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Anyone playing this?
It's fun but way too short.
waiting for update
no it gives me fits
It's good, it has a nice atmosphere too it
needs a sandbox campaign
Not playing. The threads were fun.
>>1623178 Needs multiplayer. Doesn't need ground mechs, what the fuck. Needs an freaking ending.
Is the ending better now?
It gave me massive blue balls.
I played it when it came out, figured out it's not finished, and stopped playing. I'll replay it once he actually fucking finishes it.
No, but the dev said he's going to work on a full second part of the campaign, taking place in the nuclear winter once you have Khiva.
It needs the worms and gems and unholy machines from Hammerfight. There's even the fucking worm sprites in the game files.
Casual Filter: The Game
Do you use escape pods on custom ships?
Of course.
And make sure you have enough for at least 80% of the crew
Does it do anything besides reducing crew and moral loss when you abandon a ship?
>Do crew escape pods do anything other than allow crew to escape?
Well that's just planning for failure. Cope pods dont win fights.
They don't win the battle but they do win the war
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Yeah, its a shame. I wonder if the devs simply moved on or do they intend to make a sequel.

post shippus
They would if crew numbers mattered at all
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>taking place in the nuclear winter once you have Khiva.
when was this? has he said anything ever since? alhamdulillah may Almighty grant him many wives
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I heard Hammerfight takes place in the same world, just very far in the future. Kinda spoiled the mood of the game desu, knowing everything degenerates and turns to shit no matter what.
Never losing a fight is more important than having cope pods in the quest to win the war.
Therefore, my perfectly optimized Shitbrick is the superior choice, I just need to never make a single mistake while piloting it.
img related, Future section.
Isn't the dev Russian? Surprised he's still able to fund and work on the game with all the war and sanction stuff going on
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Behold my mighty flagship
Seraph's ending in Hammerfight is actually pretty hopeful.
What's the best way to deal with multiple overlapping Aircraft carriers?
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Post your ships, tell us about your designs.
This is my battleship. Strong enough to solo strike groups, cheap enough to include 3 in the fleet.
I've tried various armorments, and think 12x 57mm is the best. Compared to a Squall cannon + 4x 37mm, the pure 57mm design is as good or better in every role, from CIWS to dueling with capital ships. You'd think they'd lack damage at long range, but the volume of fire corrodes heavy ships while providing superb counterbattery protection
Your own CSG
And what's the best way to use it? Escort? Intercept the reinforcements? Ground attack?
Buy a couple AAMs and UGBs
Put UGBs on your Lavochkins and send them off.
As soon as they take off, relocate your CSG
When first wave enters the striking distance, scramble the Tupolevs with missiles
Keep the CAP loitering about in case enemy sends bandits your way.
Repeat as necessary.
Carriers trivialise the game
He looks and talks like a determined autist so either he doesn't even know it's happening or he's on the frontlines recording better sound effects for the artillery cannons.
What happens in it?
Dude, just bomb them, LMAO
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Design pretty ship, not ugly allowed.
>>Carriers trivialise the game
>build armored cubes
>attack head on
>shoot down incoming planes and missiles effortlessly because dozen guns
>squash garrison without taking damage cause armored cube
>let probe or tanker salvage the site and loiter in the air with the cube to kill next wave of planes/missiles
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>that shoulder to hip ratio
You will never be a pretty ship. You will never fit in a Size A loading dock. Your grotesque uncubelike proportions are an abomination and an affront to nature.
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Utterly revolting.
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Look at ye! Big shoulders and all, trying to be a bottom fighter but quick and pretty enough to get a sudden strike. A wayward zenniti missile from a grounded garrison ship will split you in two.
i am a brainlet, how do I intercept cargo convoys? everytime decrypted the message it always vanished when I got there.
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>zenniti missile from a grounded garrison ship will split you in two.
Ship has got flares
Impossible as it should be, >>1626049 Is able to sudden strike sometimes.

THe later MK2 of picrel has more fuel in place of landing gear.
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I kind of want to, but the whole part where every fight is a 1v3 kinda puts me off it.
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That's a nice 4 gun ship. You could keep the landing gear and squeeze extra fuel in by using inset corners
It becomes 1v2 then 1v1 as you kill their ships. Being outnumbered makes the fights interesting though, positioning becomes a lot more important.
>a single lightning conquers central asia
Gets me every fucking time
The world building is top notch. The game dev should license his work for novels, cartoons, movies and games in other genre.
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What do you think of my new 4-gun light cruiser?
Design features:
>fits in a class A dock
>centralized vitals and protected guns for survivability
>range to city hop without a dedicated tanker, good combat time and maneuverability
>can be equipped with 4xFAB1000 bombs, 4xZenit missiles, and 4x La planes or 3x T7
Being able to quickly add a bunch of missiles and an airwing will let them upgrade from early game garrison killers to integrated multirole ships that can join fights against SG's, act as fleet screens or break off and take on a garrison reinforced with a tactical group.
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There was a trailer for a Highfleet mod that poped up in my recommended a couple of weeks ago, forgot what it was called. What is this mod about?
I think your bridge is going byeboom more often than not.
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How do I uncuck one of my old designs? Got interested in another run thanks to this thread, and wanna uses this, but its angles are all fucked up now
unless you reload older version of the game, you can't.
Elevation system go axed, you can't raise guns above engines or large fuel tanks anymore.
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I'm once again posting this dude so that everyone can make fun of him. Everytime i pick him, he catches a cruise missiles and explodes and never makes it far north, point and laugh at him since he's the buffoon of the fleet.
Damn i think im too lazy rebuilding this
What vanilla bricks are good?
Gun line of sight isn't actually enabled in combat yet. Test it out, guns that appear obstructed in the editor will fire fine.
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The bridge and ammo is as well insulated as possible for a compact ship. It can take a hit from any direction without getting 1-shotted, and even if it eats a zenit missile there's still opportunity to retreat.
Its an agile ship with lots of fuel that can afford to go hard on the afterburners and take long fights.
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Honestly I don't know, it has too many guns. Did not survive the level 10 difficulty fight against large, but did pretty well I guess. If anything as guns get shot down others get active, was not the original designs intent, but oh well
Flight to Hara Vera? I haven't tried it, but looks like an overhaul with a new campaign in a different setting, new AI ship designs, and some new parts for the ship builder.
Gladiator but replace the missiles with armor so you have a completely covered top and add some engines to dodge heavier shots and to beat garrison alarms.

