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Black & White 3 NEVER EVER

Which Black and White was your favorite? Favorite Island? Share fond memories, I miss these games anons, I wish they were still around.
BW1 > BW2

I rly liked the temple of BW1, the stilts and thorns concept was really cool as was the post bright / red sky post processing that came about from your alignment. The musical tones was really a nice touch and made it feel unique. You could conquer peoples towns by throwing wolves at them or chucking food into their granary, it was just cool.

BW2 stripped most of that our and replaced it with a half baked combat system, influence system, and easy to win over towns. All of it just felt rushed and like it needed another year or two to add in some additional features.
Forgot the music.

Good -https://youtu.be/pzGjw_BG5vQ
Evil - https://youtu.be/b4Zv1er9EIs
None. the only people that liked those games were lgbt
i got filter'd by this game because i couldn't draw gestures to cast spells
>be me
>put on learning leash on creature
>make it watch as I launch fireballs into the ocean
>repeat until it learns how to cast on its own
>tells it to conquer village
>it prepares to cast fireball
>launches it into the ocean

great job you retard
>teach dog how to chase ball
>throw stick
>it chases the ball
Whose fault is?
You don't need GoG to sell it, you can play them on your modern PC right now. I've got my copies installed and working fine.
You taught it to launch fireballs into the ocean and that's what it did. Based AI.
Creature training in 1 is hilarious. Loved seeing them in multiplayer as well. My creature was a really smart horse while my brother's was a retarded tiger who kept shooting fireballs at his temple. Didn't like how 2 streamlined aspects of the game but it's also one of the few true 3d city builders out there.

Why though? The games are free. You can download them and all their patches right now if you want.
Anons, Mountain Song or Nut Oil Song?



Personally I like the Nut Oil, but HoMM did a orchestra version recently which ios the best IMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPZfXG5fEok
Thanks you, microsoft!
Same, I always just opened the menu that listed them all and clicked the spells I wanted from there (in 2 idk if thats an option I didnt play 1)
Anyone know a good abandonware site that has the download? I found a Black and White fan site that has all the patches, but no full game download that I can find.
Did Lionhead just steal this song? Is it a public domain song or something? Am I stupid?

Nut Oil I guess.
Damn the good guy music is straight up angelic.
Probably the melody or the whole song itself is on sale for use via license. DJs often rearrange various melodies that's not their own creations too. Although granted doing a direct copy of this scale is pretty rare even in the vidya industry.
Black and white was fucking hilarious.

>Pick up rock
>Throw rock
>Rock smashes a hole in someone's hut
>People run out screaming
I died laughing

>Visit friends house
>He's playing black and white
>Friend goes to toilet
>Set fire to his creature for a laugh
>Friend taking a long time
>Try teaching creature to eat poo
>Friend returns
>Asks why his creature looks all beat up, missing fur etc and why it eats poo and vomits
>Deny all knowledge

>How my cities looked to me as a kid
The rock crushing mechanics feel pretty advanced for the time as someone who knows nothing of game development. The way the buildings would get crushed in a perfect impression of how the rock fell on it blew my mind back then. More games need systems like that
Literally the first result in google when you type in abandonware.
But will it give my computer aids?
It has also been in pirates of the caribbean game as tavern song
and you can also hear an arrangement in some old anime soundtrack
It also exists around under names Ecume et vague de l'âme or Bayside Waltz by other artists.

It seems to be generally agreed that >>1756589 is saying. The melody is licenced for people to make their own arrangements, but there's been no definitive source for the original.

Looking up tracks for 2 made me realize most of that OST is just 1 minute tracks they play only in specific points. Which is a shame because the tracks we have are pretty good.
Ooooh, we got this notion
that we'd quite like to sail the ocean
So we're buildin' a big boat to leave here for good.
I hated throwing those barrels lol
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How did you guys complete the mission where you fight Lethys after he's captured your creature?

I get the feeling you're meant to expand and stuff until your influence reaches Lethys territory, but he's so fucking far away. It's just easier to throw that one random invincible guy at Lethys who seems to have influence around him and use that to cast fireballs etc. I kinda feel the devs added him last minute when they realised the mission would take fucking forever otherwise.
I convinced like half of my 8th grade class trip to buy this game with stories about how funny it was to horribly abuse your poor little creature. Feels bad man.
Chuck town center scaffolds to create a new town and artificially extend your influence. You can also cast way outside of your influence if your fast enough (you can do this in B&W2 as well)
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Just played through B&W 1 and 2.
Fucking Germans
Man, I still feel disappointed that 2 didn't have a skirmish mode in it. Was surprisingly fun to fuck around back then in it while not having a creature with you.

