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Have I become worse or is the campaign 10x harder in Reforged?
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Some missions were made harder in Reforged
TFT night elf missions are so fucking hard
There are quite a few bugs and I keep crashing to desktop
I don't know about the rest but it's pretty clear this trash's been abandoned
Another post of someone with strategy skill issues.
Keep you shitty porn mods for the original, ok?

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People were laughing at Kaiserreich being stuck in dev hell for so long while saying TNO is gonna take its spot and revolutionize the modding scene.

Now look how the tables have turned.

The Troon Order is essentially abbandonware while Kaiserreich finished its biggest rework and now drops content patch after content patch with Russia on the horizon.
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what the fuck is his deal
Vote Schleicher and you'll never have to vote again!

Btw is Russia fun in kaiserredux?
Extremely, if you want to play KR Russia but literally better then I recommend it.
populist centralist militarist dictator
you can choose how hard you want to lean on populism (juntaist democracy) or militarism (dictatorship)
he's fun but god the bavarian nullification shit sucked

KX russia is one of the best nations in that mod
there is almost no reason to play KR russia over it unless you for some reason cannot stand playing KX at all
Well I played a Kerensky run, while it wasn't stellar I really liked the mechanics, while I don't really like KX the Russia they have is very cool, I think I'll play another couple of paths

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>2024... I am forgotten
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I think it's just a shame that they saw how identityless nations worked for Humankind and still went ahead with it. It really did need a cash injection and another year to give it some personality.
game is decent but i already explored and replayed it multiple times and there's really no point to do it again until more content being released
>every respectable 4x game
was dogshit upon release and is only well remembered like two expansions later.
People used to actually make complete games. You don't know this because you weren't born yet at the time, but it's true.
No, people used to accept broken games as complete because it was more of a pain to get patches.

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ive been getting back into civ 6 and trying out playing on higher difficulties. i think im doing alright (can hold my own on emperor and have won on immortal and deity with a lot of ruleset modificiations) but one thing im struggling with is dealing with the AI aggro settling on me and boxing me in during the very early game since they can shit out settlers much faster with their boosts. how do i best counter this?

also i still dont really understand how to get a culture win
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If you have it, religion is always a solid counterplay. Diplo is stupid in how achievable it is.
>you should try to have a better early game
how do I do this though
>struggling with is dealing with the AI aggro settling on me and boxing me in
First accept the reality that Deity AI can(and will) outbuild and out tech any player with ease in the early game if it wants to it is just to stupid for it. And if that happens it can set you back sooo much that it might not be worth the catch up. The RNG of the map generation can also just simply fuck you over if it wants to just as much by giving you a shit starting location and the AI a wonder start.

>better early game
>how do I do this though
General advice
>keep tabs on your Eurekas/Inspirations, and try to score them ASAP
Just building a single builder can score you several boots by doing improvements. Getting the 40% value of a tech/civic is massive jump and always worth the investment in the early game.
>Explore as much as you can afford
This might sound like stupid advice but exploring is the only way to gather information about the map and also contributes a lot of to era score.

>Keep an eye out for stray Settlers/Builders
We know the AI is stupid. You can often snatch a free builder/settler in the early game with a surprise war and then make peace ASAP. Surprise War causes the most grievances but they also run out the fastest in the earliest era so do not be afraid to do some quick war early game. Another thing that declaring war on them may scare them into switching into defense mode and stop building settlers and focus on stuff like walls and arm instead.

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>use city states
keep an eye out for them and their bonuses, just having one envoy gets you 1 science/culture per turn. But realize that at very start your output is like 2-3 so just 1 more could increase your output by 30%.

>Spend your gold wisely
Keep tabs on the increasing gold cost of settlers and builders and save money for buying one if you do not need to buy other stuff. Gold is the reserve for those "oh shit" moments but it doesn't have to be.
Religion, they have LOTS of game breaking bonuses. Getting the food, amneties or the gold per follower will give a fucking huge early boost.

Dont reveal ur capital (delegations) to agressive AI's that are nearby, that's the most dumb idea i've seen people parrot around, dont fucking do it unless they already found you.

Also dont build builders nor try to develop ALL the land, steal or buy them and only develop the vital resources.

Civ tip: Koomers have insane boom bonus for quick development.

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I enjoy the remaster
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Most mods for the Remaster are ports from big ol' Rome and have those units. I'd rather play Rome 2 honestly
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Cultural Conquest pushed out an update today featuring an interesting recruiting system meant to stop AI stack spam. Wonder how well it works.
kind of like Med2's recruitment system
Looks pretty wild all things considered

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What are some of your favorite campaign missions?
I just beat this game and the final mission where both sides team up against the greater foe was really cool.
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The one on Steam? I'm not really sure.
None steam version even work on modern systems nowadays???
I really enjoyed a lot of the earlier missions in Ground Control 1, the totally predeployed nature of the campaign means the devs can actually make the player lose in a convincing way since any losses you take can't be replaced. The specific mission that I remember is the one where you have to retreat through a narrow valley while being pounded by AT infantry and ground attack aircraft. It's not particularly engaging from a gameplay perspective since the optimal strategy is just to run through as fast as possible and spam deploy AA turrets, but in the moment it feels like everything's unraveling and that you're totally fucked, even if you probably won't get any of your squads wiped.
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The third mission of the order's campaign in Winter Assault ends up with a really great and intensive defensive section against waves of orcs. Too bad the beginning with Eldars wasn't that interesting. This really stretches over the whole campaign. The Guards parts are fun and feel like a massive battles and the Eldars parts are just whatever to me.
I remember being a little kid and going over to a friend's house. When I walked in he was playing Ground Control and I was blown away that the vehicles left tracks in the terrain.
I didn't get to play many games back then so I have no idea if that was something common at the time or not.