All your armor is on top so stay low when possible.
I've tested this and can confirm my old brick designs can still shoot even when the gun arcs are completely obstructed
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Though I'd say that I dont think it'd be a bad change, it'd make designing more interesting. Feel like you'd tend to make a centerline of your primary guns like they did on BBsh55ky
*BB's, I entered the Captcha into the text box like an idiot
This game is so atmospheric, it oozes soul. The quotes from Isaiah are 11\10
is this a happy merchant
>war and sanction
the russian economy continues to grow while the only one contracting is EU kek
just shut up okay
insert something about dagestani conscripts here
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My medium Brick, works pretty well against everything, still too expensive. I want to design something in the 20-30k range, but everything in that range either lacks mobility or survivability.
50,000 rubles ($0.05 USD) have deep deposited in your account.
>50,000 rubles
=544.35 United States Dollar
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Forgo the chicken legs, add little crab legs.
I like many aspect of it.
I hate the combat is arcade.
It's an huge waste that remove all incentive to design specific ships for support or for multiple use.

So I'm expecting some serious change from >>1624051 adding AI. Like reason to equip ship for both campaign map and combat.
Having landcruiser isn't a bad idea IMHO, if the "unused stuff" he bring back include bomber it will be interesting.
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I prefer my monolith.
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>Elevation system go axed, you can't raise guns above engines or large fuel tanks anymore.
A mistake.
It's not encouraging balanced design it's just punishing players for his inability to balance outside of the box.
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Waiting for 117
Love it but want more content
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They're working on walkers now and as other guys ITT have mentioned the second half of the campaign. The problem is that the game is being made by literally two people largely in only their spare time thanks to the fact that they largely are not paid in any way for the game.

He's completely unpaid by Steam purchases. However, he has been spared the draft because he is a father of three and middle aged. If his social media is anything to go by, he seems to be against the war.
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Now I can dump some of my autism in here. I think the Slogger is an absolute piece of shit, so I wanted to challenge myself to make ships using its budget and trying to keep its capabilities which could perform better, even theoretically in the hands of the AI.

First attempt, coming in underbudget, the Sandcrab.
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Second attempt, the Sandworm. I am going full retard right now. At least it's fast.
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Third and IMO best attempt, the Stonethrower. This guy is more or less a little flying brick. It is not very maneuverable but at the very least can take some hits and has the fire suppression to protect itself for a little while. Armor for the sides, a smidgen of protection for the vulnerable parts, Zeniths, decent artillery (though perhaps the Vympels would be better suited to the current AI). I would not use it in a campaign but I am inclined to think for now it'd make a halfway decent garrison squatter.
looks kino
>he has been spared the draft because he is a father of three and middle aged
why does everyone imagine the draft was total? They drafted 300,000 men out of 145 ml country
>He's completely unpaid by Steam purchases.
Hide that bridge deeper and it's good
I think steam still blocks payments towards Russia. Or the guy saying this is schizophrenic.
well 50% of the country is women who dont get drafted so that cuts it down to 72 mil people
out of those only about 20% of men are of military age leaving us with 14.5 mil now out of those how many are involved in vital military industry? how many are in agriculture? its a pretty solid amount of people no matter what
I'm just paraphrasing something I read elsewhere, if that's anything.

As >>1635567 says, yeah, AFAIK Steam is not giving payments to Russia. Some Russians moved their companies outside of the country to avoid the problem but Konstantin did not.

Would you recommend trying to switch the order of its guts around or just swapping the place of the bridge for the main generator?
Yes, it is pretty fun.
That seems unfair.
you've done it now
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Don't need walking mechs. What about improving the planes, making the AI more tactically capable, is a semi-random chance of getting detected really the best that the suddenstrike mechanic can offer? These useless switches in the bottom right are going to stay useless for a while longer huh. Radio jamming? Nah that sounds like a stupid mechanic and not a cool new thing we could do. Planes and missiles choose targets like retards, strike groups are too grug to properly take an elint signature bait, can they work on that instead of an entirely new thing nobody even imagined before? The game is called HIGH FLEET.
I swear i care about the game so much more than the devs do, guess i'm the dumbass here. I'm sorry. Enjoy your ground units.
Put generator in the place of bridge
Split ammo into two small parts, put them by the guns. Drop the bridge between the ammo.
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I assume it woldn't be just walkers but also wheeled vehicles, since those exist but can't move as it stands. Konstantin has mentioned that AI improvements are a thing he's trying for in >>1624051. I can't really ascertain rationale myself and the game's team is tiny, so go figure. Nothing for it but to fool around I suppose.

