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the great secret
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I sense a samefag having a mental breakdown in this thread
/gsg/igger moment
So you're telling me all these


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Xcom happened in the Stellaris universe? Do you have a single fact to back that up?
You had one job!
Paradroid was right there!

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>still no Cold War GSG
How hard could it be to create one? I think a game similar to Vicky, where you project soft power,engage in economic dominance, fight bunch of proxy wars, engage in espionage, nuclear arms race, etc. and try to balance the tension meter where the world goes nuclear if you're not careful (and thus causes a game over) could be really fun.
It could even be fun to play as a lesser nation and just try to manage your country and survive by playing both sides (Yugoslavia for example).
Why hasn't Paradox done it already?
time to trigger the retard, ESPIOCRACY.
Play TNO.
Yeah, you want to play a strategy game? Play this visual novel instead
Kill yourself
And the real life Cold War wasn't?

You all made him rich and now he has absolutely no incentive to finish the game. (Implying he was going to in the first place)

Now that you all got scammed, You can post your Kneel.jpg's below.

Schizo bros, Come harvest the salt mines with me, and watch Copium prices skyrocket in real time.


Also reminder its your fault the game is crashing: https://www.gamesradar.com/games/city-builder/manor-lords-dev-hits-back-at-players-complaining-over-crash-reports-99-so-far-are-old-drivers/

(if only he knew that everyone has automatic driver updates now and not everyone whos game crashed submitted a log)

Manuretrannies BTFO

>Inb4 Muh sales

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>not a city builder

And how is comparing apples to oranges relevant?
>never buy early access games
If you buy early access (!) game developed by a solo (!) Slav (!) you deserve everything you get.
I got about 30 hours of a pretty fun, comfy but unfinished game so far. Who cares if you give your money to big game studio trannies or autistic slavs, I got my moneys worth.
I got an enjoyable game.

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Get in here
Fav leader?
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staples nerves
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She is. Aki’s portrait was lifted directly from a portrait of Nadja Auermann. It was part of a series. I’ll include a few if it adds to the lore. :)

Steven Meisel for American Vogue, December 1993. Dress by John Galliano.
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When Alien Crossfire was released I was immediately online / phone with friends. Had a mad crush on her back in the day.
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She is very tall, her legs are 1m long. A big deal back in the supermodel era.

Oh and my favorite leader was Academician Prokhor Zakharov. Why? For I Have Tasted The Fruit.
Wow, she is genuinely gorgeous, thank you for sharing this!
>She is very tall, her legs are 1m long.

>Oh and my favorite leader was Academician Prokhor Zakharov. Why? For I Have Tasted The Fruit.
Good choice, he has some of the best lines.
I'm actually
so I've already answered!

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Where can you recruit elephant mercs in EBII?
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Roll Bosporus or Pontus and create a black sea empire
this pic is so bad that ai would probably do better
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Eb1 >>
How much so is this the case? I'm still a relative TW newfag, but I started with Med 2 and have nearly 1000 hours in it. I own Rome but never really touched it, is it worth diving into it for EB1?

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This is why Total War melee engagements last minutes at most, but melee engagements in history lasted hours.
Everyone stayed just outside of spear reach most of the time.
There needs to be games that model this, instead of having suicidal troops fighting in close quarters. That way, battle can truly last hours like they did in real life (fast forwardable obviously), which allows plenty of time for maneuvers, skirmishes or just sitting back and enjoying the scenery.
Add the realism of command, ie. incomplete information on enemy/own positions and numbers, incomplete info on the state of the battle, troops getting lost, troops not following orders, confusion, chaos, Murphy's law and we can have a real tactical wargame.
You also shouldn't get the overhead view until the replay.
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All of history is on repeat. Only the clothes change.
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>rhodian slingers!!!
Read the second sentence of that post. They didn't just stare. They skirmished and eventually re-engaged the enemy. It was a matter of morale and leadership, and physical practicality. You can't fight at full intensity for hours at a time. Troops need time to recover before another push, and they need to be lead well to do so. The same applies today.

