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/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy

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Is there a business/economy/finance simulator that lets you grow from one dude or so to a massive megacorporation? Something like Mount and Blade, but for money and not horse.
Big Ambitions
Just have mother in IBM board of directors.
Game dev tycoon and its spinoffs?
They never really scale in the way that I feel would be fun. I'm talking like EU4 or Victoria 2, but businesses. Business grand strategy, maybe?
Software Inc. sort of does that.
If you're starting with one person, then, you're usually sticking with relatively, few people. In Mad Games Tycoon 1 and 2 you eventually reach a couple hundred employees, but not sure if that qualifies as a megacorporation. GearCity has you be a car tycoon, with well-populated factories, but you never see any of the employees, nor yourself.
The Guild 2.
Daily reminder that William Henry Gates III didn't dropped out of Harvard, he'd quit wasting time and money at the most overrated uni ever because there was nothing new he could learn in there.
Also both him and Steve Ballmer have toured Epstein's cunny island on multiple occasions
You don't go to Harvard to learn when you're smart; you go there to become part of the McKinsey octopus or private equity.
Thank you. I will definitely have to check this one out, because it looks like it suffers from the mid-game crash of all grand strategy games. That means it has to be good. Either that or it's another Civ for me.
Which in a nutshell means dropping out?
Anon means it as "wasn't smart enough to stay = dropping out." He's trying to imply Gates was smart. So smart that he learned that it was easier to build on other's work, but that's a whole other story.
Whose work was he bootstrapping?
Xerox/Parc. Although the whole story is complicated with Gates & Jobs' own innovation & vision definitely there in the process (so not really thieves as many people call them), and also much the fault of Xerox's incompetent management. Either way in the end it started Jobs (Apple) and Gates' (Windows) rivalry.
Gates also bootstrapped Lotus, and the Mac was a step up from IBM (but only in making stuff cool). I think most people only criticize them because they enclosed their own disruptive innovators and became complacent and arrogant, not because they're thieves. We're all thieves in software; they just tried to stop the good times.

I feel like any of the true entrepreneurs of today will understand that you shouldn't try to stop others from disrupting your shit just so you can have all of the money involved with that, because that tyranny stops the development and contravention that brings us forward. Better to be a nice band of program mercenaries in one specific field than to become the lord of a domain.

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