Needful done, thank you.
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And for fun, the Hiker II. The original Hiker was a Slogger with extra fuel and a static D30. I like this one.
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On walkers; It would only be cool to lay siege to some super heavy ground ship. But I hope the player has not ability to use them, they'd be way, way too slow get anywhere. Now if we're talking building settlements and mining, and other such economy then it might be cool
Yeah. I think the point is to try to make people mad enough to revolt against Putin, otherwise I don't see a good reason why you'd blacklist the entire country instead of only political and economic leaders.
IMO the real point ideally is to cut off the enemy economy in totality, presumably because russian vidya income among others are taxed and then spent towards the war effort, but enforcement is incredibly halfassed in the places where it actually matters, like imports of western manufactured electronics through russia's neighbors and advanced metalworking machine tools, which russia cannot produce on its own period.
The point is 'Russia bad for wanting to expand territory and oppose Western interests, so we punish people who don't even get to vote for Putin'.
As with all sanctions, it doesn't really matter since countries can just ship the shit in anyway.
Amazing once you realize that it's the KJV, and Ivans might not recognize it straight away
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HF or Airships?
"Sir, another copy of Atomic Heart has been bought"

"Splendid, deploy a Tu-160"
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I love both for different reasons.
…you do understand that a game by Russian developer has Russian language in it? It uses Synodal translation of the Bible for those quotes. However chowing KJV for English version is based.
Kek there has to be a comedy movie hidden in this, where a small dictatorship sponsors its propaganda machine and war efforts by selling vidya
guys i the genie out of the bottle

is this bad
It's good but it's an arcade game and the craft edition function have been nerfed to hell so you'll essentially be min-maxing one type of design, using different shape only for your amusement.
its one fucking guy dude.
really loved this game ,got in a humble bundle in like 2009 or something
showed it to a kid in college and he was fascinated by the mouse swinging attack mechanic
Police Academy 4 if I remember correctly
i honestly just took the Sevastopol and made it a bit lighter and more maneuverable with more engines and guns and less fuel and found out that i actually fight something like what i made near the end of the game at Khiva.
the rebalance mod saved the game for me
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Posting my current brick. It's stupidly powerful, even if it's inefficient as hell.
Also, is it just me or Difficulty 10 in Shipworks is harder against mediums instead of heavies?
Heavies limit the number of ships in a fight. Medium allows 3 at a time. Also, some of the best designs, like gladiators are medium
How to download an old version? I'm so sick of the dev ruining the editor by """""fixing"""""" all the fun exploits.
I can't into the combat. I can't seem to aim for shit.
Walk your fire, tap shots and adjust as they go
Don't forget to take your own ship's movement into account
Does it fix the bullshit part balance that made half hull parts weight the same as the full parts?
Show us your Sev anon
t. Kamil Galeev
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i mean it worked and i solo'd the group things with this when the Lightnings couldn't
Is there a way to put the ships you've designed in possible enemy groups? If you use custom ships, then it would be fun to run into something even more dangerous than a Nomad in a strike group.
How does the Palash work? Does it take down shots before it hit as long as the ship has an arc? Does it work on missiles? Proximity fuze? How about AP rounds?
>how does it work
Launch counter explosive that detonates the shell before it impacts. 60% of the time it works every time.
>as long as ship has arc
Each palash has 3 shots that slowly reload over time
>does it work on missiles
A couple of them can take down a zenith, but won't help against cruise missiles
>proxy fuze
Detonates before entering palash range. In fact, AI is triggered to use airbursts if it notices you are using palashes
No explosive to detonate, so it's not very effective. It can stop 100mm, but larger ones just punch through.
>No explosive to detonate, so it's not very effective.
How do I stay alive when against AP rounds? I am losing kilotons of fuel just by dodging whenever I see that dreaded yellow line.
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I still struggle to field a good direct fighting ship, most of my fleet is this bad boy here who is the hard backbone of my gameplan
>fast as fuck to catch convoys
>speedy fucker, gets before the alert goes off
>raiding a town its simple: noisedive like a Stukka, blast the ships taking off ground at point blank get up super fast and repeat until everything is dead.
>no money problems, just missile away strike groups or avoid them
Best way is to use a big ship with 4-6 57mm or 37mm secondary guns. You can shoot down most incoming heavy fire.
You should build a heavily armed and armoured battleship for your fleet. It's really helpful having a ship that can attack SG's head on, gives you a lot more strategic options, and such a ship is surprisingly cost effective too. This is my BB >>1624890, not even 4x the price or fuel consumption as your raider, but immeasurably more powerful in a direct fight.
Strong fighters offer scaling advantages:
>less morale related down time cause you rarely need to reroll fights
>saves a fortune on missiles when you can solo a SG
>doesn't rely on special ammo, plenty of firepower with default rounds
>can reliably defend itself against cruise missiles and air strikes even when grounded cause ample secondaries
>surprisingly efficient to repair seeing as its mostly armor plate instead of expensive modules getting hit
Catching convoys mid air before their alert goes off? Liar. Bullshit, even 800km/h from the front would be a crapshoot.
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Well I mostly park the ships in the lanes and sit and way until the radar goes off
This is my best SG fighter still a piece of shit. I make so much money by raiding I spam so much planes and missiles I still break even.
Still the Missile pods are strong as fuck once you learn to lead the missiles.
Just move away.
Unlike all other shells, AP lose their momentum over distance and simply never hit you if you're far enough
Game was fun until I realized I could make a giant brick that destroyed absolutely everything.
Read Dictator by Sergey Snegov.
What mod?
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I wish we could at least paint the ships in Highfleet without mods. I love the flying brickhouse style of HF but it gets boring sometimes.
Shame everything turns into underground melee worms, canonically.
Adding ground units will push ship design philosophy away from the low-flier-only fleets into fleets that operate on different altitudes. Hopefully, it will be an incentive to make specialized brick-brick and brick-ground ships.
The melee can't come soon enough. I want my brick shit houses equipped with the latest wrecking ball tech.
>The melee can't come soon enough
Explosive tipped torpedo ram bows when?
Behold my low flying shit brick. Features 6 Palashes with 4 defending the top and a couple pointing below to prevent getting reamed in the ass. Used some triangle heresy to jam as much fuel as I can within the brick. No idea if the armor thingy I did still works but the numbers say it should while cutting down on weight.
Is there a way to share ship designs? I am too retarded to make anything other than bricks.
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I am also retarded.
Looks like a Kiwi
That's a lot of pizza cutters
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Thanks to you guys I started playing again and I got into the task of building a SG hunter. I came up with this thing using a Kormoran as a base but changing alot over time.
So far its the best SG killer I build and not too slow for a brick.
What are the building techniques do you promethium huffers use?
>Triangle hull + 2x2 hull modules (w/ angled corner) to make more space for other stuff
This technique can be used on gymbals and landing gear paired with 1x2 fuel tanks, ammo, crew quarters and generators. Does not work on guns and static thrusters.
>2x2 generators instead of their 1x2 counterparts
The 2x2 generators are far more space-to-output efficient. 1x2 Ammo and crew should be used instead as they have negligible difference between their full counterparts when compared. Makes arranging things easier if combined with the previous trick.
>Large fuel tanks
They are far more compact and lighter when compared to small ones of the same capacity. Gun arcs don't matter (for now) according to >>1627355
>Corner armor
This one takes it to the extreme. Corner armor has half the weight but the same durability compared to full ones. Based on my experience, shots can go through the small gaps.
Can skimp out on armor plating if you got the palash. Pray you that your gaps doesn't get hosed down by flak and 37mm hail.
>No cope pods
Self explanatory.
Proxy fuse and burn rounds still shitty?
>proxy fuze
Turns every gun into point defence
>burn ammo
Stockpile 37 and 57 and use it as a secondary for your big ships when fighting other big ships
Airships has more content and the mods are fun