History isn't as cut and dry as some youtube video with an ad in the middle makes it appear. No one really knows how they fought with absolute certainty, which is why there's an academic controversy in the first place. Each side cites the evidence they believe carries the most weight and ignores or tries to discredit opposing evidence. Plausible evidence has been presented which discredits the orthodox version of othismos as a pure heavy infantry push, but not enough has been presented to state that Greek phalanx warfare was only elaborate skirmishing. If so, later reforms that DID emphasis skirmishing are senseless.
>If so, later reforms that DID emphasis skirmishing are senseless.
not exactly
hoplite skirmishing would be more like a duels before front of the troops where later skirmishing would be more a mass event
heroic vs common
And that may have, emphasis on that, been common during the Archaic age or earlier but would have steadily become less common the more phalanx warfare developed. The later emphasis on peltae also coincided with more disciplined, professional troops making up the phalanx (amongst many other changes). The later reforms are more like the summation of everything the Greeks learned from their own wars and being beaten by the Macedonians. Not that it mattered in the end.

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This technically counts as a strategy game right?
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Yea, i think they skipped at some point, but on it around that time, because my PC couldnt handle my projects anymore. Like this fuel Depo.
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Around fucking Eve
Damn, that's a name I haven't heard in years.
Reposting from /egg/

Does anyone here use kOS? If so, to what extent?
I made a crude sequence that gets my first spaceplane to orbit because it's pretty hard to control, and I figured this would at least let me automate fuel delivery. I'm not sure if I should dive deep and try doing a lot more with kOS, or just leave it at that.
I'm >>1749799 and that's basically the entire extent.
And it's not because I suck at programming, but because I suck at programming enough to not being able to make proper sense of the documentation, plus I suck at math.

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>That's what makes c&c special
Copying Dune? But 40k did that too.
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Award winning graphics indeed
I have vague memories of playing either this game or some other title with red vs blue enemies via SEGA Channel in the 90s. The first strategy game I really remember getting into was StarCraft.
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This badboy here
Good times we had back then
so based

My first was Age of Rifles

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We will get a new game one day, right?
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Flak of course
Is there a more recent version?
I'm quite partial to Sturm's theme, but can never get over that stanky guitar.
Jess or Sensei

I'm fascinated with the possibilities between different unit types and gear/tactical instructions. I'm only about 10 hours into the game and trying to dip into the finer details before the difficulty curve becomes less comfy.

What builds are you guys running and what lessons have you learned?
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-_- nevermind right after I stationed a guard it informed me about gifts. So I guess this is their system for giving gifts to your characters.
Got it yesterday, there seemed to be no-one in my country stocking physical copies for a while. Side-note, for a good while it was the third most popular switch game on the country's most used price aggregator. Presumably because that was the only way to find the scant and obscure places that had copies. Now it's fallen to fifth, but it kept the rank for a month or so.
I quite enjoy the strategy and RPG aspects, but the story thus far seems a bit thin, even compared to its competitors. The characters are slightly better than Fire Emblem, but most of them have even less presence than the non-core FE cast. Can't say I have played Ogre Battle which seems to be a more direct inspiration, so it might be better than standard.
As for unit comp I've found a setup I call "the forlorn hope". Cav leader for speed, as many sellswords you can fit and cleric to taste (soldier might be better since you get AoE damage with your healing). Use it as a strike team or for when something needs 100 hp less and you don't mind losing a unit. It will either over-kill several times over or just die pathetically doing nothing. Just Berenice and Adel on their own could punch above their weight and kill several bosses that others had a hard time with. They also had a tendency to die, but that's secondary. You need continuous kills or incoming attacks (that the knight gets to tank) for the murder-fest to continue, and should the Knight die or some enemy not, you're basically screwed. It's very threshold-y in that sense.
The formation was the only way for me to punch through the plague cleric at level ten as everything else would mean a net-gain of HP for her.
Just finished the mission with the not-Drizzt guy in elfland after doing dragongermans and Christ did they need to figure some different story out for the different lands. Hell, what happened to enemy generals with unique faces and voices? At the start most people had both, but by this point almost everyone looks like a generic and get no chance to establish themselves.
There are some signs of life here and there, like when the existing cast outside of Alain, Josef or the local guide gets to interact with the new hire, who are almost always by this point is some resistance member or family to a resistance member rather than the more diverse background in the tutorial land. The game selectively shows quite a bit of voiced dialogue that could be miss-able due to choices or lacking completion, and those are usually rather good. I genuinely liked that Gammel turned over a new leaf to fight against the bad guy and tried to extend that same kindness the main character showed him to his fellow Black Tallons, didn't at all expect that from a bandit mook with his design. But when I encountered the second plauge that was easily proven to be a false flag, my plague doctor who should be one of the most knowledgeable people on the continent on the subject says next to nothing. I get a textbox saying that she is taking good care of the plague victims in the very building where the poisons are kept, but nothing more.
I get that it's hard to write for a roster of 70 where a majority of the characters aren't guaranteed to be there for a scene, but then you perhaps should shore up other parts of the story so that it isn't as apparent, or go the Disgaea route of only a few actual characters with the majority being generics. I don't need ten knights in slightly different flavors, give me one of each and let me fill out the ranks with generics if I want more.
Doesn't matter if you can't catch them. Cav could have infantry speed and still be good, but when time is limited, reinforcements come every ten seconds and good positioning can be oppressive, speed wins every time. Besides, knights have so good stats that they can tank most flyers around their level. Throw in a singular archer of some sort and you've countered your counter, and stopped other agi-tanks as well. Just bounce them and win on stamina if neither can do anything useful.
>I never played TZ: The post.

