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Will they ever nerf Body Cultivators? As things currently stand there is literally no point in the other two.
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I found THE book for you.
I simply can't stand the remolding mini game for body cultivators. It's too much micromanagement. Easy to fuck up and requires specific essences you don't even know you need until you level up.
I don't want to follow a 1 to 1 guide either. Just have a rough idea of how it works. Which doesn't seem to be enough.
>no point in the other two
Nether guard shendao is unkillable if you don't equip the artifact.
Physical cultivators can't do shit against spells.
Xiandao are most versatile, vital to the actual functioning of the sect and are kings of endgame.
Here's a good thread "documenting" how one guy attempted to do high tribulation run with a xiandao
they're both shit compared to physicals
Are there any other games like this, that focus on this kind of power up related autism?

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>It's literally just a glorified AoE2 mod
How did you feel when you found this out?
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This isn't 100% confirmed, but Trandoshans were going to be in the game originally. However, due to time constraints, only a few assets were made so they were turned into a campaign-only enemy that was using Imperial tech. That is based on what I know and heard, which is already a rumor at best.
Would make sense. Maybe the training campaign was intended to be Wookiees vs Trandoshans?
Link please?

So that's why the gog version has no music.
"cool, how can I get vader to cut down hundreds of rebels immediately"
My personal theory is they had to swap it to the Trade Federation to fit any tie ins they could have to the Kashyyyk battle in ROTS.

Yes, I know it was made before 3, but they had the snail tank showing up in there too. They must've had it planned in advance.

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the War Effort Patches continues....
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>play as Germany
>fight no war
>produce only planes
>win by score
From that point of view why? Every tree that replaces the generic is worse.
You can win in this game?
Yeah. After 1948, there is a scoreboard, of which mostly air score dominates, and whoever have the most total score wins. If a war with major nations still ongoing, that screens only pops up after the peace conference.
I once fought a war until the 50s. The war participation score overflowed so much that the peace conference bugged down

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Went to replay this oldie so I thought why not make a thread.
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I remember this having a gamebraking lag spike in a cave mission.
>halfway between syrian warfare/terminator and act of war.
This is spot on.
I remember buying this game and it wouldn't boot.
I remember having a demo to either this or maybe it's sequel and being REALLY impressed by units I bought being low alltitude dropped from a C-130 onto an airfield.
Look for a review on Steam that mentions how you can fix it. It's something about Nvidia Phiysx

Spore is a strategy game... right?
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reading what he did after maxis not so sure if it was EA that shit all over it
2018 some mobile game announcement and the game is still not released
in 2023 some NFT game
you should be able to do some very interesting things with simulation now that AI has advanced, but not sure if you could do it within a budget of a game like this
it's baby's first strategy game
People love to assume a single guy is responsible for a game being good or bad when it's made by a team of people.
Think of it more like football than movies. Everyone has to work together and big teams often involve a lot of different directors for different parts of the game.
Either way, shit happened during development of Spore and it was supposed to be something much, MUCH grander. Not to mention how fucking underbaked that shitty space stage is.
I remember watching the National Geographic show on it and being super hyped. Never even bought a video game before that point.

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Why don't we have SC2 generals? People still play this game. We're not dead, right?
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in in in
speaking of tgirls i saw quite a few at the mall today
we're watching the bruins game man
Cool story bro, nobody cares.
>Death to all the traitors "players" who donĀ“t want to play RTSs anymore.

By the will of Kou Shibusawa, the latest Koei thread begins anew!
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Is that basically 4(full game) + XL
Also, 8 remake news please KOEI
Agree. Though, amusingly, that game suffered from still having a few empty provinces here and there as well.
it really wasn't finished, like few dlc and it could be really good
not great as the character and unit system with retinues was half baked and should borrow more from RoTK
Watching 3k(2010)
Its really good, I was playing games before(3k and few RoTK) and watched some other media and read some stuff but it really make me rethink my opinions of some characters
I hope they just shadow drops old gems like Dynasty Tactics or Kessen like this too. More people should be aware of those masterpieces.

No, it's just the original SW4 plus all its DLCs. The "expansion", 4-II, was already on Steam ages ago.