Highfleet has more soul
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I just freehand this thing and its not bad at all
I was asking post nerf but still kind shitty for defense, incendiary rounds/rockets still good.
This, its so easy to mod Airships also its better for /fa/shion, but Highfleet gameplay its better.
Proxy is good if you manage to crack through the armor plating and expose the hull first. If not, you're just tickling your enemy.
Proxy is a must if you're defending cruise missiles or air strikes with ships that have limited batteries. Other than that, it's good for unarmored targets, particularly agile light ships.

I don't use incendiary. Maybe it's good, but I just don't bother with the added expense or management.
How do you even survive strike groups without 37mm? My hull is constantly raped and gaped by missiles without some kind of CIWS.
>more soul
go back to making le ebin article 5 scary wojak face edits with music from this russian game
Liberal use of afterburner, exploiting the ship's silhouette, and memorizing the placement of the bridge on enemy ships. Its T/W is good enough to simply dodge the missiles if they're coming from the sides, and ten 130mm cannons will melt through armor and hull like they're not even there. The ship's armor itself is also thick as hell and placed strategically to catch the ones I can't dodge, from the top and bottom. If you're aggressive enough, you'll reach a range where you can just unload on the enemy's bridge with only one or two missile hits on your hull and not a single scratch from their cannons.
Are the sprints actually worth it? Sometimes a cruise missile will eat three of the cunts and still hit, and they feel too valuable to use in ship combat
Sprints are for big ships that cannot dodge zeniths.
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Yes, Sprints are good for both cruise missiles and zeniths. Also I took >>1657514 and made it a capital ship for my new run.
Those ammo boxes at the bottom make me feel queasy if there is heavy proximity peppering.
>100 km/h
>four fucking Squalls
>nine 2A37s
>760 crew
I see no shipborne enemy in game that would really threathen it short of ramming. It feels like something purpose-made to be thrown at a single, colossal problem and nothing else. You have built an Ordinatus.
You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
Forgot to put the stats
Have you guys ever wondered what your shit bricks would look like in 3D?
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Yes, and it's retarded.
havent played for a long while but do you guys use 37mm incendiary ammo? when i tried it, it sets everything on fire, but the catch is that it takes time to burn
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I can fire Autocad and figure it out
Yeah I took a lost that way
>I see no shipborne enemy in game that would really threathen it short of ramming
Funny how a Nomad 2 made a suicidal attack on me only to die and immediately fall on my ship cleaving the thing in two.
To be honest this thing is too expensive, if I take damage it takes forever to rearm and its a missile magnet.
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My masterpiece.
If only it were actually useful in campaign.
military machine building games always seem to struggle with having realistic/good looking vehicles also be optimal or sometimes even viable.
Something about the level of abstraction they're at always seems to land on shitbrick supremacy.
It's a dieselpunk game. Ships being unrealistic and obnoxious is part of aesthetic.
I wonder if he'll get a lump sum, once the war finishes/gets put on indefinite hold, or if the money will simply "vanish" in the meantime.
I know what most companies would do, but I somehow expect better of Steam, so here's hoping.
Aside from the fuel tank, are there other modules or pieces you can derive thickness from? 8m flatties wouldn't look too out of place in small ships but large bricks need to factor in the hull elevation.
Is the story finished yet, are we there yet?
It probably won't be done until the war is over.
This seems right, sadly. Given the game's themes, and the fact the dev issued a condemnation of the war on twitter, I think it would be unwise for him to release the chapter in which uh, a large belligerent invades a small and scrappy defender for specious reasons.
fairly certain "m3" refers to mark (sayadi) and then the 3 is balls like in <==3. His father caved to a demand when mark was 5 and standardized the volume of his nuts. The transcript is displayed at the reactor in khiva.
That might be true, but I was referring to how he is not currently receiving payments from outside of Russia right now due to the sanctions so I don't think it's being deved full time right now.
Hopefully he gets a massive lump sum payment when it's over so he can go back to full time.
Can the game be modded outside of the "make your own ship flagship" in designer?
I could mod pieces up to make things other than shitbricks viable as long as I don't abuse the changes
>inb4 "You cheated yourself"
Execution aside, both puzzle and strategy is about getting the best out of any given situation, just with more or less certainity,
If the game becomes too easy, I aim for harder stuff to do and perfect play, If the game becomes too hard, I'm more fine with losing, or making a good last stand.
Should have specified as in "How moddable the game is freehand" As I can see the nexus.
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Since when did all these furry servers invade the hub?
God I cant walk in here without stepping into one of these things.
Whoops wrong thread, sorry
What kind of economy does not-kazakhstan even have to be able to sell these ship modules? I can buy artillery batteries in the local babushka shop.
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Let it go anon. Our time will come.
What is this game like?
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Like the tightest cunny, very addictive
Sir this is not /b/.
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Cunny you say?
this only works if people are retarded enough to not just blame the people directly causing hardship to them with the sanctions
>Isn't the dev Russian?
Even worse, he's a *Catholic* Russian ! ! !
^which used to be illegal in USSR
Is that true combat in this game takes little to no time, and the whole game you spend snoozing time planing your ships, landing and just looking at a map?
Why would you want direct combat, when you can outfox your enemies and send missiles or airstrikes at them instead?
You spend a lot time in the travel map., very little landing ships, some planning and some less in true combat.
True combat however is way more high action and *feels* like it takes way less than carefully landing each time you need to refuel/repair, despite the ships turning in the air, like carriers do in the sea.
There are also a lot of stuff which you do on-map. If you know what you're doing the "planning" takes you almost no time, but if you know what you're doing, it means that you already beat the game three or four times probably.
There is a lot of "fun in failure" in this game, where you discover which things work by essentialy trial and error, and then use your mental capacity to figure out why(I'm talking about the mechanics, not the prewritten events, those can help you feel more into the world of the game, but aren't at all interesting to solve)
I mean ship battles look fun, but I checked gameplay video 90% of which consisted from some map observing snooze fest and ship design.
Fun game, but only being able to carry over XP from your most successful run kind of ruins the replay experience
Unless you have the starting signs of a 10/10 run, you might as well restart. You will gain nothing from a half-assed run. I wish they would go back to a previous build that let you carry over a little XP from each run, to justify sticking in even if it looks bad
I've wanted it for a while but it seemed quite expensive for what appears to be a short game.
which is probably why it's not worked so far and isn't showing signs of working in the future either
The closest was Wagner but
>map observing snooze fest
This is a fucking fleet carrier sim, retard. Looking at the map is the most fun experience and you fucking wish there were more. It's a game of cat and mouse and it is extremely fun and intense. Just fucking play it on hard and you would be screaming like a beaten whore when the enemy strike group locks up on your position.