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Warno? or Waryes?

Also general warno, wargame, broken arrow thread.
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They said in a blog that NORTHAG is next? Will we finally get some proper Dutch and Belgian divisions?
True, like what the fuck? I wanna play as NOKOR
First time Ive heard of this game. Looks interesting too
Yes, there will be a Northag expansion with 2 Army General campaigns, 4 Operations, and 10 new divisions including Belgium & the Netherlands for NATO and Poland for Pact. There will also be a Southag expansion that will have the above AG & operations, and 10 divisions including Canada & Spain for NATO and Czechoslovakia for Pact.
Dead game. Eugene lawsuit and then devs disappeared.

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Which game of the Panzer General series is the best one?
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Panzer General 3D Scorched Earth had the most satisfying game mechanism (unit's special abilities) but the most dogshit """""" 3D"""""" graphics.
The one for Java phones.
Star General and Fantasy General of course
Isn't Star General lacking a campaign? That's a big flaw
People's was sorely underrated and a shame the series ended there. II was pretty and had some nice concepts but I found the scenarios felt much smaller than the first in scale and scope. Even in the Polish campaign the first game had the feeling of a whole theatre, the second more zoomed in.

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Realistically, how do we fix this franchise? It seems like no one in the strategy player base is fully happy with it.
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I just want a good Total War game bros....
Boomer modders are the worst type of modders next to trannies. There’s been countless really good total war mod assets lost over the years due to boomer mod devs never backing anything up and then having old dl links die, their HDD crash, or they just up and die or disappear one day. There was an entire early Dark Ages mod for RTW:BI that had custom settlements and was 70% complete but never released because the dev became obsessed with writing history lectures in his previews which inspired him to become a professor, never releasing the assets to the forums despite begging from forum members. and everything is lost of it now.
>early Dark Ages mod for RTW:BI that had custom settlements and was 70% complete
Christ, what a waste. Honestly, entering TWcenter feels like walking in a graveyard, except less lively
>dev became obsessed with writing history lectures in his previews which inspired him to become a professor
I mean, good for him. A history professor actually passionate about history is way more valuable than a modder. Shame about those assets though.

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Have I become worse or is the campaign 10x harder in Reforged?
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Some missions were made harder in Reforged
TFT night elf missions are so fucking hard
There are quite a few bugs and I keep crashing to desktop
I don't know about the rest but it's pretty clear this trash's been abandoned
Another post of someone with strategy skill issues.
Keep you shitty porn mods for the original, ok?

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People were laughing at Kaiserreich being stuck in dev hell for so long while saying TNO is gonna take its spot and revolutionize the modding scene.

Now look how the tables have turned.

The Troon Order is essentially abbandonware while Kaiserreich finished its biggest rework and now drops content patch after content patch with Russia on the horizon.
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what the fuck is his deal
Vote Schleicher and you'll never have to vote again!

Btw is Russia fun in kaiserredux?
Extremely, if you want to play KR Russia but literally better then I recommend it.
populist centralist militarist dictator
you can choose how hard you want to lean on populism (juntaist democracy) or militarism (dictatorship)
he's fun but god the bavarian nullification shit sucked

KX russia is one of the best nations in that mod
there is almost no reason to play KR russia over it unless you for some reason cannot stand playing KX at all
Well I played a Kerensky run, while it wasn't stellar I really liked the mechanics, while I don't really like KX the Russia they have is very cool, I think I'll play another couple of paths

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