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>best rts ever made is open source
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>best rts ever made is an uninspired half-assed TA clone with "QoL"
yeah no
Grow up.
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> Grow up.
Compared to BAR it actually has a campaign mode. But if you expect comfy turtling, you're wrong.
The enemy is diabolically aggressive, base defenses are completely worthless, and you get merciless secondary objectives like 'destroy [x buildings] in six minutes', making the game very hectic and micro-intensive. I guess it's meant to groom players for multiplayer, but it sure makes things harsh.
Also, what's up with the resource costs? Everything costs the same amount of metal and energy - why even have two separate resources? If it was just the metal, the game would be immediately debloated and more enjoyable. These costs also mean that you're always short on metal, and there are no metal makers in the game whatsoever. It plays nothing like TA is what I'm saying.
Why would I play this when FAF exists? Zero k is smaller scale, ugly, and less qol features

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Who are you guys gonna main? The new antagonist is kinda mid, farquaad was much better.
Anyways for me it's the donkey kiith
>fighters with kamikaze specialty
>sturdy but slow and lightly armed corvettes
>support frigate pilots keep making funny mouth noises when clicked
always all grey colorset but these assholes make you pay for engine trail colors in Far Far Away Access DLC
all I know is that it seems like Homeorld 2 again - the gameplay is really really good and story is very decent, although a comma is missing from one sentence.

post your aesthetic germanias you formed in vic2
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Are some of those screenshots from East vs West?
lmao kevin spacey why the fuck do these memes always have the most random shit in them?
Open borders for israel

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yes, i understand this game is still not good. but will it ever be good? has it steadily gotten better over time?
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>soulless europeioid clean future cities artstyle
never ever
Game is already unoptimized trash, game didn't even launch with LODs for a city builder.
True. CS1 did have a lot of problems out of the gate but I dont think it launched in this bad of a state. I agree the under the hood is a lot better so hopefully it'll be better in the next 2~3 years which hopefully will give it enough time finally work out the polish its needed since announcement.
unity fired all of their r&d in like 2018, everything since then has been a series of austerity measures while the company burns through investors, most recently a data harvesting company
the engine is essentially the same as it was ten years ago, it lacks features that would be useful for large landscapes like doubld precision, which unreal and godot both have. unlike those engines unity doesn't have available source so it can't be retrofitted
CS1 is as shit as CS2 it's not fun to play in both games i spend most of my time just working around the game's inability to do something instead to play as I wish
Huh, I always heard the "don't make your own engine, just use unity!" crowd cite CS2 as an example of Unity being good at CPU-heavy strategy games, were they full of shit all along?

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Black & White 3 NEVER EVER

Which Black and White was your favorite? Favorite Island? Share fond memories, I miss these games anons, I wish they were still around.
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I somehow glitched the game into stealing the wolf pet on the norse island. Which lets be real looked way cooler than the cheetah

As for the 2nd game. I had a seizure while playing and skipped a lot of pointless finales for medical reasons and just take hard B's on them.
>Richard Evans
>Also worked on Sim3
I'd like to replay the first one, is there a mod to skip cutscenes?
I think one of the weakness of the series is the lack of different approaches to solutions.
Yeah, B&W1 is the god game. 2 is more of a city builder with some vestigial features like the creature or even miracles.
Just something like changing the way of winning over villages from converting them with your creature and miracles to just building a better town makes it feel much less divine.

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Which "post-Westwood" game do you think was the best? (Or the least worst, if you're one of those people)
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>IMO the unit design peak was Tiberian Sun
Anyone know how to unfuck Yuri's Revenge on Wangblows 10? The game just like 'hangs up' when you clear a mission and keeps showing the victory screen for the previous mission while the next mission is already playing. I got cncnet installed and RA2 worked perfect.
Does it happen after any mission? I just loaded up the game and completed the first allied mission and it worked fine for me. I just installed RA2 and YR with the old xwis installers and then copied the relevant data files from my CDs to enable single-player content.
It happens after every mission yeah. I might try uninstalling CNCnet and attempting without but oh well. Thanks for telling me the method you used though.
Because no matter who you play, you get to heal your units.

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Is there a business/economy/finance simulator that lets you grow from one dude or so to a massive megacorporation? Something like Mount and Blade, but for money and not horse.
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Game dev tycoon and its spinoffs?
They never really scale in the way that I feel would be fun. I'm talking like EU4 or Victoria 2, but businesses. Business grand strategy, maybe?
Software Inc. sort of does that.
If you're starting with one person, then, you're usually sticking with relatively, few people. In Mad Games Tycoon 1 and 2 you eventually reach a couple hundred employees, but not sure if that qualifies as a megacorporation. GearCity has you be a car tycoon, with well-populated factories, but you never see any of the employees, nor yourself.
The Guild 2.

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Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
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*rattles back to life*
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Any old faces here? Defson? Ensburry? Brexit?
Anier, Bunyan, Brexit, Benis, and Sternmir are still around.
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Good to see some of the old guys are stll around
Ah fug the nostalgia...

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