Aww yeah, if only the were a single fucking case in entire history of humanity where people convinced their government to stop a war. It's not like we have a country that claims to be the most democratic country in the world but waged hundreds of wars all over the world to serve as an example...
There are retards who actually believe that north koreans have any power over government while you can't even protest against covid masks in the """free civilized""" parts of the world.
Literally just pirate it. If the dev doesn't bother making a free demo then whole game is a free demo. You will pay him later because you are almost guaranteed to want more.
If Highfleet had a sandbox war mode. I think it would be more repayable.
There are lot of things that are done while you're flying/waiting on the campaign map. Also, you get from one place to another on campaign map, and you must play that part like an army navigator in hostile territory, meaning planing your approach, scouting and going dark when you can be spotted. Think all those piracy simulator games, but instead it's a flying submarine
And I think if TW:3K had a mode where you play in Europe it would be more replayable too
This isn't reddit.

Imagine classic rts mode where you fight 1v1 or 2v2 for resources and map control. That would be rad. And being able to actually build ships you made in editor.
Strange post, by XP do you mean money or ships unlocked? Or player experience learning how the game works?
The last stretch before Khiva always turns into a shitshow mad dash by a swiss-cheezed fleet. I think it's foolish to restart because the situation looks bad, "shit happens" is by design.
It's short but it's gud. It will resist your advances.
I mean the Germans sure succeeded in making their government lose WW1. Faster and more efficient than the French in fact
This isn't a strategy game.
This game is a sci-fi version of command: modern operations with arcade combat elements. It has more strategy than your typical rts. The dev is a based milsim enthusiast.
It isn't?
You could spam planes at incoming patrols or something.

