?
>he doesn't know
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Did remind me of when I found this one Ainu git online and had to do a double take, probably the facial hair mostly but it feels like that same jumbling of traits as Wendigoon.
Didn't the creators get some shit because of this character? I have the memory of seeing one of them posting on tumblr or twitter one big post defending themselves talking about how they were not trying to fetishize the native american community or some shit like that.
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Did they? That's stupid. It's a pilot on YouTube. And if anything this go's away from the stereotype of indian girls needing to be rescued.
Get a career that will pay off your student loans if you work at a reservation for 5 years.
No one wants to deal with some Native American Defense Force saying your fetishizing native people, or that you're bastardizing their culture by not getting some innane sun ritual right, or hell just that you're not allowed to make a native character because you're white.
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I don't like it it reminds me of furry art
Displaying your own culture is racist
Every culture in the world has to behave and dress in accordance to English customs so to demonstrate that they too are civilized
Both types of Indians are brown retard
Threecond. I need more lolihontas
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To be fair that's not just Indians that's all races, look up ricebunny or bleached or raceplay on reddit or twitter. You'll see a lot worse I remember seeing one ran by a Asian girl and it was just all about Asian men not being real men and meant to be sissies and Asians are meant to be enslaved stuff that even made me like damn. But then she also would talk about her culture not being respected so idk woman moment i guess?
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Like second to third generation Latinas born in the USA unironically believe they are 95% indigenous, even the light skinned ones act surprised when their dna test results come in and reveal they are like 80% spanish (shocking!).
I genuinely love that this joke is still around after all those years.

Princess Tiny Feet!
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Has Pocahontas ever appeared alongside Tigerlilly in any Disney project?
No, I don't think so.
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Sad she didn't get back with hatred. VB would never do this but I would have liked when we see Hatred leaving his room there's a flash of Tinyfeet in various bondage sets.
lmao. she's basically white, but I bet you she has been treated as a "POC" all her life. meanwhile, I know for sure that two of my four grandparents were genuine Indians, and I'll be treated as a "heckin' white man!" just for having pale skin and not playing the victim game non-whites love to play.
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That's a pity.
... they have so much in common.
my half-mexican ass is like 15% indigenous according to 23 and me, thats surprising
>Cr1tikal and Wendigoon both have native ancestry
is that the reason why they act like faggots?
Nah that's just the way they are
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New CGI Tiger Lily
How does Tiger Liky being an Indian work? Don't they live in Neverland? Her people just exist in the place of mermaids and pirates and a magical elf boy who abducts children?
when Europeans landed in the new world, a few european faefolk stowed away with them. a native tribe captured one and used her fairy dust to fly to neverland to escape european colonization

maybe. I just made that up but it sounds like something.
I'll accept it anon.
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I've only ever seen a few episodes of Adventure Brothers but I feel like the fact she's tied up with a ball gag means he's already set up for a pretty good screenshot edit. Something like make her boobs bigger make her clothes more revealing I just really feel someone to make an edit with her.
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Getting raided by another tribe and getting raped is a hard-wired thing for women.
They like it because they know mentally if they don't submit they will be killed or suffer in bondage instead of being married off to one of the men who have dibs who is likely high ranking and can support her and her soon to be many children
a lot of people in the US have a little Native ancestry, once it gets below a certain percentage it's not like it makes much of a difference to your appearance or whatever
you might be a sociopath, anon
its okay though this is 4chan
Kek, rewatched the video earlier and that still gets me
It was popular for little Victorian boys to play make believe as Red Indians, don't read too much into it.
Reminds me of this chick I knew in high school who looked like your average white brunette but her dad was Mexican so she said she wasn't white. She'd constantly make white people jokes, which was weird to hear out of the mouth of someone who looked totally white
I feel dat. Both my parents are from Mexico but everyone assumed I was white.
Post video
Even white people. Things that are exposed less to light won't tan as much.
BW, which is short and a replacement for her original name Buffalo Wing, originally had red war paint go across her face instead of just as eye shadow. They made these changes after getting some flack for being "offensive" towards native Americans.
What makes the red man red?
Many moons ago, the Great Spirit formed the people from red clay. HAIO HAYA HAIO HAYA
No up skirt shot shame.
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The power of cunny.
You could be white, it's rare but there are Mexicans who are white or mostly white
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Better socio than psycho I always say
Although I move a bit closer each day
Didn't Smith use some native guy as a human shield?
What makes the white man white?
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The lack of brown cunny.
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>That one Primos voice actress that claimed she could butcher spanish as much as she felt like because Spanish is a settler language (unlike english, I guess)
>And then went to claim latinos like her are indigenous people that happen to speak spanish.
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That's pretty thicc.
I need more
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what like.. just by themselves?
I like the wood panel wall and rug combination here. It matches well.
I remember a french cartoon about that. But damn i forgot whats it called
my favorite thing was how the movie tried to portray the rebellion as evil and the romanov family as a disney royalty that did nothing wrong
now draw the rest of the body
No because Disney won't use Pocahontas or Native American characters out of ridiculous concern of offending someone.
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Native guys also deserve appreciation
and lewds
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The only other native guy I can think of is sokka
Would sokka be a proud ultra turanist?
That's a slippery slope.

That invites Katara and Korra and those two can take over the whole thread. But it's not thise thread is lively.
Native guys deserve being cucked by BWC
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We killed most of them off. And the rest have mostly been crossbred out of existence.
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but im tired
what if her name was Polkahontas and she played a mean accordion
They wanted it to fail
Not him but okay
Too fat
Then have a nap
Born to early to travel the stars born to late to own a brown savage. Why even live anon
What I want to know is why Pocahontas looks perfect while the two white males are straight up mutants. Democrats, am I right?
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That's true
What's the matter? Don't like Ugly Bastards?
Pocahontas was a nickname meaning essentially "damn bratty girl"
>t. La Malinche
That fact made the porn jcm2 did hotter
Maybe faggy, western Disney wont, but Japan Disney sure does, as can be seen in >>143728146
Japan Disney is the best.
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Indeed they are.
I expected more porn
I guess fujos don't like brown boys so much after all
This is mildly uncanny
Holy gem

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