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>best rts ever made is open source
i always wanted modern Total Annihilation but without Commander gimmick losing you the game. is zk anything like that?
All that potential wasted because placeholder-tier graphics ensure it will never grow a healthy MP population. How much I would give for BAR with Zero-K's QoL and mechanics...
>best rts ever made is an uninspired half-assed TA clone with "QoL"
yeah no
Grow up.
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> Grow up.
Compared to BAR it actually has a campaign mode. But if you expect comfy turtling, you're wrong.
The enemy is diabolically aggressive, base defenses are completely worthless, and you get merciless secondary objectives like 'destroy [x buildings] in six minutes', making the game very hectic and micro-intensive. I guess it's meant to groom players for multiplayer, but it sure makes things harsh.
Also, what's up with the resource costs? Everything costs the same amount of metal and energy - why even have two separate resources? If it was just the metal, the game would be immediately debloated and more enjoyable. These costs also mean that you're always short on metal, and there are no metal makers in the game whatsoever. It plays nothing like TA is what I'm saying.
Why would I play this when FAF exists? Zero k is smaller scale, ugly, and less qol features
They fell for the amd meme and have shit single thread performance. Pray for them.
And why should I play this over BAR?
Also, why do ALL of them have those shitass unit designs? God forbid someone would ever do some original, but of course I can understand how a fucking scifi setting doesn't leave much room for something new amirite?
>why even have two separate resources?
It acts as a mechanism to retard aggressive early match expansion. The initial investment to build a MEX and a solar panel has a greater material and time cost than simply just rebuilding a MEX after a raid (assuming your solar panel was in a different, safer, location.)
fuck off shill. If your only reply in the thread is gonna be defending your shit game instead of answering questions about it, it's obvious you're a fucking shill piece of shit. Get the fuck off this board, cocksucker.
>replying 57 hours later to a throw-away shitpost
Excluding the campaign (for obvious reasons), in Zero-K losing your commander doesn't immediately lose you the game. Of course it's still a powerful combat builder so losing it still hurts, but outside of the early-game (where if you lose it you might as well just resign anyway) you can continue to play, and even potentially win, with a dead commander.
So it's a good thing to waste the player's time with dumb busywork? Total Annihilation: Kingdoms and Rusted Warfare had one resource and worked fine.
They explain it in their dev logs, but Energy acts as a supply/extra metal production thing. Radars, shields, cloaks, resurrectionists, and a few other things eat energy only so you need a bit more of it than metal, plus the more energy you have the more Overdrive is applied to mexes within the energy grid (area of connected areas near energy production buildings plus pylons that give no energy but a lot of grid coverage).
It's less busywork and more of an incentive to go forward and a payoff to whoever can balance making units with making econ. But raiding enemy solar panel lines with flamethrowers is fun too, so it's actually good for both sides.
Overdrive is basically Zero-K's form of metal makers, there's a dev blog about it (see:
https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/334920/view/3990819338898810107 ), but in summary mexes double as metal makers when excess energy is pumped into them. It ties income more strongly to map control than other TA-likes, where at a certain point metal makers would far eclipse the income from mexes, making territory irrelevant.
A network of wind turbines will fix my metal shortages? They should've said so in the tutorial... Sounds annoying to set up and defend, tho.
Overdrive is mentioned in at least 2 places IIRC. Once on one of the loading screen as a side mentions to build more energy than you have metal for the sake of overdrive, the other being the campaign mission in which you unlock the pylon. Said mission also says to check the wiki for more information.
It could be better explained, I agree. Overdrive and mex income being shared among teammates are probably the two biggest things that newbies should know that are both important and aren't obvious.
navy and cool game enders and experimentals, interesting firebasing, etc
>Before installing FAF
>Doing these now will ensure an easy installation later and avoid issues.
>Buy and install Supreme Commander:Forged Alliance (SC:FA) via Steam or GOG.
>Make sure to run SC:FA and start a skirmish game (you can quit out after it begins)
>Create and activate your FAF account
>Link Steam or GOG account to your FAF account.
>Why do I need to link my Steam/GOG account to FAF?
>FAF as an organization doesn't own the copyright or trademark to SC:FA (Square Enix does).
>Therefore, we need to verify you own a copy of SC:FA to prevent piracy.

lol, lmao. You dumb fucking zoomers will bend over and take it in the ass from everyone.
I didn't get to the pylons the last time I quit playing. And now that I tried that overdrive, it looks like a very big gain that makes everything easier.
>check the wiki for more information
I checked right now and... You know, nerds shouldn't design gameplay mechanics unsupervised - they come up with the most over-engineered solutions. I like how the article is littered with formulas and stuff, like I care. What I get from this only confirms what I already know: big energy + big grid = big metal.
FA is $1 on GOG whats the problem
You are retarded, FAF is very vulnerable to C&D fuckery because of all the infrastructure needed to run it and they absolutely need to stay on the safe side.
>a fucking mod
>requiring all kinds of "safety measures"and accounts and signups and links
Yeah, no, you are retarded. Fuck that noise.
Not my problem that you are too retarded to understand why a fan restoration of GPGnet requires an account
If you are too autistic to deal with an extra 5 minutes to setup the mod then it's probably for the best that you don't play anyways
Imagine unironically shilling this kind of trash. I can't decide what's worse, this or paid mods. Both are bad in their own way, I'd say.

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