>Something about the level of abstraction they're at always seems to land on shitbrick supremacy.
If realistic vehicles were OP, there would be no point of making non-realistic setting.
I used to play this game but dropped it for a couple years. And I've pretty much forgotten everything ( I wasn't that good to begin with either)
What's the general strategy? Can you win with just the stock ships? All I really do remember is that the lightning is godly
fellow shitter here, yes, you can win without touching the ship designer. i don't remember if this game had difficulty settings, so if there's normal and hard, i've been playing on normal, and, yes, you can win on that.
my main workhorse for the campaign was the gladiator, i could never get the lightning to work, i'm too slow, too much of a shitter.
>general strategy
just play the game. losing isn't such a big deal and you'll probably be able to arrive at a working strategy by yourself. for what it's worth, the only thing that i always made sure to do was have some strike craft and cruise missiles around to soften up strike groups that are about to jump me and to intercept incoming strike craft and missiles. but like i said, i'm no pro at this game. oh, and it's going to take you a while to learn how to controlling missiles and strike craft so look up a couple of videos first, if you don't want to fiddle with it yourself.
Thanks. Doing the tutorial again right now. What should I be doing to get the most bonus funds for the campaign?
Never turn on your radar, unless you want to get a definitive fix on target or are prepared to face the strike group.
Lightnings are kings, git gut on them. (Pro tip, close in to unload a point blank volley, fly away to reload and dodge.)
Gladiator is excellent brawler. Consider swapping all guns on it to 130's so that you can use Laser guided shells and erase cruisers with one salvo (not even a full casette. Just aim at the bridge)
Skylarks are lightnings best friends.
Forget about conventional missiles. Too expensive, too uncontrollable, too easy to intercept, too little damage for what they're worth.
Aircraft are where it's at. Only T-7s, forget about LA-29s
Use whatever ordnance you like, but bombs are the best. Always have some AAMs stockpiled for missile interception.
Nukes are ok. Hoard them (you always get a bunch when capturing a save point town) Use them when the situation turns dire or if enemy uses them first. (Just like irl)
>most money
Buy fuel only on designated fueling towns, turn sevastopol into 2x2 cardboard box and sell all it's huge expensive shit for extra income. (You don't want it to fight anyway)
Salvage priorities: fuel > ammo > modules >>> everything else >>> protection > crew
Get good at convoy raiding
Have two squads of lightnings+skylarks operate on opposite corners of the map and intercept convoys with one, to bait them into another. Just don't get caught by SG
Git gud at codebreaking messages without codebooks.
chiming in with the shitter perspective here
could not agree more with the radar, fuel, strike craft types, cruise missile, anti air missile comments. you get some cruise missiles at the start for free, but it's not worth buying more. la-29s are okay but ideally you should always be working towards replacing them. anti-aircraft missiles are crucial because without them your strike craft can't do shit. guns on strikecraft can't intercept missiles and other strike craft, unless they were fixed since the last time i played.

i was able to beat the game without doing any of the other stuff. splitting your forces and using skylarks was something i did after i had some more experience under my belt. it's definitely faster and more fun, but not mandatory. also i never got around to selling the sevastopol. once you familiarise yourself with how the game works, you'll start noticing how much of a drag having it around is, but idk, seems appropriate to have it along.
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Can somebody give me the jist on what the dev fucked up with 1.16 ? I remember a lot of people wanting to rollback to 1.15
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Don't forget about LA-29s. A fleet specialized in them is very powerful even though spamming them makes for boring gameplay. The strike groups can't track them, taking towns is a as easy as clicking on them a couple of times.
T-7s are only for intercepting missiles, something like picrel is worth all the Sprints in the world.
The fact that it's more effective to launch whole lines of planes instead of single formations feels like a big oversight.
SGs can track T-7s?
>random mechanicus logo
good one magos
is this game similar to warship gunner/naval ops commander?
so a carrier fleet.
Not only is it extremely good, you also made it look cool as hell. I commend you, anon. What's the top speed on it?
Im so sad that we still dont have more this gem
There's going to be an update soon apparently
I respect all the suggestions that say to basically cut the Sevastopol from the fleet, but I love her too much. One of the best memories I have of my first run, and one that forever established how the game "feels" to me, was when I was taking on a strike group, and, after I fell back with the lightning and gladiator I had up first, the Sevastapol just comes in, guns roaring like a mighty dragon, utterly demolishing the enemy cruisers.
Source on that statement? Don't give me false hopes anon. No nitter, not sure where else I could look.
I too would like a source.
Actually, Hammerfight is in the past. Vangers and Perimeter are in the future.
Really? Hammerfight is before Highfleet? That's crazy.
No it's Vangers->Perimeter->Highfleet->Hammerfight
Highfleet/Hammerfight's world is some desert planet that a bunch of humanity fled that weren't stuck on Perimeter's Frames. Seraph/Project Hammer was put into effect to counteract the Scourge/Spawn/Family.
Why are Ruski games always convolutedly tied together?
Everytime I find a cool game from there that I think is just it's own thing and has no obvious connection to other games, it's actually just another entry in a series of obscure games that have been going on since the 90s.
Namco claims Ace Combat is in the same universe as Dig Dug.
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It's more of an esoteric meme rather than serious connection. Even with Vangers and Perimeter it was loose and those were actually directly connected.
Hammerfight and Highfleet is technically their own thing unconnected to Vangers/Perimeter but Hammerfight was published by a company (KranX) made by Andrey Kuzmin (KranK) who was lead dev for K-D Lab who made Vangers/Perimeter. K(onstantin) K(oshutin), the developer behind Hammerfight/Highfleet at the very least liked the Vangers universe enough that he decided to plug it into Hammerfight. There is more complex and very poorly understood background real life lore related to this (some claim KK worked for K-D lab back in the day but he himself denies this) that is hard to follow because it's all in Russian on pages and forums that are mostly 404'd by now.
Overall I think it's just because it adds to the charm of the whole thing. Hammerfight and by extension Highfleet are laden with secrets, obscure references and language barrier by itself, connecting it to Vangers which is already known for being an obscure Russian LSD game just plays into this notion that you need to be some form of hermetic sage to actually fully understand those games. Konstantin being a bit of a schizo himself helps too.
There is a lot of fun for many people with things like that, Noita being a good example of a game which basically exists as two things at once - a simple casual game-ified Powder Toy and the most insane ARG easter egg hunt in existence that makes people go schizophrenic.
>debatably furry
>4/5ths of the players in a given round aren't human
>bumping dead threads to talk about furries
Kill yourself faggot. Let it die since there's obviously nothing to talk about.
Sprints are terminal interceptors