For some reason on B&W2 the save always corrupted after starting the final Aztec level. But I must have replayed the game like 10 times up until that point
Creatures are so tacked on in 2, which is a shame because they had tremendous impact on how you play 1. In 2 they're basically a glorified guard dog that sometimes gets into brawls with the dog next door
I could never get pass the 3rd island in 1. Why is it so BULLSHITTINGLY HARD.
>Playing 2 as a young lad
>beat the level
>gather up all my towns population in one hand
>chuck them into the ocean
>hear a cacophany of screaming as they fly into the air
>then silence as everyone drowns
>do this after every level
Dont know why really.
Well anon? What did we think of it?
A skirmish mode, or at least some kind of final level thats just a big open sandbox your free to build and do shit in. It feels odd how beating the game just made you restard at island 1.
1 was my favorite. 2 did some things better but also dumbed down a whole lot, especially the only reason to play any of the games: the creature.
>favorite island
What? No, I'll tell you my favorite creature. Tiger, obviously.
I never bothered to finish either of the games though. The second one was too generic and the first one got hard and I wasn't interested in going from comfy all game straight into frustratingly unfair. Honestly, this game was a let down. I wanted to play it since it first came out but I never had a pc as a kid. I hyped it up in my mind too much. Same happened with Homeworld.
I think I threw rocks after I got my villagers to worship it and charge it up to extend my influence. Sounds like there's a few ways to do it but none of them seem legitimate lol throwing influence across the map like that feels like an exploit
Black and white 3 would fucking suck anyway.
could this game be adapted to VR? the gesture system is fucking annoying with a mouse but it feels like it was made for VR before it even existed
My friend had this and I just remember his creature shitting everywhere, like crushing village huts with these massive turds
was it a big monkey?
Fun fact, the guy who did the AI for BnW 1 now works for some government special operations.
If you ever wonder why AI in modern games is terrible its because the people who know what they are doing have better jobs.
Wait who is that? It can't be Peter Molyneux, right?
>Source: My Ass

DeepMind with Google, which at this point is part of the government

>Your creature has changed xir pronouns
>Your creature has killed xirself
>God Hand is brown to fit DEI requirements
>Commie blocks
>no trees or meadows
What a sad city.
if i remember correctly, there a sage that can give you the print to build a monument to greatly extend your influence.
I somehow glitched the game into stealing the wolf pet on the norse island. Which lets be real looked way cooler than the cheetah

As for the 2nd game. I had a seizure while playing and skipped a lot of pointless finales for medical reasons and just take hard B's on them.
>Richard Evans
>Also worked on Sim3
I'd like to replay the first one, is there a mod to skip cutscenes?
I think one of the weakness of the series is the lack of different approaches to solutions.
Yeah, B&W1 is the god game. 2 is more of a city builder with some vestigial features like the creature or even miracles.
Just something like changing the way of winning over villages from converting them with your creature and miracles to just building a better town makes it feel much less divine.
BW1 was one of the comfiest game of all time. Such a shame BW2 couldn’t meet up the expectations had for it
*We had
12 year old me thought it was really funny to assign one guy as the village breeder. I would move him around so he could breed all the women while the other men were working. I also had a special house for him as far as I could get typically with a nice vista that I'd move him back to just in case something bad happened so he'd be safe.
2 was good and im tired of pretending its not
It was fun beating up my baby lion with a fist, I agree.
is there a mod that makes the first one not look like shit on modern hardware? The textures looking like crap from far away is really ugly.
Theres a fan website called like Black and White Community or something to that effect that has alot of fan patches and mods. If its not there I doubt it exists.
No it wasn't. Go back to pretending, retard. It will help you next time you want to make a fool of yourself.
Not so funny now you're working your life away instead of breeding, is it?
It's fine but it don't feel like godgame
It is the better game but 1 has more soul.
Goddammit. When will the game AI packages come out? I remember them saying it'd be standardized and revolutionizing gaming back in 2008.
It's not a bad game but it just doesn't have the same feel.
Nobody ported it to VR but I think I have seen a glove controller used somewhere.
What I know for sure is that it supported a forcefeedback mouse. I did have a logitech mouse that could do that. It was sort of fun for it ticking when you held something on fire. There was even a special quest where you had to pick the most vibrating mushroom.
My kids are 2 and 4 years old and play this song whenever we do nail trimming. They absolutely love the sailor song. It hypnotizes them and they sing it all the time.

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