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Keep the leaks coming.
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Could we get the last image in better quality?
Massive amount of Japan team apparently quit. Prepare for new Japan rework plans Soon, since TNO devs seem incapable of just following someone else’s plans once they quit.
Usually when a thing gets abandoned when someone leaves it's because of internal team drama. You've had people leave or step aside from Brazil without everything being abandoned for instance. So that's something to look out for too. Unless it's Russia where no matter what whoever steps in will just launch huge plans to rework everything day 1.

That said what happened to Japan? How many quit and why?
That's weird, I don't see white names in the Japan dev channel nor do I see any massive lists of exits in the welcome channel.
I guess no one quit because it didn't happen then.

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We are looking for anons for a Supreme Commander event on Thursday and a Starcraft event on Sunday.

You can join here:
Not joining your Discord
Matrix bridge?
post some more details instead of trying to funnel people into your trannycord

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Post your favorite units from any strategy game.
For me it's the Scylla from AoM
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Partisans from Empire Earth I.
Bad damage, average speed, average range
But it is the only unit that can move through forests and fight in them.
You upgrade their range to maximum and you can have a real fun guerillia campaign with them against the AI.
And the AI will actually build sharpshooters to counter you meaning you need to adapt how to handle them or need to march out of the forest, to reveal hidden sharpshooters that will always outrange you. And the AI is smart enough to try to immideatly kill your partisans in the open field with normal infantry or cavalry.
On a very foresty map, it is perfectly viable to just have most of your army consist of partisans
I only wish they were available during later ages, I want to fight cyborgs and giant robots with partisans hiding in a forest.
You forgot one cruvial detail:
>can target aircraft
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It's from a new game, but I really like Pukis from Godsworm. First of all it just looks cool, but it's also pretty strong and has neat ability where after combat it loots corpses and eats looted gold to grow bigger and stronger. It can also vomit out eaten gold so you can take it as resource.
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I can't really play without those little niggas anymore.
They just carry so hard

If so, what did you think? I thought about picking it up on steam, but I am not quite sure. Your thoughts?
I've played it, kinda like worms
Weird. This reminds me a lot of a game I used to play years ago, but I can't remember what it was called.
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Oh wait I remember now. It was called Cortex Command.

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Anyone playing this?
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>Build pic related in shipbuilder
>700km range
>1.6 thrust
>Build exact copy in campaign
>100km rang
>Low thrust
>Immediately "abandon ship" during cruise missile scene
What the fuck?
Because save files do not just reference the part id, they contain entire own stats for every single part. So if you made a save before the latest nerf, it will have completely diffefent stats for parts, but parts in the campaign will be the latest updated parts with all the lame "balancing". You can have a shitton of different variations of the same part thanks to dev being retarded.
And this is twice as stupid because the engine automatically handles part stats via material density. So a half-sized part made of metal with automatically weight 50% less. But then dev made 999 different materials with different densities to counteract that for balance.
those maneuver engines are probably blocked and give 0 thrust
I made it 10 minutes after trying it out in the ship builder. Also turns out that right clicking and moving the ship around in the editor will change whether it has zero thrust or 2
Maneuver engines don't get blocked.
>Cruise missile incoming
>Gives me control of the fucking prize ship with 2 gatlings
>Instead of my double molot ship
>Which didn't even have proxy rounds selected despite having 100 in storage
Horrendous bullshit like this exists yet the fucking dev decides to make guns interfere with each others LOS for an update.
The more I play this the more I get sick of all these minor things that ruin your fucking run.

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Something need doing?
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They removed this in reforged didn't they?
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they did

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What's the verdict
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It's 64 bit now so it runs smooth as bubber.
bubber kurwa
i liked the multiplayer in the beta but i will hold off on buying this game. im trying to save money. it is really fun though and i hope they made it better since.
Utter and total shit, I can't believe how much better GoH is compared to this. I would be embarrassed to have been part of the team that developed this piece of shit game, holy fuck it sucks shit.
Shouldn't you be making and overpriced DLC about shit nobody cares about, Robz

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I played surviving the aftermatch, and I honestly liked the game, it's just sooo 7/10 for me nothing amazing, just decent, anyone knows one that actually slaps, hard, COOL SHIT!
Is it still in perpetual beta? I remember the fake hype all the way back pre-covid when it was bare bones project, and then it went silent
>it's just sooo 7/10 for me nothing amazing
Same feeling, it's basically a banished clone. Music is the best part for me.
It has now like 3 DLCs. The main mechanic doesn't change much, and honestly each DLC added makes the game bit clunkier. New Alliances is the best one IMO.
>Giving a banished clone 7
I would give it a 6 simply because it's slightly better and less gay than endzone. Both are goyslop.

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Still waiting for a game set here...
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They dont even try to give dates or rough estimates of arrival anymore. The most well put together one seems to be shokujo, but it almost seems like they want to release it whenever
a sea trade oriented game would be goat.
there are many interesting regions, cultures and events outside of europe and that's one of them, not my fault that you're an uncultured swine
vietnam repelling mongols TWICE was pure kino
Its not Australia
>Forment Indonesian nationalism and partner up with Japan before they declare on you. If Japan capitulates you, you get a choice of being Japan's puppet nationalist government or continue fighting for the Dutch. Choosing one or the other will start a civil war.
with the Vichy + fascist Ethiopia mechanic?
I mean, it can be good if done correctly

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