there's nothing in the game that's a mid course interceptor except the drone-planes and your gigantic expensive anti ship missiles that should never actually be used to shoot down incoming missiles unless you are rich or desperate
people like you need to spend less time on 4chan and more time touching grass
i'm always rich or desperate in this game
I really loved this game might be goty from 2022
I always thought it looked cool, but it also looks like a pain in the ass to figure out. I don't want to relearn trig to calculate firing solutions.
It takes a little getting used to, but it really isn't that difficult once you get into the swing of things. You could also just edit the ini to make the targeting angle line longer
Jesus, the dev already made a casual game out of mixture of hardcore sims, so that casual plebs can also enjoy fleet command type of gameplay. But then casuals still go "ummm that looks too hard!". Do you even fucking play video games or just watch press x to play console movies?
>fleet command type of gameplay
Ironic, considering that you can only control one vessel in combat.
>Do you even fucking play video games or just watch press x to play console movies?
Read my post again. I said I don't want to use trigonometry in video games. I've played games with much more complicated systems, but at least I didn't need scratch paper.
>I don't want to relearn trig to calculate firing solutions.
what is this cope?
you just get a feel for how the projectile travels and go off of that, like every other game, shouldn't take more than a couple battles
nobody uses trig for this bs.
do you think that shitters who run noob tubes in cod are all math wizards?
Am I thinking of a different game? I thought you could fire missiles on the world map based on the calculated positions of other ships based on intercepted radio signals and all.
you can also not do that and be fine.
most people just use a scout or a missile to reveal the enemy's position and then dump their ordnance at them. missiles and planes are faster than fleets so you don't have to "lead" your aim. some also have a range within which they start homing in on the enemy. so you don't have to hit the exact millimeter the enemy fleet is at, just be fairly close.

the way it works in this game is, you get pinged when there is an enemy strike group nearby. due to how the map is structured, that generally allows you to know with a 50% certainty where the enemy is. most of the time they can't be behind you. they can't be coming from the desert outside of the settlements. so you can spray a few fighters/missiles in the possible directions until you find them.
alternatively you'll get a situation where a missile or plane comes flying in from the "fog of war". you can just fire back into the direction it came from and most of the time you'll hit something.

what you're talking about exists but you're fine playing and beating the game without worrying about it.
>nobody uses trig for this bs.
Uh, yeah, nobody...
>in combat
If you commamd a fleet, there will be no combat because every enemy is already dead before your recon vessel arrives to capture town. Arcade minigame is optional, the real game is on the strategic map level.
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The thread will be bumped.
I think the big thing was changing air resistance and thrust so ships became slower and less fuel efficient.
It used to be you could effectively have a 100% silent strike rate on any small scout fleet which opened the early game up to any sort of composition if you wanted a change from the lightning meta.
1.16 made it so that a gladiator, intrepid, or rook + something else will always be detected unless you wait for night.
It was an antifun change that just reinforced a single ship type as the meta while making all ships more painful to use.
Also ships being slower makes splitting them off from tankers on a sprint to a city require more micro as the 1.16 vanilla lightning barely outspeeds a vanilla skylark and any sort of upgrades to a lightning like what you would do in the early game to make it a touch tankier now makes it slower than the skylark. So you now have to split then hover your skylark.
>see Pyotr in the morning
>fleet morale +10
Top kek
Page 11 bros
>One irrigation canal will do more good than 100 doctors
>Weapons and airships don't solve problems. The revival of farming is the cornerstone of Gerat's recovery.

Were we supposed to hate this guy? I'd gladly join his cause myself. But of course he was killed by the empire and some random Tarkhan was blamed for it.
stop dropping fabs on ukrainians then, those are unfair
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>someone saved my ship
based, I've used the same hull for bunch of variants
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>He's completely unpaid by Steam purchases
Why doesn't he make the game free on steam then? He is never getting this money, the US senate is already planning to seize their assets
they are just politicking about the possibility that they won't, but it is pretty much guaranteed
>He's completely unpaid by Steam purchases
I don't believe this, his publisher is the new Microprose which is not Russian so they can pay him even if it involves jumping some hoops
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>Short game
The hours you will spend designing new ships in the shipworks and testing them out in the campaign is not "short" by any means, kek.
This is my only complaint about it. You can only choose your own ships once, and must work with them under a very tight budget (unless you tinker with the save files)
I'd enjoy combat a lot more if I weren't scared to death of losing my only functional heavy cruiser in this side of the map. Though I guess that is also realistic
>fill my two slots with carriers
>let sevastapol do all the work
I am doing it right, right?
I want to like this game but it's just so much waste.

It spent effort on pseudo-realism yet the Gameplay is petty arcade, you either outmaneuver or outgun.
It's 1vs3 so you never have fleet battle. Without target lock maneuvering is a pain and you can't even install a module that basically allow that.

Since its 1vs3 you can't specialize ship with special kind of weapon, you just need the biggest DPS that match how you play.
Since it's no fleet battle the winning meta is to min-max ship, not even caring if they can actually land.

And as for aircraft carrier, the aircraft attack pattern are so rigid deploying them efficiently is basically done by exploit, and you can't call aircraft for help during battle where they would be very useful.

...and those will not change because it's a single developer and the current arcade gameplay is now what player expect.
How do you expect to earn money when you can't rob convoys and every engagement will cost you either bomber ordnance or armor repair?
>spent effort on pseudo-realism yet the Gameplay is petty arcade
The dev is a hardcore milsim autist. He was inspired by his favorite "Command: Modern Air/Naval operations" milsim, and tried fucking hard to make it casual enough so that more people can actually play and enjoy it. The main gameplay is on strategic map. Arcade 1v3 battles are more like hommage to Hammerfight than anything.
I'm clearly not complaining about the strategic part.
And no ""casual"" would play that part to between childish arcade far lower than your average player is used to now.
The arcade is what disappointed me the most. That and the change in design, like the removal of height, that basically give you no room for anything creative in the name of salvaging the Arcade/DPS gameplay.

Another word for "I'm reusing some that exist/I made already"

I am however curious of what he'll do with his walkers project. No way he can tackle that without addressing the main flaws of Highfleet.
In the early versions the arcade was more complex.
You had ally ships with pre-set behaviour patterns, you could manually shut off single engines on your ship, ammunition distribution across fleet ships actually mattered
>first time I hear about this
I would fucking kill to have that. I wonder if there are ways to spawn more than 3 enemies to compensate.
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What am I looking at?
Drone swarm
The rookpocalypse
Needed about 4 restarts to get a map without a fucking gladiator or paladin on the first town.
What's the actual best strat for avoiding SGs, fellow anons? I've tried capturing towns with Comms on them to try and get an image of where their route is going to.

Other than that, I really enjoyed the DIY Shipbuilding segment because I can just make cheap carriers and missile ships instead of buying the more expensive ones.
They're heading straight for any place you've been spotted. Bait them, use 3 of the 4 ELINT's you have on the Sev to give to other groups that don't have one. Use A220's, aircraft or cruise missiles to take them out and you can loiter around your starting location upgrading ships at your leisure until the second one comes.
Turn off your radar(s) aka stealth modo.
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>2/3 squadrons have anti-missile shit
>SG fucking rapes the only one without
Best strat for SG's is building a battleship that can solo them, cause you gotta fight eventually.
If you want to play cat and mouse, make cheap scouts with ELINT and IR, they can shadow closely and you can use two IR's to triangulate them. Make two readings at separate times and you can plot their course and speed, and use that to hit them with cruise missiles at max range without being detected.
>building a battleship that can solo them
Cheapest way to do this is a light ship with an A220. The rockets deal with their proximity fuses and shreds through their armour at long range so you can easily avoid anything else.
I don't think the A220 is a very good weapon. Counterbattery fire to destroy all types of incoming attacks is very important, and rather than contributing to it the rockets blow up in your own face.
Battleships are expensive but very cost effective. For 70-80k you can have a ship that can take on any threat. Solo a SG with minimal enough damage to immediately fight another one.
Can still afford to have two of them along with a full fleet of support ships.
You can easily solo a 4 ship SG with a modified rook and an A220
I hate Sarma's so much it's unreal
Wish there was a game with similar tactical gameplay but less arcade-y battles.
Desho? I don't know what makes them specifically so resilient and they stay operational. I think i've taken a Sarma down, i focus on another target, i look back, Sarma is still there flying and shooting. This may happen twice in a fight.
>fuck around with my save file
>discover that you can actually find the location of all tarkhans in them
They're easy to find in game though
>take one of the spare stripped down scouts you started with (you did start with spare dirt cheap scouts right?)
>put on a fire control radar
>enable ground scan mode
>fly around the likely areas
The hidden cities show up on your ground radar
>game files contain the data of the things in the game
True if Big.
It's definitely their bullshit armour and the 3 Vamps
Just noticed that their command bridge is very close to the bottom, only protected by a single square with a vamp
Most dangerous to least for small light ships
>100m proxy
>other proxy
>Normal artillery
A gladiator with proximity rounds will drain my fuel like a motherfucker
>All 3 of my early workshop towns had at most +100 landing platforms
Complete and absolute bullshit
>Jet tanks 2 Sprints, drops a bomb destroying a Negev and then gets sprayed by the remaining 3 other SG ships
But also
>Jet launches 2 AA misssiles, enemy fighter tanks it, both start dogfighting
>Enemy fighter kills my jet
I would also like to say that the autosave is complete fucking dogshit and should be 100x more frequent. My game fucking glitched out right after I fought a fucking SG with a single rook armed with a 130mm and now the save has reverted to what looks like over a day ago.
I'm fucking done with this game.
Anon, sanctions aren't going anywhere. Not until the sun dies out.
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I wish the eternal darkness thing didn't happen, the backdrops are so kino while the sun is still up.
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>Lose favourite ship
>Drop entire campaign
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>Build pic related in shipbuilder
>700km range
>1.6 thrust
>Build exact copy in campaign
>100km rang
>Low thrust
>Immediately "abandon ship" during cruise missile scene
What the fuck?
Because save files do not just reference the part id, they contain entire own stats for every single part. So if you made a save before the latest nerf, it will have completely diffefent stats for parts, but parts in the campaign will be the latest updated parts with all the lame "balancing". You can have a shitton of different variations of the same part thanks to dev being retarded.
And this is twice as stupid because the engine automatically handles part stats via material density. So a half-sized part made of metal with automatically weight 50% less. But then dev made 999 different materials with different densities to counteract that for balance.
those maneuver engines are probably blocked and give 0 thrust
I made it 10 minutes after trying it out in the ship builder. Also turns out that right clicking and moving the ship around in the editor will change whether it has zero thrust or 2
Maneuver engines don't get blocked.
>Cruise missile incoming
>Gives me control of the fucking prize ship with 2 gatlings
>Instead of my double molot ship
>Which didn't even have proxy rounds selected despite having 100 in storage
Horrendous bullshit like this exists yet the fucking dev decides to make guns interfere with each others LOS for an update.
The more I play this the more I get sick of all these minor things that ruin your fucking run.
Split off the ship you want to use and send it ahead slightly to it intercepts the missile.
The shipbuilder is what happens when you build it in the Romani Fleet Yards, the campaign is what happens when you build it in uncle Khabib's backyard
>Aww yeah, if only the were a single fucking case in entire history of humanity where people convinced their government to stop a war. It's not like we have a country that claims to be the most democratic country in the world but waged hundreds of wars all over the world to serve as an example...
>There are retards who actually believe that north koreans have any power over government while you can't even protest against covid masks in the """free civilized""" parts of the world.
World War One faggot.

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